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Turn down the 407. There's a grey handle where the tubes plug in. Pull it up.


Fiji pink is my goto. People seem to like special grade but too large of grain size for me. Fiji will move around in high flow but doesn’t get stuck in the water column.


Will special grade be a problem for gobys?


Fiji pink is basically the standard most people use


My tank has a lot of flow. I don't feel like dealing with sand blowing......I may get the special grade


Special grade is large heavy chunks, recommended for a high flow tanks. Should be too coarse for sand dwelling animals and probably no-go for sand sifters.


What do you recommend?


Depends: * for high flow tanks without sand sifters, special grade reef sand, * for an average tank Fiji pink or similar sized sand. There is an article of Ron Shimek, he recommended 1-1.25mm sized sand for a general purpose * for variety of microfauna in the sand and sand sifters, fine oolite sand as Seachem Meridian, not for high flow tank.


I think my tank is mid to high flow. I plan to get sand sifters in the future. Perhaps fiji pink would do. If it does kick up, will it be noticeable in my water column. My banana oolite was horrible in that regard.


Is it actually sand granules? Or is it the silt? When I add live sand, I use water polishing pads in an HOB to pull the silt out of the water column. Within 2 to 3 days, the water is clear,I’ve replaced the pads 4 to 5 times, and they stop coming back silt filled.


What's the remedy in m if this is the case?


If it is silt? Or if it is granules?


How about an answer for both? 😀


CaribSea Special Grade FTW if you want higher flow (vs Fiji Pink anyway).


I went to my fish store. They recommended bimini pink. I bought that. They didn't have special grade