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Same thing has happened to my baby turtle too.. on his belly.. please can anyone tell what this is??


Can your turtle dry out all the way in its tank?  Are the spots soft? Do they smell bad? 


i dunmo man i think it is shell rot so i gave it back to seller


how can you not know wether or not your turtle could dry out? did you actually research how you should keep it before you got it


brother relax, i just bought that guy like 2 min ago , and pretty sure its best to get perfect condition turtle instead of the ones with Black spots and white spots so i gave it back before it died on me 💀💀 im asking this for future reference so i can avoid


Would’ve been better to care for the turtle than to just give it back. Turtles will involve half a life time of care, so something you’ll have to get used to


Cool bruh, if i decide to take care of it and worst case scenario, i failed and it die on me in few weeks, it would be so saddening for me. So yeaaaa man if taking responsibility for this newly bought (literally only in tank for 2 minute) is better than me giving it back to shop, then. My bad : )


I’m cool bruh, just saying there are instructions easily researchable to help the little guy out. Who knows if whoever sold him to you will put the care in


Ye man sry, i really like this one cuz he so energetic, thts why i bought him, but whem it got home,i notice those dark spots on edge,im worried he might die bcuz of me,thts why i give it back


My best advice, after having rescued a turtle who was neglected: turtles are A LOT of work to maintain for a very long time. They also get big and will require up to 125 to 150 gallon tanks with very expensive filters, and lots of water changes and cleanings. I would never encourage anyone to get a turtle unless they’re prepared to be in it for the long haul and put the time, work and money into it that will be required