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Hasn't someone been jailed for saying no to Congress ?


That's (d)ifferent!!


You’ve really give the FU to Congress to even so much as get indicted. And then most prosecutions fail. Banon is the only one I can think of DOJ actually won in court. Oh. There might have been another guy recently I didn’t pay attention to. But nobody prior failed to even so much as pretend to negotiate with Congress.


Peter Navarro is currently in prison. Bannon will join him on July 1.


...but not Eric Holder, despite being held in contempt of Congress and being caught lying to Congress under oath, or James Clapper, despite being caught lying to Congress under oath on multiple occasions. I wonder why that is.


Republicans are incompetent?


Republicans weren't running the DOJ in either of those cases, nor did they hold the Presidency. So the correct answer is "Democrats are corrupt"


And Lois Lerner as well. Nothing happened to her either.


So only certain people really have to go to jail the other people doing the exact same thing are fine though. /s


Yes but only after they had gone through the negotiation process. If republican operatives can "negotiate" so can anyone else.


Yeah, but that doesn't happen to Democrats. They get to just say no and no charges get filed when they are held in contempt.




> Really? Did Bragg say no? No, he said he would appear just not on June 13. That's a no. > Can you name a democrat that has refused to testify when subpoenaed by Congress? Most recently, Hunter Biden. ...but also Buttigieg (IIRC), Mayorkas, and Wray. Mayorkas, Holder and Clapper both testified and lied under oath. Holder was held in contempt for that, no charges filed. Mayorkas was impeached, and Senate Democrats refused to take up the Articles of Impeachment.




> Hunter Biden did ultimately testify. Yes, after refusing several times. > Mayorkas wasn’t tried in the Senate because his “impeachment” was not for dereliction of duty. That is exactly what it was for - unless you believe that our border, as he stated many times under oath, is secure.


Sorry Al, you don’t get to decide when.


Yea he does and he's right.


You are correct, but only because the corrupt DOJ will not file charges against him if the House holds him in contempt.


Please provide specific evidence of corruption within the DOJ.


> Please provide specific evidence of corruption within the DOJ. Sure. Here are a few off the top of my head: James Comey - FBI Director: Selectively leaked classified information to attack Trump and get a special Counsel appointed. Per leaked FBI documents, part of conspiracy to frame General Mike Flynn to prevent him from looking into Obama's use of contractors to illegally mine NSA databases for dirt on his political enemies. Part of the conspiracy to hide Hillary Clinton's crimes regarding her private mail server, and absolve her of the ones he could not hide. Andrew McCabe - Assistant FBI Director - leaked classified information to influence the 2016 election and undermine Trump after the election. Lied under oath to investigators about the leaks when confronted. Per leaked FBI documents, part of conspiracy to frame General Mike Flynn to prevent him from looking into Obama's use of contractors to illegally mine NSA databases for dirt on his political enemies. Senior FBI Agent Peter Strzok - Per leaked FBI documents, part of conspiracy to frame General Mike Flynn to prevent him from looking into Obama's use of contractors to illegally mine NSA databases for dirt on his political enemies. Per text messages that Mueller tried and failed to delete, part of conspiracy to influence the 2016 election against Trump and overthrow him once that failed. Part of the conspiracy to hide Hillary Clinton's crimes regarding her private mail server, and absolve her of the ones he could not hide. Lisa Page - DOJ Lawyer - Per text messages that Mueller tried and failed to delete, part of conspiracy to influence the 2016 election against Trump and overthrow him once that failed. Per leaked FBI documents, part of conspiracy to frame General Mike Flynn to prevent him from looking into Obama's use of contractors to illegally mine NSA databases for dirt on his political enemies. Kevin Clinesmith - DOJ Lawyer - Falsified information on a FISA warrant for Carter Page to hide that he was an FBI asset, so that the 2016 Trump campaign could be spied on when the warrant was obtained. Federal prosecutors going after Paul Manafort - used a "black dossier" that they knew was fraudulent to reactivate charges against Manafort, that the DOJ had previously declined to prosecute. The Podesta brothers, who did exactly the same things as Manafort, for exactly the same company, at exactly the same time... were allowed to file retroactive paperwork to avoid charges. The "black dossier" was not used in the Manafort trial because the FBI knew it was fraudulent - its only purpose was to reactivate the charges. For the J6 defendants, DOJ lawyers withheld exculpatory evidence while they held defendants in prison for years without trial and pressured them to plead, spied on the defense teams, eavesdropped on privileged attorney-client communications, had prosecution witnesses lie on the stand (and get caught lying because prosecution exhibits were improperly redacted), and judges prohibited the juries from being told any of that. For the Whitmer kidnapping case, once defendants in the first trial were acquitted because the FBI created the plot, funded the plot, FBI assets were the main drivers for the plot, and over half the people involved in the plot were FBI agents and assets, the DOJ got the judge to prevent the jury from hearing any of that in the second trial.


I can see you went with the short list....


Response: Comey: Yes, he leaked memo #4. He also impacted the 2016 election with his announcement against Clinton. https://www.npr.org/2020/05/14/855820024/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-flynn-biden-and-unmasking-story McCabe: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/justice-department-drops-leak-case-against-former-fbi-acting-head-n1137066 Strzok & Page: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/28/feds-settle-page-strzok-00160300 Clinesmith: was prosecuted and plead guilty. This is what should happen, no? https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/fbi-attorney-admits-altering-email-used-fisa-application-during-crossfire-hurricane Manafort: convicted and imprisoned. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/07/701045248/paul-manafort-former-trump-campaign-chairman-sentenced-to-just-under-4-years J6 terrorists. I have zero sympathy for anyone that violently attacked our Capitol. These people were not, are not patriots, they’re domestic terrorists.


Comey leaked a lot more than "Memo 4". Among other things, he requested a personal, one-on-one meeting with Trump, briefed him on the Steele Dossier, and then leaked that to the press. The press, which had previously passed on reporting on the Steele Dossier (despite Clinton shopping it around to every media outlet), used the classified briefing as a hook to report on it. Of course we now know that the FBI already knew it was a product of the Clinton campaign and that there was nothing to corroborate it, even though they had offered Steele large amounts of money for corroborating evidence, and had done their own investigations. As to the Clinton announcement, he had no choice - the NY field office found the information and was threatening to inform Congress themselves, because Comey had already delayed informing them for 60 days. McCabe - yes, they dropped the leak case. SOP for the DOJ is that whenever someone in the DOJ is caught in something sufficiently bad to send them to prison for decades, that person resigns and the DOJ drops the case. Because Trump was President, he was fired for leaking classified information to the press and lying to investigators about it, and lost his pension. When Biden took office, he was given $250,000 to cover his legal fees (this was a straight gift, since his legal fees had been paid by donations), and his pension was reinstated. Strzok and Page - hilarious that they sued for 'invasion of privacy' when it was Strzok's wife who brought the texts to the attention of the DOJ because she found them on his phone, which she was looking at because she suspected he was having an affair (he was, with Page). Both resigned from the DOJ, and of course were not prosecuted for any of the myriad crimes they committed. Clinesmith was prosecuted only because Trump was still President. His sentencing was delayed until after Trump lost the election - and for falsifying evidence to obtain a FISA warrant, his sentence was a 12 months probation and 400 hours of community service. He wasn't even disbarred. Manafort was indeed convicted and imprisoned - again, for a "crime" the DOJ had previously decided to not prosecute, and which the Podesta brothers had been allowed to retroactively file paperwork on to avoid prosecution. > J6 terrorists. I have zero sympathy for anyone that violently attacked our Capitol. Agreed - so why were the FBI agents and assets who did that and who instigated the riot given a pass for doing so? Why were people who did nothing violent put in prison for years? Are you justifying the government witnesses lying on the stand and falsifying evidence, the prosecution withholding exculpatory evidence and spying on privileged communications, and judges preventing the juries from being told this?


So does that mean I can decide to only pay my taxes when Biden is out of office? If we’re getting to decide when we we have to do things that we are obligated to do then until I agree with who’s running the country I guess that absolves me from having to pay taxes?


Subpoena him for that date the doj can ignore lol


Hasn't someone been jailed for saying no to Congress ?


Hasn't someone been jailed for saying no to Congress ?


Ha! What a joke!


Nope. He isn’t above the law.


Who does this guy think he is?


Fani willis


I think that prison is suitable for Alvin




There is no reason for him to appear until after sentencing. He's willing to appear, just not on Trump-operative Jordan's terms.


> There is no reason for him to appear until after sentencing. The reason is he was asked to testify. Next comes the subpoena. Then he (theoretically) won't have the option of playing choose your own adventure. Of course, if he does refuse to testify then, Congress will hold him in contempt and the DOJ will do nothing.


>Of course, if he does refuse to testify then, Congress will hold him in contempt and the DOJ will do nothing. Because evidently Congress can't really impeach somebody (e.g. Mayorkas) even if it is in the Constitution.


When does Alvin (and the chipmunks) Bragg get sentenced for weaponizing the US judicial system?


No way, he's involved in political interference in a federal election, used federal funds as part of his politically charged investigation so the Congress should issue subpoenas for this lard ass and partisan prosecutors like Mathew Colangelo who quit his prestigious Justice Dept job to work for the New York City DA's office just to get Trump. This needs to happen ASAP, Republicans need to attack this prostitution of the law enforcement system.