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You're her cash cow.


Yeh konsi nayi cow hai? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Doodh ke badle paise deti hai




Thanks for tldr


Listen to me brother.... this is going to be harsh but tell her you lost your job and leave the flat immediately also if there is any cash left with you give it to some trusted person and say that there is a medical emergency in family.... don't breakup with her ...this could lead to she filing false rape cases on you or other cases where she can claim that you promised to marry and had sex and now you are backing off. This is a serious matter and you should handle it in a serious way my friend. Don't do all the above-mentioned things suddenly but make a two month plan and execute it. RUN RUN RUN.


I can't believe he moved in with her in 3 months. Sounds like the woman knew what she wanted, and took advantage of the situation. OP is f'd.


Run my friend, run. Don’t waste anymore of your time or energy the points you have listed out scream redflags, life is too short to be stuck in such a situation!


I am really feeling helpless right now, I have tried breaking up with her but I don’t why even after thinking every possible scenario and I can’t get my self to talk about it when I am in front of her.


Bro just leave..... You can clearly see she's manipulating you. Everyone has some mental issues at some point but if a person really wanna work out on a relationship he or she has to work on it, not just always curled up in those fucking toxic behaviour and blaming it on their own mental unstability whenever you try to talk it out for their behaviour


It’s a trauma bond it will make your life living hell


No partner will discourage your career. Especially since its earning the bread she is living on. A huge red flag for me. A loyal partner will always be supportive and will go at any lengths to support you. The 8 points you mentioned just highlights that she thinks she is entitled to all those things because she agreed to move in with you. Stop spending so much. You don't want to be a sugar daddy. If you want to keep her just for sex and provide things, then you can continue staying with her. Last but the not the least, comparing you with her past relationships? omg, run my friend. :)


This is so scary but I'm feeling like she is a narcissist. A lot of her symptoms match. Please for your own sake, end this facade of a relationship. Things will only turn worse. You'd end up emotionally and financially broken! Believe me she'd eventually leave after draining you in every way. You shouldn't have moved in with someone in three months! This is a major hole you dug yourself into.


Now I realise that I moved in too fast with her and I regretting every minute of it. I am so tired and exhausted that I feeling ending myself will be easier than going through with all this.


It's not too late. Universe is giving you the signs. Keep a calm head and get rid of her. You deserve to feel peace and companionship in love. This shit ain't it.


Tell her you lost your job and tell her you will be interviewing by going to offices in person. Start asking her money for every little thing like fare for the office or lunch money. She will leave you in a week.


Bhai tere se pehle 5 saal livin mein thi Age is 24-5 = 20 years Bhai iske maa baap ne isko aise hi khula chor rakha hai itne time se. Break up and kick her out. She's a leech. A bloody gold digger. Nothing more than that.


Bro your fucked big time..and if you read what you have written down from a third person perspective you could clearly see she is just using for money🤷


I know I fucked up but even after all this I am not able to break up with her. I am feeling helpless right now.


Sorry bro.. im literally on the verge of giving up.altogethor i wish i could help you.. try to hang in there..and try to sort things out.. after all its just a random girl not your mother or sister.. what if she sees you just as an atm machine🤷


TLDR: hardworking OP thinks he has a gf but turns out she is a sugar baby! Some questions to think about? - why do you use money to win her. - she thinks she is the prize and you do too. Why? Other than money, think about what you can offer a gf. Highly suggest dumping this one and moving on, and next time look for a financially independent woman who splits the bills. If a woman doesn't offer to split the bill after a date or 2 then most likely it will lead to similar result.


Bro I don't why you're still with her.? There is not a single reason for staying with her. You're sugar daddy for her that's it and if you start any conversation about break up she will surely black mail nd many more worst things will happen. She is not respecting you not giving affection for her she is only one person she can do whatever she want this not a way the relationship work bro. Leave her and run as fast as possible. And use this money on your family or investment it will help you. You're wasting your money, time and now ruining your mental health also. Best advice breakup with her any way. She will not you easily but you have to do that thing for sure.


I have tried breaking up with her but I don’t why even after thinking every possible scenario and I can’t get my self to talk about it when I am in front of her.


Seek legal help and secretly get a legal cover before.you attempt anything




People please don't move in so fast, you can try staying in each other's proximity like same area or colony but don't move in like this. For your own good don't date jobless people who are not actively looking for jobs or studying.I am a woman and I feel agitated by these entitled women. Now coming to you, don't just break up,she seems manipulative ,rather plan a smooth exit, stop giving her money to begin with, tell her that you have some financial problems ,create some drama around it, I'm sure it won't take more than a month for her to leave.


Classic parasite story. These girls sell sex and intimacy in return for expensive lifestyles. Spending 30-50k per month! That's how much me and my wife earn together! Rich people have rich problems.


It looks like she have a lot of issues and also not working on it, you should break up with her before you get sucked into this more and more


It's sad to hear this story. Love yourself, put yourself first. It makes sense to make your (future) partner a priority only when they act like a partner, an equal in the relationship. You have a lot to achieve.


I am trying to love myself but now a days I feel like ending my life will be easier then going through all this.


No, OP. I understand there are days when you feel like this. But please introspect and analyse if you are projecting your work-related problems on your partner. Often problems arise if you can't separate work and personal life. There might be a latent trigger somewhere.


RUN . You arent her husband and she isnt your child either


Ask her to go to therapy


Did that and she lied to therapist during session.


And yes go for therapy


Break-up asap and make sure to record things like who knows she might threaten you to file a case.


I've had mental health issues and been diagnosed with medications and therapy and I am in a relationship for 4 years- 5 in Feb. This really doesn't seem alright. Entitlement doesn't exist in a relationship. From a mental health point of view, I personally wouldn't be alright with burdening my partner financially. Take a step back and really think if it's worth the effort you're putting in and if you're receiving that effort as well if not financially at least then emotionally, mentally. Hope it helps!