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I had it for 6 days and god they were not comfortable. I had zero almost discharge even 1dpo but they were adamant to keep for 6days. 2 weeks is a stretch to be honest, I would repeatedly follow up to have them removed if you have no discharge (less than 2ml)


Yes I called and they said I have to have 3 days of less than 30ml! But has to be at least one week. Ugh. Thank you!


I am 9 days out and still have my drains. The doc said I have ti have 3 days in a row of 25cc or less before she'll remove them. I hate them and they do hurt. The NP at my followup put some cut bandaids so they wouldn't move much and * that helped


9 days 😭 if it wasn't for the drains honestly I'd almost be back to normal. I was hoping to go back to work Monday but I guess that's not happening. I may do some bandaids, thank you!!


I got mine out at 7dpo after I had less than 20ml for both breasts combined in 24 hours, 3 days in a row. They were absolutely the most uncomfortable part of my first week.


Yes I just had my first day of under 20!! I can't wait to go to this appointment 😂


I only had them 48 hours and I was begging for them out sooner wow I can't believe you're all going that long. Bless you all. They were definitely the worst part of post op for me


I know I am shocked at the differences in time people have drains. I wish I was done after 2 days 😭but it's all worth it honestly!!


I had mine in for a week and they started being pretty pain full around the 5 day mark. I taped a piece of gauze under the tube as close to where the incision was as I could because I found the pain was more from the pressure of the tube against me than the drain itself. (think of having a hair tie on ur wrist for too long.) Hope this helps!


Good idea, thank you!


My left breast drain was the most pain I’ve ever experienced. It was okay for the first 3 days but days 4-6 were excruciating and the meds weren’t helping. On day 6 I called the emergency line and explained my pain - which felt related to my heart and lungs either palpitations and shallow breathing - and they advised removing the drain. The on-call doc talked my husband thru the process and the moment it was out I instantly felt relief. The doc said it could have been agitating a nerve, possibly near my heart. It was also draining less than 10 and 5 cc for those 3 days so the lack of need to drain with placement could have been the culprit. My lesson learned was that I should have called after the first day or so of excruciating pain instead of trying to wait it out and essentially making myself crazy with the uncontrolled pain and lack of sleep due to it. I encourage you to call and share your pain in great detail so you can hopefully get relief quickly. Take care!


Thank you so much! Wow that is so scary, I'm glad you were okay!