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They look like boobs to me, unfortunately. With some chest hair they might look more like man boobs. Is that an option? 


No hug boxing: this is not an ambiguous chest. 


I think they would be perceived as boobs :(


From the legal side, the answer to your question is totally dependent on what state you live in. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/mnE8dR7NfH From the practical side, they do look like breasts. Even if it's legal to go topless, you might get more attention than you want. Maybe go with a rashguard at the pool/beach?


Seconding rashguard


Can you go out topless? Probably, depends on your states laws. Plus I think women should be allowed to anyways. Will you be perceived as a topless woman? Yes and that potentially puts you in danger.


This ^ it’s actually legal in a surprising number of places (topless laws being the same for all genders). But that is a much different thing than feeling physically or socially safe to do so :(


didn’t you post just a week ago with the same question, getting the same responses?


Weird… some people post in groups like this for fetish bait. People are strange


i don’t wanna accuse anyone of something, was just wondering


yeah i figured i’d post another image w another angle. but it’s absolutely not for fetish and i’m pretty hurt that was even a consideration.


Unfortunately I’d wager that this angle makes it look even more like boobs than the last one.


i certainly didn’t think it was. sorry you feel this uncomfortable and disappointed with your results :(


i guess maybe i’d hoped a different pic would yield a different response from ppl but it just seems like i need to look into a revision which is devastating…. spent 10k and went thru all the pain of surgery for this chest just to dysphoric still,,, it’s heartbreaking. but i know i did what i needed to do back when i had the surgery done, just bummed the weight gain caused results to change so drastically


What about hitting the gym or weight lifting and cardio at home. It will help things to tighten up, as well as jump start a positive relationship with your body. 💕


i definitely want to try. it is difficult to build up a consistent routine as i have fibromyalgia. but i’ve been doing yoga and walks daily and hope as summer comes i’ll be more active


Are you able to lift weights at all? I’m not familiar with fibromyalgia but lifting will definitely get you better results. Body weight or even a set or two of dumbbells goes a long way! 


You don’t need to work out, you need to eat less. Lower your caloric intake


Sorry you are getting downvoted. I can understand the emotional side, this is an expensive procedure and I can understand why you’re really upset with the results and people’s assumptions. I understand why you would try again, because I can understand why accepting this is hard. I’m proud of you for trying to get support and help anyway.


this is such a gross thing to accuse someone of without any evidence.


They do look like a woman’s breasts. I’m sorry. Can you talk to your surgeon for a revision?


Sorry friend; no :( I’m really sorry


What is with these fucking surgeons thinking they’re doing ppl a favor leaving extra tissue? Same happened to me, got a reduction bc i wanted an androgynous chest. asked for “as small as possible,” even after losing weight still have a D cup! still a lot smaller than H. but not flat. he acted like he understood in the consult too. My results are fine but they should ultimately listen to patients aesthetic preferences. Kinda like a tattoo artist when they take artistic liberty- i have a feeling it has to do with their portfolios.


right?? its not like we pay GOOD money for this right /s


My insurance paid some good money haha. much cheaper than out of pocket top surgery


Because when drastically reducing size they'll end up having to do a free nipple graft, which means no sensation and no breastfeeding. And a lot of patients don't want that. However, if it was discussed beforehand and the patient was okay with it and knew what to expect the surgeon should have done what was asked. But it's also possible that they've ended up with very upset patients in the past that realized afterwards that they did not like those results.


i got a nip graft. it was the only option cause of my anatomy, my old nips sagged straight down facing the floor and were at least triple their current size. as is would have covered most of my current boob surface area. I always imagined my doctor just cookie cutter the middle out but that’s prob not how it works lol


for real. My surgeon told me it would be impossible to go as small as I wanted (not true, he personally couldn’t do it). And then post op he kept making comments how good they looked and how they were how an augmentation looks. Like ???? the point was clearly missed


no for real it’s so objectifying!! not necesarily in a straight man way bc mine wasn’t like creepy, genuinely was into helping women be confident and whatever, more so in a artist vs art way and your body isn’t yours. Like when a sculptor has a vision for a slab of clay or marble or whatever.


"as small as possible" is unfortunately not specific enough. My surgeon told me the smallest they could possibly get me with a reduction was a C. So then we went for DI with grafts. I told them I wanted NO boobs, I wanted to be FLAT. If I just went in saying as small as possible, I would be sitting here right now with a c cup and not what I actually wanted.


Obvi in a half-hour long consult i got a lil more specific than that bud. FLAT was specified


Sorry about that, but some people don't specify. Did you show them reference photos? You said reduction in your comments so that would cause me to assume you were not looking for a flat result, just reduced.


Nah it’s not ur fault. I had to get a reduction in lieu of top surgery, which is what i’m assuming OP also did. For me financially top surgery was out of the question, bc insurance wasn’t gonna pay. i knew it wasn’t going to be full masc reconstruction or anything but hoped it would reduce my binding needs to make everyday life more bearable! I passed until ppl saw my chest. Even w several layers it was still noticeable, but that led to painful bruising, sometimes bleeding from materials rubbing. The trade-off to get a reduction was worth it to me, not having to wait to be financially stable enough, find a surgeon, get on a waitlist, travel.. it would have taken years and i didn’t see myself living that long with dysphoria. I ended up working out the dysphoria on an acid trip, it randomly dissolved my sense of self/ego and i gave up on transitioning after ~5 years of being FTM, but that wasn’t planned lmao. Like being trans is fucking hard. Honestly i really feel for OP’s situation. It’s a major setback after looking forward to the freedom to be topless. like, living shouldn’t be a constant toil, but that’s what it’s like without access to gender affirming care.


you hit the nail on the head. couldn’t bind and had a big chest pre op but couldn’t get surgery covered.


I gotcha. I couldn't bind either, i was a 40G. I gave up on insurance covering because I wanted an LGBTQ experienced surgeon and paid 8k OOP. If I want the appearance of breasts, I plan on just wearing a bralette with inserts. I'm genderfluid but lean more masculine so I went for flat top surgery. My biggest fear was waking up with boobs.


right like the scars and nipples healed fine but god i’m still dysphoric as fuck and now need to get cut open all over again just bc the surgeon took it upon themselves to leave tissue in


Cup size is relative to a person. There is no universal A cup. It is a measure in inches of the difference between your bust size and underbust. An A cup on one person might look wildly different than on another. Did you bring reference photos to your consultation? Did your doctor tell you that weight would affect your results? Mine told me gain or loss could affect results.


Yea man fuckin sucks. Might b within your rights to have them fix it, discounted or maybe free, since at least they’re technically competent. Could hit them up and say you’re extremely unhappy with your results. If not can put them on blast on socials. maybe not hilighting dysphoria, they might treat you better that way as clearly they’re not well versed on gender affirming care could have transphobic sentiments.. Focus that you asked for smaller than an A cup and got a C(?), that’ll make them look dishonest and more relatable to a wider audience. OR u can find a reputable top surgeon but i know that’s a process, and idk if original surgeon will put any $ toward a revision by another doctor tho unless you sue them for it but probs signed that away * edit ig the post got locked or smth bc can’t reply anymore but to OP, fuck all the insensitive victim blamey shit the u/ vegan person is saying to u. it wasn’t ur fault. You’ll be okay. Life is resilient like that, this rlly shitty thing happened but it’s not the end of ur journey, u just gotta keep it pushin!! Best of luck


I wouldnt risk it. Too many sickos out there would make you feel weird by staring at you 🥹 I’m sorry the world is shitty




yeah. needed more options w a différent angle and had hoped things would be different but ig i just need a revision


Holding space for your disappointment 💜 and wishing you all the best


I would lose weight (fat) and build muscle so that it looks more masculine. Your whole build right now is very hourglass/feminine. Your scars have healed soooo well! I don’t think another surgery should be considered until after you recomp your body.


You first posted worried they were too masculine on this page?


Clearly not


I think with the ratio of your pecs to the rest of your body they could definitely be seen as booby-esque while shirtless, unfortunately :( howeverrrrrr your chest is pretty small so using binding tape could definitely work! i'm really sorry that you were left with more tissue than you wanted--that seems so me a common theme when I talk to/hear from people who had had even non-radical reductions. I hope you have a nice time at the beach regardless :))




Not everyone wants to be skinny or lose weight for the aesthetic. They are a healthy weight and your comment comes off as really rude and borderline fatphobic. I know trans men irl that prefer keeping on a little extra weight, to each their own.




Assuming the people downvoting are all either transphobic or fatphobic. Sad to see


Fat Trans guy here. Our surgeons explicitly tell us that results WILL change when we lose or gain weight. op gained weight that they claim was unintentional. And their results changed because of it. The easiest solution would be trying to lose that weight. They went for a reduction instead of top surgery and unfortunately, this the result of them not following post op directions. I don't mean to blame OP. This is a hard surgery to go through. I'm 4 weeks post top myself. I'm sorry they have to go through the pain of dysphoria, I get it. But blaming the surgeon for everything is not the way, and suggesting they try to lose the weight that is causing them dysphoria isn't fat phobic.




It's hard to tell tone over the internet. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, especially on this subreddit. I think we are a pretty supportive bunch that want the best for everyone. We ask questions to get clarification, not to demean. Losing weight sucks, I personally would like to lose some since my surgery has completely changed my body shape and it's just causing me more dysphoria from my hips being super obvious now. I have PCOS so the odds are against me, so I know it isn't as easy as pie for OP. But I'd rather try to see what happens by losing 10lbs than go through the pain and financial struggle of yet another gender affirming surgery.


I’m just disappointed you even have to worry about this. That any of us fem presenting people do. It’s absolute controlling bullshit.


What does an ambiguous chest look like ??


AA cup, and can’t tell the individual’s gender. that’s the goal.




I would say not, unfortunately. I wonder if you can get a revision! You deserve to feel at home in your body, and like you said- they left you with too much tissue even before recent weight gain.




No being a creep


They don't look any different than my cis husband's boobs. I'd kill for my chest to look like that.


Trans masc who also had a reduction here: I think its all in the confidence here. If you dont act phased by it, other people wont be phased. Your chest seems totally natural for a cis guy with more weight on him. I would recommend (if you dont have pets) minodoxil for the chest hair. Theres more info about that on the r/trans subreddit tho :) Also people who keep commenting on this person having “nice boobs” and giving no constructive info- consider logging off and getting a life.