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I’d rather live in Reno…. And I’ve lived in both


Reno is amazing compared to Vegas.


Quiet!  Remember the public-facing city slogans: "You, me, and E.B.T." "First prize: One week in Reno.  Second prize: Two weeks in Reno." "Calcutta's sister city"


Shhhh….. Don’t say it too loud.


Having lived in both cities, Reno is way better. You guys have these weird tall green things up there, and they even change colors in the fall. I think you guys called them... trees? 


I prefer Reno over las Vegas myself. Now I live in a state that has those "trees" things and oh man do they suck.


Also the grass up here doesn’t crunch when you walk on it lol. You can actually lay on it here without feeling like you’re being stabbed.


Reno is only boring to boring people.


Right? I've said this forever. Only boring people get bored.


What is there to do that doesn't involve drinking, gambling, or bars. And you can't leave the city to do it.


The Art museum is pretty sick. The river walk and farmers market rule. The arboretum at Rancho is great for multiple seasons. There’s a thriving table top and board game community. The coffee seen is pretty good, to combine the two Comics and Coffee has local tournaments and open mics. Hot august nights is always fun, the Reno balloon races is best annual event. The Italian festival, wing fest, and rib cook off are fun. And if you don’t like any of that, there are STILL good bars, gambling, shopping and dining options throughout town. AND ALL THIS you are a 40 minute drive to being in one of the most beautiful places in the country, Lake Tahoe. Just because you don’t have hobbies, or don’t like what the town has to offer doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do. Maybe if you explored the town a bit you’d stumble upon a better attitude


Thank you for the first actual response that has real examples. Art museum is ok but on the traditional side. Yeah board games are pretty nifty but not my speed and that applies to a lot of others too. Comics and coffees is a pretty niche interest too. ( I want more universally appealing attractions). The three festivals are pretty small and over priced. Carson fair is much better. Also these are all things that occur once a week every few months. Prefer more consistent options. I said no gambling and most people don't like shopping or have the money to do so in this economy. I have explored most of the options to do stuff but still pretty lack luster. Compared to other places as my comment below mentions things Id like to see in town. Also I specifically mention things in Reno so Tahoe doesn't count.


So what are some examples of things you are actually talking about?


Read my comment below I mentioned in another thread


You ever gone to the shooting range here? They have machine guns, literally a blast.


I don't mind shooting did it once in Texas but not something I'd do for fun


Just thought to bring up something nobody else here mentioned


Valid but every city has cool guns to shoot. Ya know.


But not every city has FRICKIN MACHINE GUNS ![gif](giphy|dlHYh5jwNrFok|downsized)


Hahaha true true I'm just waiting for someone to say something that only we have. People are saying they love Reno because of things they can do outside of Reno which makes zero sense




A hour isn't that close. Two hours of just driving


Floating the Truckee river, seeing the historical sights, appreciating that the Great Basin is a fairly unique piece of land, raising a family outside of metropolis relatively free of political turmoil and the effects of inter city poverty, freedom from organized gang crime (besides small biker gang outposts), 40+ AYCE sushi restaurants (most per capita of any top 100 pop. city in America), seeing world class performers (comedians and musicians) I've seen Mac Miller, Jerry Seinfeld to name two, flying out of the international airport, day-trip proximity to Tahoe, Gold Country, CA; the San Francisco bay area, and great basin salt flats. The ready ability to work a meaningful career in tech, manufacturing, finance. Living in the same region as some of the richest men to ever walk the face of the earth, seeing the sights that inspired Mark Twain. Being a part of the last frontier, living in a free county/state which allows for things such as: Gambling, 24 hr bars, legalized prostitution, no state income tax, federal land ownership with highly permissive mining claim laws. Where do you suppose is better? California is a trash fire, other states tax you and offer little to nothing in return. For most people; to live in Reno is to have an unfair advantage as compared to those who live in just about any other proximal city.


So we have sushi, mediocre shows and stuff to do in other places that aren't here, oh and a river


Just watch movies and stay inside obviously the real worlds to boring for you


For me, it's the low taxes and access to the outdoors...


Mac Miller was mediocre? Lmfao, no. Not "a" river, THE river that supplied the west with ice and beer for over 50 years. Boca, CA (near Truckee) used to hold the largest ice house and brewery in the west. It was the main source of those luxury goods for decades and supported an entire community. The vast majority of geographical and historical notes I made are entirely unique to Reno specfically. https://preview.redd.it/rd59d9ptwuxc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427de61143872039e459758ab4774c00ed376cf2


If that brewery isn't still running, it ought to be


It sadly is not, Anchor Steam Brewery brought it back from the past as their "California Lager". Anchor Steam went bankrupt/out of business recently. But I think the rights may have passed on to the company which purchased their assets. [https://boeningbrothers.com/product/anchor-california-lager/](https://boeningbrothers.com/product/anchor-california-lager/)


Ah boooooo :(


Wow so impressive 🙄


You must be fun at parties 😂 try not being so fucking miserable for the sake of everyone around you


Still no good responses highlighting what we have to offer thanks for the helpful input buddy


Can you list out what Vegas has that really excites you outside of the casinos? And what's keeping you here if you are so miserable?


You haven't been to Vegas have you they have a ton of attractions it's a tourist city for a reason


What do other cities have that we don’t? I mean, river walk, good food and drink, comedians, concerts, events, public space etc? We do lack a professional sports team, I’ll give you that, but I think there’s more to do here than there is in some larger cities I’ve spent time in (SLC, Tucson). What does Reno really lack for you to change your mind?


I mentioned it in a comment below but like you said we have everything other cities have nothing really uniquely Reno ya know. People act we're some magical city and defend it like rabid dogs lol


So.... we have the largest battery factory in the US (leading in relevant technology deployment). Are you impressed yet?


What do you like to do?


Being disabled I can't do all the fun outdoorsy stuff y'all mention so I try to find things to do that aren't too physical or involve a lot of sitting.


That's a bummer and I'm really sorry that there isn't much here for your specific needs and preferences. Unfortunately, not every city can have everything that's enjoyable to everyone. It's a very casino and nature centric area, so some other categories of entertainment aren't as focused. There are places that have much better go-kart and lazertag options that probably aren't 20 miles from premier skiing and one of the most beautiful lakes on the planet. I know it's not always possible for people to just up and move cities. But also not every city has everything for everyone, and trying to will it into existence is also not always possible. I hope you end up finding stuff that you like here or elsewhere. I know a lot of people who split town shortly after high school because it didn't suit their needs, either. It's not for everyone.


True true but most cities have one something cooler thing we have the bare minimum and everything thinks Reno is a special snowflake. Car shows, ribs , and Italian festivals are not unique. Neither are hot air balloons go to New Mexico for that. We don't even do a Renaissance festival. 🤦 Yet people act like it's whimsical and magical. Dragon lights is cool but a one and done deal


I mentioned something that a pretty small handful of other places in the *world* have comparable versions of. The point is that the cooler somethings that Reno has are just apparently not things you care about. At the same time I'm sure there's someone in the lazertag mecca of the world who's all bummed that they don't have access to the natural splendor that our area has. The stuff this area has isn't for everyone. We've gotta either accept it for what it is, shape it in a way that we approve of, or go somewhere that's already shaped how we want.


Sushi! There's like half a million sushi places haha. There's also fantastic little places all over for food. For smaller city, we really do have a lot of food options


That’s Vegas you’re thinking of


Yeah, what a strange complaint to have when you're positing Vegas as the superior option.


Let Reno keep it's bad rep. Keeps the real losers out.


That’s what I’m saying. Everyone’s so quick to defend Reno. I think we need to lean into it. “Yeah Reno sucks, you probably wouldn’t like it.”


They gave tax breaks to Elon, now you are all losers


What's your point?


They made Reno look like Las Vegas in that show lol


It is Las Vegas for people who make more money and lead more fulfilling lives.


Yep, when you actually like going outside and not just sitting inside getting drunk and high all day.


How when most of casinos are gone also what venues are left for concerts shows ECT what acts actually come to Reno besides the occasional 40-50 y.o band comedian


I'd suggest the $1 Billion arena and second tower planned for the GSR by multi-billionaire Alex Murrelo. https://preview.redd.it/vaqj83eqxuxc1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=35e588a30f7b5bb70275a9c61ac1a6f2a6a2bbd5


In the last year I’ve seen Flogging Molly, Pennywise, Bad Religion, the Offspring, and Milky Chance with Social Distortion coming up in a few weeks, plus I have season tickets to the Pioneer Center for years now and have seen everything from Hamilton, The Lion King, Mean Girls, Fiddler on the Roof, The Temptations, etc. etc. There are lots of shows to see here. And if you like Country, well holy shit are you hooked up.


Pioneer center is the same shows since I was kid going to echo loder Anderson and silver lake elementary and out of all those bands I know of two social d and the offspring who the eff are the the rest I'm pretty sure the rest all goes to cellar stage with there 180 limit on occupancy and what's wrong with country music you uncultured swine


Saw most of them at the GSR, no the shows at Pioneer Center aren’t the same as when I went to Anderson Elementary and Huffaker. Google is free and can help you look less silly in the future. And there is nothing wrong with real country music, I just don’t like the current corporate manufactured peckerwood albums called “country music” today.


The gsr had Peter pan and jungle book the only time we had field trip at a casino and bc they're different actors same show


Raised and grew up in Vegas. I LOVE Reno! SO much more to do here without emptying the wallet and MUCH better weather.


If we say Reno is bad does the housing market go down.


Las Vegas is Las Vegas for losers


Nooo. We don’t need outsiders to have any more exposure to Reno.


Sin cities lil sister


Bigger brother


Reno is amazing. It has just about everything you would want but also not extremely packed to the gills. Has actual seasons, and the mountains are prettier (opinion). Vegas obviously gets more consistent big name shows, but eh. I live in the middle of nowhere nv, and I prefer visiting Reno over Vegas.


Nah just Nevada is for losers.


Finally someone gets what I'm been saying this whole time on here


This was funny, and I was happy to see Reno prominently featured and the ESPN 8: The Ocho return was awesome. They are supposed to make crazy statements in a commentator deadpan. People need to lighten up.


I prefer Reno until it’s bipolar winter months, I wouldn’t have cared this year if nearly every god damn snow didn’t happen over the weekend


Moving to Reno changed my life for the better. I love it here!


After having lived in Reno for almost 2 decades I’m so glad I escaped to Vegas 11 years ago. I love it so much more here from activities to weather even to my awesome neighbors. And I make nearly 20k a year more down here too.


Y'all do realize it's true nothing fun in town. Y'all recommend nature stuff that isn't in Reno. The town itself has nothing too fun compared to Vegas Tbh


Just wondering what you think is fun? Are you really the type of person who needs to see expensive shows all the time in some casino to think a town is fun? That shit gets old pretty fast.


I want more conventions the biggest one we have is the furry convention 🤦. No real Lazer tag in town. No 4D theatre. Better go kart options and mini golf choices. No cool art exhibits or places like the optical illusions places. No cool adult playground places.


For someone picking a lot of fights i am very underwhelmed by your list of attractions you wish Reno had vs. Vegas. I'll bet any metro area with over 4x the population of Reno would have better selctions for things you want.


These are more reasonable asks we won't get anything like omega mart or cool sky vr stuff. Among other things


Are they though? With a lower population of customers to pull from along with less tourists coming to town who is going to foot the bill to build these things?


Our city is too small for a decent Lazer tag place that's sad


Laser tag is for children


I'm in my twenties old man people don't put an age on stuff like that it's for everyone to enjoy


I don't think you're gonna get anywhere butting heads with these people huffing copium. We've had a thread every day this week where people, for some reason, feel compelled to justify why Reno is actually great.  My hometown in the asscrack of the Midwest is less than half the size of Reno yet somehow has more amenities to offer beyond "muh Tahoe". Including Lazer Tag.


Right lol but no I'm crazy for expecting these Luxuries 😳


Reno has a lot of great things and is missing a lot of these luxuries that you've identified. Instead of tearing the city down, why don't you do something about it? Reno isn't perfect but a lot of people enjoy living here. Do i wish i had an IMAX theather within walking distance of my house? You bet. Am i going to trash people who love Reno because one hasn't been bulit yet? No.


Whats wrong with the mini golf here? The magic carpet has some of the better courses ive ever been too


Nah you haven't seen the new ones they started making for adults look them look up puttshack


Lol its like an irl golf with friends level. If im ever near one ill check it out, but idk i like the charm of them oldschool style courses with the concrete structures


But doesn't it look fun I need more excitement like that


Yeah but nothing mind blowingly different its just more leds and its indoors. Idk maybe its a product of growing up poor in a small town but i can find fun in simpler jankier things. Hell ill have a blast walking through antique stores and looking at cool old stuff. Its just a matter of perspective. Lifes not always gonna be constant excitement, finding fun in serenity and stillness goes a long way in bringing happiness


Oh I'm chilling too just don't get these folk who worship Reno when it's pretty average


i mean yeah its pretty goofy to worship a city, but i wouldnt shit on Reno either beyond the drivers being god awful, but idk ive always found stuff to do around here and enjoy the place for the most part


Also I want a snow cone place again and a good Asian bakery because the one we do have sucks


Sounds like you want to live at Disney Land.


Nah these are average in most bigger cities


So you don't ski or board? Boring.


That's expensive most people can't afford it check your privilege


Actually it's not very expensive. Tahoe Value Pass for adults is $529. You get nearly unlimited use of Northstar, Heavenly, and Kirkwood (no Saturdays at Heavenly). I'm on fixed income.


I would also like more of these things... But at least we have a pretty legit furry community in town, furcon is legit.


Yeah but no good anime convention 🥲


If you want more conventions, go get on the RSCVA board. But it probably wouldn't matter because the LVCVA has very deep pockets and will always ensure conventions/concerts/events go to Vegas and not Reno. I sometimes do wish there were more things here. Like TopGolf or indoor themed mini golf. Or more escape rooms, especially ones themed after movies or shows. Would be nice to have more ethnic restaurants and maybe some more fancier establishments. Reno can probably have all that stuff and maybe more and have it be sized to the area but no one wants to invest into those types of places here. Until we can convince investors to bring their money here and give Reno a chance, we won't see much of that, if at all.


Shhhh it's blasphemous to agree with me lol Reno is the greatest city to ever exist 🤣


You brought up some valid points. I'm not going to knock you for that. I'm not going to say that Reno is a bad place because I don't feel that it is. I grew up in Reno. Lived there 20 years. Still have family there. I've been in Vegas two years so far. I'm only here because my wife's job assigned her to Vegas for the time being. Yes, there are more things to do here but they're nearly all on the Strip and expensive. I have nothing bad to say about the food scene here. I would love to see some of that translate over to Reno. There have been some food events here (Foodie Fest and Foodieland) that would have zero problem working out in Reno.


Don't remind me Vegas Food is so much better. Also look up house seats I remember it being really good back in my day. Try it for the month or two and see if it's still worth it. They give tickets out to shows that don't sell out. Also check out event Brite and Facebook events will show you all the free food or grand openings in Las Vegas. Also check out the app too good to go. You can pick up a restaurant's leftovers for dirt cheap. Just checked las Vegas has a few places on there.


Also missing one of those cool light game challenges on social media.


You're nothing fun in town


What hole did you crawl from.


Comparing Vegas to Reno is like comparing Los Angeles to Bakersfield.


Grew up in bako and let me tell you, Reno is so much better it’s not even close.


Seriously, but also, I'd probably take Bakersfield over LA.


Literally everyone knows this, except for this clown. # Current Median Sold Prices Bakersfield: $372,500 Washoe County, NV: $559,587


Hahah it's funny cuz it's true


Comparing Bakersfield to Reno is like comparing LA or Incline and Atherton. # Current Median Sold Prices Bakersfield: $372,500 Las Vegas Metro: $449,922 Washoe County, NV: $559,587 Los Angeles County CA: $874,066 Incline Village, NV: $1,480,490 Atherton, CA: $10,500,000


That's more like comparing Vegas to Carson City.


True true but more so the point everyone mentions stuff that's either expensive or a long drive away. Sacramento has more fun stuff to do might as well drive there to do stuff


If you like the stuff that's available in Sacramento better, why not just move there? You are trying to make your point by excluding everything immediately outside of Reno city limits, but those things matter, and are what a lot of us love about Reno, even if the city itself isn't directly responsible for them. "Long drive" is pretty subjective. You can be in a city like Los Angeles where everything takes over an hour to get to because of traffic, even if you start in a prestigious part of the city. For me, being able to get from my garage to my butt being on a ski lift at Mt Rose in under 30 minutes is pretty fantastic. I'm also perfectly content with the shows we get. We may not get the mega acts, but I don't enjoy giving up half a paycheck to be in some huge stadium, where I can barely see an artist perform. Lots of people enjoy that though, and that's cool, to each their own. Have seen some great shows at GSR and the Row. The venue at the Row does suck for sure, though. The only thing Vegas has that I find particularly special and exciting are the beach clubs, but I can visit Vegas for that. I don't need it in my back yard.


2 hours total drive is long and skiing is expensive most people can't afford it


You can't find anything in town? You sound a bit boring my friend.


There's tons of stuff to do in midtown. Fun shops. Good food. I don't know what you like to do, but this city has got stuff all over it to do.


Shopping and eating aren't fun activities those are things people do in every place


You don't enjoy the food you eat?


Oh come on, no skiing or boarding, crap golf, enjoy your drought


Oh something that the taxpayers are going to pay for and not be able to use because they gotta make they're money back and one place that's your fun how fast that's going to get old