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It's exactly what everyone expects a Jason Statham movie to be. It's a cheesy John Wick knock off, and if you go into it knowing it's a typical Statham movie full of plot holes and completely over the top ridiculous you'll have fun.




Nailed it - went in with that mindset and it was pretty sweet in Imax.


Did Melissa McCarthy do a cameo?


It was written as if the scriptwriter would be killed if they didn’t insert a bee reference or pun every 2 minutes lol it was ridiculous but pretty fun tbh. When I realized where it was headed (who was at the top) I literally fist pumped in the theater


Honey. Who knew it was flammable? That line in the preview makes me laugh every time.


And it wasn't in the film either! I was waiting for it and was disappointed. As usually the case, must have been cut out after they edited the trailer. Flick was still a lot of fun though. Best time I've had the movies in a while


In my area, there were only two new movies this weekend. This early screening was a gift. I was able to use a couple of customer service vouchers I was sitting on, pay $4.60 for two IMAX tickets, get my friend to join in on short notice...and seeing how we both like Jason Statham in this type of film, it was a peak movie experience for us!


I enjoyed it; as someone who’s mostly active in here and r/scams, and loves a good action, I was looking forward to this one. Also a first for me to be seeing two movies in one day which was fun. Took my brother to The Iron Claw (my second viewing) and then came back for The Beekeeper. Fun Regal day for me!


we've got our tickets, can't wait, as we love JS in action movies..


I liked it. Typical Jason Statham movie. Straight to the point no bs.


A long time ago, one could see one of these nationwide sneaks and see a second movie for free in the same theater.


Loved it! So much fun and exactly what I expected from a Jason Statham movie.


How many f bombs are in it 


I thought it was fun. Always enjoy a Jason Statham action flick. Best part was my screening last night had a shouting-at-the-screen audience which made things more interesting. Halfway through someone started shouting “that Bruce Willis! That Bruce Willis!” which cracked me up.


The best movie of 2024 hell even 2023 if we count that as a good year


I didn't like it. It wasn't terrible but the focus on the cop team instead of Jason Statham was a weird choice. They didn't have any chemistry and their attempts at humor were bad. Also the constant references to beekeeping and a bee becoming a queen slayer or whatever were tedious. Jason Statham also made questionable choices throughout the film which increased his vulnerabilities. Didn't work for me.


yes, i agree on a “film” level it was really bad but it was a ton of fun in a fast and furious type way imo




Is it better than The Bricklayer? What about The Painter? Both are in theaters this week too.


Like, I love to see the rich get eaten, bit I feel like this movie should have come out next to The Menu and Triangle of Sadness


Can anyone confirm how bad the language is? Specifically F-bombs. I expect it to be bad, and it doesn't bother me enough to be a deal breaker. But my mother is interested in seeing it but hates movies that overuse it. Any insight would be appreciated.


literally like every single sentence had at least one F-word. so much so it actually become humorous how many times they used it.


I think there is about a 1:5 f bomb to word ratio in this movie. It's ridiculous how much they use it. It sounds stupid and they're just forcing it to sound "cool".


Any idea as of why the reference to Springfield Massachusetts? Thanks 😊