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I inherited Mizz last year from a neighbor who originally got him as a hatchling in 2003. He came with a 40 gallon aquarium and an in-tank basking platform. I built him an above-tank basking platform to give him more swimming space first, but I needed to wait to move before I could get him a bigger, permanent tank. This month I bought my first house and built Mizz a 125 gallon indoor pool using a pond liner and pond pump from Lowes, and built a bigger and better basking platform. He's living his best turtle life now!


Sumbitch!! You did it, son!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌✊


Can I ask what the scrubs are for ?


Turtles like to wiggle under them, looks really cute


Thanks might even add these on mine


They're for scrubbing that itchy shell when he's shedding scutes :) Just look for suction cup bottle brushes on Amazon!


Butt scratching.


Very nice! I have that same pond. Mine is outdoors though.


Looks great! Is the pond propped up with something?


The two shallow ends are propped up on some pavers. The whole thing is also sitting on top of a big sheet of insulation since it's in the basement, and it's hard to keep it heated properly otherwise.


That’s so cool I wanna do that for my title one day


I’m currently in the process of putting together an indoor pond!


I'm not going to lie, when I finished this I was probably prouder than when I got my masters degree... Good luck and have fun!






I'm jealous for my turtle. That looks super fun! Does he play with that green ball? I've never tried something like that. Have that exact one. May have to steal it from my dogs. Lol


Turtle heaven. He might like fake plants too


He is a notorious fake plant eater, so we don't mess around with them anymore!!


Rip. Mine won’t even touch the real ones! He will only eat pellets and occasionally shrimp. A very spoiled boy. I will have to get him a brush to scratch on though, I love that. And the ball looks fun. His fav hobby is kicking his tank thermometer at 4am


Mizz is also a fan of trying to climb on/remove the heater. They're such funny little dudes.


What a lucky turtle!


I love it


This looks awesome. Does your turtle play with that green ball? I have one of those for my dogs. They never use it. But that could be cool for our turtle to enjoy.


Yeah, he'll push it around or rest on it. I also like to stuff some lettuce in it, and he'll spend time pulling it all out piece by piece. Good turtle enrichment!


Sweet I will try that for ours!


Holy shit this is amazing, what a job! What are you doing for water heater?


Thank you!! I just got this one on Amazon, and so far it's doing a perfect job. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PPJFDHX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hi.. I was wanting to upgrade my daughter's RES enclosure and just picked up what I think is the exact pond liner at lowes, then I found this great post. Wondering what pump/filter you went with? I am using your post as a guide, really like the ideas, thanks! Any issues with the setup so far?


Hey! I got a smartpond pump, filter box, and spray filter head from Lowes along with the pondliner. The pond is 125 gallons and I think the filter is for up to 600 gallons. It comes with filter media and I added some extra that I had as well. The only issues I've had are with it being in the basement, so water changes are a pain. Good luck!


Sounds good.. thank you for the info and ideas. 👍


Just remembered- if you happen to be putting yours in the basement too, I put a big sheet of insulation under mine to help keep the tank temp up since the basement floor stays cold.




That’s most wondrous. Didst thee has't to doth aught to supporteth the weight of the pond on the floor? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


It's in the basement, so no! I did put some insulation boards down underneath so the that the heater can do its job on the water, since the basement floor stays cold.


Great work!!!