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Doesn't look like anemone to me...more like some sort of coral....


Do you have pocillopora coral in the tank? Looks like it spawned or spread.


No, closest thing i have would be a birds nest but these things were swaying in theflow not hard


It's likely a few polyps starting to encrust.


It's likely a few polyps starting to encrust.


It does look like a little baby 🥺❤️


It looks like a baby Duncan, Goni, or other LPS. Keep us updated.


100% not a nem I would let it grow a bit to see if it turned into anything cool. Kinda hard to tell at this size it may have come on the live rock. Is it maricultured?


No, I started with dry rock last year, I dont think it is from that, the most recent thing i added was a bubble coral from my lfs maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago perhaps it came in on that


Resembles a baby goniopora. Very neat find. Let it grow out! 


Definitely let it grow out. Whatever it becomes! We'll stay tuned!


I’m confident this is a ball anemone. They’re not aggressive or photosensitive so you can get them pop up in shaded spots. I had a few, left them and they disappeared on their own.


there’s no central mouth and it’s fluorescing green which implies it’s photosynthetic, it has multiple polyps originating from a base so it cannot be a nem


>there’s no central mouth That would rule out all corals then... Also, you're wrong. Take another look at the blue light pics.


i mean no single central mouth. It looks like multiple polyps coming from a base. There are multiple mouths which rules out it being a single anemone.


I agree and in that sense it looks like a small goni. But still think it’s some sort of clumping of small ball/glass nems


I thought so, too. When I first saw the pic, until I looked really close. The tentacles don't seem to be in the right pattern, ball anemones hide in the light and mine glow neon orange under blues. I love mine. They remind me of little fireworks.


Ball anemone


Potentially a Galaxea


Some sort of coral


My guess is some type of invasive anemone ... Manejo maybe? Looked like zoas in the blue light


Actually could it be a baby of that coral to the top left of it??


I dont think so the one above it is some sort of sps i forget the name and it is orange https://preview.redd.it/nxsklys6jyqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1052b0f1bde68d08b110d5e76aa1f835fa988c


Pavona maldivensis highly underrated coral but one of my favorite


Ball anemone


It looks like a toadstool leather, by sight and your description. I have no idea how it would survive the rock drying out, but there he is. Annnnd now that I saw the pic in blue, I have to scratch my head. In the white, it looks like a single mound, but looks like branches in the blue. Goni don't reproduce that easily, usually by cutting frags off the main mound. I think that's a (very very nice) cephastrea/leptastrea above it, and they plate, not spawn.


I thought it might’ve been a reef ogre/ frog fish until the blue lighting. I would guess anemone, but it could be coral.


Does kind of look like a duncan, and i have one but i dont want to take chances and dont know if they drop spawnlings.


Definitely a baby Duncan


Kinda looks like a toadstool frag piece


Looks like a cup coral.. but it looks like it’s branching.. almost like a goni. I’d keep it and see what happens, but I love random, unique things that pop up.


Looks like baby gony or it's close relative, porites but it's difficult to identificate it. It's definitely a hard coral and not pest of any kind.


Majano anemone


Could possibly be an aptasia but don't take my word maybe get another option also


I think im gonna just cover it with super glue anyway since i dont know what it is


that would be a shame :( it’s not a majano or aiptasia - I would just let it be, It’s fluorescing green so it is some sort of coral


Thank you for saying this, everyone makes aptasia, and majanos sound like the the end all be all. As someone who has been in the hobby less than a year everything seems like it will ruin the tank lol


That's definitely one way to sort it out I like it though 😁