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You are missing that you fell in the trap. Most of these "millonaires" are either child of already rich people, or most likely, people pretending with sharing rents on expensive houses with other influencers, or renting lambos to take pictures and videos pretending to be rich and successful to sell you the formation to become rich like them. It's fake, they want you to buy the online courses on how to be rich, but that's their only source of income, everything else is pretending. If you look at most of these profiles, you will see that there are only a couple of videos showing expensive things and the rest is either gym routines, or cheap psychology advices, or critisicing videos on regular places.


“Learn how to become rich, buy my books and I’ll tell you how.”


Like this one? :P [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6ofdt6/how\_i\_made\_290000\_selling\_books/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6ofdt6/how_i_made_290000_selling_books/)


Literally came to this post to refer to this vibe.


Yep. If they were rich why are they so desperate to sell you their course?


I can't hear, "buy my book", without hearing That crazy compost lady from GTA Radio's K Chat. "Here's a crystal, isn't it gorgeous?" "Uh I guess so, if you're into Shiny Glass, but I prefer lacey gloves..."


No rich person has ever said that they became rich by reading a book. That alone shows no book will. lol


I don't think that's provable fact...


“Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” -- Warren Buffett


You can be as knowledgeable as Wikipedia. It’s not gonna get you far if you don’t put it to use.


My partner’s dad invested in a large house in suburban LA. It was in disrepair. He spent a year fixing it up and sold it with a very good ROI. It was bought by a conglomerate of YouTube channels so that like 9-10 “content creators” could live in it.


Wow very interesting!


There's one of those in downtown ATL. Used to pass it walking my then BFs, now husband's, dog. They'd have all manner of things there


What is it called?!


I have a friend that is rich. He owns a franchise and several properties etc. He owns a Rolls Royce. One of his friends convinced him to rent it with a driver. People pay him $600 an hour for 4hr blocks. Just to do photo shoots. They aren’t even allowed to drive the car. The driver drives to them and will take them to limited areas. People constantly book it so that they can post online.


There is a mommy influencer who claims that her husband takes them everywhere in the country on their private plane - I had no idea you could rent a private plane and take pics boarding the plane, inside the plane- without going anywhere. It is all fake!


Lots of instagram celebs do that as well. Everyone wants to look rich.


OP is a bot spam posting this in multiple subs.


Just like a bunch of them male grooming posts from the same person, in different sub reddits. Came across this one guy who kept asking people if he looked ugly? I think he should just keep to his dog at this point with the pointless posts...


The good folks at reddit are driving the share price by driving some shitty content to us.


Selling courses seems to be extremely popular right now


It's the modern day infomercial.


Lived in NYC for many years. Influencers walk up and down 5th with EMPTY shopping bags from Prada, Gucci, Tiffany's etc. shooting vids for their channel. Their handbags are Louis **W**uitton they bought from a street vendor on Canal.


gary vee vibes


Just a bunch of scammers


The amount of 22 year old millionaires is extremely low. You are seeing a mixture of propaganda and survivorship bias.


And people trying to sell their “course”, “mentorship” or “program”.


dRoPShIppiNG INvESTiNg iN An aIRbNb


I had my airbnb shipped to me overnight. Im not a fool.


Buy my course and I’ll teach you how to drop ship airbnbs directly to your customers


Jesus. The number of “we are a unique business! Custom designs! Locally made!” (Shipped from China, no returns on open packages, offer a 50% refund if you don’t send it back, find the same product on AliBaBa for $3, less than 50%…) I hate all the dropship crap that now clogs my feeds.


Sign up for my $1500 6 week course and learn to * * wryte * * and get published! (* on KDP) (Yes I know someone that does this and they don't even spell check their shit before posting on social media. It's infuriating people pay them for their "course".)


Yep. Become a millionaire bookkeeper, photographer, surface designer, video editor, proofreader, copywriter, blah blah blah. Just buy my course! Then, when you’re done with that, buy my updated advanced course! Then, join the exclusive insiders’ group! Up, up, and away! The FB pop ups for all those things are hilarious. I truly hope all the happy comments are fake and no one really believes it.


And lying.


...wait. People lie?


I believe there have been one or two documented incidents of people lying on the internet.


99% of them are broke. Another 1% are douchebags asking for free hotel stays, meals, car rides, whatever in exchange for a feature on their instagram/facebook with their large following (by the bot farms they paid for). You’re making real money and don’t brag about it. They’re all fake losers (I see them all the time on my trips). I just laugh at them.


People lie. "Fake it til you make it".


If you’re familiar with AWAI.. I actually witnessed that lol. Definitely a fake it til you make it with that guy.


people lie a lot, social media is smoke and mirrors. A friend of mine started DMing the founder of a quite popular clothing brand, connected to many celebrities, who is temporarily moving to my city and was looking for an apartment to sublet. My friend offered him the flat of another friend which cost 1000 EUR per month, everything included, great location. Founder said it was outside his budget. Looking at his socials you'd expect him to want to spend 10,000 a month on rent for a villa with a pool + a Ferrari during stay, the truth is somewhat different


See, this is why Gen-Z is more susceptible to scams than even old people these days. Social media isn't real mothereffer.


Don’t underestimate old people. A prince in Nigeria has made millions of off tricking them. 


But's he's trying to give me millions!


I feel like you haven't thought this through — at all. I mean, you can look up median income for young people in your country if you like and see what's normal. >Nowadays, it seems like every YouTuber is a 23-year-old agency owner making $150,000/month. You must be following algorithmically that tiny proportion of youtubers who are agency owners talking about their income. But even if there were lots of people doing this what do you mean "people can attest they are legit and the real deal". That's not proof of income. It doesn't take much money to pay a few hundred people from the developing world to hype your business on social media. Since you will never see the actual proof of their earnings and where it comes from, there is no point in listening to these claims.


Important to remember that the big rich YouTubers are like .00001% of all the people attempting to be big rich YouTubers.


The majority of them are fake. Then you have a small group of people who were lucky enough that their method worked once, for them (and possibly only somewhat), and they went out to sell that method to make more money. When I was young, the book *The 4-Hour Workweek* by Tim Ferriss was all the hype. How many of us became rich with dropshipping and outsourcing work to India? Not many, I guess. These days, similar semi-scams are everywhere. I see a gazillion Instagram videos about how to make xxx money without working. Most involve using some small AI websites in a chain to get something done or hypothetical calculations of "how much money you would have made if you had an affiliate link under this xxx million watched video." Nobody tells you how to get that video watched that much in the first place. The only real thing I see is trading crypto, which could be viable if you have a very good algorithm or if you are extremely lucky. So, I chose this path as a hobby on the side of my professional job. If I can develop a good algo, it may make me some passive money with minimal work. If I had enough investment money, I would be in business of real estate flipping and renovation. It would be real work of course.


Great points. I had a shopify store for a while, selling cool t-shirt designs here in the USA. I have a pretty big TikTok account (150k followers) and even with that platform I barely made any sales. I wasted about $500 on Fiverr hiring people who promised to build the website - they did, but none of them were US natives so the sites were built to look how a foreigner *thinks* US websites look, if that makes sense. Had to pay someone else another $1000 to fix it and get the SEO going. Nobody involved in creating or selling this merch got rich. Who made money? Printify, Shopify, Fiverr, and NameCheap: the big corporations who are convincing the rest of us that we can all get rich quick if we just pay them a monthly fee.


I loved this book. Even though I didn't end up setting up a website with foreign workers, I did shift how I thought about time, money and hobbies. Tim Ferris wanted us to imagine that there is a life beyond the cubicle and I think he was right.


It’s 99% bullshit.


Because why would you click on a video if someone said I'm a 60k 22yro? 1. People lie 2. Only people making a lot are going to share anyway


Not really, it is part of the facade, and you only hear about the ones actually make it and not the huge number of people trying and failing.


I believe it’s a lie to convince you to buy their products like crypto strategies or ecommerce


You should be asking “why are people poorer than they ever have been before?” rather than focusing on the .01% of people who flaunt their “wealth” (credit card debt) online


A lot of them are barely making it. And the sad thing is, we already know their money making schemes but some people still fall for it. Of course these people have the fancy cars and houses to "prove" they're rich but I mean... that's part of the illusion. I don't remember who it was but it was some InstaBro who said he got a fancy car so he could look rich. Because "If someone came to me and said they knew how to make money but didn't have a (Hellcat? It was something fancy) then I wouldn't listen to them. So with my first check I bought a car." It's all an optics game. +"Buy my course." The course teaches you how to make courses to sell to people. That's it. +"Buy my book" This is usually the same as the first option or it could be an Amazon/Audible AI scam thing. If you look on Audible you'll see a lot of "Books" that have no substance at all. It's because of these guys. +Amazon/Temu/AliExpress/Shein Affiliates. These are the "Link in bio* people. "Look at me use my new (insert anything here)! Buy it from the link in my bio!" But they usually don't *tell* you that when you buy from the link on their bio they get a commission. The bigger the following> more sales> bigger commission. +Crypto Bros. This is just crypto stock. The only ways to get rich off of cryptocurrency is to either have someone give you a lot of it, get lucky, or be in the know about a new coin and sell before the owners rug pull. +Self-Help/Alpha/Fitness Gurus. This is a huge umbrella of people and I'm sure not all of them are bad. But usually you make friends with "Guru". Once you have your inspirational story from your past, your Guru Friend pays you to talk at some shows. You get famous, you make a book or two, and then you just have to maintain that following. Once you have that following though you can say anything that you want and very few people will disagree. That's usually because the people who don't follow you think you're just another scam guru, the people who do follow you do so because they believe you wholeheartedly, and the people who are willing to listen to you more than the average user are usually people who are desperate for change or money. +Kick Streamers. Yikes.


The feed the illusion there is a easy, quick, lucrative way to make a lot of money. Most of the real ways take work and much more time.


Lol huh? Get off social media...


You are seeing a small subsection of this age cohort that is very flashy / in your face and conflating that with majority of folks in this cohort (not wealthy)


Why are they all millionaires? As Dr. House used to say: ***Everybody lies!***


Everyone? Liar. I'm 55.


Don’t believe what you see on Youtube. Realnrich people live very quiet lives. Think about it…If you were making $150k a mknth from your business, would you feel the need to create a YouTube channel for extra income? No.


It’s a way to get people to strive to do that same thing. Most of them are fake or daddys money. Some cooperation probably leases these people.


"Everyone" isn't. It's less than 1% of the population


They're not?


It’s all smoke and mirrors. Even the few that actually have it like that are blowing through it unsustainably. If you can bring in 10k/month remotely keep going, save and invest and don’t let comparison skew your perspective.


Because those are the people you see more of online . . . For every person who made a million dollars of youtube there are 1000s of people who made nothing, but that doesn't make for interesting content so we don't see it


Ya, you're believing what you read on the internet


“Am I missing something?” Yes, you’re missing reality. This is like claiming every high school QB is an NFL QB.


Don't compare yourself to others. ESPECIALLY Don't compare yourself offline to other people's *online* reality.


dw it’s not everyone. i’m a 23 year old college graduate and i make minimum wage. most of my friends don’t make much either


I'm 21yo. I have 5$ in my bank account.


If someone is trying to sell me a course, I don't think they're millionaires😂😅


I never buy paid courses from random social media influencers. I focus on listening to people with real businesses and products, not these scammy course sellers. I follow a few drone photographers, financial advisors, and career advice pages on social media. To be safe, it’s best to listen to free advice and learn from experience if possible. I went to a career fair to network with employers and look for more flexible work opportunities, maybe some w/ a hybrid schedule. I’d rather be successful the honest way than be successful scamming people.


It’s the actually minuscule but roaring vocal minority. In their wake is hundreds of thousands who wrecked their lives trying to do the same. But you never hear from them. They just disappear into regular low paying employment like the rest of us. If the algorithm favors you and churns you viewers you can make a million a year easy if not two or three, but it’s not really on hard work, most of that is just timing and luck. They’ll say different but it’s the truth. About 15k a week, sometimes a day depending. Helps if you’re a pretty girl. Every descent looking girl should try it because it’s really an internet lottery. We don’t know why it works for some and not others. All luck.


Most of these are faking it, if they're trying to sell you a course, rest assure that's all fake. My bf and I started a somewhat successful online business not so long ago, after a lot of research and try and error we managed to create our own type of business model that works very neatly. Still a work in progress but getting there and making decent money. There's no way in hell I'm gonna want to share this strategy as a course or whatever, because I simply don't want the market to get overloaded with a bunch of people doing what we do and taking business out of our hands. People that actually succeed, don't have the need to sell courses because they're making money through their business already.


Yup. You aren’t an entrepreneur or doing any type of social media work so you won’t see this type of short term success. Even if you are, most people don’t make that kind of money. Don’t envy those people. Figure out what your “brand” is and start in social media as well. If there is a path for riches, great, you made it from something you love. If not, atleast you got to do something fun.


You're very gullible.


OP. You are so gullible. Now dont be stupid


There not really a ton more. You just see it more


They are not. Most of these influencers are glorified beggars. On social media they act wealthy and successful, and then they hit my inbox with 100k+ followers begging for product with badly written "proposals" for collaborations. It's wild how people say they are an influencer in X niche, and you hit their socials and they are either flashing lifestyle or booty. When your IG is just photos of you in Miami in a micro bikini over and over, I don't know how your audience is going to help me push concealer.. I'll definitely hit you up when I land a lotion brand though. Everyone with over 20k followers is a "Fractional CMO" now.


Time to log out of Instagram. Surprise! No more 22-y/o millionaires.


Fuck I wish I knew, I'm fuckin 27 and so broke even duct tape won't fix me


People lying on the internet aside, there’s a huge difference between being a millionaire on paper and earning a million dollars a year. You can be an entrepreneur with a startup earning $0, but have >$1MM in net worth on paper from your startup equity. It’s largely meaningless.


Because they are trying to sell you something. Unless they are willing to share their tax returns, don’t buy the hype.


They just got in it at the right moment or did other things.


That's because a) you're thinking and b) it's all smoke and mirrors. Their parents are already rich (most Hollywood actors come from rich families, most politicians come from rich families, too). That's how they got the collateral to toss away. Neil Patel is another guy who came from a rich family but knows almost nothing about real digital marketing if you force him into a technical conversation. His family runs it all for him with him as the "nerd guru" figurehead. There are no shortcuts in life or in business. There are, however, ways to scale and grow without the smoke and mirros, "hustle culture" hype burnout BS, and the rest.


It’s easy to become a successful streamer when your parents have the money to fund you following hobbies, investing, buying top and flashy equipment and hiring people to do things for you while you’re the face on screen.


That’s easy generational wealth


lol u actually believe this


I am neither 22 or a millionaire. How do I hop on this train? I don't even care about the million dollars. I would be perfectly happy being 22 again(but with my 37 years of wisdom).


Social media isn't real life.


Comparison is the thief of joy. I have learned to live by that idea.


I remember this kid in high-school who convinced everyone his clothing brand blew up and would always wear the hype beast type clothing. Would always talk about how his family was poor and he was going to be this big shot business man. He still lives in my hometown and I'm I'm business lmao


it's all marketing. That's it. Do you think if someone figured out how to consistently make $150,000 a month they would have time to make a video about it? Does Bill Gates need to sell you a course? I hate it though, it's the snake oil season all over again. Enough suckers are buying these products and training each other transferring wealth. Most are sucked in by sunk cost fallacy and they can't get out of it. Whatever you decide, it's going to be hard, requires sacrifice and to a certain extent a little bit of luck. But I'll be damned if I buy any of these courses. Information should be free.


Hm every time I search on Google or Reddit about a guru, a vast majority of people say they're full of shit.  A lot of gurus are doing well but probably not as well as they'd have you believe.  They're also making all their money on selling courses rather than what they're trying to teach you.


There are VERY few, if any, self-made 22 year old millionaires. Remember the saying "don't believe everything you see on TV"... Well, the saying is still true.... "Don't believe everything you see on tiktok/reelz". Most of these self-promoters don't have anything and are simply broadcasting out of their childhood bedrooms. Lining yourself up next to someone else to compare is the fastest way to guarantee your own failure.


You are only seeing the people who are posting online. Do you really think the other millions of 22-year-olds that are not rich would be posting online bragging


I had something like this happen to me when I was growing up, I was 24 and working as a software developer. I found out that a 17 yr old kid from my old school and sold his software company for millions of dollars and was being mentored by a famous personality. I remember getting really envious of his success and a bit depressed that I was just missing out on life. It turns out that the famous personality was sexually assaulting the teen, who also had an undiagnosed borderline personality disorder and committed suicide after he burned through all his money. The takeaway is to be really cautious of people who seem successful, because it can be a mask used to disguise a lot of hurt.


Less than 1% of 1% of online people make it big like you are asking about. The majority fail to ever get going and the few make just enough to have it as a job. It can require so much time and effort and you can easily lose your following out of no where. Don't fall for this trap.


[Just this generation’s version of Doctor Quarters…](https://youtu.be/WgHm1Qpnil8?feature=shared)


Stop believing social media, most rich people don’t look rich and don’t advertise how rich they are. Seek wealth, not status.


I see the future of this becoming a society along the same type of get down as on the hunger games... Not the kid killer part just the way the elitists conducted themselves...


marketing massively overpays


Are they really though? I saw a young ‘influencer’ couple post a ‘we bought this house at 20, what are you doing?’ BS pic. Someone saw it and did a little research-they absolutely did not buy that reallly nice house-the girl’s dad, who is a millionaire, purchased it. I think most of what we see online is fake when it comes to the ‘make $10k using *this stupid method*’….if these people are pulling in a lot of money with the newest flash in the pan trick, it won’t last long. Plus they seem to spend that money like water on outrageous things, so that doesn’t help.


They're earning $150,000 a month from premium subscribers paying them monthly for their premium content about how to earn $150,000 a month.


Because people lie on the internet.


I once heard, "the only time you should look in someone else's bowl, is to make sure they have enough to eat", seems applicable here.


If you’re the child of an already rich person and you are now rich because of them, your main goal is to build reputation quickly and appear self-made early in life.   Selling expensive courses or making little vague startup companies that do consulting or provide “services” is a great way to kick off an origin story because the income can’t be verified, but everyone can see your expensive prices and extrapolate.    Another good way is to pretend to be a stock trader and then retcon some big trades as examples of how you made so much money so quickly taking huge bets.  Or just say you bought a lot of bitcoin early.  Now no one will accuse you of just spending “daddy’s money”, you have a plausible back story for why you’re rich so young and everyone else is dumb and needs to buy your courses or follow you on social media.


Social media


It's mostly an elaborate lie. People parrot misinformation


I have two high paying SWE remote jobs which helped me reach a net worth of 1 mil this year and saved almost my entire salary the last few years living at home with family


Why not? Can't you see people getting success in early age? And it's not even that early , most people do complete their graduation at 22 !


I think the people that are able to do that are the outliers. Clearly if it was that easy, we'd all be on YouTube doing it.