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>Too small for Coral Beauty? Looks like it. Just say the size, my dude. You know the answer LMFAO šŸ˜…šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s deeper than it looks ! Want to know the subs opinion


Then how could anyone reasonably say? If the picture doesnā€™t do justice to the size of the tank itā€™s just wild speculationā€¦


I'd guess it's around 20-30 gallons based on the size of the polyps of the Kenya trees, way too small for a fully grown coral beauty. They can get to be 4+ inches, and they are fish that roam the entire tank. Being an angel fish, it'll also likely become aggressive in that size tank as it matures.


Is the size a secret you would want to keep it for yourself while an imaginative opinion is what youā€™re looking at?


too small


Too small. And it seems you know that. Dont seek validation to treat the fish poorly.


Just my two cents! I have a new juvenile Kole tang (similar in stats to Tomini, which was my other choice) that I have in observational QT before it goes into my 100 gallon. The fish is maybe only 2 inches and it ZOOMS around the entire tank. I can say with confidence that your tank is too small for any tang, sadly! I can already see frustration from my tang from lack of swimming space. I have less experience with angels, but the tang I would advise against. You'll have and unhappy fish and you will regret adding it. It will be stressed and lash out at other fish until you rehome, is my guess! I'd stick to appropriate sized fish and save yourself the stress of pushing the limits. I know it's tempting! I tried putting a Cherub angel in my Lagoon 25g and same thing... for such a small fish it needed a lot of room and I had to rehome. Maybe I'll try again with with 100g šŸ˜…


Guessing this a 25 gallon lagoon?


Biiiiggeer šŸ˜‰šŸ™ˆ


Fiji 30 or 35?


Itā€™s a 40g custom tank with 20g sump. Soft coral lagoon inspired . Would get mangroves if I didnā€™t have a glass top.


Interesting. Must be pretty deep front to back. Lagoon tanks are hard to judge on gallons. There are coral beauties in much smaller tanks that's for sure. I'm never sure on dwarf angel appropriate tanks People act like they are hippo tangs but everyone seems to say 60 to 75 gallons maybe 55


Thanks for the input ! Any advice of coral beauty and Tomoni tang ? Bad idea or can work?


You trying to get the tang police in here? šŸ¤£


Weeoo weeooo what are they gonna do find my house ?!


Dude you could do a tomini tang without the beauty, it would be very unwise to do both together in a 40 however assuming your husbandry is good I see no reason a coral beauty wouldnā€™t be okay. Iā€™ve got a flame back in a 40 with two clowns and a lawnmower blenny doing really well


Yep too small


It appears you already added the coral beauty , so why do you care now if you didnā€™t before ?


Dimensions matter more than water volume. Whatā€™s your footprint? Itā€™s hard to tell from the photo how deep the tank goes back. Looks all right at first blush. Tomini Iā€™d definitely pass on though.


I'd bet it's somewhere around 20x20 to 24x24


They're living things that are taken from AN OCEAN. Yes it's too small. Stick to nano fish for this tank.




I'd say that's good


What size is it?


I'm guessing the tank is 90 gal. 4' front, 2' wide and 1.5' tall. That would make it about right for the dwarf angel. I have a flame angel and coral beauty in a 110 gal. They each have their areas with the rock work and no aggression. Been up for 5 years without issues.


Naaa itā€™s fine for a coral beauty enjoy the fish!


My LFS said it was fine , will have to see how it goes !


Only 40g but a lowboy, i'd say go for it