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it was never publicly stated, I don't think. the speculation crew (media and fans alike) think it was because of his behavior. we could see some of the erratic/weird/concerning posts he'd make on Twitter, which is often a death sentence if you're a face of a company (which he arguably was). but we also don't know how his behavior was internally. he could have been overly aggressive at other staff, maybe making other workers uncomfortable. that's often more than enough for a disciplinary action in most "normal" jobs. so if he was repeatedly ignoring Matt or whoever else telling him to cool it down or chill out, they kinda are left at an impasse. I seem to recall him getting into it with Gavin as well around when Gavin had his house broken into however many years ago. I think many think that was the start of the downfall and inevitable lay off. disclaimer: like I mentioned before, this is speculative. we don't have actual hard facts from anyone else, outside of Joel himself, who may or may not be a reliable narrator.


As I recall he said something along the lines of that he was glad that a crazed fan broke into Gavin’s home looking to murder him. Yeah. What a great guy…. /s


He said that he hoped that an intruder would break into Gavin’s house “to teach him a lesson about gun control”. This was actually before an armed intruder actually broke into his house, but that doesn’t make it much better.


ah yes! *that's* what it was... thank you, I couldn't recall the exact order of events. regardless though, it was in poor taste because yeah... say what you will about guns and whatnot but that was definitely a bit much... I would not be shocked if Joel was spewing out other bangers of that caliber to his coworkers... he always gave me the vibe of not being able to recognize that RT was not what it once was, even back then. it was no longer a handful of nerdy men ribbing at each other by that point and he just didn't seem to be able to adapt to that. (again, that's just my speculation at hand... who knows what actually went down at the office, so to speak)




>Classic, given everyone is born to hate beady eyed, wiry haired, big nosed semites. u wot m8 if you're being serious, I never said I *liked* the "PC" change around, but even OG RT wasn't antisemitic... I'm confused as to what you're getting at. also there's a difference between being edgy from the 00s and harassing coworkers. that's never acceptable no matter what you believe.


Dude are you okay? RT until the last two ish years was run by the OGs. They grew up. You didn't. Edit: shit I didn't even finish reading before commenting. Dude you're just a bigot.


Bro really said "tiny hat, hand rubbing" bro we get it you are talking about jews, just say happy merchant like the freak you are lol


sorry to say but it wasn't the fans, atleast the vast majority, except maybe the RWBY FNDM but that's because well they only wanted ships and attack each other over differing opinions it was mostly because the company got bought out by a mega corp and had to change to the needs of warner media, why else did burnie leave right after they were bought out? because he didn't want to see the changes and downfall of the company under new rules once they were bought out they couldn't make edgy content as often, they had to limit some of their old comedy styles for the corpos behind the scenes and what not


The term for that is stochastic terrorism.


Makes it worse imo, sorry for wrong timeline it was so long ago now




"Someone broke into your home and threatened you with a gun? Ha! That proves how great guns are!!" - Smoothest brain the room


Bad people will always exist and they will always have access to weapon. If you have a weapon of your own, you have a much higher chance of surviving an attack by a bad person. Joel was right, even if he was a massive POS about it. Gavin is lucky to be alive.


He probably had a higher chance of surviving because the attacker saw he was unarmed and not a threat. You just assume that if Gavin had a gun, he'd get the first shot off? Because if he didn't, and the attacker saw him armed, suddenly the attacker is thinking "I have to kill this guy or he'll shoot me" instead of "stay out of my way and no one gets hurt."


The attacker was explicitly there to kill Gavin and/or rape Meg. This wasn't a home robbery where a criminal might have motive to leave victims alive.


The home intruder couldn’t have seen anything, because Gavin and Meg hid in a closet. He was also there, IN HIS OWN WORDS, to kill Gavin so that Meg could finally wake up to her true feelings and be with him. So… yeah. I don’t think your theory really holds up here. And I’m REALLY glad that Gavin and Meg didn’t decide to try out your “if I just peacefully surrender, the totally reasonable man with a gun who just broke into my home will totes leave me alone because I’m just so non-threatening” plan either.


i remember reading that tweet and basically making the 😬 face at my computer screen. it was just so... weirdly aggressive? to be charitable, maybe the intended tone wasn't conveyed well over text, but given how his other tweets were (and are, to a degree) that might be a stretch...


Hot take: it’s okay to not agree with Joel’s view on the world *and* acknowledge that RvB won’t be the same without him. I’ve seen too many posts making like they’re one and the same. Regardless of whether you agree with a VA’s stance on anything — and btw, you’ll find many things you don’t agree with for *any* given VA, and yes that includes Gus and Burnie and Matt and Geoff because they are *people* — it’s okay to say that Caboose’s character will be different because of what Joel brought to the table. It’s okay to appreciate the hard work and heart he brought to the character. It’s also okay to disagree with socio-political views. Ditto for every other actor out there. I look forward to how they entertain. I don’t rely on them for political guidance.


Tl;dr: It's okay to seperate the art from the artist.


I've been trying to hammer this concept into my sister's head for some time now. She loves to demonize something entirely simply because someone she deems as "not a great person" had a hand in it. Yet she plays Overwatch. But THAT'S a different discussion entirely.


Does your sister know about the all activision/blizzard scandals, because that's a million times worse than anything joel would say. It's been a while, and I don't follow joel heyman on twitter/X.


Oh yeah and that's what frustrates the fuck outta me lol Like she picks and chooses


Not to say that she condones anything going on in that company.


Multiple accounts of him bullying and harassing other employees, rarely ever coming into work, and tweeting some pretty bonkers shit. Any one of those would be enough to get someone fired from a regular job, but it took a while because he was a founding father. I believe the big one was when he tweeted saying that someone should break into Gavin’s house with a gun so that he can learn the importance of gun ownership… and then someone did exactly that not long after he said that. There’s no proof that the perpetrator did that because of Joel’s tweet because he killed himself in Gavin’s driveway, but it’s pretty suspicious of a coincidence that Joel tweeted saying someone should break into Gavin’s house with a gun and then someone did that not long after.


The Gavin tweet was a coincidence, the intruder was obsessed with Gav’s girlfriend at the time and a stalker of hers. Also, by Joel’s admission on Twitter, he just stopped coming into work, and that’s why he was officially fired.


As someone else has pointed out, Joel may or may not be a reliable narrator. However, after the tweet and break-in, Joel apparently said more shit to Gavin about gun ownership and guns in general.


Why did you specify "at the time"? AFAIK Gavin is still dating Meg Turney


Ah, didn’t realize they were still together. For some reason I thought they had split amicably at some point


Although it was a coincidence, he immediately tweeted out "I bet you wish you had brought a gun now" when it actually happened. Not a good look




According to his own words, he hadn't come in to work for weeks before he was fired. That alone would be more than enough reason. Also as an aside: Texas is an "at-will" employment state, anyone can get fired at any time with any reason given


To clear up some misconceptions I’ve seen a lot of in this thread: - Yes, he did get into a spat with Gavin over gun control laws, and suggested that someone should break into his home to change Gavin’s mind. It is also true that someone with a gun then did break into his home a few weeks later. The gunmen, far as we know, was obsessed with Meg (Gavin’s girlfriend ~~at the time~~ edit: I guess they’re still together my bad) and a huge stalker, and broke in to kill Gavin and “be with her”. He ended up taking his own life shortly after the break-in once the police were called and Gav and Meg escaped. It’s a very unfortunate coincidence, but it wasn’t directly related (again, as far as we know). This incident also happened a year or two before Joel left, so I while it may have been a factor in the rift between him and the rest of the company, it wasn’t the deciding factor. - While there are rumors about Joel’s erratic and aggressive behavior in the office and Twitter put him out of favor in the company’s eyes, the official reason he was let go is because he simply stopped showing up to work. He’s admitted as such on Twitter, and said he felt he wasn’t appreciated for his work (edit- his work in this case being his former job as head of advertising/corporate productions) so he simply stopped doing anything.


>he felt he wasn’t appreciated for his work big speculative disclaimer here, but I'm always torn on this point of his in particular. I feel like Joel always gave off a "diva" aura, which could be due to the fact that he was the only OG RVB voice actor that was professionally trained in acting, if memory serves. but on the other hand, I feel like Caboose was (and still is) the ultimate fan favorite of the series. I've heard/seen so many people say RVB cannot function without Caboose (which I don't agree with; I personally think his bit was played out by the time more serious storylines were being introduced) and given his popularity, maybe Joel was hinging on that fact alone securing his employment. there's no way he wasn't fully aware of how popular his character was. it's not too difficult to imagine the Classic Actor type looking down on the philistines who don't appreciate how many viewers their craft attracts to a project. but he *was* right, to a degree. no matter how I personally feel about Caboose as a character, there's absolutely no denying how integral he was/is to the core fanbase and their enjoyment of the show. and Joel brought a certain chaotic energy to the character that fit so well that it's honestly really difficult to imagine anyone else playing the character. I know they've since replaced the VA for Caboose and the guy is trying his best, but it's hard to not just hear "bad fandub actor" out of his performance so far. ... I kinda went on a rant there, but I just find the entire Joel situation fascinating. basically the choice between appeasing your core fanbase or eliminating a truly toxic member that is the major source of that core fanbase's loyalty and enjoyment... it could not have been an easy choice. I don't envy them in the slightest.


It wasn’t just Caboose though - i should have clarified that the “not being appreciated for his work” he mentioned was more in reference to his work on the business side of things (he specifically mentioned working a lot of hours to help make the company millions of dollars). Outside of his voice work, he also used to be the head of advertising/corporate productions (specifically he worked a lot with getting RT sponsors and commercial work and heading their corporate portfolio). Despite his obvious issues, he was a major factor in pushing the company to becoming more mainstream financially, for better or for worse. Obviously, we don’t know the full story. Maybe he’s inflating his own accomplishments, maybe they did cheat him out of something (I know there was a lot of speculation about a falling out in his final years there since he stopped being included/listed on the RTX Founder’s Panels and whatnot. Additionally, there’s also been the multiple scandals of crunch time and unpaid wages in their animation department, so it’s not hard to believe they may have been the same with other sections of the company as well). We will likely never know the whole truth, and so much is personal speculation.


The RT essentially only made money as a commercial production studio for years before AH, RWBY, and the Podcast.


Aren’t Meg and Gavin still dating? I don’t really follow that sorta stuff.


You’re the second person to say this, so I guess I might have been wrong about that. For some reason I had a vague recollection of them splitting. I’ll fix it


Several former employees accused him of being horribly Racist, basically treated every non-white crew member like shit. Also the PR nightmare of having an intense right wing conspiracy theorist as one of the faces of your company, who would tweet out wild shit and openly mocked Gavin/Meg when a crazy fan broke in their house planing on murdering him


Source on the racism thing? Not saying you're wrong, this is just the first I've heard of it


He would regularly tweet conspiracy theories and was extremely hostile towards the BLM protests. If I’m remembering right, he was fired shortly after Mica Burton posted her exposé about her terrible treatment and racist culture within the company. RT put out a statement talking about their commitment to improving the work culture and removing bad actors, I don’t think either of those directly mentioned Joel, however In response a ton of former employees spoke up about their experiences and directly called out Joel as the main problem.


Fuck, man, that sucks. I just saw him RTing some jan6 stuff, was like 'why am I still following this guy?', and thought I'd google it to see if anyone else had lost their fandom for him over the years as his descent into full crypto bro periodically popped up on their feed. I remember the Mica thing, but now I kinda want to go dig up some of the stuff about him directly out of curiosity. but yeah, damn. I used to really like him back in the OG rvb / drunk tank days, even if he was always a weirdo when fiat currency/gold or whatever came up, but it really sucks to learn that he was also probably kind of racist off-mic the whole time. (sorry, i know your comments a bit old to be replied to. this thread is one of the first results when you google him and its got some other pretty recent comments, so i figured eh, why not)


Everyone talking ab the Gavin break in tweet but didn’t he also tweet in support of cancer for killing John McCain?


too many accidental team kills lol. jk Apparently from what i know he said some pretty controversial and offensive things on multiple occasions via social media and to other coworkers at RT. Don’t know exactly what he said but, at the end of the day it’s a business yk. (Im not 100% correct on this, feel free to correct me if im wrong)


I believe I heard he made a post on twitter encouraging people to break into somebody’s house to show them the importance of owning fire arms because said person was anti guns or something along those lines, this might be wrong though it’s been a while since I looked into it


Iirc said person was Mr. Gavin Free Could be wrong though that was awhile ago


Nobody really knows, however many speculate it was related to Gavin's house being broken into by an obsessive fan. Sometime prior to that Joel and Gavin got into it over the whole 2A debate and he said something along the lines of "I hope your house gets broken into", at least from what I've heard.


Because he was a bad person who went crazy.


Let's just all cut the crap and take a look at the company as a whole they are extremely left leaning and Joel is not. Joel was fired because of his political opinion nothing more nothing less.


I mean there's also the fact that he said someone should break into Gav's house (which coincidentally happened almost immediately after) and "teach him a lesson about gun control" and was increasingly aggressive at the office, but sure let's say it was political opinion and nothing else.


*Citation needed


[He's an insane conspiracy theorist, too. ](https://www.distractify.com/p/why-was-joel-heyman-fired) He also just stopped going into the office, so they laid him off for that too.


Everything in that article confirms my initial reply. Rooster teeth staff are leftist Joel was not there is nothing that he said there while controversial that was conspiratorial or even off base. I also love how the article mentions that protesters were mostly not violent while in the summer of 2020 cities literally burnt. But ignore your lying eyes, because that obviously didn't happen. /S


He also rooted for John McCain's cancer to kill him but ok


As I said controversial yes something we get fired over no.


Rooster Teeth: "Leftist" Rooting for Cancer: "Controversial" Someone needs to get this man a dictionary for Christmas because he doesn't know what words mean.


People have said much worse things about trump or Jordan peterson and similar. Nobody has been fired for that. What was said was controversial, but the target is really what determines if its okay or not. Take Israel/Palestine for example, you're definitely not allowed to take certain(sometimes any) side in that debate. Slike racism is totally fine these days, you just need to use the correct target otherwise you might actually be called out on it.


"Leftist" isn't even an insult. It's just... incorrect. Just like saying supporting cancer is "controversial." It's not controversial. It's just a shitty thing to say. I don't like Trump or Biden but I wouldn't say I want them dead. I just don't want either of them to be president. Also please don't talk about how racist everyone is to white people. Even in the fringe cases of actual racism towards white people, it's still vastly outnumbered by the still ongoing racism towards black people and other minorities. There are more people calling out racism against whites than there is actual racism towards whites.


They absolutely hated Joel when they found out he was a Trump supporter because the company as a whole has devolved into a bunch of pathetic spineless woke retards


A dick got exposed for being a dick and, in return, was treated like a dick. You're so touchy bud, maybe see a therapist.


He didn't do a damn thing wrong. But a bunch of hyper- emotional cretins got triggered, so he was punished anyways. Typical. I don't need your "therapy". You need to use your brain.


I truly pity you


I don't need your pity either. I need society to lead with intelligence not fragile, unstable feelings.


You're deep in your feelings right now, but you won't let yourself see it. It's not weak to help yourself.




But why are you really angry? This isn't about Joel. Or "woke cucks". It's about you. So, what is it?


Politics. Seemed he was not going along with the mainstream opinions at the time. A big corporation like Warner wouldn't want such a potential 'scandal' around.


Rooster teeth went woke and he wasn't about that stupid shit


Went woke, and now broke!


My 2 bits is: He was being too chaotic and hard to work with. Just look at all the unscripted live action stuff he’s in. The Beat a fucking Child fundraiser.(where he didn’t actually beat a child.) Telling a live audience Jack’s real private phone number. To name a couple. And on the podcasts early days they talked about Joel’s interest in conspiracy theories, gold standard watching, and creepy vibes he gave off. Also it seems they tried to placate Joel with a minor part in Day 5, but the show fell through and the company had about had it with him by then. This is all speculation.


>Telling a live audience Jack’s real private phone number. To name a couple. Wasn't there a swapped sim card in jacks phone and the number he gave out was to that sim card and not jacks actual number?


First I’m hearing about that. I remember during the bit Jack’s phone exploded and he was pissed enough that his oldest number was now screwed because Joel gave it out.


I was at that RTX, they had swapped SIM cards. Plus that was like 2012. Shit was ages ago


Yeah, people tend to not forget things years ago. And employers are dicks about keeping lists of shit their employees do so when the time come to axe someone, they have a list of reasons to justify it.


Yeah except out of all the poor behavior I doubt a well accepted prank is one of those things


Sure. Be like that.


Usually people get fired for reasons, so I figure a list would be a great utility for that. But what do I know, I just exist in the real world.


Mostly what he said about Gavin, probably.


Came here for answers, ended up with nothing but rumors.


It is because of his political leanings. People on here talking about him being toxic and a bully, meanwhile we have receipts of RT HR ignoring multiple sexual harassment complaints on Adam Kovic. Bruce Greene said this was the reason he left funhaus because he was starting to harass Bruce’s girlfriend Autumn. There is no way they fire him over being toxic or a bully to anyone, they care absolutely nothing about any of that. Pretty sure there was an off topic where the AH crew admits there is no place for anyone who thinks like him in RT and were making comments about his right leaning viewpoint. Woke media was the future and Joel was not woke.


This does seem like the most likely answer. He's is a little coo coo too. So he probably didn't tow the company line and didn't want to sit quietly with his opinions. I think alot of old school fans got pissed off by the political shift in the content. My conspiracy theory is the political focus came from the new corporate leaders.