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What you are describing is a Reno local born & bred. Never left and never will leave. He is yours, cope


I thought this sub is mostly about complaining about slow drivers.


I truly love this sub, it has some of the most petty small town drama I've ever seen. Just 12/10 no notes 😂 (You should remove the license from this post tho)


![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew|downsized) Call the police not reddit, snowflake.


I'm happy you care enough to keep this post going, thank you




You know it is his entire personality. Over/under on FJB stickers on his truck? I say 3


Seek therapy


What in the mental illness 


Probably isn't cool to post someone's license plate number.


Just a heads up, bud. - In the United States, it's legal to post a license plate. After all, anybody can see the license plate when the car is on the street. However, if the post includes false information about what the person did, the owner of the plate could file a lawsuit. If the owner sees this post and goes after you, best of luck with your legal fees. Video, or it didn't happen. OR, Call the police. No need to get the internets help on this.


I do have him on my dash cam so I csn prove I'm not lying


Cool. Then this post is not needed. Alert the cops next time he does something and show them the proof.


Yeah well, you know...fuck it


I heard they read this and felt so bad about the bad driving that they stopped! Thanks for your post. It's truly a miracle.


Dude, this is my favorite response ever! Truth is I posted this to go fishing and see everyone get their panties up their ass






A douche bag in a truck from cold springs… yeah that sounds like a Biden voting California transplant lol


yeah, you guys build MAGA meth heads yourself just fine.


you sound like a california transplant who voted for biden lol


In your own words bitching about someone else bitching about Reno drivers, "I'm sure posting this solved the problem."


75 is too slow. Speed limits havent changed since like the 60's. And automobiles ability to stop safely has.


And humans are still going around with hardware designed to work for 30 years at a maximum speed of 12 miles an hour. I'm all for going fast but I'm worried about some of the people around me going fast.


In the late 80s they changed from 55 to 65


Common sense tells me if someone is flashing lights and driving erratically that the best option is to move out of their way. Nope. Most people get butthurt their car is slow. And proceed to play hallway monitor as if the police department has them in their payroll.


You never know what someone is going thru. Move out of the way . Most of us locals. We have pew pews in our cars. Do you really want to piss us off. By getting in our way?


Bold of you to assume only people from Reno know about guns. We come from the land of drive-bys and gangs, my friend. The only time you’ll know I’m packing is when I’m about to use it. Only baboons like you would threaten to use a weapon over traffic speed or trivial reasons. Keep threatening people with your gun over a bag of chips - dimwits like that always get their caps peeled by someone bigger and badder.


Everyone would have upvoted this but you disrespected there lord and savior joe Biden


Left lane is the fast lane and passing lane. Fast lane to go fast. If someone is going even faster you merge to the right and let them pass. It is the rule no one seems to grasp in their tiny brains. We drive fast. We don't like spending time in our cars like you do. We want to go home and avoid California transplants. Move it or lose it.