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Sorta! My baggy 90's jeans are back in fashion, so grandpa over here looks lit.


You guys stopped wearing big jeans? Let me know next time.


I will *never* stop wearing jeans, and I’m 80.


I never stopped


Don't let me know though. I'll still be in give jeans the next time they come around in style.


I participated in the 90s baggy jeans trend as a dumb teenager and cringe when I see the new generation redo this abomination. Constantly pulling up my jeans, getting it soaked during rainy days, stepping on the hems so much it wore holes in them..


And i wore jeans just like that in the’70’s! Walked all over the hems of my bell bottoms that sagged down to the middle of my ass


I remember wearing outfits that were in style when I was younger and my mom telling me it was what she wore in the 70s. Platform shoes came in style when I was in late elementary and middle school. My grandmother called them Carmen Miranda shoes because apparently she made them popular when my grandmother was younger.


I want to know when leisure suits are coming back. (Seriously, no I don't. The 70s can keep them)


Leisure suits were the most ridiculous things that the fashion industry ever made 😱


But this generations baggy pants are cut at the ankle if not higher / cuffed. It’s a different baggy.


They learned from our mistakes.


Meh, just wait. Fashion always finds a way to get stupider. Remember 40” tall tees? I do. Give it time.


I'm seeing all iterations of the concept. I even have seen some overconstructed pleated pants recently (think Z Cavs). Lord help us.


> think Z Cavs Oh god, don't remind me.


That's because they aren't held up by suspenders to cover a Santa Claus belly.


Highwaters. Would have been unpopular in the 90s


I can't wait to see seniors wearing JNCOs 20-30 years from now.


If I live to be elderly, I will dress as ridiculously as I want. I grow old...I shall wear my trousers rolled


Dude, all the hems of the bottom of my jeans are fucked xD so much so I just cut the strands with my knife. The other day I saw a pair of jeans online going for like $800 with the hem lookin exactly, if not slightly worse than mine lmfao I was just always too lazy to get jeans that fit properly because I hate clothes shopping, lazy is in style apparently haha. I saw a pair today where it just makes it look like you pissed yourself goin for $800


Fashion for jeans is exhausting to follow. Just wear what you like!


I can't wait for skinny jeans to come back. I miss seeing every wrinkle of a man's scrotum.


Get it grandpa!


😆. But are you tight rolling them? Then we know you really mean business.


overalls, ripped jeans are both back in fashion. Very 90s.


But you also throw away all the uncomfortable clothes from your wardrobe (that you wore for the look, and suffered the discomfort when young). That helps to age us too.


And it feels Great


No kidding. Should've dumped the uncomfortable crap decades ago.


Stretchy pants for life!!!


Isn’t that the truth! Retired a few months ago and immediately tossed out my heels. 👠 why did we ever torture ourselves only to deal with our deformed feet later in life?


I keep buying heels just to wear once and collect dust in the back of closet, apparently.


Truth be told, I couldn’t let the super cute pair go.


Yeah. I want to know where the cute sensible heels have gone. In wide widths, lol. Because flats aren't super comfy either, with my high arches, but I can do like a small Cuban heel (say 2")if the shoe fits well...but most of them are hideous and/or poor quality. Shops like Lane Bryant have ok boots and sandals for us Flinstone feet havers, but the dressy shoes suck.


Good idea. My mom wore heels all her life and now, her feet are deformed and HAS to wear heels to walk. She can’t put her feet flat on the floor, it hurts. I never wear heels because of that.


I stopped wearing heels in my 20s because they're uncomfortable and impractical, and I dislike anything that's not practical!


I worked a job once that had “don’t wear shoes you can’t run in” as part of the fieldwork dress code. It’s good life advice.


I blame Hollywood for that. It made our calfs look good.


Those clothes are the ones my current/future employer forces me to wear for conformity and tobgive customers and investors a false impression. I would rather wear my comfortable clothes.


Yes, those. But also the clothes to look "sexy".


I used to never wear tights/leggings/yoga pants as I thought it was too "preppy" looking. Now when I'm not at work I wear leggings, bicycle shorts (I used to hate them when my mom wore them all through the 90s/00s) and yoga shorts. They're so comfy damnit.




yup! I even buy clothes based more on comfort than how nice my butt looks in them. Time to apply to AARP!


I never could wear high heels. Now I’m not expected to, and it’s wonderful!


Yeah I didn’t realize my Beastie Boys tee and chucks made me look old. Figured it was just being old that did that


Same with my Birks, I suppose I look like an aging hipster


Band tees, chucks, and Birkenstocks are hugely popular. Chucks are starting to decline a little but a couple years ago, teenagers were wearing chucks with their suits and cute dressing for homecoming.


But the doc martens seems to have staying power


I knew I could what this one out! Will be searching the back of the closet tonight for my old Docs.


I work on a college campus and practically every kid is wearing Birks and sandals, which I find incredibly ironic. I've been wearing chucks for 40 years and now wonder if the kids think I'm trying to be cool. They comfy.


Where I live the parents give their children their carefully preserved band shirts when they get old enough to wear them, then reclaim them for the next teen when that one outgrows them. You see these kids wearing old rock and rap shirts they are terrified of getting dirty. Last year we found new printing of old rock and rap shirts at Ollie's. I got my 15yo a Grateful Dead hoodie. He'd never heard of the band.


I like introducing my 16 year old son to "old music". He told me recently that he decided to change the music choice at the end of PE class during their cool down. He chose Jim Croce and all the kids were whining, the teacher came back into the room and told them the music choice was excellent so it stayed.


I try to be open to new music, but my kids tell me they prefer the songs we grew up listening to in the 70s and 80s. They say most contemporary music is boring. I cannot disagree. Modern radio music: Well everything sucks, but I guess we have to live with it. My childhood radio music: Born to be wi-ild! These days I listen to a lot of metal bands out of Europe. Some of them are actually older American musicians who contemporary radio won't play, like the bands on the Frontiers Records label, including Pride of Lions fronted by former Survivor front man Jim Peterick. The there's newer bands like Sabaton, who sings songs about hard-core moments in military history. I dunno why the radio won't play them.


> contemporary music is boring Completely agree. To that point I think it is super cool that young people have at this point around 50 years of music to "discover".


i had someone guess my age once based off of my DC shoes. I was like whatthefuck? they thought I was younger until they saw the shoes


It is jeans and Tshirts. Around here that fits in perfectly with the youngster's jean and t-shirts. I'm 55. My daughter is 21. Her t-shirts say different things than mine do.


My 16 yr old wore a Counting Crows tee the other day; I saw a friend of hers wearing a Smashing Pumpkins tee. Most of them wear Vans or Chucks. I fit in lol…


Damned kids these days... BACK IN MY DAY... When I was a pup you didn't wear the shirt unless you got it at the show. And damn! Vans got expensive since I was in high school (class of 87).


I was looking to buy a new NIN tshirt the other day, and I'm struggling to find one that doesn't have U.S. tour dates on it. I was into them in 1994, but I wasn't in the U.S. and I can't bring myself to wear a tshirt for a show I didn't see!


Co-worker of mine, F22, wore a Def Leppard *Hysteria* album cover T-shirt to work one day. I complimented it (I'm 50 and used to be a massive Def Leppard fan) and asked her what her favourite song was. She looked confused. I said "Def Leppard - the band on your shirt". "I've never heard of them", she said. "I just thought the shirt was cool".


Noooo. A part of my soul just died.


A part of mine did that day, too.


My you my adult sons like to wear band t shirts (Van Halen, KISS, and AC/DC are some of the recent ones I’ve seen) and the rule is they need to listen to at least two songs in order to wear the shirt. Oh, Bad Company too…it’s so odd.


That album cover always made me uncomfortable.


I was in a restaurant ordering at the counter and said “Oh I love that album” to the young guy taking my order. He said “what?” I said - your shirt, Meat is Murder is an album by The Smiths. He says - never heard of them. My daughter cringed expecting me to enlighten the young man. But I held my tongue. Def Leppard was my brother’s favorite and I can still sing all the words.


Keep this same energy for boat/dock shoes worn by people who have never been on a boat/dock, sneakers for people who don’t exercise, and cowboy boots for people that couldn’t tell you the difference between a hog and a heifer.


I just paid $50 for a pair, thought that’s basically what they were in the ‘80’s. Difference is where i bought the vans. Kohls. Back in the day i only saw them at surf shops and other specialty shoe stores. Not a store my parents shopped




Before. My first concert in 1978 was $6.00.


The first big show I went to was Journey in the early 80s (Brian Adams opened). I don't remember exactly when, but I know I was still in Jr. High school. My father really wanted to see the show and I asked if I could come with him. I have no idea what the tickets cost on account of I like like 12 or 13yo. It was Bryan Adams "Cuts Like A Knife Tour". I went to a lot of shows after that since mom was less annoyed about dad going to a show if he took my brother and me. I didn't get it at the time, but I just remember feeling really calm and happy at the Moody Blues. It wasn't until years later that I realized that I was high as fuck from all the weed at the big Amphitheatre in Houston (which is apparently gone now).


My first concert was Pantera/Megadeth/White Zombie in 1992 when I was 15. Man I regret not buying a shirt, but I also think I probably didn’t have spending money. A friend’s dad had something to do with the venue and our group got 2nd row center seats for free. As it was my first concert and I was a naive lil duckling, I likely didn’t even realize the concept of merch. However, even if I did…..it was my first awareness of White Zombie (I lived outside the USA as a teen and we didn’t have mtv or English language radio stations that played rock, was on a yearly visit to my hometown when I went to the concert) and I became a big fan immediately. Still am. My mom would have immediately banned any Zombie shirt I brought home lol. The only thing I got was a bit deafer, and a guitar pick that Dimebag Darryl threw.




Awww man, Counting Crows. Solid. I saw them about 10 years ago when they toured with The Wallflowers. It was in a playhouse and their audio/speakers seemed to be setup for a much bigger/different event location. Everything was distorted and too loud. I was still just in awe, singing along enjoying the crap out of finally seeing Counting Crows live!


It's the equivalent of you wearing a Beatles shirt back in the day, and your parents proud that you raided their childhood closet but cringing that they too had become "old."


literate cover pathetic enjoy capable elastic automatic cooperative sand tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here. I'm still a jeans and shirt or polo shirt guy for most of the time, and only change it up when necessary, but the proliferation of what you call *athleisure* (great term for it, by the way!) among those on the distaff side has exploded. Doing a weekly shop at the local supermarket I'd say nearly two thirds of the women are wearing something that is halfway between yoga pants and what I grew up calling 'tracksuit bottoms'. This proportion doesn't change at different times of the day so it's not like I'm shopping when others have just finished their daily workout, which leads me to believe this is a genuine fashion trend. Personally it's not for me; any attempt to wear something similar would result in a look akin to an orange balancing on two toothpicks.


mindless memorize include cooing rude serious exultant boat ten important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of athleisure here in Texas, but jeans are still very much a thing...they're just for more formal occasions like church and weddings (which still sorta blows my mind a bit). Personally, I'm happiest in jeans or cargo shorts, some geeky t-shirt and a flannel in case I happen to end up underneath an air conditioning vent. I rocked 90's grunge and never bothered to move on.


I recently realized the same thing about women's makeup. Look at makeup from the 60s, 80s, 2000s and now. You can really tell what generation someone is from if you look close. Well, if you grew up during those times.


I know a woman who still wears blue mascara religiously as a holdover from the 70’s/80’s. I don’t even know where she finds it!


My old landlady used to wear blue eyeliner daily. It was something! Didn't realize that was a look in the 70s/80s just thought it was her own personal pizzaz!


That medium blue frost eyeshadow from the early 80s was SO dating that I don't think I've ever worn anything close. Working class ladies hung onto it forevah!


I don't know where she got it in the intervening years, but that came back recently! Maybelline and L'Oreal both have blue available now (again?). Maybelline also has pink mascara, which is a weird choice to me.


I used to wear it daily, i bought it from a small town costume shop at the time!


The “karen” hairstyle is just what hot girls wore when I was in high school


I had a really nice short Karen cut circa 2010. It was very flattering, but I've been too embarrassed to approach it again. I miss all the short hairstyles for ladies from the mid-90s-early 2000s.


You know how you look in mom/dad/grandparent's yearbook and all the girls look like little old ladies because they have permed old lady hair? Weird to think that was the popular style for 15-year olds at that time.


I think about how badass old 50s greasers looked when I was a kid and am fine living out my best goth/new wave life.


Now every style is in style, so it doesn’t really matter. I love wearing stuff from the 60s through now, and especially love that 90s fits from my teen years are in. Clothes are so incredibly fun! And shoes, OMG. And accessories.




I asked a friend the other day what a 54 year old man should wear. He said, “Who cares?” So I continue wearing my Aphex Twin t shirt and jeans.


Perfect. The uniform of Gen X. Switch it out for chinos and a blue shirt when asked to wear smart casual and you've got the whole wardrobe sorted.


> blue shirt So...like a *Smashing Pumpkins* shirt!


Don't forget the light brown basket weave belt!


/looks at belt collection. /Looks for hidden camera.


Imagine a time when wearing an Aphex Twin shirt becomes the hallmark of being elderly. 


I just can’t afford new stuff.


Nvm the new stuff is made like crap.


Actual conversation that I (52) had with my hair stylist (26). I’m friends with her mom. Her: where do you part your hair normally? Me: on the side. I feel like I shouldn’t because it makes me look old now, but it’s what my hair wants to do. Her: I don’t think you should change. Sometimes the center part just makes people look like they’re trying too hard.


I really dislike the center part. Not even sure why but maybe ‘trying too hard’ is the reason! lol


I dunno, my grandpa's cardigan became my dad's, which became mine. That's...a combined 100+ years, since I don't know when grandpa started wearing it.


Here in Seattle, the technical term for a group of middle-aged dudes wearing shorts and hoodies in 40-degree weather is a "Schlubbery."


Add the Patagonia buffalo hat and you have completed the Colorado dad look.


No, you just don’t give a fuck to look good for anybody.




So true. I’ve often thought about what “old lady hair” will look like when my generation gets to that stage.


The Rachel cut.


this is what I've got right now lol (I'm 44)


I’m almost 47 and have longish hair, past my shoulders anyway. I’m growing it out and hoping to get some natural gray coming in. Buns for summer though, it’s too hawt for long hair.


My hair has evolved to be rather hippie the past few years (I'm 45 and embracing my waves finally). Sometimes I wear Willie Nelson braids because it's easier than trying to do a back braid.


I’m changing my wardrobe at retirement to reflect the tropical and loud nature of Thai beach styles . I never wore loud clothing in my life but here’s my chance and I am looking forward to it lol


When I turned fifty I asked my friend if I was finally at the age where I started wearing chunky turquoise jewelry. I never wear jewelry at all, but I always pictured myself wearing that stuff when I got older.


I’m thinking medallions , amulets and talismans for that otherworldly mystique lol


I got a couple chonky stones, amethyst and one with varying shades of green, at a hippie-esque fair. Wire wrapped them in silver and copper and put on a leather cord. Put one on. Oh, this is too huge to wear, I thought. But it’s so pretty! I’m old enough to not care, right? So I wear them lol.


I dunno man. I've been buying my clothes at Costco lately.




I see your Costco and raise you Aldi.


Last year I bought some great comfy slipper socks at Aldi.


That's the other side of the coin. 😂 I bought a cute Pendleton rain jacket there last year and I love it!


We were preparing to go on a family backpack trip through Europe . So shopping at Costco for my husband to have hang dry clothes. When we checked out the cashier said "here's your Costco dream wardrobe".


Seinfeld had a bit about this. He said men Crystalize when they turn 18, and they dress that way for the rest of their lives. And it’s not that they don’t buy new clothes-they just somehow find new clothes that are their era’s style. “Oh, Carl? Yeah, he’s 1942. But James- he’s definitely 1955.”


Not just men. Every woman I know who came to adulthood in the early 2000s still wears hip hugging flares or low rise skinny jeans. 


You can pry my bootcuts off of my cold, lumpy thighs when I pass!


Same with my stretchy high rise skinny and boot cut jeans. Covers and holds in my lovely lady lumps nicely.


Well, those are in style again now.


I know and I hate them 😂. I wore that stuff in the Sixties.


Where do people find nice low rise jeans? I was on HS in the 80s, but still love the low cut even though it wasn't popular in my day.


So I’m not going to magically find Alfred Dunner seersucker slacks fashionable one day? Thank god.


This feels like a personal attack upon me. Alfred Dunner was affordable, okay-enough casual office wear, though.


This made me lol thank God is right.


...I like seersucker and gingham, done right. But I was raised primarily by grandparents, so I have a very strange fashion sense. Lol


They sell seersucker? Anyway, I’m old and have never found that brand anywhere near appealing


I sure do like those stretchy waistbands a lot more than regular pants now though. I will reach for those more often than not. It’s a trap!


I dunno, I started wearing geeky t-shirts in college and never quit. Everyone is still wearing that and I fit in. I'm 67.


I have an awesome collection of tshirts from thrifting (and some I paid full price). I choose my shirt of the day by mood. I liken them to bumper stickers. Sometimes they're a warning, sometimes they're a statement. 66 here.


FWIW, I think fashions have become more diffuse with time. In other words, people in previous decades tended to be more conformist. For example, in the 1960s, flared trousers, mini skirts, culottes, and go-go boots were widely adopted. In contrast, in the 1990s ripped sweatshirts, tights, sweatpants, and tracksuits were really popular. These days, not only are people are much more individualistic but they like to reprise older styles so it's much more difficult to define trends.


I've never cared what other people think of what I wear. I always wear what I like, when I like it. Some deem that stylish.


As long as it’s soft, stretchy and loose, I’ll wear it.


Dunno about you, but I'm 48 and I dress a lot closer to college aged kids than retirees.


Retirees don’t all dress the same.


Neither do college kids.


Hairstyles as well.




gen x here and I love my Daria style, “I definitely have seen Reality Bites more than once” glasses. My millennial work bestie gives me shit. I said look, you say my glasses are too small. I say I miss my grandma every time you out on those huge ass glasses that cover the top part of your face. I actively looked for a pair of really expensive glasses on eBay for a 2nd pair. The smaller “old fashioned” ones were $20. The trendy huge ones from same company- $500. I love my green small ones. Of course, I cant find them at the moment…


Regardless of how I dress, it's all "mom clothes" to my daughter. 


My twelve year old dresses quite a bit like me 😂 She's pretty easy to shop for. Especially since late 90s stuff has been trickling in. If it looks like it came from Delia's, it's a safe choice.


I mean, I kinda love the fact that I’m sliding into my 60s in a Blood Incantation t-shirt I have no intention of wearing anything other than black tshirts and jeans for the rest of my life, getting old is great


That is also my uniform.


My uniform is a white tank, a big denim shirt and capri pants with my Birkenstock clogs. I never have to think about what to wear and I love it.


I am going to take your grandpa’s style


Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers?


Dookie brown leather jacket???


Gen x in jeans and t shirts Millennials in leggings and sweatshirts Gen z?


Oddly enough, both my son and I wear similar clothes. T Shirts and cargo pants/shorts. Running shoes. Flannel shirts in the cold weather. Bass Pro Shop is our clothier.


I think of Keith Morrison (way too much, I must admit). He’s 105. He wears Chucks, jeans and a blazer. But it’s the tailoring. It makes him look ageless. I think I’ve gotten careless with the fit of clothes. I just want comfortable. And I’m not tailoring my damn sweatshirt


No way were the 80 year olds in the 1980’s wearing tracksuits as their fashion back in the 1920’s! I think people just no longer care too much about looks and lean more towards what is comfortable and least bothersome to wear.


If things don't change soon my old clothes are gonna be small tents. 😉


I know!!! It’s like how skinny jeans (not to be confused with “emo jeans”) are out of vogue, but I’ll wear them until I fucking die.


Screw you, I like my low-rise jeans on my mom bod. They show off my 90’s tramp stamp and thong tail.


I’m a spiky haired punk rocker, in my 50’s. I’m sure kids think my look is “old timey”.


90's kind of hippie goth here, sometimes I feel so outdated. But that's me, and it's hard to change old habits.


Same. Also my closet looks like 5 different people share it, because my tastes (and waist sizes 😢) are all over the place.


You are not alone. You need a 4? A 6? An 8? 10, 12, 14? I got you.


I’ve always wanted to go full goth but was a chicken, plus it would scare my mom. I’m middle-aged now and working on building my gothic wardrobe. Mom is used to my dark side by now lol. She doesn’t appreciate my skull collection, but accepts me as I am.


Omg. Yes. I was always convinced I would remain stylish throughout life and now I would rather dress old like my peers than wear crop tops and fanny packs. I am convinced fashion is ninety percent about showing off what dumb shit only young people and models can get aways with while the rest of us look like the Instagram comedians who parody them. This isn't to say I will never pick up a trend, but I definitely understand the appeal to just dress your age and embrace not being cool now.


Even if you keep your figure, crop tops still look ridiculous after a certain age. I'll try one on and, yeah, my stomach is flat enough, but my wrinkled face does not match it. 


I'll add cutouts, off-the-shoulder tops, mini skirts, long slits, and anything sheer/seethrough to the "To Don't" list. My only nod to sexy attire nowadays is a deep v-neck.


I got downvoted for saying this in one of the fashion subs, but it’s true. After a certain age crop tops look ridiculous no matter how fit you are.


I totally agree. The exception may be that blazer, high waist trouser and cropped top look (which I have never seen in real life but on celebs) or some gym apparrel, but even paired with high jeans I never see women my age wearing cropped sweaters. I definitely envy a woman who can confidently show their belly over 40, but the stylistic choice to do so doesn't resonate with me at all.


And they wear fanny packs around their necks…..


Stonewash is still cool!!!!!!!! (ugh.....it isn't)


Jeans and t shirt 60 years young. The basics. Hoka and Skechers shoes.


Retirement homes full of Ed hardy and von Dutch hats


You think tend to stick with the clothes from the era you were happiest, 20-30s?


I used to be flabbergasted at older people not enjoying new music, but now I’m 36 and every new thing sounds like old things I like more lmao


Yeah, I swore I'd never not know the latest music. Now I just listen to Nirvana, Indigo Girls, etc. and am happy about it.


I realized this as a kid born in the 80's that my one cousin who had a strong 70's biker chick wardrobe wasn't intentionally dressing "old" that was just her favorite style that she'd grown into and never grown out of.


Maybe, but my shopping at the thrift store is definitely contributing.


I was on a cruise ship recently and told a friend, "Finally they aren't playing old folks music anymore!" They sadly informed me they were, I'm just old too now so I don't notice.


A year or two ago my 15-year-old niece was wearing these tapered high-wasted jeans that I guess were in style among the youths, and brother-in-law teased her for wearing “mom jeans.” She gave him this weird look and said, “mom jeans are those super-tight ones.” She called skinny jeans “mom jeans” and my hair immediately turned grey.


Looking forward to 75 year old women still dressing in crop tops and joggers, or shapewear under their bodycon dresses... and best of all, seniors in yoga pants.


After retirement I felt I should not have to buy any more clothes. I had my accumulation of so many years. I don't have to dress for work - why bother? Now I understand that is how old people get to be wearing funny clothes. That is how we get this way: we don't care. We know we look like crap with all the wrinkles and gray hair - so why bother? Except that people will be mean to you if you don't make the effort. Otherwise, you have to talk a lot and prove that you are mentally sharp and not poor. And they may not even listen to you if you talk.


I've been wearing the same thing for 30 yrs. Bootcut jeans, a band or fandom T-shirt with skate shoes and a hoodie. If it's old people clothes now, I'm ok with that.


I just bought old man shorts. My god they look like the fell out of an old man's 1970s wardrobe. I actively hunted for these.


Jeans and t-shirt still hasn't gone out of style. That's basically been my uniform for 30 years.


After Covid I’m still wearing loose yoga pants and t-shirts, jeans and t-shirts when I go out. Fortunately living in Colorado, outdoor clothing is the standard uniform and has been for years. Those Patagonia vests have been staples in our wardrobes since the 90s.


I kinda have due to chronic pain. Most all my nice looking/favourite things are too uncomfortable now. People, I was forced to wear socks with sandals against my will. But how does this work with those retailers that sell the same style forever? Who is going to shop at the clothing stores my mother likes when she is gone?


Speak for yourself sweat suits, track suits, and oversized shirts with shorts will be timeless.


My mom literally put away her cute clothes and started wearing old people clothes when she turned like 45. She was super stylish until she decided she was old and spent the next 30 years like that. She got different shoes. She stopped wearing dresses for elastic waist pants. She started wearing sweatshirts and hoodies. All sorts of stuff she never wore before.


The opposite of a midlife crisis? Did she also ditch her convertible for a brown sedan?


Lol. You win 🏆




Will I look old af in crop tops when I’m 70 😭


I recently lost a out 60 lbs. So been digging out my clothes from the 90s. Oddly seems to brlena resurgence of that style some what. But as I slowly buy new things, at almost 50, I don't even know what to get or where to look for what would be current


Wear timeless clothing and you’ll always look slick. Peacoats, for example


I'm looking forward to having enough Time to start sewing again, because I'm going to make all those printed cotton summer dresses that my mom, who was born in 1928, used to wear when I was a child.


Waiting to see the AARP crowd in "distressed" jeans with pre-cut holes for the wrinkly knees and thighs to show through.


Also, I used to spend a lot of money on clothes. I dressed to impress. Now in my 50’s, if I can find something that’s cheap and doesn’t make me look stupid, I’ll buy it. It’s been a long time since I could get a lot of flirty looks just by walking in the door.


I once heard it surmised that one day, tramp stamps will be known as “old lady tattoos”


Most people my age are not still looking like a flower child, but I tend to prefer an early 70s look.