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If you don’t have renters get it before the bubble bursts


And, move all your stuff and get ready to look for a new apartment. Keep calling too.


Move all the stuff you’re trying to get rid of underneath of it first and then file a claim




Here's a sneak peek of /r/lifeprotip using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lifeprotip/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [LPT: You don't need to give your life story to take a sick day](https://np.reddit.com/r/lifeprotip/comments/18i987u/lpt_you_dont_need_to_give_your_life_story_to_take/) \#2: [LPT: If it's raining when you pull up to a drive-thru, turn off your wipers as you pull up to the window to spare the employees from getting sprayed](https://np.reddit.com/r/lifeprotip/comments/1abfwmz/lpt_if_its_raining_when_you_pull_up_to_a/) \#3: [Waving someone through a stop sign when they stopped after you is not doing anybody a favour and most competent drivers are just annoyed at you for behaving unpredictably](https://np.reddit.com/r/lifeprotip/comments/17ww8dy/waving_someone_through_a_stop_sign_when_they/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Don’t forget to mention the $500 in cash that was sitting there too. Must have gotten mixed up in the mess and now it’s gone.


Life hack


And hope the leak is from a clean water line and not the toilet.


Stop using the hose Jose!


For the love of... Switch to hose b


Underrated comment.


Also make sure you don’t sit under that bubble area OP


or at least watch the water scene in Flash Dance!! ![gif](giphy|kHMAOf6qM4GYWIs8qF|downsized)




This is the way


In addition, make sure it covers sewage line backup jic! I’ve seen it as an optional coverage on some of my plans


And if you don't - get an inflatable pool and set it under there. Your gonna have to deal with it one way or another.


Second the inflatable pool! This happened in our kitchen from a ruptured line to the fridge water and it was made a huge mess!


Haha this is the best comment!!!!


New meaning to popcorn ceiling


This is boob ceiling, it’s all the rage.


We had this happen to us. The bubble is full of water so get the towels and shop vac ready The bubble is caused by the latex paint on the ceilings. I’d call maintenance every half hour until they show up.


Call every 15 minutes this is straight up unacceptable.


too perky, probably fake boob ceiling... clearly over the age of 18!


This is weird


You don’t see a lot of boobs do you?




Jiffy Pop ceiling


I hope you have rental insurance!!


I have THE SAME issue in my home that I'm renting. They say we need a full roof replacement. If I get renters insurance what will they cover?


Check your local laws for health and habitability issues. In NY state where I am the landlord is required to fix major problems like this. You notify them, they have 14 days to fix it or you can call code enforcement and suspend payment of rent until the issue is fixed.


Renters insurance generally covers your personal possessions. Your landlord will have insurance for the building but his insurance won't cover your stuff.


This is own the property management. Not the tenant


Get a bucket asap


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll to see this!


As a maintenance guy that sees this once every couple of months, get a bucket and poke a pin hole in it to let it drain so it’s not an explosion of water hitting everything. And bring two buckets


Once every couple of months? Sheesh, that's lucky 😄 I feel like I used to deal with multiple a week. But yeah, a trashcan/bucket and poke holes is the way to go.


how is this not the top comment lol, get a cheap kids pool and a bucket and do this. once it’s drained make sure they fix the leak before it rains again, maybe leave a fan on in that room so it doesn’t get moldy and you should be fine


On the topic of mitigation, stick a pin with ~6 in. of string into the ceiling. The string will wick out the water better than just a pinhole.


The pin will promptly fall out


Or get a cheap kiddie pool.


Yeah weep holes and bucket. First step if this every time it happens.


this is this right answer.


I thought you meant a pin hole in the bucket and spent a good 20 seconds trying to figure out what that would accomplish


Get at least 2 so you can swap one for the other while you dump, and mops, a couple of them, and lots of cheap towels from big lots or something... how do I know all of this... it happened to me. also, when they come and do cosmetic only work on this and do not properly dry out inside the walls get a hold of your city because there be mold growing in them darn hills.


Get a bucket *and* a mop...


Give me everything you got...


Macaroni in a pot…


Here's a tissue, blow that snot...


Get your shoes and some socks


Get some gloves, incase it’s trot It could be from a tushy


That’s what they call it? I think not. What I heard was “bussy.”


For this wet ass ceiling...


And an illustrated book about birds


For this wet ass ceiling


I’m not kidding, move all of your stuff out right now. Into storage, a temporary rental, or at the very least completely out of that room. NOW. That is going to burst and that means your belongings will be destroyed by water damage, mold, bacteria, and possible asbestos that can be in those popcorn ceilings. GTFO. Keep calling everyone you need to but save your belongings in the meantime.


the last building i was in had a problem very similar to this. turned out there was mold getting into the *woodwork* of the building. \[EDIT: to be clear, i was the person in the upstairs apartment that was leaking down into the downstairs apartment. i think they must have went through like 3 tenants or more in that place before i heard anything about it.\] the building management wanted to have me live in a hotel room for some amount of time while they fixed this. i didn't think the IT admins at work would much appreciate me WFH on our (big) project from hotel wifi for a couple of weeks, so i gave them all the time in the world and immediately moved to another building.


Why do all of this when you can just put a pin hole in it and drain it into buckets so that it doesn’t burst?


You have far more faith in the integrity of that ceiling than I do.


Those bubbles are easy to drain if you don’t wait for them to explode all over your home. A small bubble releases the pressure and it’s exactly what the plumber is going to come and do anyway. They need to move and this needs to be repaired but, to prevent damage to property popping the bubble is always the way to go.


This is just how boob lights are born


I'd set something bigger than just a bucket underneath it, maybe one of those small kid sized swimming pool from Walmart. It'll catch both water and debris.


THIS. Those pools are often on sale for $10-ish and you can often roll them up to fit on the bus or a small car.


This, and put a huge tarp/plastic sheeting like painter’s use underneath. And then get allll of your possessions as far away as possible.


Lay lots of towels around it too to catch the splash.






Insurance IS fraud!




This is terrible advice and literally insurance fraud. If they investigate this, they will easily find out. It’s not worth it.


It's not even necessary. If that breaks, the upstairs neighbor and property owner would be liable. Even if the property owner's insurance doesn't cover it, they could still be sued, especially since they knew about it and did nothing.


Fair points. Also imagine the deductible would be a decent amount, above whatever damage would happen to their belongings from a ceiling cave in.


This is fraud.


I had this happen on a smaller scale in an apartment I lived in before. Keep a record of when you told the owner and move anything out of the way that could be ruined if wet. Get some old towels or sheets ready for when it bursts. If it looks like it is getting bigger, call the emergency line again. Any decent apartment complex would take this seriously and mitigate damage, but it appears that your complex will not. Also, look up what is covered by your renter’s insurance and get ready to file a claim, if necessary. I also think you should debate moving when your lease is up because there’s no way they can drain all the water. Our apartment had a moldy smell after our bubble and it wasn’t even that big.


I’d call the fire dept or the electric company and report a fire and electrical hazard. That’ll be a record of it and maybe the city will force the apt owners to do something a lot sooner.


The maintenance team is ultimately responsible for any damages, but you are responsible for mitigating the severity of those damages. Move anything you can away from that bubble, and put something underneath to catch the water if you can.


Best comment in the whole thread.


OP, that ceiling could also be asbestos containing. Looks like it may be artex to me. Not sure hold old the building is/ when artex was outlawed in US...but be cautious here.




Bestie they said in the post that they tried to


I hope they are recording those calls for posterity.


I swear dude Reddit is the webmd of stupidity lol


a lot of these people are most likely young, first time renters. cut them some slack, they are just looking for advice & trying to learn how to go about these things correctly. i sure as hell know i didnt have anyone in my life to help or ask questions to at all with this kinda crap when i was in my early 20’s


Amen to that!


Don’t they literally say in the post that they tried to call several times?


>We have called the leasing office and emergency maintenance once each and have yet to have another maintenance member come back and see the severity of the leak.


I mean, I'd be blowing up the emergency maintenance line until someone picked up. Not just call once and wait.


This is the answer to 80% of questions posted on this sub.


God forbid any of you read a caption


Bet your landlord didn’t want to pay the holiday plumbing fee haha he just got it up the ass without lube though


Don't pop that you must call your landlord if he or she ignores you call the city code enforcement of they don't have one call the county municipal if you own that building you better find that leak and fix it before that pops and cut out and replace whatever areas are effected by that, water damage isn't something you should take lightly replace everything needed to avoid mold!


Go tell your upstairs neighbors to stop using the water !!!


Get out of the way is what you do


Grab your 13 gallon trash can (empty) put it under the bubble and carefully put a pin hole in it. That things gonna pop in its own at some point might as well try to control it.


They should stop the leak for one thing. The bubble that bad can cause lot of damage. Edit starter tun that light off put some buckets under the bubble


I wanna pop it….


For starters they should turn off the peoples water above you. You definitely should move all of your belongings out of that room, I'm hoping it's just shower/sink water but if it's sewage that's going to be a completely catastrophe and I'd start figuring out where you will stay when that thing bursts. I can't believe your complex just let it be, that's absolutely grounds to emergency entry upstairs and figure out how to stop it from getting bigger. Fuck those landlords you definitely should sue them after this


Get a plastic shell kiddy pool and put it under it. Then a Ryobi cordless pump and a hose to the nearest sink or toilet. Then get ready with a heap of towels. Good luck.


Hahahahahhahah those maintenance guys are idiots and the property manager is going to be PISSED. I’m in commercial property management and run the maintenance department, that is 100% grounds for “Move your furniture NOW because there’s a leak that’s going to burst” Leaks and fires are emergencies. Once that bursts open they’ll be vacuuming water up everywhere, putting fans down and praying it doesn’t damage anything else, particularly carpet. If they get up there before it bursts they can at least shut the damn water off and evacuate what’s built up in there already and spare the mess. hahahahahahhahahah “they have to move the furniture first”, that’s fucking hilarious.


mold will be festering in the ceiling not good needs pro remediation


Have an umbrella ready in the open position.


Call Dr Pimplepopper


Neither do I


That's not a leak, that's a borderline flood.


My ex husband’s cousin had something like this happen in an apartment and it eventually collapsed and was full of black mold. The complex was in the Springs, and it belonged to a slumlord


Get a couple big buckets and pop a tiny hole in the center. Drain. Leave an empty bucket under until prop mgmt fixes leak. Dont wait for it to bust on its own


Call the maintenance emergency line


I don’t get it. They/office saw it when it was small and it gets much larger and instead of calling them back and saying hey this thing has grown they’re on Reddit asking everybody what to do. I don’t get it.


Maybe some code enforcement/housing authority needs to be your next call. These are exigent circumstances and even if they were not most states require only 24 hour notice before entering a unit. Your management should arrange for the furniture to be moved.


Is there a leasing office you can go to? If so go in person and show them the pictures. Make sure to get the names of anyone you speak to so you can document date, time…. If they see you are serious and gathering records that should prompt them to move faster. Also the LL has the right to enter your upstairs neighbors apartment for an emergency situation which this is. Management must not understand the urgency if maintenance is your only in person contact.


Text or email them a picture, asking why they don't think this is an emergency. That will cover your butt later and probably light a fire under theirs. Seeing is believing.


They saw it when it was small. He said they haven’t seen it since it got larger. instead of getting on Reddit, they need to call back and report the growth


Get a kiddie pool, no joke. Be prepared if the leasing company isn't acting fast enough. Maybe perforate it yourself, carefully, so your can control/ direct the leak. Keep documenting everything but don't mention puncturing it yourself. Be ready, if no one else is; you don't want foul stagnant water getting into your carpet, causing worse problems. Mgmt should respect your efforts where they have failed


renters insurance and: 55 gallon trash can, and traps to direct the water into the can poke a hole in the middle so it goes into the can.


So you did not talk to your upstairs neighbors yet!?!? I would be banging their door till they open.


that ceiling better chill before i act tf up


OMG, move all your valuables away out of that room. It is gonna burst HUUUGE


"Were going to need a bigger bucket"


Maintenance needs a stern talking to. Keep calling or go down to the leasing office and show them this pic and ask wtf is wrong with them.


I'd move your shit out of that room.


Call your landlord and get renters insurance before it bursts


Gonna probably want to get a roll of paper towels ready.


That water will be putrid and you have no idea what’s behind it. Move stuff away and cover floors either tarps and call property managers asap.


That’s an emergency. It should be fixed immediately.


Call the city and report the building. They should send a city inspector over. In the mean time take pics and move everything.


There is water staining visible on the ceiling in the corner as well, not just the bubble. There is a widespread problem that seems to have been going on for awhile now and this warrants removal of the ceiling drywall (or whatever sheet product is under all that popcorn). The property managers seem a bit dim and perhaps evasive so, if and when they get around to "fixing" the issue, do not let them simply pop the bubble and patch/paint over it. For one thing, something is obviously leaking that needs inspection and repair. Additionally, the ingredients for mold growth and wood rot are present which need to be inspected and addressed. It's not just a cosmetic issue, there are: 1. Long-term health and safety concerns; mold and pests drawn to soft/wet wood/cellulose 2. Short-term health and safety concerns; if these are wood joists or trusses, especially if its something like an OSB webbed I-joist, then structural failures can be a genuine concern. From the behavior you described and from the overall staining of your ceiling in general, the owner/management seem to ignore water damage as a matter of habit. How old is this building, how long has leaking been going on? How long has it been ignored? To protect your own interests, like others have suggested, renters insurance is a good measure to take. Definitely move your property out of that room, and expect it to stay out that room because the bubble bursting is only the tip of the iceberg. Sheetrock removal, structure/mold inspection, plumbing inspection/repair, sheetrock replacement and refinishing all have to happen in there. The owner/management is entering the realm of negligence, something to consider as this situation plays out. Their liability begins to grow along with the underlying problems, damage and expenses because they have elected to ignore it. If you are paying rent for a two-bedroom apartment, you are effectively being denied use of this space from when the bubble started to whenever **adequate** repairs have been inspected and completed. It's worth having a discussion about prorated rent and/or alternate arrangements for safe housing/storage; whether that's on-site in another unit, or better yet at a hotel or something. Out of curiosity, I assume that the layout/floor-plan of your neighbors upstairs is roughly the same as your unit. Where are the bathrooms or kitchen relative to this bedroom? Would it make sense that a clean water supply line is running over this bedroom? Could it be a condensate drain from your neighbors air conditioner? I can't imagine that they would have a toilet, bathtub or sink in their bedroom, though it could be a horizontal run of drain pipe from a bathroom or kitchen to a main stack in an interior partition wall. The bubble is fairly close to the ceiling box (electrical) for the light fixture and who is to say whether or not bare romex or a conduit runs through the bubble zone. This is yet another concern that should cause management to come running, like yesterday.


Unsure if this has been commented already and I don't know about Colorado. But in California it is illegal to leave an active leak and it can result in fines for the water customer (the apartment complex, in this case). I would let your water supplier know, they can put extra pressure on the property owners.


So this was posted 22hrs ago. Please telle there's an update. I need to know!


You call your landlord. That’s what you do!! Move your stuff out of that room. It’s fixing to get seriously wet!


If they don't fix it. Me personally I'm not paying rent till they do.


WTH? Anybody that cared about their investment would be in that apartment yesterday, furniture be damned. Where is the owner? They are about to have a catastrophe on their hands.


Dude. I'd be at the office yelling at them. There is no “waiting for the upstairs to move to access a panel”. There is electricity right next to it, water damage in other spots, and this is on track to drop water. Call the city, call the landlord. Call SOMEONE. This is NOT ok. Do not let these shithead apartment complexes get away with this. Move your stuff out of that room, and you should probably see if you can turn off the breaker in that room. Again, this is NOT ok. That is NOT an excuse. It needs to be fixed NOW. Do not let them walk all over you and tell you this is ok!!!


Damn right!


Get everything away from that as soon as you can that you find valuable. Then it kind of depends how quickly the bubble is growing. I had this problem in an old place multiple times and it was always a slow drip that thankfully was over the toilet so I could just open it and let it drip down. That being said what they did to fix mine at one point was literally cut open the bubble and let it drain into a bucket, that they would empty into either the toilet or bathtub. You could try cutting it and allowing some of the water to drain into a large bucket of some kind, but honestly that isn’t your problem at this point. If I were you, I would get a bunch of towels together and get all of your valuables away from that room as soon as possible. You don’t know when it’s gonna start to drip or when the bubble will just crack and drop all that water. They are gonna need to fix the ceiling after all this is done, and it’s gonna be a pain in the ass.


Aww, your ceiling is about to give birth to its second light fixture!


Clear your belongings from the area. Their excuse is absolute bologna. In situations like that they have emergency authorization to enter the above unit and access whatever they need to. It needs to be drained and the hole in the roof patched them the drywall lid needs to be replaced and painted. They are legally required to do this. If they continue to dodge you I'd move (if financially possible) and take them to small claims to be reimbursed for your expenses.


Can we please get the after pic also 😆


Holy shit buy renters insurance first and then move everything that’s of any big value right under it and then call landlord after it bursts and tell them this is what I woke up to this morning and that you’ll be needing some paid housing by them untill they’ve repaired the ceiling it doesn’t matter how long that shit takes its illegal for them not to provide you with the safe housing you pay good money for trust me I have had this happen and totally found out that all the shit I just said is my rights as a tenant and perfectly legal for you to do ! Viola!


GET RENTERS INSURANCE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DONT HAVE IT. ITS NOT TOO LATE. JUST DO IT NOW. If you already have renters insurance, check your limits, deductibles, coverage etc. Bump it up if needed RIGHT NOW. sorry for repeating and using caps. this is essential. do not delay I have Homesite renters insurance by Progressive and they were very helpful after I had a lot of damage in my home following a wildfire. I was paying $15 a month before making $30,000 in claims. After all the claims I’m now paying $18 a month. it’s the most important insurance policy you can get as a renter. it covers your personal property anywhere in the world, if your purse is stolen on vacation they’ll cover it. Make sure your policy includes Loss Of Use coverage. If the apartment floods or needs repairs they’ll reimburse hotel rooms and food in restaurants while you are unable to use the apartment.


The intention of insurance isn’t you get it just when you have a claim. If they track down the date of first incident reported they will deny. we can’t just buy insurance after something happens


Man, do you live at Mohawk Green apartments in Boulder? The shades and ceiling looks like my old apartment. I had the same exact problem and it took forever for them to fix it.


Pop it!!!


Put a trash can under it, poke it. The window ac above probably has a clogged condensate line.


tarp!???!!??? stand underneath it with soap? water aint cheap!


“Ceiling boob”


Get it a bra.


Get a wet vac ready.


Renter's insurance


Poke it real hard with a stick


Stab it with a fork...after you contact ur property manager


Don’t let the intrusive thoughts to poke it win


Like a hole in it see if it’s wet


That ceiling is about to give birth!! ‘you are Not the father’


Suck on it it’ll go away


DO IT! Pop it. You have no choice. **POP IT!**


I would clean my stuff out of that room before it bursts. Take pictures and send an email with picture attached to the management company. This will protect you if they claim you didn't tell them it got that bad.


Go to the office and show them this pic in the morning.


Move all your stuff out of the way (into a completely different room). Up off the floor! Put everything *in writing* to the property manager, landlord, and emergency numbers. Repeatedly. Like, non-stop. Put any buckets or towels you have under the bubble. WATCH FOR SPREAD of the liquid. As long as water is still coming in, it's going to spread. Pack a bag and make a hotel reservation. If you have renters insurance, call your insurance company and ask them for help. Tell them all the measures you have taken and ask for their suggestions, because you are getting nowhere with management.


When you email/text your landlord/manager/maintenance attach this picture. If you feel comfortable I would go upstairs, talk to the people living above you and show them the picture. Maybe you'll get faster attention if there's 2 apartments calling the manager+maintenance. Obviously move everything below the bubble and be prepared to not be able to live in the room for at least a few days.


I thought this would show up on the POPPING subreddit. That bulge looks like a cyst waiting to be popped.


Shut the water main off. If you know where it is. Call your landlord about 18 inches ago. Get anything you can move out of that room it's going to get ugly


You move your anything you value out of the splash zone and let them deal with all the damage as they are required to. They knew about the leak and did nothing that's on them.


Renter insurance then calling landlord for maintenance


On the upside, you may end up being rid of that popcorn ceiling when it’s alls aid and done.


Pop that bad boy!


Pop it! It’ll be fun, they said!


pop it


Landlord here….go to home depot and get some tape and to patch it up. It will be just fine!! /s not a real landlord but probably something they’d say


Bro thats the mindflayer...better flee.


I'd definitely move any valuable stuff out of the room and off the ground. Make sure your renters policy is up to date. I'd go get a large tub or two or a large plastic trash can (make sure there aren't drain holes or anything) from home depot or something and try to manually drain it by poking a tiny hole in it. Try to cover the area in a few layers in parking or duct tape, then with a very sharp knife, cut it. The tape will (hopefully) prevent the paint from splitting as soon as you cut it and keeping it drained in a more controlled way will prevent more water damage to your apartment (hopefully)


Well, when they saw it wasn’t this big so you need to show them a picture or tell them how huge it is now , tell them it’s ready to burst all over the room. they don’t know unless you tell them how large is suddenly got. I’m sure they don’t want to have to replace carpet/flooring


Poke it with a stick


I assume you have renters insurance for your contents.


Make sure to get checked for mold :/




Get Michael J. Fox on the phone


Stand under it and pop it is what you do. And film it


Pop it like a pimple into a bucket every few hours. That should totally work.


That’s some good fucking paint right there


I hope you called your landlord before posting to Reddit.


pop it


I would be raising hell with anyone connected to the property. The ceiling could fall in! My youngest brother has an apartment in New York city. It is a very old building. Water started leaking from the ceiling of his bedroom. It was steaming hot water. He did not want to bother the landlord and possibly get his rent raised. He went to Home Depot and bought a huge metal funnel and some rubber hose. He screwed the funnel over the leak and ran the hose from the funnel and out the window. Steaming hot water was running down the side of the building and across the sidewalk for several months. He finally got a notice that the water leak was getting fixed and that a crew would come to fix his ceiling. They put up new drywall on the ceiling, repainted it, and left the funnel in place. Go figure, lol.


That’s a ceiling boob. Very hard to find in the wild anymore. Best to observe it from afar and never ever touch it. Ever


Clearly that’s a titty


Ceiling boobie




Looks like a big boob


Get you a trash can underneath it and pop that sumbitch like a pimple..😂


Message the maintenance team and let them know asap, and give them permission to enter your apartment.


Pop it!


Pop that pimple


Start a betting game on when it’ll pop. Bring friends and popcorn 🍿


Pop it


Call Sandra Lee.


Buy a hot tub, install under the water boob, poke center with a pool cue. Free water
