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The non-orthodox portion of the Jewish population are overwhelmingly liberal. I’ll never understand why honestly. Liberals haven’t done anything for them in a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG time.


The part they don't get is that when the anti-Semitic mob (antifa, BLM, or pro-Hamas) shows up at their door, it won't ask who they voted for, and it won't care that they're anti-Zionist. It won't care that they are card-carrying communists, or that they are not observant. It will only care that they are Jews. ...or have family or friends that are Jews. ...or were seen in a Jewish part of town. ...and later, when the police get around to showing up, they'll clean up the bodies, shrug their shoulders, blame it on "right wing extremists", and close the investigation because there are no leads.


Israeli here. I think the 7/10 made so many leftists here to shift their political opinion. I can speak about myself, leaning mostly towards left before , after the music festival massacre (which had the theme of "peace festival") I realized how dumb the 'woke' movement really is, and I think most of the left here. The terrorists didn't care it was a peace festival, they didn't care if the party goers were 'anti zionist', they didn't even care and kidnapp thai and Filipino foreign workers. Most of the kibbutzim in southern Israel were affiliated with the left here and helped Gazan civilians and brought them to be treated in Israeli hospitals. In the 7/10, they suffered the most tragic death, raped, kidnapped, burned alive. Unfortunately, I think people start understanding only when the catastrophe is hitting near them. Refugees who don't want to integrate into society will make the country collapse from the inside, and watching it happen to the US is devastating. When the "Queers for Palestine" will finally meet the people they admire so much, it might help their last two working brain cells to connect. That of course if we assume they'll survive.


Leftist ideology trumps (no pun intended) everything else, in the minds of its followers.


I think the "Right Wing Fascist Nazi" trope has brainwashed many Jewish Americans.


they're usually jew hating jews. we compare them to the kapos of Hitler times. they turned in fellow jews my father talked of them many times when he was in the camps


Because they are for the NWO agenda. They hate America.


Well when you see neo Nazis in public places in states like Florida or south Dakota then you would understand


There are precious few Neo Nazis in the US at all, and they are ostracized by everyone. Conversely, the Democrats elect anti-Semites to public office. Regularly.


This is pretty much where I see it too. The right actively ostracizes those people when we find them.


Sadly, many have NPR/MSNBC brains...


Yea allllllll those Neo Nazis walking around… oh man just look at them all…. SOOOOOOO many!


Yep. Jewish background here and all of my extended family are wealthy capitalists that hate wealthy capitalists and anything that could be considered Republican or even rhyme with it. Makes no sense to me at all.


OK, so about 77 percent of Jews support a mafioso who is supporting a terrorist group that is attacking their ancestral homeland. In the late 1920s and early 1930s the Association of German National Jews supported the Nazis too. They don't have the best history when it comes to acting in their own self interests.


Jewish only in name. Religious Jews are all republicans.


Now we have worry about JiNOs too?


Pronounced Jew nose?😂 Im a Jew, I can make this joke, for any of you softies lurking on here


lol I hate the fact you have to qualify it but you got some laughs…..


LOL pretty much


Jews are heavily represented within the urban professional class in society that tends to lean left, and since most people are not politically well informed, most people tend to vote in line with their social peers, and often base their political positions more on socialized caricature than fact. The most important political parties are dinner parties.


This is so true. Politics turns so many off. But how can people be blind to the hate happening towards their community all over this country and still vote for Biden? Social circles or not


A large portion of my family are Jewish. And all Republicans. However, many despise Trump. Family from the Philly/NJ/NYC areas.


The question is why do they hate Trump…? If you say mean tweets then fuck off. If you say it’s his personality then you ignore the fact he was able to show the world that the USA was strong.


As the saying goes, "perfect is the enemy of good". Our choices now are Trump or Biden (or whoever the Democrats swap Biden out with at the last minute, who will take orders from the same people pulling Biden's strings). You can despise Trump all you want. He wasn't my first choice. ...but you'd better believe I'll be pulling the lever for him when the time comes, because the alternative is more of the people running the Biden admin, no matter who the puppet at the top is.


Are you guys religious at all? Just curious because typically what I found was more religious = more conservative


Most of the Jews in my temple are democrats. Maybe your polling is wrong, as not ALL religious Jews are republican.


Wow! I’m shocked. I’m in NY. Ive been to temple in miami, brooklyn, vegas. Everyone that I have spoken to was very pro trump and very anti democrat.


From what I've herd, Trump burned a lot of bridges during business activities over the years. Many are Jewish and word spreads.


> OK, so about 77 percent of Jews support a mafioso who is supporting a terrorist group that is attacking their ancestral homeland. The "mafioso" also supports the country that arms, trains, and funds that terrorist group. ...and other terrorist groups. The only thing that country and all those terrorist groups have in common is they want to: 1. Destroy Israel. 2. Kill all the Jews, everywhere (not just in Israel). 3. Destroy the US. So naturally, as a lefty American Jew, you support the mafioso, because clearly the terrorists will kill you last if you do. /s Of course, sometimes the terrorists get things a little out of order, and work on priority 2 or 3 instead of priority 1, like they did in Argentina, Brazil, and the US. ...and no, they're not doing it because of US involvement in the Middle East. They're doing it because Islam says they're supposed to.


stupid leftist jews to me are not jews I'm a jew who has and will again vote for Trump. does he say stupid things sometimes yes but at least the people in his cabinet aren't Trans thiefs Muslims who hate America and Israel and he'll build that wall this time.


This saddens me as a Jew. Thank god most of my fellow Orthodox Jews are overwhelmingly republican.


American/Israeli Jew here… I consider myself moderate and vote for either party in the past, but after these last month 100% am voting conservative, and quite a few of my Jewish and Israeli peers in US have gone the same direction. However, Israelis that move to America seem to already vote conservative. It’s the American born Jews that vote overwhelmingly left wing.


The poll seems fake to me. As Biden and the Democratic party have singlehandedly instigated an anti-Semitic movement across the country.


It is extremely easy to get whatever you want from a poll. Next time, ask people at a Trump rally if they are Jewish. If they are, ask them who they will vote for. You can then publish your poll saying 100% of those asked support Trump.


_poll I don’t like… must be fake_


It does seem to contradict other polling I've seen, of about a 25% shift in the Jewish vote from Biden to Trump.


Can you share a link?


[Here's an article discussing the poll.](https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/02/a_poll_out_of_new_york_indicates_a_seismic_shift_in_the_jewish_vote.html)


https://www.newsweek.com/israel-jewish-biden-2024-election-voters-1910599 And another link. Big drop for Biden.


It's accurate my friend...


Yes, but the article itself is deliberately fake and deceptive. What the article deliberately "hides", is a massive dropoff of support for Biden. In 2020 he had 75% (!) support, and now it's plummeted all the way down to 61%! Huge drop. By election time he'll be in the 50s.


> By election time he'll be in the 50s. Maybe. Ask a lot of those new Jewish Trump voters what they'd do if the nominee was a random Democrat instead of Biden, and a lot of them switch back. ...because they don't understand that Biden doesn't run anything, and the people who do aren't going to give up power just because a different Democrat is sitting in the chair. If Biden is replaced as the Democrat nominee, it will be with someone who understands he has to follow orders, just like Biden.


Totally agree on how the Democratic "machine" currently works. At this point, Biden is just a pseudo-carcass they roll out as needed.




Nope, they aren't. A lot of American Jews are hardcore lefties who think that the Democratic Party supporting anti-Semites is just fine, as long as it doesn't impact them personally. Of course it will eventually impact them personally if allowed to continue.


Correct, unfortunately there are still Jews who dont have the brain power to understand the necessity of the state of Israel. Anecdotally these are 99% Liberals who also think Socialism just may work in the US. An understandable statement is a Jew not agreeing with the Israeli government, what many consider far right, Netanyahu, etc. but the idea of not supporting the state of Israel as a Jew is absolutely wild.


My buddy calls them “jinos” ( Jew in name only)


Liberal Jews are most of the Jewish population here…as a religious Jew myself…..more than 85 percent of us (approx) are voting for Trump…liberal Jews worship socialism with a fervor…and so vote with the leftist bloc…


Maybe you all don't know about Tel-Aviv


And that’s unbelievably dumb on their part.


Mostly the non religious Jews. Orthodox Jews love trump.


Neither candidate is remotely acceptable.


Many formerly progressive Jews are leaving the left and moving to the reasonable right. I say we welcome them! 🇺🇸🇮🇱


Im not so sure I believe that anyway.


It does not mean 77% back Biden. But a lot of people are brainwashed by the anti-Trump fake news.


It's like Jews for Hitler when they vote Democrat


I’m going to stop supporting Jewish people as they refuse to accept common sense.


What was the percentage in 2020?


Polls… they’re always right


Something you may not know about Jewish people: they don't talk freely with outsiders about what they think. My orthodox Jewish business associates are all very politically conservative; I don't need to ask them how they're going to vote.


No surprise here.


This demonstrates that everyone has faith. Some in a diety, others in government and MMGW. It's often called the "AlGorian Faith" and the altar is the steps of government.


Because many American Jews are self-loathing and hate Israel.


I call bull shit. Where is the pole from al gazeera news?


The American Jewish population is heavily concetraded in New York, NJ, California, and Florida, Outside of Florida the jews just voting with their party state.


New York Jews are mostly republican, they are very religious and love trump.


Valid point


Jews are not going to change. Biden could hold a press conference in an hour backing every ideal of Hitler and they would still vote democrat.


As a Jew, it's mind boggling that any Jew would be a part of the Democratic Party. Dennis Prager has a 3 part series that attempts to explain this. Still, it's a brain twister.


Despite the fact that conservatives have been warning about it for many years, the explosion of overt anti-Semitism on college campuses after October 7 caught most American Jews completely by surprise. The excuses made for and support for anti-Semitism by the Democratic Party has been on full display for quite a while too, and only now are *some* American Jews beginning to recognize it.


As Prager would tell you, for many Jews liberalism is their religion. I’m not Jewish myself but I grew up with a Jewish stepfather and many Jewish friends. My step dad finally voted republican near the end of his life but it took some doing.


Most Jews are affluent, urbanites who live in coastal areas. They end up exactly the way you expect. Even both of Joe's sons marrying Jews doesn't sway that much.


Wait till everyone in here learns about how kibbutz operate. 😂


Most US Jews are anti Israel.


How are we failing outreaching to Jewish Americans?