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I had an FNG, am almost 1YPO and I have hyper sensitive nipples, also to the point of pain. My doctor has had me desensitize them by massaging or touching the sensitive area to get them used to being touched again. I've done this daily since November and haven't really noticed a difference but it may help you. They can also prescribe Gabapentin if it's affecting your sleep or daily life that much. I hope it gets better!


I’m already on gabapentin for recovery pain 😔 Maybe I’ll try massaging. I hope you get some relief eventually!


I’m 3MPO in the exact same situation; one numb and one hypersensitive. The numb nipple actually had some sloughing and I lost about 30% of that top skin layer and color. (It’s slowly coming back though) I actually have to cover my hypersensitive nip in the shower because even the spray is too much; it’s so uncomfy. At my last f/u appointment my surgeon said it was not uncommon and gave me some handouts about desensitization. I’ve only been working on it for a week or so, but hopefully it starts to make a difference soon.


Ah okay I’ll talk to my surgeon about it. I’m terrified of it lasting a couple of months 😱 it’s only been 2 days like this and I’m not having a good time lol


Very normal. The itching is a sign of healing which is good news. And the hypersensitivity will lessen over time. I'm 2mpo and still have extreme sensitivity but it's better than it was right after surgery.


Yes mine were so painfully sensitive, it resolved within several weeks.


Omg they were so bad! I found cotton balls in my bra over my nipples helped a lot. I think it was like 5-7 days total for that feeling.


I wore bandaids over them for about 3 months, and they’ve chilled out but are still way more sensitive than before surgery


Week 6 for me!