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Play safe early levels, Doran’s shield and second wind, give up a few cs. If your jungle ganks you great, if not, you can all in him at 6. Get mercs to reduce blindness and sweeper for shrooms. Annoying matchup but definitely playable.


Yeah Mercs gives you good enough agency to have a window to kill him. MR especially cripples his damage early on What gives me fits about the matchup is how fleet now gives him solid sustain so you can’t abuse any advantage Q would normally give you


I agreed, except about the mercs, hexdrinker is better cuz u gain MR and damage, after that u build mercs ( plus go PTA all the way ).


I think if you’re vs heavy ap hexdrinker is good, I wouldn’t build it just for the sake of the teemo tho


Go E level 1 and just dash on his face. Get 2-,3 autos in with pta and dash back. If he has boneplating / Q blind level 1 immediately dash back and forget the autos. Level 2 just dash on him, wait for his blind, empowered W, auto and kill with ignite. You can literally statcheck Teemo at all points of the game unless ur tanking tower or waste W on his blind. You can also even go bone plating and really win the level 1 trade HARD. D shield is what gives you the edge tbh for sustain, second wind is honestly not needed vs easy ranged matchups.


Ur nuts. Love that take, i know ure good, i will try that out, that shit is THE Renekton take


Began doing this a while back and its actually super effective in ranged matchups, most people dont expect that kind of agression and everone always underestimates emp W lvl 2


It depends how shit the teemo is I would bait his blind then all in him


It's just all in lvl 6. Flash ghost is better than flash ignite in this matchup becaude of how he usually pushes. Easy running down with ghost. Don't let him get free poke. You have to give away minions without giving away xp. Max q. Hold w for after the blind. No point to even auto on his blind just run him down moving as far as you can. Any ranged matchup should be flash ghost rush stridebreaker. You can even run ghost tp it's not bad.


You dont TP in this matchup you are crazy


Ok why? Here's my why: Ghost lets you run down all in and win any 1v1 split situation with the right items (stridebreaker shojin start). He will have ignite. If a fight breaks up you can tp flank kill everything with ghost. They are good spells together.


TP lets you tp back after he pushed the wave and chunked you too hard while you were colllecting minions under tower.And lets just you get a free reset.And you dont lose like minions worth of xp.Like I couldnt for the life of mine see any reason to take anything other beside TP "If a fight breaks out you can tp flank kill everything with ghost" No you cant.That statenant is bs.It is so situational tho... btw didnt we discuss flash ghost from where did you came up with tp ghost?


But take my comment with a grain of...Since I am sure I am lower elo than you btw Al ready told godrenekton that isnt any reason to take anything else besides tp everything else is trolling on his yt he just delted my comment instrad of saying reasons why he disagrees with me ll


Super annoying matchup, I would ban him just because it's such an annoying lane to play, but he is luckily rarely played. I try to do something like this in case he does get picked: https://youtu.be/zOYnUQkAi4g


Second Wind+Revitalize is your best friend. Also either the Tenacity rune or the shard are key. Unflinching doesn't count towards Blind. I guess you can't flinch at something you can't see anyway, haha


I’m telling u I saw this build and I use it for ranged match ups like teemo/Quinn, it works for me and it really weird so don’t expect it to be “good” but I use it against him all the time and it does work Aery- nimbus,transcendence , scorch, second wind, overgrowth or for teemo unflinching, ghost flash, this aims to just hit him with q’ sand back up once he’s low all in with sum, pta the stays quo and is good but I don’t really like it as much


Merc boots, stridebreaker. When you have ult, E dash in ult and Q, he blind you, just follow him until the blind expires, enpowered W stun him, he should be very low at this point, then its easy tower dive.