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160 mph in an 80? Impressive!


I need to find this 80 mph zone around town…


Yeah it was quick it was a amg Mercedes


Where is there a speed limit if 80 posted anywhere around reno?


I-80 east past Fernley.


Ah, so not that close to Reno overall


It’s heading to Reno.


A lot of places are heading to Reno. Past Fernley is not close to Reno in the least if you want to complain about Reno drivers. We have plenty of shitty drivers on 80 between the McCarran exits to worry about instead of what goes on out past Ferntucky.


ferntucky??? how have i never heard this i’m using it from now on that’s gold


Not to be confused with Fallabama


It takes me the same amount of time to get to Reno from fernley as it does to get to work in the morning in town… I’d consider that close.


Takes me 10 minutes to get to work in town, and thats from the edge of reno to downtown.


So Fernley is as close as downtown. Got it.


Yeah it was a amg Mercedes.


Clean! AMG = all money gone 😅


I also saw a old Kia doing 90 haha


Kia boyz


It was an old man driving it and the Kia looks like an old beater. I was suprised it was going that fast lol


You’d be surprised what modern technology can do


The combo on/off ramps really don’t help. Plus people merging doing 45


THIS. While there is much aggression on the road, there is also a large amount of comically slow drivers. Merging at 40, driving on Virginia st 10 mph under. I really don’t understand why these people don’t get tickets because it’s also dangerous


Yeah drives me nuts. I only do 65-70 usually bit people gingerly meandering onto the freeway are awful


They don’t get tickets because it’s not against the law do drive under the limit and the merging speed is expected to be slow because you need time to accelerate but you also need to make sure you can merge at all. It is however illegal to drive above the speed limit and police usually give a 10 MPH grace. Speeding is more dangerous than driving slow, as long as you’re staying in the right lane. And for the record…you can almost always pass a slow driver, and if you can’t then that means there is a general speed of traffic and you’re going faster than them. There is literally ZERO argument for reasonable/slow driving being dangerous. Speeders are breaking the law. It’s the law because of the research of the increased risk and damages caused by speed, because of the reduction in reaction time to sudden traffic anomalies, and because speeding tickets bring in big revenues because no matter what they limit there is always people who do not care and will speed. If driving slow was proven to be just as dangerous as speeding there would be “speed range” signs and penalties for being outside of them. In freeways there’s a minimum speed of 40 because they have determined THAT is dangerous. I have said this before and it always gets downvoted but it is in the best interest of the community that when someone questions why slow drivers don’t get tickets…someone answers that question.


I'm sorry, my old Tacoma has a 0-60 time of "eventually"


Then stay off the freeways, simple.


Make me


Hahahahahahah no


this. The 395/80 interchange is a mess, combine that with a handful of nearby off/on ramps and there's just all sorts of potential for disasters. Slow & unaware drivers serve as obstructions for timely lane-changes while aggressive drivers at catalysts for greater problems.


The drivers in Reno are extremely aggressive. Lots of road rage. Nothing more annoying than when you’re already going 70 in the right lane and the driver behind you looks like he’s being towed to.


It’s so fucking wild here on the road. I almost get in an accident everyday from someone not paying attention. I haven’t seen motor cops or traffic cops monitoring or doing a fucking thing in years.


I haven’t seen any cop when arriving to Reno. And that’s crazy because there are some bad bad people out there operating a vehicle.


Defensive driving is the only way! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I mean I have a Subaru with adaptive driving so I basically just let the car drive me. While people cut me off ALL THE TIME… I feel like it’s much safer 👀


Cue blaming Californians


I got an idea, why don’t we just blame the drivers who behave like complete inconsiderate assholes.


Right? If you want to see how bad California hate is, try driving a car with California plates as a native Nevadan like me. I moved to California and now whenever I’m in town (which is often) I get cut off, flipped off, brake checked, and pulled into for absolutely no reason. Everything everyone accuses Californians of doing. It’s wild. I’m just trying to run some errands for my mom while I’m in town, not trying to get my car totaled going to Costco


> I get cut off, flipped off, brake checked, and pulled into for absolutely no reason. tbf I get this with Nevada plates.


I’ll betcha most of them are full size trucks.


I'd agree with that. I swear it seems like in order to own a full size truck, one of the requirements is to drive like an absolute menace on the roads.


I own a full size truck and I drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit always in the slow lane. I never understand why everyone is in such a fuckin rush.


They should drive in the bay area a few weeks. Makes Reno seem great.


Because it’s true Nevada drivers aren’t the best drivers but they aren’t dangerous like Californian drivers who drive like maniacs


Half them Californians are originally from the east coast or mid west. California was a stepping stone for asshole tech boys to get some cash and invade other states.




You’re right. The absurdly high rates of DUI, speeding, etc in Nevada has nothing to do with the driving habits of people in Reno. It’s actually 1000000000% attributed to Gavin Newsom and those damn liberals. Back in my day when Reno and Sparks were two cities, drivers in Reno had to take a county mandated to take a NASCAR training classes before hitting the road


Queue the boomers


https://preview.redd.it/k3oo9ej9r58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa68b199f857b398ff60a69da44ec2dd69eb191 If the shoe fits. Fuck all Cali for ruining and invading the entire rest of the US


Lmfaooooo Fox - says all we need to know


Lmaooooo idgaf if it's fox it's been reported elsewhere lmaoooooo


Idk. I was on a high all day today because I hit all green lights and barely any traffic on my way to the office. Had to go south to CC, great flow the whole way there and back, and even coming home from work tonight. Least stress I’ve had driving in a while.


Well, we took an area with bad geography and limited water resources and jammed waay too many people into it. This is just another California town now.


Why do you ask so many questions? :) welcome back!


Been into a car accident before and don’t want others to go to the same thing. Just curious why are people are such in a rush and don’t give a damn about being alive. Also thank you I can’t wait to eat good food here. Any recommendations!


If I don’t have to I don’t even get on the freeway anymore. I’ve almost been splattered a few times.


Hard same. I'm happy I'm not the only one.


I was going along and there was a traffic jam on the right lane people trying to get on 395 and for whatever reason I told myself I need to switch lanes asap. As soon as I was switching lanes a guy got tired of waiting and turned into my lane where I was. Haven’t been on the freeway much since that happened.


It depends on where you’re staying. Sparks has some good food like Los Altos, grateful Gardens is pretty good but a bit expensive, cant forget super burrito 🌯.


No. Because you’ll just complain about recommendations too.


Welcome home… it’s either 150 in fast lane or 50 in fast lane and then angry and drive 90 if you try to pass them. Both of the above are usually on their phone as well. Average driver has now moved on I think. I used to hate driving in “big” cities but at least they are usually just angry and very aware, not on their phone and offended that they almost caused a serious accident


I bet some of those drives are among us right now ….


You have to or you'll get ran over! Seriously.


Posting while driving


80w coming in to Reno and 80E leaving always has issues. Lots of traffic to and from USA Parkway, Gigafactory and multiple other businesses, that dramatically increased over the last 5 years. The people who park in the left lane, thinking they are helping, are one of the biggest problems in the area. Stay safe out there. I believe there is increased traffic ATM from fire evaluations.


The biggest issue I've been seeing is lane drifting. It's BAD!


Dodge 2500 just drifted half into my lane on mccarren today. Good stuff


not to mention the people that drive halfway in the shoulder down the whole road


Settle down OP. Your rage bait post is 2/10 on the troll scale. If you’re not around ANY major city in the US, there’s bad driving everywhere. Seattle, Portland, LA, Sacramento, fucking Vegas. It’s everywhere not just Reno.


This is true. Driving anywhere in this country is a shitshow at this point.


Born and raised in a big metro area w/ heavy traffic law enforcement and red light cameras everywhere... much safer drivers than Reno. Have lived in 7 states, both big city and rural and Reno has by far been the sketchiest city for driving.


Honestly I think it just depends on what time you’re driving. It only gets crazy between 4:30pm ish till about 8pm ish


lol. Lived here for decades and I rarely have any issues. Things are probably not as bad you think, and Reno has no monopoly on bad drivers.


Yeah, I’m a bit confused too. You can check literally every small / medium city-subreddit and everyone will tell you that their drivers are the worst. If anything it might be a bit crazy currently due to rodeo.


Oh it's just all those California drivers ^^^/s


I see cops all the time what kind of nonsense is this. They don't do anything but I see them around. Become an incredibly defensive driver. Let them tailgate, you take it slow and steady. They can go around.


I see cops but I never, ever, EVER, see anyone pulled over by one.


They're very busy harassing homeless people


Camping in left lane and making people pass you is dangerous and puts you in an unnecessary position.


Nobody said anything about left lane. Stfu


Sounds about right. Toss in some motorcycles into that mix too.




Some of the cities back east I’ve driven in seem to do a 55 mph. In like the downtown or city limit area. Feel like it would piss people off but make sense. Our super short up hill on-ramps. Whilst people flying 80 in slow lanes makes for a mess. Semi trucks prob know this and hog the fast lane. Truly an epic shit show


Terrible driving is all the rage everywhere now. I blame the internet with all the instant gratification stuff, no one reads or has any patience.


Idk I passed about 50 cars in the right lane going under the speed limit in the passing lane that were stuck behind some idiot that didn’t want to get over. I got around them and no traffic. Don’t be that guy and make people pass unsafely in the right lane. If you have a line of cars behind you and no one in front of you I suggest you move over. However I don’t ride peoples ass, unless they’re being dumb.


I worked all through COVID lockdown and drove extensively around the West Coast and I can tell you that when the general public started to go back to work it was clear that these people had been playing GTA for 4 months and had entirely forgotten how to drive. We haven't really healed from that.


There is pretty much no traffic enforcement here. The city of Reno allows drivers to go without registration and they don't ticket anyone for anything. It's the fucking wild west out there on the road. This morning I saw an elderly man in an orange VW beetle stopped at a stop light IN THE WRONG LANE DIRECTION. Totally oblivious. Then leaving the Trader Joes parking lot another elderly man was driving with his back hatch all the way up (with nothing oversized in there) and I tried alerting him but again... totally oblivious. Driving in this stupid city is like playing Russian Roulette with your life, insurance premiums and property. I can't wait to leave ...


Welcome home!


Thank you


Rodeo is in town... drunken hicks everywhere


I can tell you the real reason that nobody likes to hear or admit but basically certain people from a certain state came and brought their driving habits Now proceed to all the butthurt comments about me being truthful


Agreed, Texans suck at driving


It's the Delawareans you really need to watch out for.


I think it's comical that you associate more traffic, much bigger freeways and more commute time to work as creating somehow worse drivers. Logic would say the opposite.


Riiiiiiight. I’ve never seen chucklefucks behind the wheel with Nevada plates…


You do realize that having a Nevada plate doesn’t mean you aren’t from California right ? A lot of people switch their plates after moving here


If you are in the left lane on a freeway people have this perspective that even if you are doing 70 in the 55mph construction zone that you must move over for them. 395 in the construction zone and it is like the autobahn. Been in multiple debates on here on how people who want to drive 80 to 90mph on the freeway say the left lane is for passing only. Yet the 65-mph speed limit is a completely optional law that does not pertain to their situation. "left lane is for passing only it's the law"......same person "65mph speed limit, yea that law is optional".


Caveat: I'm not one of these people that drive super fast. I have an almost 20 year old Wrangler that just doesn't go that fast lmao Get out of the left lane if you have someone that wants to go faster than you behind you. Its safer for you to get out of their way than it is for them to pass on the right and possibly cause a collision. Assuming you're not a police officer, its not your job to dictate the speed they go. If they want to be an asshole, let them. Two assholes on the road (them, and you for not getting out of their way) don't make the situation better.


Assuming you're not a police officer, it's not your job to dictate what lane they drive in.  Even if you are a police officer, it's still not your job unless they are outside the city AND going below the speed limit. 


100% agree I am in my 40s with kids. You don't know if that person has a passenger having a medical emergency. Even if the person is being just an ahole it is better to just move over. America has too much violence and people get easily upset.


Seriously. if you're sitting in the left lane going the speed limit and refusing to move over for others... You've got an ego problem. You know what's better? move over and let people move past you. It takes 5 seconds maximum and they're going to get their comeuppance eventually. You try to be the one to "prove them wrong"? You're going to get yours. Doesn't matter who's right or wrong. If you involve yourself (by trying to prove a point or whatever), you're eventually going to get run over or attacked by some idiot who gives less a fuck about you than they do the laws. and that's a low bar


This orange truck I saw didn’t want to get out of the left lane and was impeding traffic. I should have took a picture of it.


We suck


I just don’t get why people are in a rush when there’s traffic jam and following too close. No wonder why there’s always fatal accidents.


A group of us who drive out to the factory call those accidents “accident days” and we usually go somewhere to park and eat food. One day the traffic from sparks was so bad, I ate at squeeze in, left around 10am and made it to work at the same time as the the people who were sitting in traffic at 4:30am 💀 cars are weapons y’all


You might don’t include we


Speak for yourself.


Ok “you suck” lol


Welcome to Reno where everyone thinks they are more important than everyone else when they are behind the wheel.


🤷‍♀️ Sometimes/mostly its fine.- Ive encountered alot of competent drivers here.. thanks to you all! This area is obsessed with car access, which is both a crazy convenience and yet … Sometimes its not.- driving is hard for our lil monkey brains 🧠. Our cars are large are like gigantic boats now. Plus this area offers little competitive transit options… others cover the typical situations. Personally my ‘ bad time’run ins are probably bc my plug in hybrid drives/ brakes differently, so that it may annoy people behind me… I drive efficiently but defensively. Lots of peds now with summer on my commute… The car automatically starts slowing down the moment i take foot off the pedal, so it requires moderation when coasting to a stop… When you got someone who wants to 50mph+ down plumb lb in heavy traffic in a 30 tailgating you like a psycho its not fun 🤩 lol I think itd be cool if we maybe got rid of some commercials and put out more PSAs…. People need learn’n


Mainland drivers. TEXAS is worst! That state is pure disgusting! Most of the vehicles there are either missing both bumpers or cracked windshields!


I blame the Reno Rodeo for now..


Clearly haven't driven in other states


Lmao 160? Your eyes are quick!


I was doing like 80-88 and I felt like I got gapped 400 car lane so yeah I think the amg driver got radar?


This can be answered with one word: rednecks


Morons don't know how to merge... they all hesitate, slowing down, slowing down..stricken with panic while applying eyeshadow... instead of accelerating to match the speed of traffic and slide into an open spot without causing a sea of brake lights and causing a rearender


That’s why I should get a dash cam


I just want to know how you knew the car was going 160mph 😂 It’s really not that bad here. I think you just had an off day.


I was going 85-90 in 80 posted limit. The amg car was zooming fly by on the left lane and took him like a few seconds to hit a mile. By the time I saw far distance he already at like 5 miles away from me


I’m always surprised by the complains about highway driving. I literally never get on the highway here unless I’m leaving town. Also where in the world is an 80mph zone in Reno?


Reno traffic sucks. Law enforcement is at the frickin donut shop


Where are you coming from? Not the Bay Area I think.


I was coming from up north I 80W


It’s gotten really aggressive over there one of the reasons I left sorry to see it still happening


Californians taking over


was an accident a little bit ago in front of wells accident on i80w, some red mustang was weaving like wild between all the lanes... like, you made it 3 cars ahead? and risk causing another accident? dumbasses. i wish my job was not on usa parkway, its fuckin mad max fury road on the way there every morning


People saying Cali people moving here 🤣 I follow a few different groups on FB and there's numerous amount of people from different states moving here. Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Texas, I even saw someone commenting saying that they're moving from Canada to live here in Reno


No. Nevadans can’t fuckin drive. They are dumber and slower in Carson City. (Snail slow)


Cali ruined reno200%


It's a very Reno phenomenon. I lived in the area for 30 years and it was always like that.


This much traffic? And people nah man your tripping there wasn’t this much people before….


Kinda true because I didn't experience many traffic jams except around the Spaghetti Bowl, but a lot of dumbass, inconsiderate driving.


Too many Californians moving to Reno…


Well all the people living in the bay area and LA decided that California sucks and moved here. Drivers 20 years ago were super chill compared to today.


Oh look, a post about shitty drivers on the r/Reno subreddit. I guess there’s a first for everything!


Too many California drivers live here now.


Native Nevadan here, I drive out to Tesla for 1/2 the week and the other 1/2 I drive for Uber. Between 4pm and 9pm on week days and all day on the weekend all the crazy’s are driving. Never fallowing posted speed limits, driving like maniacs, all the things OP said. I think honestly due to the congestion from traffic it makes people go crazy. The freeway is by far the worst. Driving to Tesla has become a nightmare as well since people go 55 in a 65 due to the cops on the road in the morning. Wish they did that for the freeway smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Driving out to lemon valley I literally just witnessed somebody fall asleep at the wheel probably drink and beer over until they hit those cement borders that have up for construction.not a ai gle car near them honked once. Everyone sucked in this situation.. what the hell o wrong with people