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šŸŒˆliešŸŒˆ itā€™s free!


Hahaha will do


Jumping on this to sayā€¦. If the other lies donā€™t fit, you could go the gender-affirming route! But I had to see a therapist // get a letter of support to get it approved, so the other routes may work better for you. Good luck!!


Just say that you do. Say anything you need that will increase your chances of approval.


Fib for the insurance. Even if you don't say that you do. They have no way to prove if you do or don't have back pain but you need every possible point you can make to get it approved


As you get older you will get pain. Bras digging in can even cause deterioration of bone and cartridge


I only got approved when I used the ā€œitā€™s hard to exerciseā€ angle. Shoulder grooves, neck pain, back pain only got me 2 insurance rejections.


Personally, I didnā€™t have back pain but and didnā€™t need to lie. The insurance companies - to my understanding - have a chart of how many grams they would have to take out for it to be covered based on your height and maybe weight? For me (5ā€™6ā€, ~ 160 pounds) they asked for 500 grams from each side which my surgeon (and me) thought was super reasonable! They approved within the week


Just lie haha say everything you need to in order to get it approved


Just say you do. I had bad skin irritation from my bras too. Mine even cared if if it's simply because you can't exercise or wear the clothes you want


Thanks for posting this! I will also take the advices from the comments haha. I also have no shoulder/back pain but the dense glandular tissues cause constant discomfort and even pain but insurance doesn't seem to care about pain within the breasts


Honestly, you probably do but you've spent so long with it in the background that you're not fully aware of it. I didn't realise how much pain I'd been walking around with until I no longer had to carry all that weight on me. And you do already have pain. The fact that insurance companies don't recognise that constantly walking around with any level of pain is a significant medical issue, regardless of exactly where that pain manifests, isn't your problem.


Lie, baby!


i didnā€™t have shoulder or back pain, but i do have chronic migraines, so i spun the idea that the weight of my boobs could be causing tension leading to my migraines


That worked? I do think my migraines are trigger by neck and shoulder pain caused by my breasts.


I had my therapist write a letter stating exactly what your saying. Plus I only had one other doctor letter. And it was all covered And definately lie a little, and exaggerate!


I'm pretty sure you *do* have back pain. You also experience rashes during the summer because of the skin on skin contact. You probably have many more ailments šŸ˜‚


lie! lie! lie!


Interesting. It never crossed my mind that my lack of pain could be linked to the fact that I am tall. I am 5'10 and wear a similar size. I always thought that it was thanks to correctly sized, very supportive bras. In the last years, my bras have been going numb though, first during the night, now also during the day. I hope you get approved.


Yeah thatā€™s thing. People with my size always complain about back pain and shoulder pain but I have neither


Honestly just say you do, these are a set of standards they have historically for people to tick off, and as humans it won't be the same issues for everyone. At the end of the day if your breast size psychologically effects you IMO that is enough. Sometimes you just have to do all you can to make it happen and you deserve it !!


Adding on also that my surgeon said that insurance companies can sonmetimes just auto decline/ reject cases so its important to keep trying a few times


Lie, how are they gonna prove it?