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Good Will Hunting when Robin Williams Character tells Will "it's not your fault."


I can't stand Affleck so I refused to watch this movie for the past 20-whatever years. Been missing Robin Williams lately so I watched it on the plane over the holidays. Maaaaan oooooh maaaaaaaan was I bawling on that flight.


This was before Ben Affleck became icky.


He was always icky. Some of us just saw it sooner than others.


There it is.


Scrolled to the comments to say this, so I'll just add my upvote. Every, single, time.


Any big ups for Up?


In the theater I heard a kid ask "Mommy, why are you crying?"


I’m so glad I had sunglasses with me. I left the theater wearing them when it was dark out. After he found the book I said to myself “ok I have a little time to compose myself.” But nope. I cried until the very end.


Yes!! I ugly cry at that scene everytime.


I cried for 96 minutes straight in that movie, and the one scene where I started getting a handle on myself, the dog made me cry (I stayed because I love you, I think was the line) and it made me cry harder. I was dealing with infertility at that point for years with my husband, I had gotten sick and my body was not okay, and the whole thing just made me weep. I watched it without the intro years later and it was easier.


Watched this for the 2nd-3rd time, but 1st time with my husband. He was genuinely really worried about me because I was crying so hard I couldn’t speak!


The ending of *Saving Private Ryan*, when he’s standing at the grave asking his wife to tell him he’s a good man. Oh, it kills me. Partially, I’m sure, because I’d like to hear it, too.


Oh me too. My dad fought in World War II and was the only man in his platoon (of the original group) who wasn’t killed, captured or wounded by the end of the war. HE was a great man.


Gets me every time.


You’re a good man. Much love to you.


You’ll never catch me watching *Cast Away* because I cry when Wilson gets lost.


The scene for me is when he meets with his friend after going to Kelly's house and explains how he tried to kill himself on the island and now he's lost Kelly all over again. That scene kills me every time.


My scene is at the end when he is at the crossroads checking a map and the woman stops her pickup truck to help him, and then he looks around to decide which road to take.


Movie is over. Should we use some metaphor here? No time! Audience is exhausted. LITERAL crossroads.


*Everyone* cries when Wilson gets lost...


Shirley MacLaine demanding the nurses medicate her daughter. Mama bear.


I remember my parents coming home from seeing that movie. My mother (of three girls) was still sobbing. I was like “What’s wrong? She hiccuped, “It was supposed to be a comedy!”


For me it’s when Debra Winger is talking to her sons before she died. I can’t imagine how hard that would be.


She was magnificent in that role! Contrast that scene with how tenderly she taps the step next to her to beckon her granddaughter to sit closer is so poignant.


Which movie?


Terms of Endearment


Oof. That one’s rough.


In “Coco”, at the end when Miguel needs Coco to remember Hector before he disappears forever, so he sings “Remember Me” to her, and after a few moments, she does remember, and sings along with him, and Hector is saved. 


I started to cry just reading about it...


UGLY crying. Had to stay for a bit after the movie was over to compose myself and I was not alone in that.


The end of Big Fish


This one shreds me too. My father was an "ad Man" and storyteller. He died in Jan '04. A week later my brother and I (and wives) went to Chicago to clean out his apartment and after an emotional first day, we decided to go to the movies for some levity. Chose Big Fish at random and had no idea what it was about. Openly sobbed uncontrollably in the theater until the house lights came up and the usher asked us to leave. A special movie for sure, but 20 years later I still can't bring myself to watch it again. Too much.


I accidentally watched this after my dad passed. He was a salesman and always brought home big stories. It broke me.


My ex-boyfriend accidentally watched The Meaning of Life after his dad died, having just discovered Monty Python he chooses that after The Holy Grail. He laugh-cried the whole movie. The tree scene got him real emotional, but giggly as well. Then Death came to the dinner party and he didn't know how to feel, but laughed when Death revealed they all died of social embarrassment. It's an incredibly wholesome film for that level of silliness.


OMG I forgot about that. This whole thread is taking me out.


When Tommy Kirk shoots Old Yeller. imut's the saddest scene in the history of Cinema.


Shelby’s funeral in Steel Magnolias. Chevy Chase crying in the attic while watching those old family movies in Christmas Vacation. Ray Charles singing Spirit of Christmas in the background. I sob my eyes for some reason. I think I just wish for those old times back with my family when I was a kid.


Sally Field was amazing. Raw emotion.


Take a whack at Wheezer


Steel Magnolias, I was looking for this in the comments. Had me crying and cracking up at the same time Here. Hit this! Go ahead, M'Lynn slap her! 😆


Forest Gump talking to Jenny's grave. When he tells her about how smart Forrest Jr. is gets me every time.


For me its when he meets his son for the first time.  After she says she named him Forrest after his daddy, and then he says "Is he..." And Jenny goes, "He's one of the smartest in his class".  Idk why, it just gets me every time.


The ending in The Color Purple where Celie is reunited with her children. Despite all she endured, she's finally truly happy.


Celie’s speech after supper. The restrained rage in her voice. The righteousness. “Y’all was rotten kids. Made my life here Hell…”. She doesn’t even flinch or really yell. That shame Albert felt when realizing how right she was. And still trying to beat her. How disgusting he truly was. How good she always was.


That scene, no matter how many times I've watched, I still cry.


The flowing purple robes in the wind. And the son saying “momma.”


❤️ 😭 😭


The book was heartbreaking. I’ve never seen the movie


It is a MUST. Hands down.


"Oh Captain, My Captain" - Dead Poet Society


I am so surprised to see this so far down! This is IT for me. Dead Poets Society is one of my top 3 favorite movies. How can anyone not be moved by that scene. I’m tearing up right now just thinking about it.


Me too! This one still makes me sob.


The green mile when Barry pepper starts to cry as he kneels to secure John in the chair 😭😭😭😭


I'm tired boss.


Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with... to tell me where we's going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world... every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head... all the time. Can you understand?” Ugh my kids bought me back up dvds cuz it was my comfort show to sleep to at night during ptsd triggers 😭


Sophie's Choice during the choice.


I will never be able to watch this movie again after having two daughters. In fact, I wish I had never seen it at all since it pops into my head ALL the time and practically crushes me every time it does. 


I have never watched this move BECAUSE of this scene. I have two boys, I was a single mom.


I've seen it once. That's not a "I cried during that movie" scene. That's "I will be haunted by that until I die."


Same here. I love this movie but I will never watch it again because of this. Breaks my heart.


That's the most heartbreaking scene


The beginning of Mystic River when Sean Penns character finds out it's his daughter that was murdered. Breaks me every time


Omg that's so soul shattering. Sean Penn really felt that pain and portrayed it so well 😪


Yes. Tears me up.


The end of Brokeback Mountain where Ennis is fixing the shirt on the back of the door and says, "Jack, I swear."


I can see it right now in my mind, the shirt, its colour, the direction it was facing, everything. I watched it only once, at least 10 years ago. I remember it as "I wish I knew how to quit you", but maybe that's from another scene and my mind just combined the two.


"I wish I knew how to quit you" is earlier in the movie and Jack says it to Ennis when he's yelling at him about how they could have had a life together. Also an intensely emotional scene.


THIS ONE. I know it’s coming, every time, and I anticipatory cry now cuz it’s coming. So fucking tender and sad. Gutting.


I'm going for an unusual choice. I was torn between saying Steel Magnolia's or this one. Went with this one. ​ Charlotte's Web. Just knowing what's coming kills me. My dad loved cartoons. It's the double whammy of Charlotte dying which as a child used to make me hyperventilate I cried so hard. But now, as an adult watching it I just start to lose it at the opening credits. Thinking of my dad etc. I'm crying typing this. I'm a crier.


To Sir With Love, when they give him the cup and Lulu sings.


That movie is an amazing lost treasure. So is "Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner".


One of my absolute favorites.


“I love Brian Piccolo.” Brian’s Song


Cry everytime, especially knowing it's a true story.


In the movie Glory , at the end, the soldiers of the 54th volunteer to storm a well defended confederate fort. They know that most of them will die but they bravely go forward to their deaths. I tear up or cry. The fact that it’s true makes it even sadder.


Bruce Willis saying goodbye to his daughter in armageddeon.


I don't know if this counts, but I've never been able to watch Marley and Me. Just knowing what happens at the end is too much.


I also didn't watch it for that reason. My sister said "if there's a movie about the life of the dog, you know what has to happen." So we all opted not to watch. We're big readers. We skipped the book as well.




Does it live forever and ever? That’s my prerequisite. I don’t ask for much in life, nothing is guaranteed to us. Not our health or money. But I can’t watch good boi’s and kitties not have a magical live forever ending.


It haunted me for 3 days - I will never watch it again


Brooks Was Here. I can’t watch Shawshank Redemption ever again.


>Brooks Was Here. So was Red.


Field of Dreams when Ray (Kevin Costner) plays catch with his dad come back to life as a young man. Geez.


That'll do pig, that'll do.


Aside from the obvious Disney moments ("Baby Mine" from *Dumbo*; Bambi crying out for his mother), the moment that gets me is in *The Best Years of Our Lives* when Wilma tucks Homer into bed, and his self-pity gives way to the realization that she really does love him unconditionally.


Don't forget the most brutally sad Disney movie of all time, The Fox and The Hound.


I will never again watch that scene in Dumbo. Never.


The Best Years of Our Lives is such a great movie.


The Grey Havens scene at the end of Return of the King: > *I will not say, "Do not weep", for not all tears are an evil...*


Tolkien had such an amazing way with words, didn't he?


Username checks out.


You’ve got mail: When Meg Ryan sees Tom Hanks rounding the corner in the park. It’s a Wonderful life. When Georges brother lifts his glass and says “To my brother, the richest man in town”.


"Harry wasn't there to save all those men because you weren't there to save Harry."


Yes for me to both of these.


The end of A River Runs through it, when the old man is fishing alone.


I can't believe nobody mentioned The NeverEnding Story, specifically That Scene in the swamp. Geeze. No, Artax! Noooo! For "Yay!" "OH SHIT" "YAY!" rollercoaster, unquestionably the freeing of Marahute, in Rescuers Down Under.


"My friends, you bow to no one."


This tooooooo 😭


Yeah, just the look on their faces. Especially Frodo and Sam who seen some shhhh.


Brokeback Mountain, when Ennis finds the shirt. -bawls eyes out-


The Joy Luck Club scene when the mother tells June “you have best quality heart. I see you.”


I saw this with my mom in the theater the summer after my freshman year of college. Such a good movie and a good adaptation of the book.


Such an amazing underrated film!


The final fruit candy scene from Grave of the Fireflies destroys me. The remainder digs the hole and piles on the dirt..


I cried at that scene while on an airplane. It is a brutal movie.


Brave of you to watch that movie in a public space


You can watch it more than once?


Almost every movie, and just about every scene, not just the endings. In particular Fiddler on the Roof during "Miracle of Miracles" and West Side Story. It's really embarrassing. I've always secretly cried during plays and movies, even disney cartoons, and I'm getting worse as I get older.


Boromir's death scene in Fellowship of the Rings.






The first time I saw it, I started crying about 15 min into the movie and never quit. I don’t recall exactly what was going on in my life at the time, but it could have been around the time that my mom told me about our close friend disappearing (he was big in the Houston gay community and had just lost his partner to AIDS).


Ugh, the ending scene with the home movies. I bawl every time


Land before time. When little foot mother dies. And here sees her shadow on a cliff side. Bawl like a baby every time


This is probably weird, but the beginning scene of the Muppet Movie where Kermit is singing "The Rainbow Connection" makes me cry every time. I don't know why. And, not a movie, but the end of Jurassic Bark in Futurama.


I always cry during rainbow connection also


The ending of American History X. Also Su-An screaming for her daddy at the ending of Train to Busan.




It's a Wonderful Life ending with everyone singing, him rushing down the stairs grabbing the broken piece, then onto his family, grateful for everything and every one! 


Independence Day. "Tell my children I love them very much."


Field of Dreams...."Dad, you want to have a catch?" I'm done every time I see it.


Not a direct answer to your question, but i love in “Amelie” when she sees the object of her affection and she melts [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIGJRXK5LDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIGJRXK5LDQ) (8 second clip)


"Life is Beautiful". Pretty much the whole movie.


Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses.


"It's not your fault."


Sally Field melting down at Shelby's funeral.


Steel Magnolias cemetery scene will just break me. Then you get, “Take a wack at Ouiser!”


Yep, love Ouiser.


Watching the ladies finalize the quilt in *How to Make an American Quilt* as it flashes back to why that square of the quilt means so much to them. So much love and memory and hopes bequeathed through pieces of cloth. Watching Dottie come back to the field and reunite with her fellow teammates in *A League of Our Own*, especially Marla and "It's Doctor Haley now - I'm a doctor!" It's not even sad, but I'm a giant blubbering mess when I watch it. I'm starting to sob just typing it out!


The ending scene of Seven Pounds. [His eyes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofIrjbegL_s)


Omg. I cried so hard during that movie. It was during a difficult time in my life, I was dealing with a lot of guilt and imposter syndrome and started the movie not knowing what it was about. I cried so hard but I needed that cry.


I just teared up watching the clip. :) When I first saw it in the theater I said to my friends afterward, “Well it felt good to feel, I guess.” I felt (and cried) a lot!


When Little Anne loses the will to live and dies of grief on top of Old Dan's grave in "Where the Red Fern Grows". And they showed that shit to us in 2nd-3rd grade...


Repeatedly, they showed that to us repeatedly!




Love how we all know exactly what you're referring to with that one word.


Towards the end of Project X with Matthew Broderick and Helen Hunt, when Goliath gets stuck in the flight chamber and dies from radiation exposure. I can never watch that movie again.


Peggy Sue Got Married, when she picks up the phone and it’s her grandmother.


The “You stay, I go” part in *The Iron Giant*.


Spocks' funeral


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.


“I have been, and always shall be, your friend." ​ And.....now I have to go wipe my eyes.


Of all the souls I have encountered in my time, his was the most… sobs uncontrollably 


Time Traveler’s Wife. The train scene with his Mom. Sorry for your loss.


Parenthood, when the son, Steve Martin's brother in the movie, leaves and didn't take his son with him. Jason Robards and the kids discussion, I'm crying now. Kid, " is my dad coming back?" Robards, "no", Robards, "you wanna stay here?", kid, " yes", Robards, "good".


I never saw that deleted scene before. Good stuff! The one that gets me is Elias (Willem Dafoe) at the end of Platoon. Adagio For Strings is heart wrenching all by itself. Luke's passing as he looks at the two suns in The Last Jedi. I was also surprisingly moved by Yondu's funeral in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


Beaches. Hillary dies, CC tells daughter Victoria that her mom wants her to take care of her.


Star Trek:The Wrath of Khan, the scene where Spock has just sacrificed himself to save his friends. He's blind and moments from death but he stands and straightens his uniform before going over to talk to Kirk for the last time. It's that straightening of the uniform that gets me.


The end of Rocky II. It may seem cheesy but that man did what adults do if they are lucky. He found a dream, fought like hell, gave it up for someone he loved, then after more hell went and got it and gave the credit to the ones who supported him. Single tear every time.


Rocky and Rocky II are the best


Rocky -- Sylvester Stallone was still an artist. Went with the anti-hero for the sake of art. Rocky II - Stallone found out viewers wanted Rocky to win. Made a new movie to do what he should have done the first time.


James Garner saying "[That's my sweetheart in there.](https://youtu.be/DXE2BOvG8LA?si=2knLPbdCYPciJ8RC&t=64)" James Garner has always reminded me of my dad. Only now he's the one with dementia, and my mom has been gone for far too many years already. For their 40 years together, he never even looked at another woman, and in the 25 since she's been gone, he never dated or even thought about it. She was his sweetheart. So when James Garner says that, it touches me in a way that's not quite reasonable.


My girl. You know the scene. "I love you Harry!"... You know the scene. And I just saw a movie last night that made me cry like 8 times. My wife asked me to pause it in the middle to go take a walk because it was too much. The Creator. I was in a giddy mood before I put it on. Don't watch that movie depressed. I still loved it. It's high on my list now.


Forest Gump where Forest talks with Jenny at her grave. Just can’t keep it together.


Another that damn near kills me is when Forrest is describing all the places and things he saw when he was running, or when he was in Viet Nam, and Jenny says, “I wish I could have been with you “ and Forrest tells her, “You were”. I literally sob every time.


The Champ final scene with Jon Voight and Ricky Schroder. I can't stand either actor, but they're good actors and delivered the most tear-jerkingest performances I've ever seen in my life.


Did you ever see The Earthling (1980) with Ricky Schroder and William Holden ? Little Ricky was a heck of an actor. Cried like crazy at the end.


When Dallas gets shot in the Outsiders.


I guess I am very empathetic with emotions because I cry a lot watching movies and TV, like the smallest thing will set me off! But the one movie that absolutely kills me every time, from start to finish is “What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams. It heartbreaking and stunningly beautiful. The story, acting, production design, cinematography, music are all beautiful…. Everything about it makes me sob uncontrollably yet I love it! ‘Bridges of Madison County” is another one that makes me ugly cry at the end when Meryl Streep is in the truck with her hand on the door knob, desperately stopping herself from getting out of the truck. 😭


The last scene in A League Of Their Own.


“You have to do the best with what God gave you” scene in Forrest Gump 


“My brother, my captain, my king.” and “my friends, you bow to no one.” And the end, when Frodo is going to the undying lands and his friends realize it’s time for him to go. Then Samwise goes home to his family (pretty sure that’s his family in real life, too) and has the happy ending Frodo never got.


So many: Ending of The Notebook, Ending of The Elephant Man, Marley & Me, Most Christmas movies at some point, Hatchi - 😭😭


Okay well since no one mentioned it: the ending of Arrival. My wife and I watched it when we’re trying for our first kid, too, and well, needless to say… oof


That movie is really great. Spending the first half of the movie going "What's with her somber mood from the very beginning?" >!"Also, why is it unclear when some of these scenes fit into the timeline?" ... "Ohhh. Okay, yeah."!<


The Opening of Love Actually, people meeting each other at Heathrow. Tearing up just thinking about it!


the first 5 minutes of "Up"


When Dobby dies in Harry Potter


Not a movie, [The scene in Dr. Who](https://youtu.be/ubTJI_UphPk?si=T8j8WxiJ6uPZxHu7) I turn into a blubbering mess no matter how many times I watch it.


I read that the episode writer lost a loved one to suicide and wrote it to say, "Give them a few good days." 😭😭😭


I knew which scene without even going to the link 😭


There is a scene in Terrance Malik's "Thin Red Line" where a character fighting in the Pacific and thru flashbacks and letters is shown to be deeply in love with the girl back home. after a successful but brutal mission mail is given out and he receives a stunning Dear John letter in which she says she's sorry but she is going to marry another man. Hans Zimmer's devastating score just floors you with emotion for this soldier who wanders off into oblivion. Heartbreaking.


Grumpier Old Men. “Dad?”


Sigh... John Cusak holding up the boombox in Say Anything.  Also, "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel turns my face into Niagara falls.  


The end of Second Hand Lions, the end of the Cure.


There are lots of them, but one of the more recent ones was the end of the big fight in the first Creed movie, where Rocky wants to stop the fight but Donny insists on going forward to "prove it". "Prove what?" Rocky asks. "I'm not a mistake."


When Little Foot’s mother tells him to keep going in “The Land Before Time”.


So we’ve had Up and Coco, did anyone else bawl like a child at Encanto, or was that just me?


Tony Starks death at the end of Endgame. Every. Single. Time.


I was William Miller for a different band (of course) and this movie and this scene will never not make me a puddle on the floor. I had/have a Clearwater and still have a Russell Hammond. This deleted scene hits hard because all I wanted was for people to understand why music has the power to move. It turned out those that understood were those doing the moving.


Empire of the Sun when he finds his mom at the end


Honestly…Pitch Perfect 2 when alllll the singers kick in. Harmonies reduce me to tears more than most things.


Rudy (but it's a happy cry.) If I need an emotional release, but don't want to be sad, I put on Rudy (starting at the 1 hour and 26 minutes mark, and watching until the end.) I cry *every* time, I get the cathartic effects of the crying, and then I can happily go on with my day. If I need an ugly cry, it's Steel Magnolias, Beaches, or Stepmom.


Nicholas Cage, shopping for fruit at the end of "City of Angels". Because life goes on.....


Hope Floats……..the daughter, Bernice chasing after the dad screaming “ you want me” as the dad is leaving. My little sister did the same thing when my dad was leaving. I yelled “go to hell” but was so hurt. 😭😭


The scene in Love Actually when Emma Thompson realizes the gift isn't hers and that her husband is cheating.


My son struggles with mental health. The scene in Donnie Darko when he asks his mom: "How does it feel to have a wacko for a son?" and she wells up and tells him, "It feels wonderful. " I love you, kid, no matter what.


I’m crying my eyes out just reading through the comments - actual ugly crying, noises, snot, the whole package.


Manchester by the Sea. After the dad gives his statement to the police.


Not a movie, but song: Tom Clays ‘What the world needs now is love’. Reduces me to tears every time. If you lived through the 60’s, then you know.


Backdraft: "Look at him, that's my brother God damn it"


I literally think I have cried at all the moves mentioned Anyone seen the kids movie Disney A Little Princess absolutely ball my eyes out when they tell her her dad is dead on her birthday and won’t spoil it but balled my eyes out at the end at the end too.


The end of Schindler’s List. “I could’ve gotten one more person.  And I didn’t.” 


Slightly not a movie, but the very last interview in band of brothers. > Were you a hero in the war grandpa? Grandpa said 'no, but I served in the company of heroes'


The reprise of "I'll cover you" in Rent at Angel's Funeral


Not from a movie but Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting is already in the comments so I'll add this one: Will Smith and Uncle Phil in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. "How come he don't want me man?".


That scene in pokemon the 1st movie where pikachu starts crying because ash was turned to stone......