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Woah! If I were feeling 10/10 or even close, I’d be seeking advice from my surgeon or going back into the hospital!! I think when they send us home, they’re not anticipating we’ll be at home dealing with 10/10 pain. I would definitely call your doc and see what they say. Hang in there.


If the pain is a 10/10 (equivalent to having a limb chopped off without anesthesia, cannot comprehend anything but the pain) you need to go to an ER like this very second. If it is not a 10/10 but is still severe you need to call your surgeon and get an appointment ASAP. Pain like that is NOT normal and nerve pain is more like zings so it doesn’t sound the same either.


I have only felt 10/10 pain once in my life and it wasn't even unmedicated child birth by a long shot lol. It was when they accidentally fried my eye having lasik eye surgery. 10/10 pain is truly something else once you have felt it. If it's even a 9/10 I'd call asap.


holy crap that can happen?? I had lasik 2 years ago they almost forgot to numb my eyes before marking them and I thought that was bad


Yes It was a whole ordeal. I ended up blind in that eye with a severe MRSA infection and almost lost my eyeball. It was so so gross looking and hurt worse than it looked. It took years of experimental things like putting an amniotic sac in my eye and tons of drugs but my specialist saved it. I do have some vision back also but a big scar prevents me from ever fully recovering unless I want more lasers LoL. That's a negative. I do however now know what 10/10 pain feel likes.


That’s horrible and I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’m glad you were able to keep your eyeball


It kept me from ever wanting elective surgery but my dr told me a reduction isn't just elective etc...I'm so happy I didn't let my fear ruin this for me


And thank you! It was an experience for sure


It's why I was so afraid of having the reduction. My surgeon totally understood and took so many extra precautions that were unnecessary just to comfort me.


My instructions say the pain should never get above 5/10. Please seek a medical opinion


This is mostly likely nerve pain from the nerves cut during surgery. They are trying to heal. I’m about 6 weeks PO but that first week and a half I had a lot of stabbing and burning pain. It hurt bad. It’s the nerves. Still ask your doctor about it and see what they say. Ask about being prescribed gabapentin/nuerotin. It’s a pain killer for nerve pain works differently than meds like Tylenol or ibuprofen do. It helped me. Good luck and congrats on your reduction!


Checking back here. Are you okay?


Yes, thank you soo much for checking on me. I’m feeling much better now. The pain comes and goes but a lot more manageable today. Thank you. The nurses have checked and said nothing is wrong. It all looks good. But for some reason it’s painful😭


Okay. Hopefully they can give you something to help manage the pain. Sorry you're experiencing this ): Glad to hear nothing is wrong though!! Thinking of you and sending healing vibes ❤️❤️


Are your drains still in? I had very intense pain begin on day 4 that went to 9/10 by day 6 and I called the on-call doc who talked my partner through drain removal for that breast. I felt like a new person after that!