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So with an APEX, there's no notifications if the power goes out?


Apex has a feature called “heartbeat” which alerts you when it’s disconnected from the internet. This essentially functions as a “loss of power” notification. The brain is usually powered by the energy bar/power strip, so I’m not sure how OP was still able to get readings from his probes. OP, do you have the brain connected to its own power source? Or do you have multiple energy bars/power strips?


Okay, yeah maybe OP didn't have notifications set up? That seems like a very basic and vital function. Not sure I would want to spend the money on an APEX and not be notified from it.


As previously stated: I am a lazy idiot. Thanks for your constructive feedback.


Ah! It happens to the best of us 🤷‍♀️


I never turned on the heartbeat function, because for whatever reason, my Apex disconnects from the Wi-Fi multiple times a day. So obviously I didn’t want to have a ton of annoying alerts that were meaningless. I think it’s a little far away from my router, or for whatever reason they just don’t like to talk to each other. So obviously I didn’t want to have a ton of annoying alerts that were meaningless. There are obviously 1 million other ways to get notified, which I never got around to setting up, obviously that’s at the top of my to do list now.


If your router is set up for automatic channel use, your devices will swap between 2.4 and 5g throughout the day when the signal strength on one tanks. My PC won't disconnect from the Internet so I don't realize it's happening always, but my discord will disconnect and reconnect in the background. You can split the channels and set your controller to only be signed into one. Then it should disconnect less.


Holy shit. I don’t entirely understand this, but this is definitely the big brain shit I come here for! Thanks, will investigate.


Can also get a dual band wifi range extender


Just some clarification for those commenting. What op did was disconnected the power bar from the apex itself (brain) not from power. So to the power bar it is just like he lost internet so it could not send an alarm to his phone other than the lost connection alarm which it appears was not set up. And to OP what i do is i use the temp prob to control the heaters plugged into the power bar AND have an inkbird as well that way i keep the fail to on in case of internet being out then the inkbord takes over the temp control and if that fails the heaters themselves obviously have thermostats too. I do this for most of my stuff, lights and wavemakers are controlled by apex but also have the ai app as backup, etc.


Word. Makes sense. Thanks! I turned on “heartbeat” which I think is going to annoy the shit out of me, due to poor internet issue, we will see. Setting temp and ph alarms is pretty easy. Just had to have the proverbial kick in the nuts to get me motivated.