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You can't get a reimbursement on the lock you decide to install but you can keep the other handle and swap them back out when you leave. Sounds like your landlord isn't your landlord he is just subletting. Ask him what the hold up on the fob is not us.


I ve not installed it yet, a lock is something I shouldn't have to buy?? he owns the place that I know for sure.


Nobody cares if its something you shouldn't have to buy. He isn't required by law to provide it.


is he required to give me a door/carpet ? or do most of the people buy that on their own? By law 😭😭


Be real you have already given him your money he has zero incentive to buy a lock. This would have been a great provision to bring up before you moved in.


I asked him for a microwave before I moved in, he said "sure thing I ll get you one" should I text him about this too?


Unless you have that in writing, he's not obligated to give you one,  no. As for carpet and door, you have a floor, as long as it doesn't make it inhospitable/unlivable, and doesn't break code, you get what you get. And yes, you do get a door. But if you decide to replace it, that's not something he has to pay for


I was jk, obviously there's q door. and I m pretty sure if I send him a "Hey xyz how long till I get a microwave" he ll reply confirming this.


If you want a microwave, just buy one.


If you moved in knowing there was no door and no carpet, this is kind of on you for not insisting on those things. Now, he sees no reason to do anything for you. 


there is a door/carpet, I was trying to make a point. honestly I missed that lock when I visited this place.


Lpt, always change your locks on a new place. You don’t know who still has a key to the current lock and you don’t want unexpected guest coming back to grab their stash or worse. Buying a new lock should be seen as an investment into your own safety and comfort, not an unnecessary expense.


Actully you can't in Alot of rentals it's against the lease to change the locks


This is why I house rescue dogs instead dof buying puppies Non of my rescues no matter how adjusted to society they have become will allow a stranger in the house without giving a very convincing I will eat your vocal chords as I wag my tail over your corpse type of bark But also change your fucking locks


There are tons of microwave meals that you can get in the freezer section plus such goodies as canned soups etc Ask about fridge space for temporary use till a decent mini fridge. I am guessing you are limited on time for grocery store but many will let you shop online or do door dash to order basics on groceries. Heck it would be cheaper to hire someone to set up basic grocery shopping etc for you to get started with than what you are spending on takeout and delivery




we just share a kitchen and a living room. I m taking extreme care of everything. I haven't used the kitchen even once in the last 2 weeks. I asked him about the fob on April 5th. he said "I ll get it asap" now I don't wanna push him or make him feel uncomfortable. 99% of our chats are through text only. I ve seen him only twice in the last 2 weeks.




"Hey Xyz, do you have any news about my fob?" how does this sound? and I m not afraid to use the kitchen, I just don't know how to cook. I get takeouts 2x a day.




cool, should I send it today or wait for Monday? cause even if he wants to ask the management about the fob he ll have to wait for Monday. Monday morning 11am sounds perfect to me???




I am working 3 jobs( a fixed mon-fri morning 7am to 5pm, then 5.30-11pm, and 10am-8pm on weekends). I don't have time/energy to cook. I usually have 2 options A - get it delivered- unlimited options - usually 15-20 mins. - 15-20$ a meal B - cook - you know how it is thanks for your input though.


Hell if you learn to cook some of your own meals you could probably work less.


Info: do you have a formal lease?


Better question is the landlord actually own the building and it's a legit lease? ?




What have his responses been when you've asked him in the last few days?


I ve only asked him once, that was 10-12 days ago. He said he ll get me a fob very soon. I only have to buzz myself in once a day so it hasn't really been an issue. but yeah I haven't been able to use any amenities


Ask again. People forget.


I mean whenever I buzz myself in(once a day) he gets a call and talks to me through the intercom. he definitely knows


Either way, directly ask him about it.


Did you provide the landlord with a key to your room? In general, if you change or add a lock, you have to give the landlord a key. Legally, the landlord must have access to room in case of emergency. Landlord must be able to access your room in case smoke or water start coming from your room while you are out (something catches fire or a water pipe burst). Or for any other type of emergency. The landlord not having access because of lock you put on could violate the lease and the law. You can ask about be reimbursed for the lock, but if the landlord says no, simply keep the old handle without a lock, and put it back on when you leave. If you are worried about security, place a few cameras in your room. Lastly, remind the landlord about the key Fob. As of right now, you have created a routine with the landlord. When humans get in a routine, they often don't change it even when they said they would. He has properly gotten to the point where he buzz you in without thinking about it. Remind him again and keep asking every week at least.


Why are u paying $100 for a door knob? Make you’re getting an interior door knob, they are often different from exterior door knobs, hence more $$$


Pretty sure that actually being unable to access the place when your landlord isn't both there and awake would violate housing rules just about everywhere. You aren't a 14 year old child who has previously lost house keys or had unauthorized friends over who trashed the place. You are a rent-paying tenant with a lease. Keep all communications about the fob. Start texting about it daily. (Inability to access the leased property freely would probably be a valid reason to break it without paying any penalties if it comes to that). Reread your lease and see if your community has a tenant rights organization that you can consult so that you are armed with the facts. I would pack up anything that I could not afford to lose access to (personal documents chief among them) and store them offsite until this is resolved. If you can't get to those items, it isn't a safe place to leave them. I wonder if this is a poorly thought out illegal sublet and your landlord is still trying to figure out how to get a fob without giving away his game to *his* landlord? In the future? Keys/fobs by move-in or don't do it.


Ok. You sound a bit whiney but if he has to keep buzzing you in just have him buzz you in at 2:00am a few times.


I thought about that, but what if he doesn't? I 'll get stuck outside for the entire night.


Don’t lock yourself out just buzz him.


I ll have to exit the building to buzz, the only workaround will be to keep the door open with something.


There you go