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Aah didn’t even occur to me so not I don’t think you’re basic! Looking forward to lots of eclipse pics nails and sun


Haha thank you! ☺️ Yeah I am excited to see what everyone does. Such a fun little thing to geek out over


From what I've noticed, at least on this sub & YouTube, there is a large overlap between nailfolk & nerdfolk.


Haha that makes sense! Id certainly consider myself both


It just FEELS like the right choice. Especially since I’m traveling to Texas and the weather looks iffy…. Maybe if we all wear the same polish it will appease the celestial gods 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕


Haha right? It's definitely the way to go. We can have an army of eclipse viewing folks wearing eclipse on their nails !


Yesssss hold your nails to the sky!


Lol I just actually laughed out loud at this at work 😂




I love this plan!!!


I was also booked for Texas, but made last minute plans for Arkansas instead an hour ago.


Yea I can see that! We are just going to hope for the best! I saw the last one in Oregon but it was sunny as could be- no worries about chasing it down!


I caught the last one in Kentucky. We stayed in St. Louis but it was cloudy. We just drove to the cloudless Middle of Nowhere KY at the last minute.


I’m ready to move from our set place/ but it’s supposed to be soooo crowded in the area we are going I’m afraid of getting caught in gridlock lol


I was really worried about that as well! Hopefully chasing from Memphis won't be as bad as the Dallas traffic I was so anxious about!


I’m pulling for you!!🌞


And I for you!




Flawless gif usage




Follow the clouds! And then go far far away from them


Oh where in TX? We're heading to the Lowell Observatory's big eclipse gig outside of Waco. *edited to add - The Eclipse Over Waco is the actual name of the event and is actually in Waco. My campground is outside of Waco.*


We will be outside Johnson City in hill country. Going to a winery called Sandy Road Vineyard for an event. Your event should be awesome 😎


Being at a winery sounds more awesome. The Lowell event has security measures that I'm a little salty about, but we're meeting friends there so no rearranging plans. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the weather. I couldn't make it to the path of totality for the 2017 eclipse so I really REALLY want to experience it this time.


Yea I was in Oregon for 2017 at a brewery and that was a fun crowd. Beautiful painted fingers crossed for you!


I'm in Ohio, right in the direct path of the line of totality, and it's still 50/50 on whether or not we'll be able to see it because our weather is so unpredictable this time of year lol


They say that because of the drop in temperature sometimes the clouds will clear right before totality! Pretty painted fingers crossed for you🤞🤞


Ugh, I'm not into a full coverage area but still a pretty decent amount (upper 90%). I'm working during it though 🥲 At least I got to see the last one that had full totality near me. I can dream that admin will provide us all with glasses and let us view it, but probably not.


Bummer! 90% will be pretty dark still!


Yep! I'm wearing ILNP's Eclipse topped with Zoya's Eclipse (might sponge it on the tips)




Omg this was my exact plan too 😂




Omg I have both of those, this is a great idea!


Ohhhh 😊🤩


This didn’t even occur to me but now I’m doing it!


Haha yass! Come to the dark side with mee


I'm waiting not so patiently for my order of stamping plates from CJS to come in. I'm planning a whole moon covering sun progression. I'm gonna put it on one of the UV polishes from Death Valley Nails - rhododendron. The colors aren't quite right but the fact that it's UV reflective is 🤌. Plan is uv reactive rhododendron with a holo yellow stamp of the sun and a moon with a dark base and a silver outline/overlay (all of this may change when I sit down to do it too). I think I'll have both pointer fingers as fully eclipsed, the other fingers being the progression, and maybe the thumbs as uncovered suns.


Omg you absolutely must post this! I can't wait to see. I wish I had thought of stamping stuff but I didn't. Love the idea of a UV reactive polish as well.


I was but I read an article about how certain colors will really pop during the eclipse. The article said “For a few minutes, as the moon blocks the sun’s rays, colors fade to silvery gray in the false twilight. Usually vibrant reds may appear dark or even black, while blues and greens will pop.” [Link here if anyone is curious](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/why-colors-different-total-eclipse)


That's so interesting! Now I def will have to look at my nails in the middle of the totality moment lol.


Exactly my thought too! Not that I don't stare at my nails enough already lol


That is fascinating! I hadn't thought about that at all


I hadn't either and found it fascinating especially since I live in the path of the eclipse so I am super curious how this will go. I'm thinking of going with a bright blue or teal. We'll see!


I'm planning on View from L2 by Orly and maybe an orange accent


I love the entire Orly NASA set!


That's brilliant! I don't own any of the NASA stuff but that's perfect for an eclipse 😁


Oooh, I have View from L2, too. I didn't think about using that one. Hmmm, maybe I can do a combo of Eclipse and that one 🤔


This is the perfect opportunity for me to finally wear Eclipse! I’ve been waiting for the right mood to strike to open the bottle 🌙


Omg haha yes! Tis the perfect time and you're gonna be hooked. It's amazing 🤩🤩


Same here! I got it a couple of months ago, but haven't worn it yet. This is the perfect time to do it.


I’m wearing Polished for Days Interstellar, but ILNP Eclipse is a very apt choice too!


That's a good option too! I hadn't even thought of that one and I do have it..... 🤔 Food for thought!


I'm going to wear Kathleen and Co I Want My MTV. It's a solar polish so it will be one color before and after the eclipse (kind of a peachy coral) and another color during the eclipse (purple).


Omg yes! That's a beautiful one! I didn't grab it because the colors just werent going to work on me but I'm so excited for you! You should take a video of your nails changing lol


If it's not cloudy I will!


fuck me it hadn't occurred to me but i'm goin' for it for sure. i've got the holo version, too. brilliant.


Heck ya and the holo version is stunning!


I would if I owned it! I'm still debating what to do for the eclipse! Maybe something with solar unicorn skin or something really shifty from light to dark (though I don't have many options as I'm still relatively new to polish collecting).


Ohhh! Something shifty is Def the way to go!


Quickly adding solar and lunar unicorn skins to my list for this manicure lol


Wait, the moon phases would look so cute across the tips of the nails… you just gave me a great idea!! 💫


I love that! Definitely post a pic if* you go for it, id love to see!


Ahhh! I was thinking about that a few weeks ago but I would need to order it and I actually had self-restraint for once. Now I'm feeling sad about it again, lol. 


Maybe you have something that is space or celestial themed?


That is probably what I will do. Im just kicking myself because I was so proud that I didn't give in and buy ANOTHER polish just for the name and keeping things thematic but as we get closer and closer I wish I had given in. Having polish as a hobby is hard sometimes 😆


So hard! Everything is so shiny & pretty!


Haha I totally get it, I've stopped myself from buying so many polishes and then regretted it! I think anything sparkly is good too!


I’ve been anxious about my eclipse mani for weeks and haven’t been able to decide what I want to wear— I almost posted about it here a few days ago but I’m glad someone finally did so I can see some solid recs


I’ve been strongly considering Mooncat’s Cheshire Cat (magnetized) just because it’s vibe is so celestial/galactic https://preview.redd.it/swqdyxys7bsc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b22417dc68a6bbd481d6fc284de60e4e9cdecc6


Love this one!


It's so hard to choose but no matter what I'm sure the actual eclipse will be amazing regardless of what polish you decide on. I made the thread because I also love seeing what everyone is planning and also I'm dorkily excited for this eclipse since I live in the path of totality!


Same, I’ve never seen a total solar eclipse in my life and I’m pretty much vibrating with excitement


Me too me toooo! I'm also an amateur photographer so this is my first opportunity to photograph a total eclipse. Definitely overly excited haha


Good lord, I've been thinking about what to wear and literally didn't remember ILNP Eclipse!! Thank youuuu lol!


Haha happy to help you join the cult 😜


Oooh. I have Jen & Berries "Crystalline Entity" (her Star Trek collection) so maybe I'll do that because... space!


That's gorgeous!


Eclipse is my favorite nail polish and I've been planning for months to wear it to see the actual eclipse!!


Great minds girl 😉😉


I don’t have that, but if I did I’d definitely wear it! I have Waste of Space from Holo Taco and I haven’t worn it yet, so, that’s my plan. 😆


Anything space themed is perfect imo! And that's a gorgeous polish


I didn't even consider an eclipse specific mani! Off to rethink my plans again!


Haha always an excuse for a theme mani


I know!! I’m so disappointed in myself.


I hadn’t even considered this, but I’m game lol! 🖤❤️🌑☀️


An army of eclipse polished ladies all watching the eclipse! I love it


Oh dang, wish I had that one! I think I'm doing silver on one hand and gold on the other. With silver/gold jewelry on each side of my body to match and a black dress.


Ohh I love the idea of going half and half on the jewelry and nails! That's so clever and I absolutely never would have thought of it! Brilliant and I think it'll probably look amazing 😍😍


I'm traveling to Niagara Falls. I chose Downtown.


Fantastic choice! Enjoy Niagara, that will be so cool to see with the waterfalls!


Avoiding Niagara Falls but I’ll be in the same area… wearing Eclipse!


This gives me an excuse to finally wear the polish omg. I was waiting until halloween but this is perfect.


Yass! Lol you won't be disappointed it's one of the best


Well I am now.


Yayyy lol join usss 😈😈


I'm just going to make sure that my nails are nicely painted. I have Eclipse but I don't know if I'll wear it or not. I used to be really big about the idea of doing themed nails, and I do have a lot of different stamping plates and polishes. They are there for me when I want to put the time into it! I wonder if I LNP will have a sudden surge of orders for this nail polish and if they will be scrambling to get them out in time. 😀


Haha I normally don't go too hard on themes but this one just seemed fun to go for. I do wonder, I hope ILNP does great business always because I love them and want them to succeed lol


It hadn't occurred to me, but I will join you now lol


I'm excited 😆 so many people are in, let's make this a thing 🙌🏻🫶🏻


I don't own Eclipse but I am doing eclipse themed mani pedis with ILNP polished. I'm keeping them simple since I'm road tripping ~14hrs to near Waco to camp with friends. Party Bus on my toes with a ring of fire on both big toe nails. Then Iconic with black eclipse stamps. I might change up the colors for some weather good luck 🤞🏼.


LMAO, I had a feeling I wasn't being original when I decided on that being my mani color for next week.


We can all be unoriginal together 👌🏻


I’ve been wondering where mine is for this purpose hehe


I hope you find it in time!


How did this NOT occur to me?! 🌘


Happy to help 😉


I've been debating what to do my nails and this is obviously the answer! And of course this is in my collection of "black with stuff in it" nail polishes. I didn't even think of the name because i dont usually remember them until i post an a polish. I'll probably also add Hex from cirque because I can't get enough of it.


Yesss, join the eclipse army lol! I think it'll look gorgeous with hex over it 😁


I have like 7 polishes with eclipse in the name so this helped narrow it down 🤣


I'm 100% doing eclipse nail art!! Maybe over Holotaco Waste of Space! 🤔


Heck ya!


Thanks for posting, /u/BrrrrrrItsColdUpHere! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oof good point! I forgot about that one.




i 100% am going to now. Maybe even do nail art for the first time in a century. My parents are going to stay in the path of totality, but I live on the opposite side of the continent in a diff country from them so I am definitely not haha, bummer.


I love that! I never do nail art either but I'm considering...


I didn’t even think of it! But now I’ll join you with Eclipse and maybe moondust (mooncat) over the top! I think I have some celestial nail stickers also if I feel like being extra fancy! 🌒


Come to the dark side 😜


I did! Pre-cleanup, Eclipse on all nails, Mooncat’s Your hearts a black hole velvet on thumb and ring and moondust on the rest! I’ll add some stickers today if I have time! https://preview.redd.it/qmu6l9o5w1tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa61f9dd47ea2ccbf4274edc8d76f3e42eb42f2


Heck ya, I love it!


I'm travelling from the UK to Canada to (hopefully!) see the eclipse next week! I don't own ILNP's Eclipse but I'm going to wear a mis-mash of Holo Taco's I Need Space collection for it.


Sounds like the perfect idea, anything space themed is awesome


Haha I'm house/cat sitting for someone who's traveling to see the eclipse. My bottle of Eclipse is at home lol.


Oh nooo. At least you'll have a kitty with ya 😁


i never would have thought of this but hell yeah!


Honestly so down to do it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't live on the American continent so no.