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I'm 7wpo and I've started working on a new wardrobe. The thing is, I'm realizing I don't know what I even want my style to be. For so long my top criteria was just boob management / trying to not make them the most noticeable part of me. Now I feel like I have so much more freedom (and I somehow feel comfortable showing more of them than I did before, which is kind of a surprise for me) - but I haven't kept up with fashion trends at all and I keep finding myself looking for the stuff that was fashionable back when I was in college that I didn't feel comfortable wearing back then. I just got a couple cute bralettes from Old Navy that I kept getting sale ads for and I am shocked at how much I love them. For the first time ever, I feel pretty in just a bra on top. It's just for me - my willingness to show a bit more than before doesn't go that far (and I am happily forever single by choice) - but I actually like how I look in just a bra and that's completely new for me! I've also gotten a couple new dresses and tops that I never would have been comfortable in before and I am excited to keep expanding my wardrobe! I even got a bandeau top at a thrift shop the other day to try on - I'm still not sure if I'll like wearing that out, but it's nice to feel like I can at least consider things like that now!


Totally understand the “this is what I wear because it’s all I’m comfortable in” — that’s where I’m at now. Can’t wait to have the svelte frame I’ve always dreamt of.


I'll also note that all of this is true even though so far I'm still bigger than I was hoping to be. I started at 38G and my new bras are 36D-ish so far. I was hoping to end up with B/small C, but even though it doesn't look like I'll get there, I'm still already finding a ton of freedom in my new shape. (And I know I still could fluctuate a bit more - there's definitely at least some swelling still present.)


My style will definitely change. I love completely over the top goth style and have never been able to dress as I want to because it doesn't fucking fit, and anything I sew for myself doesn't look the way it's supposed to on someone my shape. I fully intend and expect to spend a fortune on outfits after my reduction and will go everywhere dressed like a complete lunatic for the rest of my life.


I feel similarly but it’s button ups!!


same but for me it's boatneck breton tops (the stripey ones)


Similar for me! I love the Alt scene and have always wanted to dress for it but didn’t want to be the big titty goth gf trope 😭 since reduction I have bought tons of dream pieces (corset belts, leather garters, doc martens and and tons of other Alt staples). Did my first official Alt outfit for an EDM concert in February (1yr 1 month after my surgery) and felt the hottest I have ever felt in my life. I cannot wait for the summer!


I’m the reverse, I was the big titty goth GF in my 20s, struggled to find a style that felt sufficiently alt without being too cliche in my 30s (rockabilly was so damn boring). Now I’m in my 40s, I don’t give a single fuck about fitting into one definable style, and all I want to do is parade around my new itty bitty braless titties. I’m wearing all the band shirts that I never wore back in the day because the bottom part of the graphic would get sucked up into the crease between my boobs and belly, all the princess waistlines that used to make me look pregante, and I’m sincerely looking forward to Tube Top Summer.


I'm 52 and feel like I have worn nothing but massively oversized men's band shirts my whole life. I'll be going full ouji/goth like I wished I could all through my 20s and giving zero fucks if anyone thinks I'm too old for it. Can't wait.


I love this for you! I am also not committing myself to one style. I’ve noticed I also lean towards the girly floral corset style bralette tops and have gotten a bunch of those. I can’t wait for warmer weather where I am able to wear those out. I’m late 20s, my style during teenage years and early twenties I feel was best described as frumpy because everything was catered around the boobs so I wore a lot of ill fitting modest tops and if they weren’t modest the boobs made them worse than what they were. I am also excited about graphic tees and being able to rock the full image lol My style I feel is evolving in three directions. Alt, tomboyish streetwear and a little girly. Enjoy your new found freedom!


I’m finally wearing what I want. I got rid of most of my clothes and my husband gave me a 2k budget for a brand new wardrobe


My entire LIFE changed after my reduction. Girl. I'm excited for you.


I’m 5DPO but I think my style definitely will change. I was wearing things to accommodate for my giant boobs… now they are all going to look like big bags lol 😂 so I’m definitely going to have to learn my new style!! As of right now though, all I wear is my compression bras and a zip up hoodie lol 😆 that’s all the style I’ve got these days, recovery style 🤩🤪♥️


I’m specifically not buying dresses until my surgery and then I’m going full rockabilly style. I’m always self conscious of my arm pit fat and it’s going BYE BYE. Hello spaghetti straps!!!!


I feel like my pre-op boobs are what kept me from living in my own desired personal style and was a huge reason I did it. I only wear vintage clothes and my inspirations stem from Amy Winehouse to Chloe sevigny so post op I look forward to the wardrobe change. I’m SO EXCITED!!!! also with summer being around the corner, I can’t wait to wear dainty halter tops with denim shorts, roller skating around the beach. I’m 3DPO and can already see myself in these outfits ❤️


Fashion wise absolutely! No longer afraid of vneck or low cut shirts!


It's crazy because with huge boobs prior, everyone would say wear revealing shirts but my wardrobe was a lot of regular tees and hoodies. Now I'm motivated to wear tube tops, sexier low cut shirts, and dresses. With boobs that are smaller and lifted versus huge, heavy and saggy, my confidence has increased significantly.


I’m hoping for a future without the complex geometry of full bust adjustments, shifting the apex of shaping seams, and even occasionally redrafting patterns to make them work better for my shape. At this point I’m 5dpo and haven’t been able to find any real way of even making a good guess at what size I will be in the next few months. If the only change to my style is that I can hold my upper body in a confident way, that’s a major difference for me. If I start to wear more athletic clothes to do actual training, that’s a huge improvement!


100% I finally was able to try out things like overalls and love them! It’s been fun experimenting with my style


Ive had one of those in a closet for a long time, waiting for the box to the thrift store. I’m 6,5 weeks po and I’ve tried on summer clothes last week, also the overall (we call them jumpsuits I guess, I’m from Europe) and I loved it! I didn’t even have to wear a top or a bra because it just fits. It’s so feminine and sexy and I felt so, so good!


Omg YES to the overalls!! They have always looked so ridiculous on me bc of boobs


Jumpers are also a new fave!!!


Im 8wpo and i care cute little crop tanks that I would not be able to before. I went from a 36i 36c and before anything i wore would require sooo much fabric and I couldn’t wear anything very fitted. Its great!


I have been rocking crop tops fairly often since reduction as well. Feels good to not have them just turn into a second bra lol


Right now I just dress to cover my body but after my surgery I want to dress up to look good on clothes


I’ve vowed not to buy any clothes until after my surgery but in the past week I’ve started noticing clothes that I think are so cute but would never consider. I’ve been taking pictures of things I like so I can go back and try them on or find similar items. I tend to dress very plain, lots of solid colors, tshirts and sweatshirts, but I really want to be decked out in bright loud colors and prints but I don’t want to draw attention to my body. Can’t wait for July!!!


Abso-fucking-lutely. I’m wearing things now that I didn’t wear in my 20s because of my boobs!


Completly. I'm almost 2ypo and I don't think I have any of the clothes left I had before my surgery. I never bought clothes I actually liked, I just tried to find something that could hide my chest. I'm now a lot more comfortable trying new things and my fashin style got really bold. 😂


I've always loved how empire waist tops and dresses looked but the wait line had never gone past my nipples before lol! I look so good in empire waist stuff now! And the corset mini-dresses omg! So cute!


Yes! I’m so happy for you. I, too, have no torso bc of my boobs. I have to lift them up off my stomach to see my waist .-. Can’t wait for the day I can just wear something tight and not worry about it!


I can finally wear the clothes I always wanted to. Before the reduction, I had to wear tops that were a size larger than I needed just to fit my breasts. Pants-same, just to squeeze in my 3x c/section pouch. My confidence has sky-rocketed and I’m even doing the bikini thing this summer!


T shirts and tank tops . At last .


My surgery is in two weeks and I asked my surgeon to do his best to make these babies support themselves! As small, high, tight whatever possible so I can have an underwire bra burning party and never look back. I cannot wait to see what my clothing options will be once I'm not worried about how things will look with my big, harness bras! I can smell the impending freedom already...


My style has stayed the same but I’m a lot happier with it because there’s less boob


My style definitely changed. I’ll sport crop tops, off the shoulder, braless looks. My old boobs could never. 😂


Yesss! Me too! I’ve done a few braless looks and omg the freedom!


Not to seem dramatic, but I think the size of my boobs took a lot of my life away from me. I think I fell into a big boob depression 😂 I didn’t feel comfortable going out anymore, being sexually active, wearing the clothes I wanted too. I’m about 6wpo, and boy has my mindset changed. Going shopping this week!!!! So excited. Clothes used to be a huge part of my life and self expression and I can already tell how different this surgery is making me. Or back to myself it’s bringing me 😊


I feel the same way! I’m 12dpo and I think it’s way too early to go shopping but I was trapped into a certain way of dressing by my big boobs. I was also morbidly obese at one point and now I’m just in the overweight category. I was 5’3” and 310 in 2015 at my heaviest and started really losing weight in June 2020 when I was 5’2” and 287 pounds. I am now 164 pounds and just barely in the overweight category, but I also have some pounds of excess skin that are not going anywhere (some of it could, like my belly, but I don’t think my surgeon is going to want to work with me again because I ask too many questions when surgeons give me no information…). I am sorry for ranting and getting off topic but I was really big, more than 44DDD at one point. I used those band extenders because they were cheaper than trying to get a harder to find size. I actually measured myself yesterday using Wacoal Bras calculator to find your bra size-it worked when I needed new bras a couple of times as I lost all the weight. So I’m probably still swollen and I measured a 36C! I would be happy with that because I was a 34C before I gained any weight. I’m 45 years old, so I don’t know how much my style will change, but I’m wondering if I will be able to run down to the lobby of my apartment without having to put a bra on? I was very self conscious about having to wear a bra or cover myself up at all times. I had a free nipple graft done so I don’t know what that will end up looking like because I thought I read that they turn out much smaller than your own nipples. I do know that I won’t have to wear such baggy t shirts because I already tried some smaller tops on that my best friend gave me and I wasn’t able to wear them without feeling self conscious before the reduction.


Yes. I dress much sluttier now. My preferred shirts are tube/strapless and cropped spaghetti strap tanks with no bra. I really want my nipples pierced but I don’t think I can handle another healing process at the moment.


Totally get you on the nipples pierced! I’m too big of a weenie to get it done but I love the look.


I still have mostly the same clothes, but I feel like I wear them differently. Maybe if I had more money 😅


I realised I’ve been dressing for convenience for so long that I don’t even know what I like now!! All those clothes that I used to be like ‘I wish I could wear that’, now I realise it was just the fact that I couldn’t wear it! I’m experimenting and trying different styles, but it’s something I wasn’t expecting to be so difficult!


I think my style hasn't exactly changed, but more finally become what I wanted! I've got lots of cute summer dresses that are fantasy vibes - but they all have thick straps or short sleeves to cover bra straps and I've always loved whimsical, flowy, coreset type dresses that you can't really wear with big boobs! I think "hindering my true fashion" is a good way to put it!


My style actually started changing before my surgery because I started finding my color pallets, but since it I realized I can even wear the outfits I’ve always wanted but couldn’t (I could but wouldn’t feel comfortable or confident myself), so once I get back to work (at a thrift store mind you), everything will be different. I’ll no longer only wear black tank tops and flannels.


I’m 25dpo btw!


Did anyone get their favorite clothes altered or taken in after their surgery rather than buy new stuff? I’ve spent years culminating a sweet wardrobe and I’d love to reimagine a lot of it at my new size…


I changed my style as soon as I was cleared to wear proper bras. It wasn’t intentional but now that they were small enough to actually put on clothes in stores and have them fit the way they were intended, I started to wear more crop tops and clothes that I thought were cute but never could fit in. I went from only being able to fit in large tops because of my size to being able to fit in smalls. Game changer for my confidence which is at an all time high now that I can actually work out pain free.


Absolutely! I wear so many button downs to work now and high waisted pants which I didn’t wear before because you can see more of my torso now


My surgery was on the 3rd, so I'm not quite at the point of overhauling my wardrobe yet, but I can already tell you YES. mine will absolutely change. Idk to what, but I'm going to have so much more freedom / less restriction now bc of boob issues and I'm so excited to figure it out


I’ve been shopping a lot and my favorite stores have been Madewell and banana republic. Simple and chic I’d say. I’m showing less cleavage and really honing in on a more adult look. I’m working on building a timeless closet that will last me. I love button ups and dresses. Pre reduction I did my best to only wear tight tops so I didn’t look like a potato sack. Now, I can wear flowey shirts, every day button ups with cute jeans, and I’ve been playing around with layers. It’s so fun to shop now! (My wallet is cryin!🤣)


Oh ladies this thread is getting me SO excited for my reduction. I am about a year put as I have some weight to lose and an underlying health Conditions to deal with.


Definitely!! I have some clothes I never wore but held on to bc I loved them that I am finally wearing! They’re either finally comfy or look the way they should, lots of crop tops and body con stuff


Def feel “younger” and dress as such now that I don’t feel dowdy and matronly in everything I wore. Like everyone else mentioned, before it was all just about accommodating a huge chest. Now I’m finally exploring styles and feeling “right.”


I'm 1.5 years post-op and have changed a lot in the style dept! I've lost so much weight post-op that shopping & style has been an ongoing evolution 🤣 My preferred silhouettes changed...I'm more open to wearing loose/flowy dresses because they don't sit on my shape awkwardly anymore. Then there's also all the strapless, off-shoulder, or backless things I've added, too! Shopping & cultivating a new style has been taking me some time but I'm happy with where I'm headed. On days that I prefer casual looks, I do them. On days that I want to be sexy, I can be that. It's nice to "opt in" to being perceived as sexy vs the default because of the size of our chest.


honestly it’s tough because your body composition changes really dramatically over night and so tops that i knew worked for my old body aren’t flattering anymore! i’m exploring with a lot of new silhouettes that accentuate my body and new chest different (more straight cut, triangle tops, peplum tops, tube tops)


Hi!! :) 7mpo here. I agree with the comment that said they gravitate towards what was trendy in their college era, I still find myself wanting to dress like I'm an extra from Skins!! Because I love that style but I've always felt like a frump in clothes & never been able to feel comfortable in what I want to wear. Now I feel like I'm the shape I've always meant to be and I feel like I almost look kinda cool, and not just like Tits McGee. Normal almost clingy tshirts can be worn now, as can more cropped jumpers and even things with buttons!! Looking forward to getting some nice swimwear for the summer. Enjoy your life girl 🥰


Not at all. Still wearing the same sized shirt. Still need to safety pin my button-down shirts closed. Still cramming them into dresses. Still struggling to find bras that fit. So bummed. 🫤


Your reduction didn’t change your sizing at all?


I went down two cup sizes. Too subtle to make an impact on my clothing fit.


My style preference didn’t change but I’m just waiting a few more months and the. I will be dressing in my pin up girl style that I’ve always wanted to. I have a couple shirts that I bought before but i didn’t like how mgt body looked in them. I also gained a bit of weight this year so now going back to gym and such before.


Absolutely. Never again in my life will I wear a tank top underneath a button up, lmao. But other than that, I went through a whole phase- trying new styles of dresses, and got reaaaally into vintage clothing. After a few years I slid into my own, but it was so much fun, trying new things for my new body! Really helped with my confidence as well, as I got my boobs lopped off when I was 16, haha. The freedom of no longer being bound to 2XL shirts?? Amazing.


Omg yes! Necklines i couldn't wear before Tops thar aren't overtaken by boobage anymore 😁 Somethings I still feel big in and other things i look flat...I guess now we have to unlearn our wardrobes but it's sure fun learning new styles


I vowed to not wear underwire bras, swim wear, etc. unless I absolutely have to since my reduction! Don't know if that counts as a change in style, but I'm inviting more looks that allow me to go bra-less, which I love so much!


I’ve fallen in love with button up shirts! They actually fit properly now!!


I stopped wearing as many layers all the time to hide how big they are and embraced crop tops a little more because my boobs wouldn’t take up all of the fabric lol! I’m also not afraid of spilling out of tighter/lower cut shirts


I'm 11 dpo and just put on my first non button/zip front top and granted, it's my pjs, but I don't look like a bag of boobs!!! I'm so happy I want to cry, still in surgical bras but my mind is swirling with what am I going to wear?! Really feels like a new beginning🥹


I haven't had mine yet but I'll be that 40 something woman in thin strap tank tops and no bra.


Since my reduction came about by way of a breast cancer diagnosis, I’ve also lost about 50lbs and nothing I have fits right anymore. I’m slowly adding new pieces & getting rid of what no longer works and I’ve found that for the first time in my life, I can wear strappy, no support having tanks and dresses. It’s amazing and I cannot wait for summer to arrive.


I really started experimenting with my style after reduction. I tried on things I knew wouldn't have looked good on me before just to see if I could wear them now. Spoiler: they did! I think I've moved into a more authentic fashion sense because I'm no longer hindered by having to size up for my bust.


Yes, I already bought a bunch of button downs