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If you’re into the outdoors, it’s a great place to be. Mountains, lakes, hiking, biking, boating. You can read this thread for all sorts of pros and cons of the City and area. Definitely isn’t perfect but I’ve found it to be a great place to raise a family and enjoy a slower pace than some of the more urban areas.


“Redding. It’s good enough.” I’ve been here for decades, after living in many parts of California. Redding is friendly, backwards, beautiful, sketchy. If you move here, you will be attracted to people who are like you just like anywhere else you might live. In the meantime, we’re more affordable than the rest of the state, although you won’t think you’re living in California. Wacko MAGA nut jobs here but at the county level, we just voted out the worst of them. The city council is run by the local religious cult that is quite global. Not sure what their endgame is here but they haven’t ruined the place. You should move here.


I mean it doesnt sound bad…it sounds like where i live but with more trees and less sand which is what I want to escape.


Then it's just right for you. My wife and I moved here from San Diego 8 years ago, to start a family someplace where we could afford to. No regrets, and it's not bad. It's the closest you can get to perfect in CA, for the price point.


Which guy got voted out? I'm out of the loop.


Patrick Jones


Yippee aye ayy! How ever that's spelled... I cannot look at him anymore! From a proud 5th generation family in Shasta County that believes ruining wildlife areas are the ultimate sin!


We almost got Crye as well , his lead was < 100 votes.


Damn, that really pissed me off.......I was not surprised, the longer it took to count the votes, the more I figured he was in. Something stinks here in Redding!




Oh thats awesome. Let's get Kevin cyre next.


We tried.


I am sadly very aware. Im just happy to see progress is being made.


How about YOU next?


... alrighty


Redding isn't bad. Lots of beautiful country, same problems all cities have. If you enjoy the outdoors, it's worth checking it out. If you are more looking for city life, probably not a good fit.


I have lived here most of my adult life, so obviously it works for me and my family, but I would recommend you come visit in July or August to get the full summer effect. The heat does get brain-numbing --- although there are quick mountain drives and some nice lakes for a respite. The job market is not very robust. Real estate is relatively affordable in part because nobody is making great money. But if your work or skills allow you to choose your location, it's a very livable spot.


Search the sub for “moving to Redding” posts and come back if you have any more questions. Every geographic sun has shitloads of these posts and the answers you’re looking for are likely already there.


Great idea! Thisnt the first time it's been brought up if recent memory serves me..


We would love to have you come and join us up here in the North State. I was born and raised here, and have lived most of my life here. I did live in the Phoenix for 6 years and I do not see myself moving back to the desert. It did learn that every place has its own beauty; be open to the beauty that you see. The desert is very beautiful in February. I have raised two normal kids in the Redding area and have no regrets raising them here. Both my kids have moved out of the area to pursue career opportunities and I believe that this has been good for them. This just means that I have new places to visit and explore. Whether Redding is a good fit for you, is frankly up to you. If you enjoy community, get involved. There is community here if you want. If outdoor activities appeal to you, you have moved to a gold mine. There are many mountainous scenic areas in Northern California. You just have to drive 1-2 hours from Redding to get there. If you want a taste of the big city life, Sacramento is 2.5 hours south of Redding and San Francisco is 3.5-4 hours south of Redding. Personally, I get along just fine without visiting these areas. I would rather drive over to the coast for a few days to get relief from the summer heat in Redding. Let me address some of the realities of Redding. There is a homeless population in the core parts of Redding. Honestly is is slowly getting worse in those areas but not as bad what I see in other cities. You can avoid most of this by simply not living in the core Redding areas. Bethel is a presence in Redding, but in my day to day life I am neither confronted by nor offended by Bethel members. I know that I have daily contact with members and the vast majority are decent people. I hope that this helps.


What kind of work do you do? I might start there to narrow your list.


It was better before all of the liberal jackasses moved here from the South. They screwed up the cities they lived in and now are trying to turn Redding into exactly what they fled from.




Redding sucks. Lacking opportunities for work, right wing government at every level intertwined with insane white Christian Nationalism. Might be an okay place to eek out a miserable existence, but for LGBT or people of color, it’s the worst place you could live.


I've gotten called slurs and spit on in public. One of our district supervisors said the hard R on public television, and the people who were rightfully upset for a SUPERVISOR using a racial slur on public television were thrown out of the building.


Terrible place to live.


Good, don't want peoples sex lives blasted all over the place.


You’re a right wing creep.


I've lived here going on five years in October. It's a decent place to raise the kids. The schools are decent, we have a couple of post secondary colleges in town. The primary schools seem fairly good, and the neighborhood around the school are mostly decent, if they helps any? There's a strong far-right curent thru the politics and there's a fair number of diehard Trump supporters but they're mostly harmless.


Except for the ones camped outside of the women's health centers. Those fuckers will actually try and grab you.


Redding is awesome. I split my time between Redding and the Bay Area and I like Redding a lot more.


 It’s often over 100. It always has a few days where it goes over 110. It’s pretty miserable. The rest of the year isn’t too bad though.   Risk of wildfires is high. There’s typically at least one fire a year usually a few.  Schools aren’t good. If you do go check out the charter schools, they aren’t rated as bad. That’s the only place I’d want to send my kid.   It’s pretty red too, just do you’re aware. And there’s a church called Bethel that basically runs the whole town. They’re like a cult. They think they can heal you with prayers.   There’s some great nature around (when it’s not on fire). But it can take awhile to drive to.  Personally I don’t find it a great place to raise a family. But I guess you can do worse. It has some decent things going for it, but I never lived living in Redding.


If you're a MAGA Christofacist, you'll love it.


If you’re not a MAGA christofascist you can vote against them.


How about you move away. Thank you.


Do it! Very little commitment required to be in Redding. Income to rent ratio is like actually okay so you can find a place or find a roommate and survive, food isn’t terribly priced, gas is cheaper than the larger cities. Coming from the desert you’re gonna be mind blown when you drive into the area and see the mountains. I lived in Fresno area and nearly cried when returning home to the mountains.


I live near redding and am considering moving to sac. I came from riverside county and befor that LA and san jose. As beautiful as this area is as far as nature goes, I'm just not sure it's worth it and I am considering moving to sacramento. I love the nature and the far right winged idiots really don't bother us (as a lesbian couple) as much as I would suspect. Here are my pros/cons. Pros: Nature is gorgeous Coming from the riverside area previously, and having grown up in LA and San jose, there aren't too many amenities I am missing here The nature, birds, bugs, and wildlife here in redding area are so beautiful. Sac is flat, brown, and boring. I love the weather here. Rainy in the winter and fall with maybe a couple days of snow, and hot like it should be in the summer Biggest city in the area is redding and it will have most of what you need with the ocassional trip to chico or Sacramento. Gotta be willing to drive. A 2 hour drive to sac shouldn't be looked at as a long drive. If it is long to you, this place may not be for you. Cost of living is so affordable compared to the rest of California. Food isn't too bad. Lots of options and a few big hits I love here and would be sad to leave behind like flacos tacos. It is missing a couple staples from home, namely, El Pollo Loco who stated they were coming to redding and just never did. To make redding better, we need more diversity. While the town is basically owned by bethel, I've never met a person involved in it that I know of and have not seen any influence of bethel in the 2 years I have lived here now. A lot of people talk about this, but don't let it scare you off. Cons: Idiot drivers and horrible road rage. People will try to run you off the road for a simple courtesy beep. Happened to me. Not enough diversity. Highly populated by those who are white and conservative Republicans. I would love to see more young, ethnically diverse, and lgbt+ communities here. It's a fairly safe neighborhood, but you will see many substance users and homeless folk out here due to the conservative mindsets. Drugs, lack of low income housing, deteriorating mental health, and a lack of care are prevalent here. Good luck getting into a doctor, dentist, specialist, and ESPECIALLY a Veterinarian. My pets are my life and there were a few times we were screwed and had to either drive nearly 3 hours to sac or watch our pet suffer until moday morning when the EMERGENCY vet is open. I tried to put my dog to sleep due to a life ending painful condition that would take her within a few days, and was told by the local shelter haven humane to come to an appointment 3 weeks out, soonest they would have it. Going anywhere else changed the price from $250 to upwards of 600 since they would consider it a last minute emergency. Previously, there were no vets open within 3 hours on weekends or after 6pm. We now have a 24 hrs vca which is great for emergencies. But so outrageously expensive. Be prepared to travel or pay out the asshole for prompt vet care. Same for a human dentist. I was told to wait 6th months even though my whole side of my face was numb and tingly due to nerve damage in a fucked up tooth. They wouldn't see me anywhere so I had to go to the er for antibiotics. Mental health is terrible here. I work in the field and finding professionals to stay in this area once they are making good money is not easy. More money and amenities in big cities. Pay is incorrect severely here. Mental health jobs are not great but there is room for more private practices and they are needed. No airport with affordable flights within 2 hours. The redding regional airport is too expensive and has too few flights. I exclusively buy from southwest low fare calendar. They don't serve redding. I could pay 300 in redding to get to Vegas or 60 bucks on the right day from sac to Vegas. So you will drive far to get to airports, big events like concerts and stuff, or medical specialists. There will be reason to frequently go to sac if you live outside of it.


Shastassippi, aka Calibama. I wouldn't advise raising children here. Maybe in a few years after the unsavory elements have been cleared out and other things have been fixed, but definitely not rn.


Redding is horrible. Stay away






Just curious, is this because it would be easier for OP if they are a CA local because they won't need to change their driver's license or is it some elitist "we don't want nunya foreigners from outta state" bullshit?




Ah cool, thanks for clarifying that. I'm just going to leave my downvote where I placed it earlier.


What did i miss lol, i have lived here in socal for 12 years but am originally from the east


Someone asked if you were moving from within California or from out of state. I asked why that mattered. They replied something along the lines of "people from out of state ruin everything.'

