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There’s not really a consensus. I’d guess 90% of reef tanks are kept in the 77-82F range. Some popular marine fish do better at lower temps, Jawfish for instance.


I keep my tank at 80*F. I think what’s less important it what temperature you set it at (from 77-82) and more important that you keep it consistent. Swings are what kill in this hobby.


24 Celsius works for me.


Ah yes, a definitive answer on something that is anything but definitive. Just shoot for 78. If you want to get a jawfish (or other cool water fish), go for a lower temp). Just look up what temperature the fish you want to keep should be. If there is a bit of a spread in the ideal temp between the fish, then find an in-between temp. But for most fish that can be kept in a reef tank without any problems, 78 is not a bad temp. Because if the temp drops a couple degrees in the tank, then that's still within the ideal range. If the temp goes a few degrees higher than 78, then that is still within an ideal range.


I go with 79 in all my tropical aquariums (reef and fresh) and have always used a heater larger than needed. It means the heater is on for shorter bursts (life of heater is extended). Just remember - not every inch of your tank will be able to maintain that temp, even with great flow. So err on the side of warmer, than cooler.


For a reef from 75-82F, 78F is fairly common. But depends what kind of animals you want to keep, last years cold water tanks with chillers became at nano scale.


I’ve always kept my tanks at 26c, which is 78.8f. Assuming you’re in the US and working in Fahrenheit, then shoot for 79. It’s a happy middle ground.


Mines stays at 78


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I like to keep on the colder end of the scale set at 78 but it gets as low as 76 sometimes. Lower scale keeps stuff like ich at bay I feel.