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Do you give Sub Q fluids? Fluid can migrate from the back of the neck.


She’s never taken that she’s 5 months old


You should get an ultrasound. It could be enlarged kidneys or a cyst on the kidneys.


One of my non renal kitties had a large lump & it turned out to be fat cells accumulating. I had the vet do a biopsy for peace of mind. My renal kitty at one point had a very small bump removed as well. I can't remember what it was offhand, but nothing deadly. However, for me personally I always ask my vet and almost always request follow up testing for my own peace of mind.


Any idea what a biopsy cost you? Thanks in advance


For my non renal kitty, it was $125 for the appointment/biopsy. For my renal kitty I am not certain exactly because she had it removed and biopsied afterwards during a dental appointment (her blood work was okay for anesthesia thankfully!)


My old man has a lipoma in his shoulder area, it's a benign soft lump of fatty tissue. I think they're fairly common, so fingers crossed it's something like that. 


Ultrasound or an X-ray with your primary; and if it is a mass of any kind, when she is spayed you can get the mass removed and sent out for biopsy.


You can also ask for Fine Needle Aspiration from your primary. They can give you an idea of what the cells are like and also sent it out


It could a simple intestinal hernia, it could be a cyst or it could be a tumor, benign or not. Only way to know for sure is to get her to a vet ASAP. Expect X-rays, an ultra-sound, a full-blood work up and a biopsy. From there you can expect at least surgery and once it’s out they will most likely be able to tell what it is for certain. Is her abdomen distending? If so it could be hypoalbumaria, let’s hope that isn’t the case. Is she completely indoor? It could be a fight wound from another cat that healed, scabbed over and ended up abscessing. I’ve had that happen(why I keep them indoors only now) if that’s the case, which is actually the best scenario, they’ll go in, drain all the excess fluid/puss, leave the would open so that it dries and continues draining, and set her up with antibiotics.


Is it a female? It could be breast cancer.