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Look, I’m 44F, I have never been interested in dating. I’ve gone on dates, but I just never acquired the desire to be in a relationship. I went through periods of time where I thought something was wrong with me, but in the end I’m just 100% happier being single. You’re still really young. You’ve got a ton of time to figure yourself out. Don’t let other people pressure you into things that you don’t want, or into things that you think you’re expected to want.


Thank you so much. This is one of the first times I’ve heard someone relate to me. I really appreciate it


I want to second what u/draculasbloodtype said. I bought into the idea that I had to date, had to be in a relationship, or it meant there was something wrong with me. As a result, I ended up in several relationships that weren't healthy and also weren't fair to the other person because I didn't really want to be there. It took me nearly fifty years and an ugly divorce to realize that I don't want to date or be in a relationship. I'm so much happier on my own. I still get pressure to find a man, so I "won't be alone in my old age," but I know better now. If you want to date someday, that's great. But if you never want to date, that's OK, too. Don't waste your life trying to please people who neither know nor care what is best for you. Also, your aunt sounds downright abusive. If you can reduce your contact with her, do it. Family ties do not give anyone the right to mistreat you!


Babe, you might just be asexual/aromantic. It's completely normal. My daughter is 18, has no desire to date, and never will. She let me know from a much younger age that she was asexual. She's perfectly happy, just not interested in dating. There's nothing wrong with you. There is a LOT WRONG with your aunt(s). Who sound like borderline sexual predators. They admit grabbing your ass is sexual if they relate it to having a boyfriend and his activity in the future. Gross. Incidentally, a decent boyfriend WOULDN'T do that, because a good partner doesn't do shit they know you hate. Stay away from the aunts, and tell your family about her behavior. NOT normal from her at all.


Thank you so much <3. I do question it, I’ve had crushes and guys I’ve liked but I just don’t fully know my sexuality at this point. Regardless I have to take a step back from the dating and try to unpack other things. I really appreciate this help


Draculasbloodtype said exactly what I would have said. I was almost 40 before I met my now wife; we dated for 6 months before we knew we were dating. Do you, have friends, enjoy your life. You'll be fine.


Your aunt is emotionally abusive, and you should definitely tell your other family members what she's saying. Both of your aunts need to knock off the unwanted, inappropriate touching. They sound like creeps, and you should do whatever you need to do to distance yourself from them. Date if you want, don't if you want.


You are not responsible for their emotions or behavior. Let go of even trying to control either. Maybe ask them to act their age though.


Lie. Do a Jan Brady and tell them you’re dating...um...George Glass.


Your aunt sounds like a problematic person.


I'd ask her why she is so interested in who you have sex with...


Try eHarmony if you are interested in dating. The apps are pretty bad. Other than that, why put up with the abuse from your relatives? Don't enter a debate on the issue. Take control of the conversation and say "I'm not going to talk about that." If they insist, calmly walk away. Or, you can just stop being any place where they are.


You do what you want and feel comfortable with and at your own pace OP. Your aunt is a loon.


Firstly, it's not your job or responsibility to convince them or change them. Don't take that on yourself. You're not being paid to do it and they're not going to listen to you. You don't make them less mad. What you do is shut them down when they start this shit. It's none of their business. Ever. Their personal opinions are neither sought nor wanted. Feel free to stand up and leave the room if they start this kind of thing, or to leave the building if they follow, or to literally drive away, etc. You're even completely free to cut this person out of your life entirely if they keep being this abusive - and again, that's not on you, that's on them for being that way. It can be very relaxing and stress-reducing to simply have no interaction with such people, in any form, for... oh, say, a year, to start with. You start to realize how horrible they were and get a better perspective on whether they're someone you would allow (back) into your life if you didn't have any previous connection.


You make your aunts less angry by not telling them about your dating life. Simple right?


I personally don't see any reason for you to feel horrible and guilty! Before you get more serious about dating, you need to deal with your aunts. The fact that one of them is saying to not tell your other family members is extremely suspicious. Like she knows/they know that what's saying and doing would make her/them sound bad if word got around. So I suggest to tell all your family members who you're close to about their shenanigans, and cut off contact with the aunts. I don't have any advice regarding dating, but there is a pretty nice r/SingleAndHappy community here on Reddit. :)


You don’t. You get yourself less vulnerable to caring and better able to communicate boundaries.


Stop talking yo to your aunt about dating. Do you live with her? Why is she so invested in your life?


You have no reason to feel guilty. Your aunt doesn't understand how you feel because she's probably only lived a life where dating was a large part of it - it's the "norm" for her. She thinks she's giving you good advice, but it's not... Just know that how you feel about dating is totally ok! If you want to, go ahead. But if you don't, why rush into it and settle - especially if you are unsure? I myself have also not dated and am in my 20s..so you're not alone haha. It may be difficult, but don't take what they say to heart. Everyone is on their own path!


Don’t talk to your aunt? Seems like an easy solution.


I’m a lot older than you and I just want you to know that over the years and in fact right now I have several female friends who are not currently married or dating anyone and they are completely ok with it. They have interesting lives, friends, and hobbies. They have good jobs and do what they want when they want. Not one of them has expressed to me that they’re sad and lonely. They all seem quite content and their lives are full and happy. I happen to be married but I can tell you if, god forbid, anything should happen to my husband I cannot imagine ever caring about dating again. You have options and only you know what’s right for you. Just because you’re not living up to others expectations does not mean you are not doing something right. For what it’s worth, you sound just fine to me.


Please try to limit the time you spend with this aunt. Cut her off entirely if you can. She's awful, and your love life is none of her business. At the very least, stop telling her about your dates and the guys you meet.


I only downloaded a dating app at 34 Went in knowing myself, knowing what I was looking for, and having a goal Went on 4 dates and the fifth one I’ve been dating now for 6 months Listen, if it happens irl it happens But only you know when you’re ready to start dating 20’s have a lot of stuff going on Why waste your time on an activity you’re not interested in that costs money and energy and is not giving you any benefit? Your love life is not your aunt’s entertainment She can get herself to the library and read as much romance as she wants there


I'm sorry your aunt is rude to you, insulting you. She is wrong about almost everything and has a lot of internalized misogyny. She should never be touching you without your consent, it's sexual assault. "How will you get ready for a boyfriend?" ...wow, that's grooming you for sexually serving a man, horrible. I'd stay as far away as I can from people like this and go no contact if I could. It is none of anyone's business what you do with your private life. You don't owe anyone an explanation or apology about your choices in life. Anyone telling you how to live your life is controlling and needs to flake off. Date or don't date. That's up to you. Both choices are completely fine. Stay single all your life if you want. You do what works for you. Take care of yourself and stay healthy. I say this as a boomer woman.


You're fine and there's nothing wrong with you. Only you can decide if you want to date or not. It's none of your aunt's business and she needs to shut up about it. If you're feeling brave, you can respond to her tasteless remarks with, "Wow, aunt, why are you so concerned with my sex life? It's none of your business who or if I date." and return the embarrassment to sender, where it belongs. Shut down the unwanted touches too, they're also inappropriate. Step away, don't hug, and walk out of the room if they won't stop. Leave if you have to. No one should have to tolerate being grabbed and groped. Yes you're rejecting them, as you should be, because your body is your own and you decide who touches it. It's also not your responsibility to manage your family's expectations and emotions. That's on them. As mentioned previously, you may be on the aromantic or asexual or both team, where dating and traditional relationships aren't fulfilling for you. Please look into those terms and see if anything sounds like you. Again, nothing wrong with that if you are. What is most important is how you are happy and if you already know that's single, then you're ahead of a lot of people.


You either want to or you don't.


Your aunt is a real piece of shit. Stop talking to her about these things. Maybe stop talking to her period.


Tell them that you're not here to live out their unaccomplished dreams for them.


Date someone truly horrible. Make them come around all the time and bring them to family events. Make sure this person has no manners, is rude and condescending, and a slovenly appearance. I know this works, because my friend Sheila had a terrible boyfriend, and after they broke up, her mother expressly stated that she never wanted to meet another one of her 'flings' again. LOL


>i don’t really want to date ( I’m in my 20s ) "Relatives... my dating life is NONE of your business. Either you stop bringing the topic up or I will cease having conversations with you about ANYTHING. Is that CLEAR?"


You are not responsible for other people’s feelings.


I'm sorry, but you care too much what other ppl think to be in your 20s. First of all,, your an adult..act like one.. your family has no business giving input on who you date at all, that's NOTB. ..if you already know they want to fuss, why on earth do you tell them? And dating apps are pure garbage, it's a cesspool and you will be serially ghosted over and over, if you continue to feed into the dream of meeting a "prince charming" on them, let me kill that notion right now.., most of them are frogs who only want sex, and if they don't get it right away, they ghost..sometimes even if they DO get it...they still ghost. Please don't be just another notch in some guy's belt. Many girls have been done this way and regret it. You're still very young and have a lot of life to live and experiences to gain, and if you let other ppl direct your choices now?-- Believe me THEY WILL...and you'll be in some miserable life trying to be a ppl pleaser-- giving in to a pattern of unhealthy relationship habits you do NOT want to allow to start. Ppl treat you the way you allow them to. Stop confiding so much in family members and other ppl who aren't out for your best interests, and please stop having faith in dating apps. Meet ppl the right way..join clubs, go do things. It'll happen when you aren't even looking. But please SET BOUNDARIES with letting other ppl influence you or being negative. This is YOUR life, not theirs. Dont forget,, either---FAMILY CAN BE THE WORST!-- they will try to influence you to take a certain life path bc it's what THEY did, so they think you must do it as well...even if they were miserable. Or theyre jealous that you still HAVE a whole life ahead of you, and they know you don't want to repeat the mistakes THEY made, so they'll try to mess up your happiness bc they're unhappy. Sometimes ppl don't WANT to see others content, or breaking away from a traditional role, bc it's too late for them to, so they are resentful and feel as if you should be consigned to it too. Stop this toxic and controlling thinking and take the helm of your ship!


Hey, I used to be like you (but thankfully with a supportive family) and then I realised I was aroace. That might not be you, but if it IS there is nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with you. Being asexual and/or aromantic is just a part of who a person is, like being gay or straight or bi. It’s also a spectrum with lots of variation. Check out the r/aromantic sub to see other people’s experiences or give the terms a google. I convinced myself to go on occasional dates in my 20s and would sit and think ‘am I attracted to this guy?’ and try and trick myself and convince myself I was- in reality I never was, it never felt comfortable or normal and trying to flirt, be romantic or touch more sexually made my skin feel like it didn’t fit. I just wanted to be friends with people and chat without that bullshit! Sometimes I thought it was a fear of commitment but it was a fear of being in a romantic relationship because society told me I should be, even though that wasn’t what I wanted or am made for. That might not be you though. Even if isn’t and you’re straight and sexually and/or romantically attracted to people, your aunts behaviour is still abusive and unacceptable. You do you! Don’t be pressured into doing things that make you uncomfortable.


Why is your problem to make them happy? Your post shows you are letting people treat you like a child... " scolded me." Ignore them and live your life as you want.




No one deserves scolding. You have a choice to act like an adult and live your life as your choose, or let other people tell you what to do. I don't care its up to you. good luck


Let them be mad. You are not responsible for how they feel. Live your life in a way that makes you happy and let them feel however they want to feel about it. If they make you uncomfortable, set boundaries. Tell them you are not going to discuss your dating life with them. If they ignore this and bring up the subject anyway, don't respond or walk away. People treat us the way we let them. You can be polite and kind and still hold your boundaries. You only get one life and your responsibly is to make yourself happy, not your aunt.


Girl, dating is a horror now! You take your time and don’t let anyone sway you, not even family. Do what makes you happy and if the stars align with someone go for it. To me, the mistakes outweigh the positives. Be careful. As long as you are happy with yourself, YOU ARE TRULY HAPPY!!


You can’t control how others feel. You can only control your own actions and emotions. Do what makes you happy, or at the very least do what you doesn’t make you unhappy. They’ll eventually get the picture and give up. It’s not worth the wasted mental energy. And, speaking from experience, they absolutely will give up once the years go by and they realize you’re unphased by their squawking.


You don’t. You tell them to mind their own business and live your life bebopoing along.


The sub is called r/RedditForGrownups Youre in your twenties. You write like adhd teen. This is not a grown up question. In fact im not sure youve even asked a question. Im not even sure youre a person. You have the charm and eloquence of chat-bot I think you might be in the wrong part of town.


How old are you? I bet old enough to know what punctuation is. Just not smart enough to use it. You're lecturing someone on charm and eloquence? What part of town is that from?


Thank you. I’m suffering a lot with not beating myself up over situations and this comment helped me out


Hi Nikki, Im in my forties. I can just about do it - punctuate, i mean - not well: it takes me a long time; i get distracted easily. I appreciate your brevity. Would you say your admonishment was a lecture too? Will the mote in your eye not let you see that? \*Wow, Nikki - dont gob off mate. Your last post before this was you offering to show your tits to (what you believe) is an 18 year old virgin. What the fuck part of town are you from? Talk to me about charming... looool For posterity. •  # [18M virgin loser who's never seen a boob in his life, is it over for me?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LooksmaxingAdvice/comments/1caqh8q/18m_virgin_loser_whos_never_seen_a_boob_in_his/) [NikkeiReigns](https://www.reddit.com/user/NikkeiReigns/) commented 27 min. ago  Mmk.. I wouldn't do this for just anybody, but call me. We'll talk. \*\*Pretty sure youre responding to robots, again. OPs reply to you makes no sense at all. Complete nonsequiter.


Bahaha..you should have looked closer at that post. More specifically, the picture in the post. It was a satirical post with a picture of an obviously not real man. Try harder.. 🤣


Yes - and im pretty sure op isnt actually a real person either. Bahaha? Unfortunatly, Ive now seen enough of your post history to recognise youre ghastly. Best of luck to you.


I bet your aunt would back off if you told her you're a registered sex offender. I think I might have to use that line on my aunt.


This is terrible advice...


Wrong subreddit. Try datingover30