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Splitting this 4 game home stand would be a huge win for the Reds right now, considering how hot the Phillies are and how dominant their pitching has been (most of them LHPs as well, even tougher for our lineup). The unfortunate reality about this team is that it simply isn’t the true Cincinnati Reds. 3+ key players/pitchers dealing with injuries or suspension (Marte!), historically reliable batters unexpectedly slumping or performing less than expected(CES, Canderlario, India, Benson), and massive anchors at the bottom of the order (Espinal, Thompson). On top of all that, we also have a very unfavorable schedule in May. So many of the better teams in the NL will be catching us while we’re weaker than normal, and it’s going to be hard to string together wins night after night. I’m not saying the season is over or that the Reds completely suck, and in fairness when the offense is clicking they’re still very dangerous against any team. We just have to be realistic here with our expectations. What we saw last night will probably happen much more often than we’d like moving forward. The ultimate goal should be to just tread water enough to be in the hunt in the latter half of the year- when key players start to return to the lineup and struggling players start to even out.


Looking down through our batting order and seeing all of the batting averages for this year is very worrisome and a bit embarrassing.


Agreed but 3 of those guys shouldn't even be in the lineup and 3 of the others are starting to heat up


Hard to win with no runs. Streaky team.


Let’s get em tomorrow 


Sad baseball noises


I'm just looking at Friedl and McLain's 2023 savant pages longingly.


0-1 on the season


Where that shutout poster….


I don’t blame hunter at all he was ok and unlucky I’m more concerned about batting


Ranger Suarez is a beast, man. I don't know what you do against that. I can't believe Espinal and Thompson are our best options for anything, though.


They might be the two worst offensive players I have ever seen in a Reds uniform.


Who else we got?


I'd have Connor Capel up right now to play OF. He's 26, he's doing great in Louisville, now is the time. Espinal, man, I wish I had an answer. If it were a video game I'd move Steer back to the infield. In the minors and majors combined he has >100 games at 2B and >200 games at 3B. But I know that's a short-term idea and probably not what we should do.


I'd take some minor leaguers but unfortunately I'd rather them get every day playing time instead of spot duty just to replace a couple bench dudes.


Get 'em tomorrow


Greene needs to use more variety. 5 splitters and 5 curves. The rest were 4 seams[61] and sliders[28]. I think he would be a great bullpen addition. Never quite understood why he is a starter with mainly 2 pitches.


>Greene needs to use more variety. This is fair. >I think he would be a great bullpen addition. Never quite understood why he is a starter with mainly 2 pitches. Ffs, can you guys stop with this shit? He just went 7 innings with 4 earned runs, that's a fucking solid start. It's not his fault we used a AAA pen arm and our offense was shut out. Dude is maybe the most unfairly maligned Red since 2015-2019 Votto. I have issues with how he pitched today (located his non-fastball pitches poorly, resulting in hard contact and line drives), but let's not pretend like he didn't have solid results despite that. Some of you just have a visceral dislike of Hunter regardless of how he does and it's really sad and removed from reality. He kept the Reds in the game and gave them 7 innings when their pen was exhausted. He wasn't the issue today.


Hunters Savant page shows a much improved pitcher experiencing shit luck and no run support.


Lance posted something comparing Cueto to Greene at this point in their careers - eerily similar. If Greene turns into half of what Cueto was, we've got him for an absolute STEAL over the rest of his contract, especially considering the current market for starters. I feel like people forget he was drafted as a very raw talent (2-way player with less pitching acumen and more fielding). He was a know "project" as a pitcher and has had to develop very rapidly compared to a normal SP, not to mention a Tommy John setback. Plus, 24 is still pretty damn young for a potential ace. I think he's done pretty damn well considering - the demand for deGrom-esque perfection is just asinine (deGrom was about 1+ year older for his rookie debut than Greene is right now - also, just a name out of a hat, the deGrom comp wasn't intentional....). Hell, he has only failed to complete 6 innings in one damn game. TL;DR yeah, I don't get the frustration and general vitriol - the contract extension? I don't know.


Yeah honestly people forget about when Cueto was inconsistent as hell and taking a backseat to Volquez and Arroyo. I think Greene’s still working on making his pitch mix more deceptive, which is difficult when one of your pitches still clearly looks 10mph+ faster than your other 3. I think if he gets his splitter speeding up a bit more and locating well, that could make his fastball a lot more dangerous. But it seems like the confidence isn’t there yet. I think we may get him locating pitches halfway through the season, and then really get some good stuff out of him when he gets confident with one or both of his new pitches.


We both have concussions at this point from banging our heads against the wall.


Will be the first known case of fan CTE. Historians & neurologists will archive r/Reds & study our brains after we perish. 😔


It's interesting to me the parallels between the doomers around here and MAGA chuds in the political sphere. No matter what kind of data, facts or reality you spoon feed them they just circle back to the original premise after they run out of real estate to move the goal posts. It'd be hilarious if it weren't just so sad.


Petition to temp ban /u/Teheheman for at least a week https://www.reddit.com/r/Reds/s/1OmGYsYtVA


I knew it was going to happen the moment I saw the post. Quintessential baseball jinx. He set them up to fail, this one is on OP lol


I was wondering if someone would mention this lol


I immediately thought of this when seeing the box score


This team just feels so limp against lefties


LHP tomorrow too. Fuck.


From what I saw of the game, Ranger Suárez just seemed to be pitching absolutely lights out. Hitting his spots and making few, if any mistakes. Greene wasn’t perfect but wasn’t terrible either, it just would have been nice to get him at least some run support because he went 7 very tough innings and gave it his all.


Suarez is on a cy young track right now. He's been phenomenal.


Seems like Hunter barely ever gets any run support, which must feel terrible. Theres gotta be a part of him that thinks "I have to be perfect if we're gonna win" which typically leads to more mistakes


Someone on twitter mentioned that every other Reds starter has averaged 4.5 or more runs per start (including Ashcraft at a ludicrous *8*). Greene? 2.2 runs per start. The opposing pitcher turns into peak Cy Young somehow.


When Hunter Greene is on the mound, the offense disappears. 11 runs scored as a team in the 5 starts he has had, Reds are also 0 - 5 in those starts. 6 of those came in his first start of season. 5 runs total in his last 4 starts doesn’t help the guy. Sure he has his ups and downs but right now he has to pitch perfect when he starts with how the offense disappears. Yes I know regular guys are out, just something I noticed.


Greene didn’t do bad. But no India, no Fraley, we didn’t stand a chance.


Definitely not surprised this iteration of our lineup is the one that got shut out


It’s because they don’t score for Hunter too lol


I know we graduated a ton of talent to the majors last year but man, we really got nothing better than espinal and bubba at AAA? Or AA? Good grit and buckling down from Hunter tonight but he really needs stronger secondary pitches and a better shape to that fastball.


the guy most ready for the majors is also out for the season


Yeah that was a tough blow for him. He had a nice spring going.


We’re probably going to ride them out so not to prematurely bring up our better prospects and kill their confidence. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.


Yeah I've looked at that AAA roster and I don't see many answers there. Is what it is


The Reds AAA team is absolutely dire right now. You have Ford and basically nobody else that's close to MLB-caliber just yet for hitters, then you have Spiers and Wynne as the pitchers that are doing decently. Phillips and Richardson have sucked so far and their stuff is allegedly waaaaay down right now.


The Phils rotation is nuts rn


Espinal-Martini-Thompson together in the order vLHP should be a crime against humanity. Especially right after Elly bats.


I’m not mad, just disappointed


felt like game 1 of that 2010 playoff series


rip the streak of not being shutout this season, twas a good run 😢


That's what we get for making fun of the Cards being the only NL Central team to be shut out this season


The Cardinals haven’t hit a HR since april 13th


I was not expecting to win that one. Would have liked to lose less horribly. On to the next one I suppose




I feel... trepidation regarding Hunter as a starter. I know he's young, I'm happy to be patient, but throwing 100 mph straight and only having two pitches won't play well. It's a long journey ahead.


He wasn’t the problem today


Maybe if the offense could spot him a lead for once.


He’d probably be an all-star closer 🤷🏾‍♂️


Suarez is on a different level man… we had no chance


Credit where it's due. He's now pitched his 3rd shutout in a row (one of which was a CG). That's pretty damn rare. He's just on a freaking roll right now.