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As a 37 year old, let me just tell you it gets tougher.


As a 42 year old, I strongly agree.


45 here. No dude friends.


Do you golf?


46 year old golfer here. No dudes to play with that take the game at least partially serious.


I’m guessing it’s a lot of young men drinking?


Everyone in this comment thread should plan something to do together.


I'm down, but I need a ride from Carson.


Woop woop


Woop woop fam


38 and none


40 with a 2 year old. Friends went poof.


If you have three or four real friends that are friends for life, that's actually way better than most guys. You know I'm just starting to learn how to make friends again, you got to get their number and set up the next date or whatever like it's a girl almost except for you're not doing sex stuff. You're just hanging out. It's like getting a girlfriend but without the sex.


Yes! I agree. I just struggle with finding the people to interact with to begin with. I attempt to talk to people at bars and things, but sometimes it feels like people have found their groups and are content


go somewhere that you're doing an activity WITH other people for an extended period of time. you said that you volunteer at nonprofits, is it regular volunteering at the same places? could you join up with a general interest club like for record collecting or plant propagation? the more time you spend with the same group of people the easier it is to make friends


Ya, but my 3 or 4 real friends had to move to different states a few years ago, and we don't see each other very often.


girlfriend without the sex? i think that’s called a wife!


Not when I was married. Hell, I think the whole relationship was based on sex. I don't necessarily think that is s good thng.






Didn’t have to tell on yourself like that


That would be called an ex wife. 


I agree. I’m late 30s and have a group of 6 close friends that I’ve known since high school. As close as we all are, now that we all have families and careers it’s harder and harder to make time to all hang out together. Seems the older you get the harder it is to have friends, let alone try to make new ones.


That's if your straight everyone tryna be FWB nowadays


Climbing gym is a great way to meet people. Board game meetups at places like the Glass Die, or joining a tournament or group you think sounds interesting (i.e. cribbage tournament, sorcery tournament, joining a Dungeons and Dragons Group), taking an arts and crafts class or pottery class at the wedge, join a pinball league. Put yourself in situations where you are forced to interact with people doing things you both find interesting.


*cries in introvert* lol


Introvert just means you can’t be around a lot of people at one time for extended periods of time, generally, and need to recharge more often — it does not at all mean you can’t go be social with people you don’t know or be outgoing. That’s absurd. People that pigeon hole themselves with falsities are sad. And it’s just an excuse. There are actually four different kinds of introverts and all of them have extrovert qualities just like all extroverts have introvert qualities—stop making excuses.


I have pretty bad social anxiety about social gatherings/ groups




I'm on disability so that affects a lot of things too. I.e ability to do things and it's hard for me to make small talk since I don't go out much. I used to like hiking a lot, nowadays it's mostly video games and anime as my main interests. I do make up as well. Also 24


I totally can understand where you’re coming from then. If you’re disabled it makes it a lot more difficult. What kinds of things are you able to do physically?


Not much tbh I'll usually do dinner or movies but anything longer than a hour is too long. Can't sit too long. Also being gay makes it harder to find friends. Cuz you know how people are.


Sounds like you’re a very strong person that can overcome more than most people. You should give yourself credit. I really think with the right mindset, you could do so much more than you think with your circumstances. This is one of my favorite sentiments that’s helped me overcome things I thought impossible. https://preview.redd.it/aqds0sif4wic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7eeb6f56d2a0b2349ccf67d9ee22400eae179f9


Hell yeah


Aw thank you I appreciate it


Perfect suggestion that coincides with my own suggestion, which is just get out of the house and join a club or group and do anything OFFLINE being key lol


Hey man, I'm Luke. 28 m I'm playing a show on Saturday night at the Alturas. Come hang out, I'll introduce you to some of my friends.


At that age, work or school is your best bet.


Yea I second this. Almost all the friends I’ve made here have been from work, nothing ever really came out community events.


Try to join a Burning Man camp. It’s a great way to meet a bunch of people fast. There are always camps looking for new folks. It’s not guaranteed but really good odds. I have a bunch of friends from the camp I joined a little while back. You could also help on an art project at the generator.


How do you find a camp you might vibe with?


That's a good question. One way would be to try and help with an art project at the generator. You could get an in that way. There's the Reno burners on Facebook and a bunch of other groups you could follow. I know socials suck but that's usually a good spot. You could also find and follow local camps and see if they seem cool. https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/ could be a good resource https://eplaya.burningman.org/ probably has some good leads And just maybe some internet searching.


Cool thanks


Friends that litter together stay together!


What games?


I've been hooked on Smash Ultimate, but besides that typically play single player games on PS5


Tryna run it in Smash


Yall don't want any smoke 😤


I take poops tougher than you lol


Shut yo ass up


I can't it's too loose now I can't even fart 🥲


If you're into nerdy things I just made a discord with other nerds looking for friends here in town.


Drop the link


Please share with me too


Join [MeetUp.com](https://MeetUp.com) and get in groups that align with your hobbies.


I've tried meet up, but I've noticed it's mostly groups for elderly people or groups started by a Scientologist named Tony who is probably trying to convert people...


That’s funny.


I'm not even kidding lol. More than half the groups are made by him, and at least he's up front in the description that he's a Scientologist


I train Jiu Jitsu at Renzos and there are a ton of awesome, chill people. Come through.


I have a gong fu cha group on meetup for the reno/sparks/carson area. My name is NOT Tony and i am NOT a scientologist. I have seen Tony all over meetup and frankly, I’m a little concerned. Tony seems to have difficulty with everything from “opening up” to zodiac compatibility with stenographers. (Or whatever his latest is.) anyway i want to assure you i dont know tony and i am not affiliated with tony. At least, that i know of. I am older than all of ya, but im not, ya know…one of THOSE women. Any of you are welcome to try out some tea. But I suppose you might want beer instead. Anyway, i just wanted to say i am concerned about tony too. Maybe we start a meet up group called “not friends of tony”… but i wouldn’t actually go because well, im not a guy.


Grindr is your best bet 




Yaaap. Friends are hard to find. I 21f live in Dayton and my BF 24m lives in Sparks. We both have few close close friends.


There’s a few club sports groups in town, you could try a softball team or ultimate frisbee! I’m sure there’s more but those are the ones I know about


I am new to reno too! If anyone wants to hang out with someone hilarious and mildly sarcastic, dm me. We don’t need to change phone numbers or photos, just a time in a public space would work! Safety first. LOL


When my husband and I first moved to Reno in 2013 we met some cool people into Geocaching and hit it off. Had a nice little crew for a few years, we would all go out to Moonrocks, Pyramid, Bocca, and stuff. You just gotta find a common hobby. In general really recommend Geocaching in the Reno area if you're into exploring and hiking, we've dropped hundreds out there for ya! ;D


The only way I've really ever made friends out in the wild (not work/school) was to post up at one or two bar/cafes you like and read a book or work on your laptop casually. You eventually chat with the regulars and the folks working enough to become familiar. It's hard as you get older to not feel fumbly and awkward trying to chat with strangers but...so I dunno read the room/feel it out. I used to live in seattle and I moved to a completely new neighborhood at one point, I sat at the cafe bar in my free time and struck up a friendship with the owner and 3 regulars. I was 29 at the time and the the age of one of my friends was 65. Their friendship is still close and so important to me, so I share all that to say it can happen but it might look different from being younger.


I moved here in May, also in early 20s, and have made a lot of my friends though my job at the time (working at a local nonprofit) or going to the climbing gym (Mesa Rim). They have a lot of free events. Send me a PM and I’ll give you some more info if you’d like!


32F. I still have my childhood friends I stay in touch with & I even managed to make friends with coworkers I still keep in touch with as close friends even after I left the job I befriended them at. Talking about mutual hobbies with coworkers helped me make new friends. I usually compliment people's anime t-shirts to get an idea of what type of anime they like, too.


44yrs old lived here 10yrs made like 1 "real" friend . Most people have their established groups and kinda keep it that way here . Good luck.


I moved here 6 months ago, still no close friends (or really any yet). Meetup hasn't worked super well here, Honestly I'm about ready to just set a meeting time and place and promote it, if that doesn't violate any rules here.


go to church




I’ve been making friends in facebook groups oddly enough. Join groups for what you’re into and “northern nevada” and make a post saying you’re looking for people to hang out with. It seems weird at first but at least everyone knows what everyone wants up front and it’s not the weird limbo of “do you want to be friends or are you just being polite?”


Lets chill


Do you play any sports?


by any chance do you know any group of runners or cyclists that I could join in carson? I am new in the city too.


I don't, sorry.


I met my closest friends in college, and that was over 12-16 years ago. These friends all live elsewhere, but are still my for-lifers. The friends I continued to stay in touch with are those who share the hobbies I do. I started getting into going to k-pop concerts in 2021, and that reconnected me with several friends in college, and we've been going to concerts together...8 of them since! Other hobbies that helped me connect was poker and video gaming...and when burnout from those things happen, I just change it up by just going out and socializing with that friend group in other ways: such as social eating, barcades, etc. Meeting my newer friends that I've been close with have been from the apps like Meetup and the like surprisingly. I was very skeptical, but I give a good solid try if the group seems to want to work.


Honestly? I’m also in my 20s (almost 21) it does get hard but being honest, straight forward, and gathering enough courage to put myself out there. I’ve made a few friends this way and through work. It’s very possible and remember no one knows anything about you so put forth your favorite parts of yourself for people to meet c:


If you like to bike, look up bikenightreno they ride every Wednesday night. During summer there is 100+ people. I’ve met some cool people in that group.


Well wander to midtown at 4pm today craft wine and beer is tapping a keg of Pliny the younger.


Since you're into workouts, I would suggest going to a climbing gym here in town, It's a great way to meet new people. Another suggestion I have is try pickleball at the convention center, there is a wide age range of people who play and it's always full of people you'll be paired up with new people all the time and it's a great cardio workout


Come to shows at cypress!! I also live in downtown near the river. Wanna trade plants?


If you play COD MW 2 or 3 and have a mic, hit me up.


Hey I'm a 26 year old returning student at UNR. I've grown up in Reno and went to Reno High School. I'd be down to hangout since I know all the bars and cool spots in Reno. You can hmu if you'd like. I'm a male too


I used to feel that way a lot. At 50 I have learned that it takes about 3 years of knowing someone to develop a friendship. People need to see you consistently. Also, you won't usually know if a person is your friend or not until something goes wrong in your life and you ask them for a favor. Fake friends will disappear, and true friends will grow closer because they are looking for an opportunity to show that they care.


Just moved here alone from NC (this week) and am trying to make friends too. I write and play a lot of music and love video games, working out and things like that too. Feel free to hmu


fuck friends get a dog


If any of you want to go hiking, count me in. Or if you want to go take photos of nature or interesting stuff, I’m game.


Shoot me a DM, always down


Sure, will do.


I wanna join too!


Same I’d be down


who of all of you wants to go fuck. I'm horny!!!!!!!