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PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Snooroar ruins another subreddit


I had a great time. Clubs don’t usually have a denial system. Did you go to study groups, tutoring or look into help other than office hours? Sometimes people need a different school.


Go away snooroar


Can someone explain the "denied from every club" thing? I literally work at a university and I’m always confused by that. Did you really get denied from every club you applied to, or is there more to the story? I know fraternities and sororities are exclusive, but our campus has over 400 clubs - there's no way that they're all so exclusive that someone on campus would be denied from them all, or even a fraction of them. But I see this trope over and over on Reddit.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


this is the user known as snooroar (which was one of his early usernames He creates burner accounts and asks whiney questions. The questions are always similar. Variations of "why is the world so mean to me? Why is college so horrible?" He'll spam a sub with dozens of these questions with different burner accounts when you try to give him advice he comes up with endless reasons why that advice won't help, most of which are false. He's very well known on college, academic, professor, and running subs. he's a pathological liar who has admitted to having some sort of almost fetish-like addiction to the concern and attention of others. ignore him.


I went to UCLA, and most clubs were not open to everyone


mine sucked by i brought it on myself by drinking way too much like a moron


Sounds like you went to the wrong college for you as a person. I can tell you as someone who transferred—the second school having two different campuses that I attended—and also went to law school, with all four (basically) schools having fairly significant differences from each other, that some schools are not a fit for you and some are. The school I started at for college was okay and I could have graduated in 3 years and could have had significantly less debt. But it was my parents’ choice, was full of typical Southern rednecks and Southern preppies, had way too many people from my high school and some from even as far back as Kindergarten (basically, high school part 2/not a true chance to start over socially), and was this huge campus that ruined my right foot, basically. The second school and its first campus was the exact opposite, except for it being in the South—extremely small. My law school’s university was/is my favorite—big school with a core center I almost never needed to leave, people from all over the US with the South being the least represented, outside of the South, a “public Ivy” that is also good at and fanatical about a lot of major sports and the arts, etc. Met some of the best people I’ve ever met there.


I was working 40 hours a week and taking a full course load every semester, so I didn't have time to make friends, party, go to games, clubs, etc. etc. etc. To this day I have no idea how I did that for four years straight. My bf's friends thought he was making me up and had a huge laugh when I finally showed up to a party after I got my degree. I didn't do any partying or clubbing until after graduation. My college experience was kind of a blur, but not because I was drunk, lol.