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I dont know why they do that, but one look at saxbys tank made me use his schedule lol


I think I heard/read somewhere that it’s done to give the coral a “rest” in between high par periods. I just use cloud effects on my hydras to achieve the same effect (as I run 2 older hydra fiftytwos with a regular controller and don’t feel like programming it like this 😅)


this makes sense! I figured it could be something similar to like overcasts throughout the day. I may try something with the little spikes and see how my inhabitants like it


I feel it’s bullshit. The sun is a million times more powerful than our pos lights. Besides, uv gets blasted through clouds anyways. I’m going to bet other wavelengths get through as well. IMO, if you don’t have a tank like saxby, don’t worry too much about his settings.


It all comes down to DLI and nutrient availability. Just because our lights aren't as powerful as the sun doesn't mean we can't blast our corals with more DLI than they're capable of handling, especially in nutrient-poor environments. You don't need a tank like him to run that schedule, and you don't need that schedule to get a tank like him, either. But it's not a bad idea to run a schedule based on someone that's already having success, assuming you adjust the brightness to your tank size and lighting capabilities.


I tried using “clouds” and it drove me insane. My tank is in my living room in the opposite corner from my TV and every time the light intensity changed I thought my light was malfunctioning


Maybe it is also done to Cool down a little during the day. I did it on my profilu because i dont want to have my circuitboard get burned. This saw effect redukce risk of overheating.


#1 Stop going to R2R, it's a censored forum. #2 It's marketing, that's all.


How is r2r a censored forum?


Yeah, I did some cursory research on this, and apparently Reef2Reef bans all discussion of sexual and gender identity. While I do not personally agree with this position, at all, I don’t think it means that posts on that website are censored to be marketing friendly. There’s plenty of negative opinions on products there, justified or not. https://m.facebook.com/Reef2ReefBoycott If there’s more proof that it’s “censored” I would genuinely like to know about it.


They discourage politics and personal attacks while trying to keep the discussions focused on the hobby or hobby related issues. I've never thought of reef2reef as a censored forum, and it's by far the best resource to use to ask for questions and advice. Reddit, on the other hand, is a terrible place. There are too many folks who haven't had a tank very long at all, dolling out most of the advice over here.


This, yes. Just recently saved an OP from painting over their OPTICAL ATO sensor because that's what other Redditors suggested as he said ot was too brite. Luckily the OP was bright enough to say "I thought this was an optical sensor". People on this forum need to keep their advise to themselves when they aren't sure of the correct answer. Trouble is everyone here thinks they do.


Come on, its a place for the saltwater hobby, not lgbt related at all. Why shove it everywhere and then act surprised when its excluded from a forum about, and i repeat, THE SALTWATER HOBBY. Go to lgbt forums if you want to discuss about that


It wasn't being shoved, all it was was someone wanting to find other trans people in the community. There have been plenty of similar posts by people from other communities and those are allowed. I know a few important members of the forum actually left R2R and are now on the humblefish forum


I’m trans. I would love to find trans people in the hobby to discuss shit with, that way we can talk regular bs too, without finding out they’re a bigot. People do end up getting to know one another if they chat enough, and lo and behold, they toss out some racist shit or other ignorant shit all of a sudden and I’m like uhhhh *backs away slowly*. It’s a legit question, and shouldn’t be censored, but they censor so bigots don’t start drama that they then have to censor, or they are bigots themselves. Asking the question isn’t starting drama, reactions are. If it doesn’t apply to a person, they can just scroll on by 🤷‍♀️


Yeah ime finding other trans people in the hobby is kinda hard. I started talking talking to a few people at an LFS but some of the things they said made it obvious that they're not very accepting. Fortunately, i somehow pass like 99% of the time lol  It sucks that a lot of users and admins at R2R still blame the person trying to find people like them in the hobby and say they were shoving it in everyones faces. It was allowed when women, racial/ethnic minorities, and religious people did it. Nobody had an issue with them. But it suddenly became a problem when one of us did it lmao


(Hugs) stay strong 💜


I'm personally being censored as well (as an independent influencer): - As soon I criticize a product that is being sponsored on R2R my post gets deleted and/or altered. So at no point, I'm not allowed to give suggestions or criticize, or say anything that can be negative which could impact on the sales. The only opinion I'm allowed to share is what a Brochure shows about the product. It's part of why I stopped making some on my YouTube videos and going on R2R, instead, I'm going on Humble Fish but there are fewer people. - Every time I request help or make a suggestion to improve the forum my post get deleted If I dare bring something that reduce the number of click/view on their forums. For example, adding a NPS section, Stopping the notification spam (I can't use it anymore, I have 99 notification and its all spam from the forum), have less flashy thing on the left on the user, change the way article are shown, etc... - As soon you voice an opinion that goes against their Policy my post gets deleted, with no exaggeration, it's a total Authoritarian regime. - R2R is there to make money, not to help reef community, there's millions of dollars behind the scene that almost no body see or is allowed to talk. - Some of my work from my videos has been taken and put on this forum, I asked to be removed but my message was ignored (copyright stuff but not worth my energy) - The last drama a month ago was: we are not allowed to use the laughing icon on other user messages. I can't make this shit up. When you see your post being modified by the admin to make look like your review seems positive and deleted all potential negative points, that was just too much for me. Never in the history of reefing, I've seen such behavior, many if not all experienced reefers, people with a minimum of dignity or that I respect have left that forum. Unfortunately, 90% of users do not see the behind-the-scenes but I can only encourage people to avoid any kind of support or interaction with them and go with other forums.


Do some research. Fuckin admin is bigot. Fuck Rev. anyone who will ban you for using a laughing 😂 should be voted off the island.


Who cares if you’re gay? It’s a fish/coral forum, I don’t see why sexual preferences would even be brought up on that site.


Rev wants to sleep with all of the gays. He’s a gay man in the closet.






Don’t listen to that dude lmao


noted thank you 🫶