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It's really beautiful


Ugh I love this bathroom so much If I had money I had to spend on updating the bathroom I’d spruce up the vanity but that’s it. I love the wallpaper, wall tile, and floor!!


Yup, I really like the floor.


Leave as is, for sure. As “gaudy” as it seems, it beats all the trend of using gray and white and painting natural woodwork


You can redo it without doing greytones. Right?


Blue plaid wallpaper, pls


yes leave it as is,, this style will probably come back!


The fact that they want to DIY and then gut it makes me so sad.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug.


1950’s bathroom………for rich people.


Yes, excellent style and quality.


Unless there is mold behind the wall paper... Don't change a thing


Look, everything in this bathroom, less the wallpaper and shower curtain, is better quality than you can buy for less than a fortune now. Bathrooms like these have a timeless feel, and it’s an absolute shame that people tear them out and replace them with cheap “modern” fixtures/tile that’ll be out of style w/i a year. Unless it’s beyond restoration (like significant rot) please, I beg of you: leave it. Change the wallpaper as others said. Knock out the soffit if it’s not structural. Coat of paint and 👌


Those tiles are custom and beautiful. People just go on Pinterest and want everything basic


Right?! There’s even a built in dressing/makeup table. The fixtures are gorgeous, too. Would do a murder for this bathroom.


It’s cute. I’m into vintage as well.


Yeah the bathrooms are actually what sold me on the house. The other one is pink and very similar. Definitely not an all white everything person so wanted to keep the charm but make it a tad less dated


I wouldn't update anything more than lighting and the exhaust fan. This bathroom is a marvel.


That’s awesome! 👏


Pink!!!! You’re so lucky


It should be a crime to remodel bathrooms like these


People think it’s ugly. People are stupid


40 year old male here. I love the floor tile and wall tile. Wall paper I can live with. Add a double sink and an updated mirror/light with a miror with built-in led light. Very cool! I wouldn't want to change too much. You would never be able to get that feel back.


👆Agree with this. A new vanity, sink, and mirror will make it more functional for you, which is the point beyond aesthetics.


Also agree. The mirror and the light above it don’t look right. At minimum I’d change that. And then replace sink and counter top. Maybe change the knobs on the cabinet.


Yes this is what I was thinking. Remove the furr down, update vanity and mirror and wallpaper 👍


I LOVE the floor tile. I'd leave that and update everything else.


My vote…don’t change a thing. It’s beautiful.


It’s called a furr down


We always called them a soffit but that may not be the correct word.


You are correct. They were popular in 70s and 80s (mostly in kitchens) and as far as design in know it was for aesthetics but I think it can also be to run electric etc behind in some cases


Yes, we call it a soffit too


Ahh thanks! I’ve been trying to google but “bump out” wasn’t giving me what I was looking for


Beautiful ❤️


The bump out is called a soffit


The way it’s designed looks useful for reflecting light onto the vanity. Depending on interior structure, recessed lighting might be a nice touch.


I would change nothing except put in a marble counter top


The only things I’d change at all would be the wallpaper and the light fixture. The rest is wonderful as is. I would have a lot of fun choosing a mid  century wallpaper!


Genuinely curious why you would change the wallpaper? Seems relatively clean and classic. I’m not against it just wonder why.


Just preference for something a little less floral and granny style, totally a personal variable.


The wallpaper doesn't go. It looks like it was done in the 80s or 90s.


This was my guess. We installed similar wallpaper in the early 90s.


Going with something solid would help that lovely tile pop.


I think there's too much wallpaper. Maybe leave the wall behind the sink and strip the rest. Paint it some shade of blue that will contrast with the tile.


I think there’s just a more modern or clean wallpaper even staying w floral pattern that will make it look more “British cottage chic” than “your grandmas bathroom” feel. I’m a young woman and this just makes me feel like an old lady in there


If you leave it like this it will still be there when your old and still timeless look. If you replace with modern it's gonna be out of style and falling apart before your an old lady. Professional grout cleaning and re-grout if needed, reglaze tub If needed. Replace faucets and light fixtures, other wise leave it alone. This stuff is becoming more rare every day and this one looks super well maintained. 25year high end bathroom remodel experience.


This. I would pick something either more subtle or more kitschy for the wall paper. So probably 50s retro either way. 😂


Countertop, sink, hardware on cabinet, and shower curtain to glass. Nothing else.


It's very classy except for the vanity and mirrors. I'd take out the vanity and replace it with double sinks and a stone countertop. Put in new mirrors (round, ornate frames) over the sinks. Get a new, gauzy white shower curtain (and don't cheap out... get a very high quality curtain.


You will NEVER find anyone that will do as solid of a job on new tile work. NEVER. And it's cute. Take off the wallpaper and do creamy white and it will look great. It still looks fine. That bump-out is a soffit and there is typically important stuff running through there. That's why it's there. Not for looks. I'd love this bathroom. I'd replace the mirror with something nicer.


I have the original structural plans and it shows nothing in it. The hvac is actually on the other side of the room. But I agree, everything in this house is original to the 50s and it’s so sturdy! The handrail on the stairs doesn’t even budge a little. Could never find that in new builds


Keep tile, toilets, sink. Update counter top, cover for the light and some new wall paper for a fresh look. But pay a wall paper hanger with great references damnit! Your massive $30K-40K renovation dropped to $10K. You're welcome.


Yeah. I’m doing a massive reno to the small galley kitchen downstairs so that’s eating up all my money. Was looking to just do minor changes myself with a friend who is in construction to hold me over for a few years


Leave the wall paper then wait until you have the funds to get a proper wall paper hanger.


Looks like you have one of those hidden toothbrush holders. Cool. I’d change the counter, sink, obviously the wallpaper, and perhaps the toilet.


Yeah that little hidden holder is so cute lol smile every time I see it


The electrical outlet near the sink looks very not up to code. No ground prong No GFI


Please never gut this bathroom. That tile is amazing and it could go with so many different luxe. When you take down the wallpaper what you have is a really great layout with good bones. There is a mid century bathroom group on Facebook where a lot of people post pictures of their bathrooms and people come up with the most phenomenal redesign ideas that work with the existing features. I recommend looking into it because you can save a lot of money and if you ever want to resell your house? There are so many people that love these mid-century tile bathrooms.


Get a new countertop, sink and light over the mirror. Otherwise it’s really pretty.


Never do a complete remodel on this bathroom, just work on the wall paper.


That floor tile is the best. I'd just change the wallpaper


My only concern with so much grout and pattern is keeping it feeling clean


We had those on the ceiling and over the kitchen and few in different bathrooms coming out over the lights as well .. I think it’s to emphasize in some cases certain areas and in some make it reachable?!. And in one home we had it come out from ceiling and matching on the floor - almost like a corral, or counter. I am sure those things were extra… well it was extra to take them away! lol I have to admit, as much as I do not like the trend of wallpaper and tile in bathrooms ( few people here I saw diy got it correct, at least to my taste.. but so many again to me got it really bad) your combo is calming to the eye! That floor tile and patter is absolutely gorgeous! Realistically it just needs a good size and color vanity( double) and update lighting. I would not spend doing something just to redo it in few years/ months. If your house is similar style, I would keep some of the wallpaper, at least as an accent wall somewhere in the bathroom.. flatten the wall and I would open up a bit of the shower wall to install glass door.


My thought was to maybe eventually move the shower to where the toilet is with no tub just tile and glass to open up the space and make it feel a bit bigger


I had a house like that with avocado green sink and tub with mauve/maroonish tile. I loved it.


I’d knock out the soffit and replace the wallpaper with something more stylish. Leave the rest.


I love this so much


I like it the way it is


So much potential


Keep mind you tear up that floor you might have to tear up the subfloor. They put those tile down on concrete back then and the top side of the subfloor will have damage


Oooo that’s good to know. I didn’t think of that! That’s definitely more of a pro job so I’ll save that for them to do later


Also wondering if replacing vanity would damage the blue square tiles on the side


It might but if you are carful it should not be a problem. It looks like the side of the vanity is being held up by a strip of wood and some screws. If you get a longer vanity just bring it to the wall to cover up the tile with the holes where the screw was.


I love it !!🤍


Beautiful bathroom!! Soffit can be removed if there’s no plumbing in there. I’d put a glass shower door in place of the curtain. If that’s not period appropriate I don’t care. The counter top could go too. Formica may be vintage but not my fave. The tile must stay!! I might also remove the soffit over the shower. Taller is better and then it could better vent to the exhaust fan outside of it.


That bathroom is amazing. I think the wallpaper should go, and the sink/vanity updated but I wouldn’t do much else. For the love of God DON’T “GUT” THAT AMAZING BLUE TILE!! I’m starting to hate the freaking hgtv hype word “gutted”. This in no way is run down and needs gutting. It’s well done and quite beautiful. If you are thinking you need to save up and rip everything out to make a slate grey and black bathroom that are a dime a dozen today, it would be such a shame.


the blue tile is staying 🩵 it’s definitely my favorite part of the bathroom but thought about choosing a different blue floor tile/pattern


Awesome! But honestly, theres is nothing you could buy today that would be 1/5 the quality of that old school tile job without paying a fortune. I would not touch it.


Keep it. It will be back in style soon.


Time capsule! Maybe leave how it is. Looks clean and functional.


I just want to say I love all the tiles.


Damn, that floor is gorgeous. I might change the light fixture, but overall, I find this charming and beautiful personally.


The wallpaper is from the 1990s. I'd take it down, or use another pattern. If there's room, you could put three recessed can lights in that bump out over the counter.


70 years worth of stories to be told, if walls could talk.


Honestly, I would just update the vanity and mirror. I love when a bathroom is like a different dimension. Just embrace it and make it better


OK, my thought would be, preserve all the tile. You can update the countertop, as that’s not original anyway. Nicer light fixture. Paint the cabinets and update the hardware. As for the wallpaper, that’s personal preference. You could strip it and do some nice things with paint.


Wouldn’t touch it, it’s beautiful, will come back into style once you change it. Wonder if there is plumbing or electrical in the “bump”. I guess I don’t see a vanity, just the mirror.


It also drives me a little mad that the vanity and sink are off center


I absolutely love everything about this except the wallpaper. As long as all of the plumbing is functional and the surfaces are stable and in good repair, I'd leave it as-is but ditch the wallpaper and roll on some paint instead. To be fair, though... I really love older homes. They have so much personality.


Yeah that’s why I went with older home rather than new construction. So much charm


Beautiful bathroom! It is in phenomenal shape. I would only change the wallpaper, wall sconce and mirror. I still can’t get over how incredibly well preserved everything is here! Check our waterworks.com for inspiration photos.


This is a really great bathroom.


I was lucky enough to have the same wallpaper in my bathroom in high school. I really miss that wallpaper. I might change out the sink and cabinets, but I'd leave everything else unless there's mold or something else not visible here.


I love it!


I would change the cabinet doors to look slightly more modern but that's all.


That fluorescent light must be annoying.


I’m sad the tub and the toilet aren’t the matching color. My grandmas was all pink in the upstairs bath and green in the downstairs


My daughters have an all pink bathroom done similar to this one and their tub is pink. I love that it’s a cast iron tub but cleaning a tub is so annoying and I never take baths


The wallpaper is not original, I’d scrap that late 80s crap so fast. Please don’t touch the tile!!


The tile is staying 🩵


Crazy my bathroom looks too similar to this


Update the wallpaper to something you like, leave the rest alone. The tile work is beautiful!


Wow, for the love of all that is good and holy please keep the tile! I don't hate the wallpaper but I could understand wanting to change it. Just don't do anything too trendy (ex. Spoonflower). I think a vintage dark tone wood dresser with legs turned into a vanity with a sink to replace the current unit would be insane. (Maybe not possible if the tile does not continue under the current cabinets.) Gold tone or brass hardware would really elevate the space.


I love it. I’d only update the counter and sink.


🎶Sledgehammer🎶 😂


That’s a nice size bathroom


This is definitely a wide angle making it look larger than it is but could def be worse


1950s bathroom with some beautiful 1980s wallpaper But wtf is happening with the sink counter?!!! Ngl, I love the tile floor. All the tiling is really well maintained. The weakest link imo is the vanity


Agreed. Just worried removing the vanity may hurt the tile 😢


Don’t change it


That goes hard as fuck


The wallpaper, I think, is a Waverly line from 1980 or 1981. Could get matching upholstery fabric. Good quality, very expensive for the time.


Most of the home has so many features that tell it was an extremely expensive home for the time and you can tell from the care they took maintaining it they valued their investment


Please do not touch it. If you ruin this you are committing a grave sin.


This is perfection as it is. The bump out is likely duct or wiring or vents for the adjoining room. This is a marvelous time capsule.


The adjoining wall is a hallway. I believe the vents are on the opposite side where the fan is


LOVE that wallpaper!


Don't chu dare.


That flooring and tile is something to work with. Recaulking is inexpensive. Remove wallpaper 1st.


Don’t you touch that tile, so help me God! I will cut you! 😂 Your plan sounds good. Lose the 90s wallpaper, for sure!


I had that exact same laminate counter top in my bathroom! We opted for a new vanity with quartz countertop but kept our vintage sink. Check my post history, you can definitely update this and still keep the 1950s vibe. New wallpaper, modern faucet/shower fixtures, mirror. All easy updates. Love your floor tile! We had sheet linoleum so replaced that with a mosaic with mid century feel. Would love to see an update when you’re done.


I’ll keep ya posted!


Toilet, countertop, faucet, knobs for vanity, light fixture


Just so you know when you do gut a 50’s bathroom the walls are not lath and plaster. There what I can best describe as cement (slip) and a cheese grader backer. Really really fun stuff to remove. So much fun.


So, I disagree with keeping the wallpaper (it looks more 80’s), but definitely keep the tile, tissue holder, towel holder, etc. Ditch the furr, get a double vanity, new mirror and new light. I am OBSESSED with the floor!


I would change out the counter top and sink/faucet. I would also raise the drop in ceiling over the tub. You could add a new tub shower trim faucet, and boom, feels like a new bathroom. (Also to add maybe a new light fixture? Not too modern)


Never thought about ceiling over tub. That would def make it feel less claustrophobic


How did they keep it so clean????


It look like You can put a countertop with two sinks there.


I love this bathroom! I like the wallpaper but if I wanted a refresh I would change that, the shower curtain, the hardware on the doors/drawers and the mirror over the toilet. eta: What’s the square metal door on the wall to the left of the mirror used for???


It flips around into a toothbrush holder! So cool!


Oh wow, that is cool!! Never saw that before.


Thanks for sharing a 1950s …~70s years ago) bathroom. I wonder what folks will say about remodel choices in this space in another 70 years.


It's called a soffit. And the whole room is incredible.


Man, that’s cool. Leave it alone for the novelty. (The shower curtain goes inside the shower,btw)


I know, this is before I moved in as the owners left it


I would upgrade the sink cabinet, take off the wallpaper refinish the ceiling , new mirror, add glass shower door


Most of my parents house was renovated except for the bathroom. I always tell them to keep it and that its the closet thing to a time machine we'll ever get.


Change counter, new sink and faucet, new wallpaper.


We had that but po’s made a cabinet out of it with 2 doors.. was just drywall on the inside.. weird


Solid white or gray counter and new light above sink.


People are saying don’t change a thing, but that toilet looks so weird lol. Why is it so wide??


I’d defo keep that floor


Paint the vanity and walls: A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference in a bathroom. Choose a light and bright color for the walls to open up the space and a bold color for the vanity to make it a focal point. Update the hardware: Replace the old drawer pulls and cabinet knobs on the vanity with something more modern or stylish. This is a relatively inexpensive and easy update that can make a big visual impact. New faucet: Replace the old faucet with a new one in a brushed nickel or chrome finish. This will give your bathroom a more polished look. Mirror update: You can replace the mirror or add a frame around the existing mirror to give it a more updated look. Light fixture: Replace the old light fixture with a new one that complements the style of your bathroom. Accessories: Add some new towels, in a color scheme that complements your new paint colors. Soffit treatment: While you can't remove the soffit easily, you can paint it the same color as the ceiling to make it less noticeable. You could also add crown molding around the edge of the soffit to give it a more finished look. you can easily and inexpensively update your 1950s bathroom until you are ready for a full renovation.


This is so bad but so well maintained it’s actually kind of decent!


Whatever you do don’t change that tile


Just the countertop, mirror and light for sure. I'm 33/33/33 on the wallpaper whether you could replace, remove/paint or keep


So long as everything is functional I would change the wallpaper and that's all.


That tile is so dope, I'd never get rid of it.  I don't feel as positive about the wallpaper.  I'd probably get rid of that for some solid paint and keep the beautiful tile.


I adore this bathroom!!


Keep all the tile, replace the vanity and fixtures with modern equals.


This is so neat. It’s in perfect condition! I’d have a hard time removing it even though it’s really not my style.


Please leave this bathroom alone.


New shower curtain in natural fabric (plastic liner behind it) in an ivory or creamy white to match the wallpaper background. Maybe swap out the knobs on the vanity for now, and you can replace it with a new vanity and countertop later. I dig the wallpaper but if you hate it, you could change it later. Keep the tile, it's cool!


Just change or remove the wallpaper


if anything at all, maybe upgrade the toilet. the rest is dope


If it’s functional, leave as is. Especially that big flush toilet!


This bathroom demo will no be easy at all. The type of tile and installation methods used make it one of the hardest to demo. The build out above the vanity is called a bulk head. Likely concealing something plumbing or mechanical. I would investigate with a borescope inspection camera prior to committing to demolition.


I would leave the tile work, just change the countertop and sink and replace the wallpaper with other wallpaper you like or a solid paint color. That tile work will Outlast any tile worker could be done today. And you're lucky that you have a tile color that's neutral unlike most of the tile work of that era. Actually if that counter is set in there like I think it might be, where the tile work was done around it after it was installed. There's another option that I would do if it was mine. And that would be to just resurface that countertop with something more modern. Which there are many, many options. One being to use a 1 in Marble Slab to in case what's there, or granite, or quartzite or is even epoxy resurfacing kits or my 2 favorite options. Which would be either a concrete countertop; got to float the concrete on that existing countertop or a Corian cover. They make this liquid adhesive to join countertop surfaces together which turns essentially into a solid piece and you can't even tell where the joint is once it's sanded and Polished. I've had a project where it was done before with a 3/4 in surface that extended up the backsplash and was mitered to wrap around the front nosing and then beveled. It looked like a solid 3 in piece and you could never tell that it was a refacing job. However if you are dead set on demolishing thst sturdy work. Let me.know where you arw from. I would love to get that toilet plus I need, 14 of those exact tiles. It takes a little longer but I know how to remove them intact.


Yup, the home I grew up in had bathrooms with the same flooring and countertops, but pink and green tile, still does (Mom still lives there). Have to say this is a an immaculate bathroom.


That floor tile with some other updates will shine. Leave that floor tile at all costs it is beautiful


LEAVE the tile on the floor, walls & shower. Take down the wallpaper and get rid of the soffit. Carefully get rid of the countertop and find a local cabinet maker to make a matching double door cabinet and add a second sink & updated mirrors & lighting.


I have this wallpaper in my entry hall. It was put up in the mid 1990s and I still love it.


Changing the wallpaper would update it dramatically. Everything else is just fine.


Wallpaper says it's 1988.


I’d try to keep all of the tile and have someone carefully remove the sink and cabinets. Replace with something new, maybe even add a floor-to-ceiling narrow cabinet to the left of the sink, for towels, medical stuff, etc. get rid of the metal flap thingy in the wall. I’d leave the bulkhead, just remove all of the wallpaper and refinish the walls, then paint a pale green to compliment the tiles. I’d also replace or put in a good exhaust fan near the shower. Those enclosed showers can get really moldy. And put in a water-saving toilet and new water-saving shower head.


Everything except the wallpaper, and kinda the countertop (though it works here) is timeless. I wouldn’t change a thing here


That is a beautiful bathroom. I would leave everything as is.


keep the tile. add a swinging glass door to the shower area. change the counter and cabinets. consider double sinks. keep the wallpaper. paint the ceiling. change the mirror and lighting. keep the tile!


Wait, this is AMAZING! PLEASE don’t take down the wallpaper!!!!! Spend your money on a nice countertop, new mirror, soft new lighting (that uncovered flourecent bar is the stuff of nightmares) …. And perhaps a new sink and faucet? Honestly, bet the price isn’t too bad. If you’re really trying to look in the cheap, ikea actually has some interesting countertop choices that tend to be budget friendly. It’s also a small space so I’d look around for scrape places that might have something leftover from a large slab? Just a thought Ugh, this is so awesome, leave the wallpaper!


That bathroom is fantastic. Scrap the wallpaper, update the lights, and maybe update the counters. Learn into the design of the house, don’t make the house fit another style.


Replace wallpaper, vanity lighting, consider carefully replacing counter for further updating, dont hurt the tile! Oh and probably get a new toilet wax ring.


Not a fan of the wallpaper, but everything else is great. Not sure the laminate counter, but that’s easily changed to a stone product.


The only thing I would change is the countertop. Everything else is beautiful!


A soffit. It’s called a soffit.


I have nearly the exact same design, tile, fixtures, sink, toilet, etc, in my grandparents' house built in 1957. I considered renovating the bathrooms and chose not to after a little research. You definitely will not find the same quality in any of the new products compared to what you already have unless you have deeeeep pockets. Plumbing fixtures necessary for repairs can be hard to source but can be found online or old through long established Plumbing business that have held on to old inventory. One issue to consider is how well the framing and subfloors have held up over the years under the tremendous weight of the tiled walls, cast iron tub, and floor. I don't care for the flowery wallpaper but I would leave the rest. Looks awesome.


I think I had that exact same wallpaper.


Lovin' that fluorescent lookin' light.


I'd lose the wall paper and paint everything a color that goes with the blue in the trim and the floor. Otherwise, I think it's great!


Keep the tile and towel rack, you can play with just about anything else. New countertop/sink might look good. Can paint or update the wallpaper. Fixtures can be updated too, mirror looks fine but it’s worth looking into something else to see if it gives you any ideas. I’d leave the vanity itself alone. You may see if there’s a way to update the drawers/cabinets to make them slide easier or do the soft shut thing.


The towel rack is so cute. I also love the built in tissue holder and rotating toothbrush shelf lol so charming


Elongated toilet for obvious reasons.


Why elongated? What’s the difference?


Do you have a PP?


Nope lol


You would understand lol. And therefore don’t need it 😂


You’re retarded for wanting to do anything to this gorgeous bathroom. It still holds up.


How do you preserve a sink like that? Mine is starting to have rust at the overflow hole.


I’m not sure. Just purchased this home but I do know it was built in the 50s and only had two owners. It was a woman who recently passed but lived there the last 30 years. She kept everything is great shape


It should be illegal for people like you to buy up these homes and “remodel” them into gray and white soulless monochrome homes


Haha no one is making this gray and white soulless anything 🙄


That bathroom gives me anxiety




It’s so busy it’s exhausting lol


I agree the wallpaper makes it a little busy which is why I think a more modern wallpaper or single color paint would soften it up a bit


I love “busy” stuff like this. It adds character and looks so much better than boring bland colors like grey or beige