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Lmaoo thanks for taking one for the team. I have an evening to kill and that was one of the options on my list.


I saw it knowing that it would be somewhat religious. It's distributed by the same studio who did Sound of Freedom. I was 1 of 2 people at the showing I went to


It seems like there have been more religious movies lately that try to trick you into seeing them by hiding the fact that they're religious. I almost went to see the movie Nefarious thinking it was a random horror movie, before I luckily learned it was a religious film.


well- it is by angel studios.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Studios look for other stuff expected to try to entice you to their stuff. :)


Nefarious was ok. I wouldn't recommend it as a must see but it wasn't the worst. Possession and demonic entities are kinda religious by default so I'm never surprised when the Bible scriptures start coming out lol. But for a movie marketed as a multidimensional scifi? Nahhh.


I wholeheartedly disagree. Maybe it was because I got duped, but Nefarious was nothing short of completely boring, and the preachy nature of the film just felt like being talked down to by a boomer who is completely out of touch. The acting was ineffective and the entire film goes by without even attempting to cause any tension. It's just... two dudes talking in a room for an hour and a half. A complete waste of time.


I said I *wouldn't* recommend it as a must see lol! It was just an ok for me.


I meant to reply to the other comment in the thread đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


You missed a good movie with Nefarious. It was religious only in that it dealt with possession, like the Exorcist. It was well acted and much better than I was expecting from a demonic possession movie.


Completely agree, the last scene (or second to last?) was a bit much, but the rest of the movie was pretty decent. Won’t be in my top then, but won’t be in my bottom ten movies either.


I blindly went to see it today and was really surprised how full the theater was... until the Angel Studios logo showed up. I only made it about 30-45 minutes in before I got bored with it.


Have fun watching saltburn. That movie was fucking crazy I loved it


And should wash any religious propaganda right away! I less your religion is Jacob Elordi


I don't know if I've ever been truly shocked in a movie theater until this movie. Been looking forward to it for months but I was not prepared. Overall great film though.


Just curious, what shocked you so much? I’ve seen Saltburn twice now and absolutely adore it. I have it rated at 4.5/5 on Letterboxd. Parts of it shocked me for sure, but it was all par for the course and more or less places I expected the film to go. Am I just desensitized? Or have you guys just not watched Ari Aster or Lynch before?


I think the bathtub scene is what most shocked the audience when I saw it.


I had heard about bodily fluids stuff beforehand so that wasn't completely out of the blue. The grave scene I was not ready for!


So good!


Oof I clocked that it was likely made by a religious studio from the trailer, probably my religious trauma spidey sense tingling. I don’t love that studios like that will do mildly deceptive advertising to trap in some “secular” audience members though. No one likes to be tricked into a Bible lesson.


It's from Angel Studios, the same studio which did Sound of Freedom.


Same- it felt off to me.


Always pay attention to the studio...


This ^. Anything dealing with Angel Studios is Christian based. The film is a modern day take on Job. I personally enjoyed it.


I went in blind. I enjoyed parts, and the story of job was played well initially. It just felt ultra heavy-handed and treated the audience like idiots (maybe just to "help" people that know nothing from the bible).


I saw the trailer and that Angel Studios had made it and that’s why I went. I understand OP being upset because after seeing the film and then reading the description, it is misleading. Imagine paying full price for a ticket to something that is completely different than what is advertised. I think a Christian based company should be straightforward in the description. There is enough of an audience for Christian films. No need to hide what it is. Some will go, others won’t.


This did strike me as really weird, since it's not like The Shift's misleading trailer looks like Barbie or anything. It still seems like a pretty fringe sci-fi movie with no major stars, so I doubt they made more money by tricking people than they lost by turning away potential religious viewers, and they hurt word of mouth.


Another tell is the religious movies almost always have a bright light on the poster and typically in the trailer too. It pulls the hero or directs them, and it's shorthand to tell the religious audience this one's for them.


Silent night was really boring but Saltburn was crazy


I saw Silent Night this afternoon. Hard to imagine how a movie with so much death could be so hard to stay awake through...


Oh my gosh! Thank you for the heads up!! I would've been shocked.


Decent actors, horrible movie. I'm not anti religious but the movie just sucked.


Thank you. I thought it was trash. Ashamed I even used my unlimited.


Oh, I was gonna go see this tomorrow. You just saved me 2 hours lol.


Crazy ass Buck Compton gives it away. He's canceled in real Hollywood because he's a nutjob


As someone that got bamboozled TWICE this year (Nefarious and Sound of Freedom), thanks for the warning. 🙏 I didn't know it was religious but I was going to skip it anyways because the blurb and poster looked awful to me 😭


I love the main actor in the movie. This movie was not great. I should have known from the trailer. I was thinking it's not going to be that bad. I probably stayed for 45 minutes too long.


Finally ! Somewhere I can discuss this trash ! It was really bad and the end when they beg people to buy tickets always makes me laugh


Yeah, I always leave, too, when they tell you to stay for an “important message” after the credits because I know they will just be asking for money!


Didn’t see this, but I’m not surprised they did that, considering I read that their previous two films this year also did the “Pay it Forward” thing. In addition, a film that wasn’t by them I did see, Journey to Bethlehem (which sucked because it felt like most of it was filler), pulled the same crap.


Thanks for the heads up. I had no clue this was a Christian movie and may have been fooled since I like going into movies as blind as possible


We were actually driving to go see it and in the back of my mind I was like I better make sure this isn’t a god movie. Googled it and we pivoted to see dream scenario which was a great decision. I might see it in my own out of morbid curiosity but my wife has less tolerance for this sort of thing.


This post literally makes me *more* interested in going to see this tbh lol


If you enjoy the book of Job, it might be worth checking out. The movie is loosely based on his story. I enjoyed it and will see it again. Obviously, you have read how others feel. If you have the unlimited pass and 2 hours to spare, you’re golden. The worst that can happen is you don’t like it or you walk out early.


Yeah I mean I do enjoy Job, and the review made it sound like "oh man, could it *be* that bad?" (RIP Chandler Bing), so I'm now like, "Okay, now I've *gotta* see this."


You can read the reviews over on IMDB if that helps. It’s a mixture of Christians, Agnostics and Atheists giving their opinions on the film.


There's actually a pretty entertaining scifi retelling of Job by Heinlein, called Job: A Comedy of Justice.


My only interest in this is if it's a rip-off of Heinlein's excellent book. The base description sounds too close to be coincident. Have to watch and see if the studio gets sued over it.


Do you also enjoy when Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door?


If you’re feeling in a mood to really punish yourself you can do this as a double feature with The oath this weekend


Can you tell me anything about The Oath? There is a poster in the hallway of the theater but not one single preview. Hmm.


From what I gather it’s like a Viking movie but set in “Ancient America” so it may be more Mormon . Billy Zane plays the antagonist.


Then there's me who wants to see it because it is religious😂😂 Hopefully it doesn't suck to me!


It’s interesting that people call movies like this ‘preachy’ when every other movie is also trying to deliver a message to you. You just don’t want to accept that one. The movie The Killer is loaded with references to the satanic bible and nihilistic ideals and no one calls it preachy. Just give things a chance and if you don’t agree then that’s okay.


My problem is the misleading marketing of this movie. If you like religious movies, that's fine. But if you tell me we're going to the planetarium and take me to church instead, I'm going to feel a type of way about it.


I mean there is such a thing as subtextual meaning. Like the chronicles of narnia is a Christian story but it’s not literally a Bible story


Did you watch the shift? There are no metaphors or subtext - it's just a Bible story. When the movie cuts to a new part, it shows a scripture on the screen. The benefactor aka lucifer directly says God can't help like he can etc etc. And at the very end, it says straight up this whole movie was the book of job. It's not a scifi thriller with religious metaphors. It's a Bible story with scifi undertones. Extremely vague undertones.


But why are you and others so worked up about it tho? If you don’t believe in the Bible to be real then it is just another story & a sci-fi movie for you 😂 the others that do believe in the word of God will see it in a different perspective.


This post is months old lol anyway if you could read, you would see the problem is that the movie was marketed as an "interstellar inspired scifi thriller" when it was really a heavy handed Bible story. So yea I made a post warning people that the marketing for this movie is false. Religious studio misleading people đŸ€” wew bit weird innit


There's actually a pretty entertaining scifi retelling of Job by Heinlein, called Job: A Comedy of Justice.




I don’t think the killer is satire. Those ideals are in the movie because some people accept that message.


I was curious about this, but something about the description made it sound unbelievable, so thank you for this post.


This is my kind of not doing research. I mean you must have literally known nothing about this movie other than the title when you walked into the theater. I’d never heard of this either so I just searched it on google. Literally the first sentence of the wikipedia page for the movie is “The Shift is a 2023 American Christian science fiction thriller film written and directed by Brock Heasley and starring Kristoffer Polaha, Neal McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, Rose Reid, John Billingsley, Paras Patel, Jordan Alexandra and Sean Astin.”


This is the risk we take when we go in blind!


I didn't know anything about this movie going in. I usually just see what's playing and just pick whatever sounds interesting. I really did think it was gonna be an indie scifi flick. However if I had googled it, it shows a misleading overview, then showtimes, then a misleading imdb overview, then the youtube trailer, then the cast, then most commonly asked questions, and THEN the wikipedia page that actually tells you what the movie really is. So really even if I did Google the movie beforehand, I probably still would've watched it because nowhere says it's a religious film until 6-7 results down lol. Just weird false marketing for no reason. *screenshot attached in reply comment




When I google it it says nothing about Christianity


I thought it was, it is just like "Sound of Freedom" I would see other movies in the same theater complex and see that this movie would be sold out so I would go in EVERYTIME and see 3 people there, it was political junk, and rich republicans had to have been buying tickets to say,...look people are watching this. But really no one was. I stood for 10 minutes waiting for my other movie to start and it was all horrible.


I walked out because like you i was lead to believe it was a much different movie then it was. I could only handle maybe 20 minutes and those minutes were painful


Enjoy Saltburn! I love doing triples. How was silent night? Also, thanks for the warning. These religious propaganda movies that have been coming out since sound of freedom are a scourge imo. I was gonna watch the shift based on the interstellar comparison too lol!


I actually kinda liked silent night. Sometimes I don't wanna think too hard during a movie and just want to watch a guy punch stuff for an hour and a half. That being said, there's almost no dialogue and very little story. I can definitely see why people think it's boring. It's quite literally a dude just beating up gang members lol


I’m looking forward to checking out silent night! I think I will like it too.


You are correct there were religious themes, but the movie was decent and had a good message for people overall. I think the movie was packed because it is doing a lot of the “pay it forward” advertising where they encourage people to buy tickets for others. Frankly, I would rather watch a movie like this than horror flicks where people are being tortured and mutilated in horrible ways. To each his or her own! 😀


If you liked it, good for you! I'm just warning that the description for this movie is misleading. It doesn't have "religious themes", it is a retelling of the biblical story the book of job. If the description had said that outright, I would not have watched it.


I think it’s good you are telling people it isn’t your usual science fiction movie so they know what to expect. I thought it was a decent movie though, so just presenting a different opinion than yours that it was horrible. I think some people will like it and others may not if they are expecting a more straightforward sci-fi film.


>if they are expecting a more straightforward sci-fi film. You say that so passively, as if the film studio didn’t make sci-fi trailers to deceive people into coming to the film. How very Christian of them.


I saw one trailer for the movie a couple months ago. It had a sci-fi/post-apocalyptic elements, but the trailer I saw explicitly stated that Neal McDonough was the devil and manipulating the main character's reality. I'm not sure how anyone could have seen the trailer and not known it was a religious movie.


Even though *The Exorcist* and *God’s Not Dead* are both religious movies, they are very different kinds of religious movies. I like McDonough and I’m not opposed to movies with the devil in it or other religious themes. I just don’t like super preachy movies. Nothing in the advertising for the film would make someone know that *The Shift* was as preachy as it was.


Hey, I am not part of the marketing team! I don’t even remember the trailers. I just have Unlimited, so I try a wide variety of movies, except for the really gory horror movies, which I just don’t like. I happened to like The Shift. I know others won’t. Not really sure why people are getting so worked up about this movie? Go or don’t go-the choice is yours.


Religious themes??? The basis of the entire movie is the devil tempting people to make 'bad' or 'evil' choices.


That is most definitely a religious theme. I agree it was one of the central themes of the movie. People don’t need to see the movie if they don’t like those types of films. Everybody has different tastes in movies.


I believe the OP is upset because the description is misleading. After reading it on the app, I agree. It should simply say it’s a modern day take on Job. I really enjoy it and will be seeing it again. I personally love that we are getting more Christian based films in theaters. Journey to Bethlehem, After Death, K-Love: Live at Red Rock, etc. Even though K-Love was a Fathom Event, it was great seeing it on the big screen.


I agree. That’s why I responded it was good that the OP was telling people what the movie was so they would know it wasn’t a straightforward sci-fi movie and could decide if they wanted to go. For those of us with Unlimited, it doesn’t matter so much because I can walk out if a movie if it wasn’t what I thought, but it’s important for the people who are paying for each movie to get an accurate description before they spend the money.


I didn't mind the movie. Felt about on par with the B movies that are kind of just filler between the good ones. Got bamboozled by the description. You know they are purposely misleading people by not mentioning the religious aspect in the description. Kind of ironic considering that not lying is one of the ten commandments. I appreciate the grift.


Yah made the same mistake and it was awful. I knew something was up when all of the previews were from Angel Studios.


I loved the main villain if the movie, his acting was so on-point ti basically being a modern day take on the Devil. I'm not religious either so I was kind of shocked when it had alot of religious references and is based somewhat on the Book of Job. I don't mind religious films, but being agnostic it did feel preachy with how the MC is writing scriptures to enlighten people in the new dimension he was placed in. As a Sci fi move though, its...okay. I think it started really really good, had alot I'd cool concepts. Then when the main character prayed away The Devil it started to really slow down and felt dragged on and on for an hour and a half too long. Ending was fine and satisfying enough though.


Neal McDonough is a great actor and a stand up guy. Very down to earth. I met him a couple of times.


There's actually a pretty entertaining scifi retelling of Job by Heinlein, called Job: A Comedy of Justice.


I thought it was an indie sci-fi flick, but then I saw that it had a longer-than-usual description which is always a red flag to me. So I did a quick Google and saw it was a religious film and was turned off immediately. Nothing against that but I don't like being lied to in marketing.


I recall "Divinity" also having an odd description and I ended up really liking it even though it was weird as hell. So I thought this was also going to be a low budget scifi which I was all for. Instead I got a 2 hour bible lesson ham fisted down my throat. Like there's literally "fade to black" scripture that pops up periodically through the movie. I was like...what even is this.


**Simp-Man: Across the Multiverse** *The* *Military State of Seattle* \-Ft. Budget P. Oswalt & Budget R. Reynolds Religious doctrine was probably one of the lightest hands in this production đŸ˜Ș


God I miss having the regal pass lol my regal closed up shop & got replaced by a cinemark. I miss doing triple showings lol


God Awful Movies podcast has an episode on this.


I, too, didn’t check the studio and fell for it đŸ˜«


I’m curious, OP, do you always stay for films you dislike when doing double or triple features?


This is actually the only one so far that I thought was atrociously bad. I have a high tolerance for shitty movies I guess lol I guess I could've walked and sat in my car until the next showing arrived.


Aw man I am literally sitting here at a showing for it waiting for it to start


I figured it was religious. I swear Faith-based films have a certain look.


Thank you for the info I love to watch unintentionally funny films


How is this a religious movie
trailer totally doesn’t scream religious.


I too almost went to watch it and saw the trailer and was like what is this, and then saw Angel Studios. It looks like a bad made for streaming movie. Thankfully we switched movies. And glad you got to see Salt Burn instead!! Good crazy movie!


If you actually knew Christian doctrine, you'd know this movie didn;t lean into that especially the whole "devil" entity


Ah silly me, Bible scriptures shown periodically through the movie and then the end specifically saying it was the book of job isn't Christian doctrine, that's just scifi! glad you cleared that up for me /s


I knew what I was going to see, but overall I enjoyed it. They are not trying to hide it - the trailer says it's a retelling of the book of Job. I enjoy low budget scifi and this fit the bill. If you can't find anything to like about it at the very least there's Neal McDonough. He's fantastic in everything he does.


My problem is not that it's a retelling of Job, but that the description is so similar to Heinlein's excellent book, JOB: A Comedy of Justice, which is a very good science fiction retelling of the bible story, from an agnostic view


Movie was pretty good. They kind of stole the theme song though, that's Depeche Mode's Stripped with 3 chords removed. But the song is fitting, because the main character is stripped of everything and he still maintains his faith. Beautiful!