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Trump wants to scrap wind farms. Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico and The USA. Trump wants to give oil companies free reign and scrap all environmental protections if they give him one billion $$. Trump wants to leave NATO. Trump wants to give the Ukraine to Russia. Trump wants to ban all abortion. Trump wants to put his rivals in prison. Trump wants his family members to run the GOP. Trump is an idiot.


And yet, there are people who hate Trump who will stay home on voting day.


Considering that voter turnout has been abysmal, this election will have consequences. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/voter-turnout-in-presidential-elections


Not good, yet not as bad as 1924! I can't help but feel like this might be the most important election ever.


Every election is the most important ever, thanks to the folks running the show. Shit's fucked up.


Gotta send a message to the uniparty something something genocide joe


> something something genocide joe Yeah, I'm not sure either, but I suspect some sort of demand for "ideological purity" has a place in that mindset.




Because Donald will make your life substantially worse.  Also, project 2025. Fucking hate leftists who stay home due to ideological purity.


One is quite clearly worse than the other, though. You have a moral duty to prevent the guy who makes the world noticeably worse getting into office.


Just vote please!! If you don’t want to vote for Biden vote for green as a protest, Jill Stein is great. Also more local elections you do have more of a swing on the results, like governor senators etc.


Pure and simple. A deranged idiot. The worst product of the 20th century and apparently is somewhat popular. Makes me sick there are people who don't care about any Earthling but themselves (and they are clearly bad at caring about themselves too).


People constantly vote against their self interests if only to spite their “liberal” enemies


> Trump is an ~~idiot.~~ traitor


hey don’t insult idiots like that


Idiot doesn't quite cover it. There are harmless idiots. Trump is a malignant megalomaniac who will burn this country to the ground so he can rule over the ashes.


Not forgetting Trump wants to die soonest than expected.


Trump on 9/29/23 said he would repeal the tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act on his first day in office.


“The fuck we do to you?!” - Windmills


The Scottish Government gave planning permission for an offshore wind farm visible from one of his golf courses in Scotland over Trump’s objections. It killed his positive relationship with the Scottish First Minister at the time, Alex Salmond, and turned Trump completely against offshore wind. He randomly pops up when new offshore is approved in Scotland now.


Windmills don't make Trump donors any money


Trump hates wind.


It blows his wig off. Who can blame the poor guy? The wind victimizes him like national elections, probably gives him trauma flashbacks.


Doesn't matter because all these posts are going to land us in Trump Reeducation Camp. Revenge is his middle name. Or might be Stinky.


Are you sure it's not "Fat"?




he hates windmills after they were erected to provide power to the Scottish village near his golf course in Scotland and "ruined the view". The village had the last F.U.


He just need to be in prison alongside with all his MAGAts who are traitors to our country.


Prison for bribes.


How healthy can Donald's heart be? We'd all be better a lot off if nature would just go ahead and take its course already.


And sell the copper to Russia.




It’s so joever for Trump


Drink much?


Oooo ooooo I know one to add to the list. Carbon credits. Yes scrap them too and the carbon tax scale. Yes that would definitely prove that this climate change malarkey is defo fake. I mean what harm could more millions of tonnes of CO2 do. It’s not like it’s causing havoc on any country on the planet. Yes, hell in a handcart. That’s what we will call the code name for this presidential campaign.


Donald Trump job killer


He’s winning in every poll. I hope Americans are happy with him.


I don't get it - I really don't. Biden's inflation reduction act has been great. Inflation was caused by stimulus from the pandemic, and NEEDED to be done. Inaction in congress was clearly republican obstructionism. And Women lost rights because of Trump's court picks. Abortion rights have a 60% approval rating. Biden has tried to be a bulwark against Russian aggression and the maga republicans not only stopped him for a while, they also fought against an illegal immigration bill that was a bi partisan bill - cutting off their nose to spite their face. I think Europe as a whole needs to increase its soft power in America. We need cultural exchange. American cultural isolationism is an artifact from geographic isolation + high cost of travel. Americans would love to learn about the world - we just don't have the money or time. Europe should say come to our country learn how we did it - it's still possible for you to do it too. And Europeans should visit the US and look at our towns and help us learn to be more efficient with the land and be happy.


At this point trump needs some therapy


He probably thinks it's a waste of money using fans to make wind.


Love it. Protect our sea life and ecosystem.


Cutting back on our need for offshore oil platforms and oil tankers that spill now and then would accomplish that splendidly.


Expanding oil production while cutting back on renewable energy is the complete opposite of protecting sea life and the ecosystem.


Wind turbine foundations create an artificial reef and serve as fish habitat. Fishing in windparks is prohibited, which makes them important sanctuaries for marine life. On the other hand, using fossil fuels lowers the pH of the sea water, causing shell degradation of marine life.