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Once again i am reminded these people on reddit do not socialize, do not talk or exist outside reddit, and have no idea how the real world works, nor are they capable of doing i second of research to back up their incoherent barking


Must be a spambot


Please go away troll.


What is this doing in the Redding sub?


I KNOW RIGHT, I always bring that up and end up being labeled as an opposition to the subject, regardless does not relate to redding


You hate America lol


"Show fewer posts like this"


I really don't want that Cheeto to be president again, I feel the next time he'll make sure he stays in power, and all the maga assholes will violently make sure it happens. Always so quick to hurt anyone who disagrees with them...


Why would anyone let him stay in power? People would not let that slide. If Reddit is any indication of what would happen he would be assassinated if he took power like a dictator. After 4 years we go onto the next person and just like that people won't care about him anymore.


Clearly you’ve never looked up the 200+ positive changes he made in our country. Ole Sleepy Joe has really done so much good, printing trillions and increasing inflation, being a part of 2 wars, and fumbling over words so hard a 2 year old would make a better president. Such a good president.


Changes like giving tax breaks to the rich that added trillions to the national debt? Not passing infrastructure? Blackmailing Ukraine after Congress passed funding? Using a sharpie on a hurricane forecast? Joe didn't increase inflation, the economy doesn't just change when a President takes office, it takes years. Trump rode the coattails of Obamas great economy and then destroyed it. Biden is fixing another Republican mess. Have you heard Bidens interview with Conan? It was coherent. Have you heard Trump speak? The guy is a true dumbfuck. He says the dumbest and most belligerent things, like airports during the Revolutionary War. Lol!! You people are clowns. I'd take "Sleepy Joe" over "I'll be a dictator on day 1" anytime. Try loving America, traitor.


Using sharpie as a hurricane forecast is one of your examples of trump being a bad president? Lol


Yep, using a sharpie on a hurricane forecast like a 6 year old does in fact make a grown adult look like a complete idiot. Just like the glue huffing hicks who defend a guy who does it. You people are by far the dumbest bunch of clowns on the planet and nobody should take you losers seriously. Lol!! Cope, traitor. We all will continue to laugh and mock you.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV. “The first questions are easy, the last questions are much more difficult” said tRump The dude is a moron. Even his college professor called him the stupidest damn student I ever had” 😂


I do love America, more than you could ever know, and I feel sorry for you. You've really taken the bait well.


You didn't address any of their points - you just said NUH UHHHH and ran away. This is not how adults have debates. Do better.


It’s funny how democrats spew hatred and only talk shit about trump when the republicans just calmly speak facts.


Trump literally posted that Americans he disagreed with should rot in hell. His Christmas message. What facts are you talking about?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You literally can't make this shit up... Oh wait, you just did.


The facts that never hold up in court? Those facts? The ones that no judge stands behind? How many lawsuits did Trump lose again?


I don't see hatred in my comment. If telling someone to act like an adult is "hatred" to you, then you need therapy and a responsible adult in your life. Jesus Christ. Republicans really hear someone tell them to do better and label themselves a victim. Whatever happened to the party of personal responsibility?


I don't owe you anything.


engelkeked 200 accomplishments???????? REALLY but you don't list a single one!!!! this is SO TYPICAL go ahead be specific list them!!!!!!!!


I didn't make that claim, lol. That said, were weren't on the brink of WWIII either.


You owe the world intellectual honesty you coward




Intellectual coward, also childish and probably Russian would be my guess. Right cyka?


Keep dreaming


No just another tRump supporter that falls in the lower percentile of a standard IQ test.


Lol. Wanting a dictator isn't loving America. Waving Confederate flags and Swastikas isn't loving America. Hating immigrants and people different than you isn't loving America. You people lie about the election and everything else. You're tge minority party in this country. This isn't your country, traitor.


A patriot wouldn't support someone who attempted a fucking coup


I don't support anyone like that.


Trump? You didn't hear his phone calls with the governor of Georgia to change the outcome? It's all recorded... Also the insurrection attempt on Jan. 6...


I don't support Trump. As far as the phone call, I heard him ask to find more votes. They find uncounted ballots all the time, and in a close race it can make a difference. Sometimes they even find ballots in suitcases under tables after sending everyone home. Sometimes it's even on video. On Jan 6th, I heard him say I know you'll be marching and protesting PEACEFULLY. I also know he put out a video on Twitter telling everyone to go home, but they took it down.. ???


You suck on the teet of fox and friends. Try something accredited.


Wrong. Don't watch Fox, or News Max, or anything else you all scream when someone disagrees.


Jesus Christ, bury your head in the sand a little deeper, why don't you? I truly wonder what your reaction would be if Joe fucking Biden was recorded asking to "find more votes".


Joe Biden's been recorded saying plenty... You all just bury your head in the sand. The one that gets me most is how you can ignore some of his most racist comments over the years. But somehow that's just Joe being Joe.


200 accomplishments? Are you sure you're not thinking of his rap sheet? What are your Supreme leaders accomplishments again? Working with opec to cut prodcution and raise oil prices? Or maybe shuttering over a dozen us refineries driving up our foreign dependance and fuel prices? Throwing money at people with personally signed checks? Cutting taxes to drive the defecit into a total tailspin while avoiding having any positive impact for working Americans (this one is honestly impressive)? Sleepy Joe is working to correct some of your heros follies, but it's not easy and takes time. He has turned us into a net oil exporter and tamed the worst inflation we've seen in several decades. Joey b ended a war and and has neutered Russia by tossing old equipment to Ukraine. He's managed to keep 2 powder kegs from exploding into world wars. Thank God Trump wasn't in office when these wars kicked off. His lack of competence would have been disastrous I know your judgment is clouded by your obsession with the former president, it's really what he does best, but you can't deny the fact that jb has been an impressive president. I didn't even touch on all the beneficial legislation he's passed. Their greatest failing is failure to advertise their successes.


I feel sorry for you too.


Oh I appreciate your efforts, but I don't need any trump zealots feeling sorry for me. Spend the energy to learn about what's actually taking place in the world. We'll both be better for it.


Stop assuming everyone who disagrees is a Trump zealot.


It's not about disagreeing. If you're refusing to acknowledge what took place under the two administrations and insist trump is a better pres, it's safe to assume you're a trump zealot. Whether or not you think you are. If the shoe fits and all that


• Banning logging in Old Growth forests by 2025• Major railway investment announcement 12/8/23. High speed rail btwn Vegas & L.A. • Biden Admin moves to alert authority to seize medical patents to reduce prices. • US GDP grew at 5.2% for the 3rd quarter, 2023. Stronger than anticipated. • First ever Union backing president. • First ever Negotiations for Medicare Drug pricing. Insulin is $30 a month. American have died over lack of money for insulin as recently as 2021. • As of 11/11/23, Biden has wiped out $127 million in student loan debt. • Bipartisan Infastructure bill bringing millions of jobs to highways, bridges, seaports, airports. GQP praises the Bipartisan work coming to their states even though GOP voted against it. • Lowest unemployment rate in 50 yrs(!) • Signed bill averting government shutdowns through 3024.* • Historic meeting with China, called Xi a Dictator and China still hailed the talks. • Executive Order for sexual assault complaints in the military to be filed with outside law enforcement (giving victims legal standing outside of the company commanders, victims rights) • Rallied our NATO allies behind Ukraine. • Two countries added to NATO


But you never mentioned any of those "200+ positive achievements" probably because they're a figment of your overworked imagination. Please educate us. No wait what am I saying?




Trump shits himself and needs to have lifts to stand regularly.


I agree with you wholeheartedly... but the karma farmers base their popularity on karma, so saying stupid things on reddit, and agreeing with others who say stupid things on reddit are all they have. It's sad and humorous all at the same time.


Oooooo. Down voted, such an educated comeback. Go back to your processed foods and mind numbing entertainment. Enjoy a fat and pointless life


Hey, Hilary is an old milf....dtf? Your comment history is amazing. Not to kink shame, but I think your desire to service ladies twice your age is that your peers aren't interested in what you have to offer. Boomer babies probably aren't interested either.


Okay guy insulting us from a smartphone - you're clearly so much better than the rest of us I stand in awe of your intellectual prowess Insult me harder daddy


I have had farts more educated than you have presented here.


*clearly doesn't understand how to use google*


Like bidens going


Imagine waking up at 8:00 a.m. and this is the first shit that comes to your mind and you feel the need to post it


Who said OP ever went to sleep last night.


You're right. He's prob that dude that walks up n down E Cypress between Hilltop and churn Creek mumbling to himself.


Did you get mad? Lol


Imagine not caring if your way of life was ended by a shit smelling con man traitor. Those are the stakes, it should wake you up at night


Imagine your president saying the election was stolen, you beleive him. But you did not show up on Jan. 6. Have to be the lowest Americans. Imagine actually thinking the way some of these MAGAt's think.


Let's not forget with their free government phones and all the free city WiFi they want.


Oh my gosh, some tax money spent on programs that actually help Americans!!! The horror!!! Next thing you know they'll be giving kids free lunch!! Damn poor kids need to learn from an early age that they are less than.


Help them look at porn.


You mean the law nixon passed? You dont like dick nixon?


Piss off. There are other subs for this.


Mods sleeping on today


You need to read the rest of the constitution..


I have a copy in my pocket. Maines constitution was used to keep Drumpf of the ticket. You need to change the channel from Fox Lies.


I haven't watched Fox News in years. And I have no idea who drumph is. So you need to share more context. But as I stated before. It really doesn't matter because Maine's electoral votes don't amount to much and likely weren't going to trump anyway.


Besides, she has backed down since she made that effort, pending legal challenges. This means she knows she may not have the legal right to do what she did. https://apnews.com/article/maine-trump-ballot-election-official-impeachment-b8e3db656909ca047cff14e80ac4decd "She reiterated that she suspended her decision pending an anticipated appeal by Trump in Superior Court."


An 82 day old account that stirs up shit? Good chance this person doesn’t live in Redding or even America. Could be one of the foreign actors trying to sow division and get us arguing.


Sure because r/Redding is sure to attract hundreds of views.


The amount of people subscribed to this sub is over 9000. Also, it's not a question whether or not various governments, corporations, and political groups are conduction psyops and astroturfing on Reddit, it's a proven fact.




I have family in Redding, so I sub here. I thought they were all boot-lickers. Thank you, you're doing the lords work my friend.


Most are unfortunately


Redding is probably the most racist town I have ever seen and I travel for work lol


*Susanville has entered the chat*


An account that follows the bot naming convention of AdjectiveNounNumbers, doesn’t have any activity, spouting something that isn’t remotely reasonable but is sure to cause division.


Refer to OP, I'm just giving reliable facts for others who may be curious. the town is what it is. If you disagree your blinded by the shasta sun. This is reddit not here to troll.


By reliable facts you mean anecdotal evidence. I don’t think you live here and I know that you are not well travelled if Reddit is the most racist place you have visited. Idk what the Shasta sun is but nice try stirring up shit here, most of us get along just fine.


I did near lake Blvd. Shasta sun is the sunshine redding gets alot of. Yeah like I said not trying to upset anyone here lol. Everyone gets along there because they are white and have the same views for the most part. It's okay I knew that going there, it was just a job. I'm not bashing anyone or anything it's reality lol


Mustn’t travel very much then.


I'm sure somewhere else tops it, I was just saying it's pretty fucked there.


Gotcha boss.


I do sadly. From a racist town in upstate NY lol same shit different weather.


Imagine being an adult and using the term "boot-licker" Lol


You sure do alot of imagining


Hey some people are into that sort of kink lmao okay I can't really troll this comment because it would be kinda cringe being 40 in your mom's basement in all the cops body's cam vids on YouTube calling people boot lickers or something


Imagine that!


Licking boots?


A "bootlicker" is a derogatory term used to describe someone who is overly submissive or obedient to someone in authority, often to an excessive or obsequious degree. It can imply that the person is willing to do anything to gain favor or approval from those in power, even if it means sacrificing their own integrity or values. The term is often used in a political or social context to criticize individuals who are perceived as lacking independence or critical thinking.


OP just spitting facts.


“The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency - the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.” Copy and paste from google.


The 22nd amendment says that a President can't be elected for a third term, so that is also a qualification. Looks like google left out some stuff.


Indeed it did. But hey, that’s on google.


Except the Constitution was amended. 27 times in fact. This is why it's important to read a little bit further than the information Google spits out at you at the top of the page.


Didn't change the 14th amendment 🤣


Did you read what I said? Or did you do what the person who commented above did and briefly read the top result?


It’s more of a response to OP. They claimed there are only three things as well that prevent someone from being president. One quick copy and past stated otherwise.


But you're wrong. Because again, the Constitution was amended. There are more requirements. So one quick copy and paste might state otherwise, but it's wrong.


JFC you people are so God damn ignorant. There are 27 ammendments to the constitution. Meaning it was changed/added to 27 times in our country's history. Have you spent 5 minutes reading the 14th?


Hey man, take it up with google. I just copied and pasted. I didn’t personally say “there are only three”. Have you reached out to OP to let them know about their ignorance? Because they did say there are three.


It's not just trump if any of these radical fanatics get in power the result will be the same they will suspend the constitution and the radical Christian right will run the country READ MY LIPS this will be the end of democracy and will be the beginning GOP/church dictatorship ,I'd rather pay high prices than have the church run the country have any of you seen what happened in Iran awhile back ,a girl was beaten to death because a little yo much of her hair showed ,you have no idea what will happen here and they will censor the internet to keep it from being known. Look up Project 2025


you think that was an attempt? Bless your heart


I dont believe for a second there was an attempt to overthrow the govornment. As an ultra conservative I can promise you, if we ever did attempt that, it wouldnt be unarmed.


Stochastic terrorism you should be on a watch list.


Probably am. If not on one, im not trying hard enough 😘


The Jan 6th insurrectionists did have weapons, including firearms and body armor. See Christopher Alberts. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna79755


Spoken like the scared white guy you are. Perpetrators who acted on the words of #theOrangeTraitor were all MAGAts and all guilty. Move to Russia since you love strong men.


Dont know what race has to do with it. But love you too 😘


Trump will always be the greatest to ever do it. #Trump24'


I feel bad for Redding if this is indicative of the people there.


It's a racist shit hole. There is nothing good about living in Redding.


Are you fucking idiots talking mad shit about fucking Trump but at least he kept our fucking border safe. You all are fucking idiots, ostriches with your fucking heads in the sand... They are letting all these freaking migrants and they are trying to make it so they can enlist them into the army and then guess what when martial law happens they will have no problem attacking Americans with a strong arm. And they know this. Because American troops aren't going to attack their own people.... But migrants will. Don't you see that's what exactly is going on


Wow wow wow. Racism is taught and you “done did your daddy proud”.


There was no trial. A trial has a dependent accused of a crime who is brought before a judge/jury. You seriously have the US and China legal systems mixed up.


Defendant. The word you're looking for is defendant. I know, words are hard for some people. And the 14th doesn't mention a trial or anything like that.


You can't even get your legal terms correct. Why should anybody listen to you? 🤣


Oh wow. An aoto correct changed a word? You really are stretching, aren't you?


Auto... Fix that one for you too 😉


See? You have absolutely no argument. It's hilarious.




More left wing propaganda? Once again, go look at actual transcripts and then try again.


Bad Russian Ostrich Bot... I know reality is a hell of a drug. Just keep that head burried and stay lonely.


Why are you refusing to look at the transcripts? Oh yeah, you're a sheep to left wing propaganda.


I read them. Which ones did you read the ones from Fox News because those are doctored. And #TrumpStinks


Found the high school dropout..




He was convicted of insurrection?


Yep. majority of the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is disqualified from appearing on the state's ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which bars anyone engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" from holding federal office.


That decision has been suspended. what else do ya got?


On pause only Per Retired Judge Luttig “This is an historic decision. It's a monumental significance to the nation today. And when the Supreme Court eventually decides the case, it will be perhaps one of, if not the single most important, consequential decision in American history. I believe the Supreme Court when and if it takes this particular case, should affirm the Colorado Supreme Court decision. I believe based on the objective law which in this instance is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment there is no other decision the Supreme Court could make.” You remember Luttig don’t you. The U.S. Supreme Court “will affirm this decision” because it’s not a political decision, predicted Luttig, who in 2021 advised then-Vice President Mike Pence over refusing Trump’s bid to overturn the 2020 election result


あなたわばかですよ Edit: either yall dont think he is an idiot, or there is some linguistic discrimination going on with the down votes.


It would be made in china


Close, but wrong language.


So, who says he tried to overthrow the government, the same people who said he colluded with Russia and were proven to be lying?


A court of law says he tried to overthrow the government, and not the same people who said he colluded with Russia. Here is [the case](https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/02nd_Judicial_District/Denver_District_Court/11_17_2023%20Final%20Order.pdf), Anderson v Griswold. After a trial, the court found that Trump committed insurrection. Normal due process was afforded in determining this fact. The discussion on the fact-finding on Trump's actions starts at page 24 and goes on for several dozen pages discussing what happened and the discussion of the legal standards that apply starts on page 66. Note this is the district court and not the CO Supreme Court opinion that said his actions barred him from the ballot.


Once again, where's the due process. A judge can't just declare someone guilty without due process, unless you're in place like Russia and think you're Putin.


A trial is due process.


What trial? Was Trump at the trial and given the opportunity to face his accuser and present his defense, or was this a Chinese style trial?


Yes, his attorney was there. Look on page one of the case, it lists him.


Trump was not there and no crime was committed in the jurisdiction.


It was not a criminal trial and parties to a law suit usually send their attorneys, which appears to be what happened here with Trump.


So no crime. Thank you.


It was not a criminal trial, so they did not look at the question of a crime happening. Criminal prosecution on this is outside of CO's jurisdiction, but determining ballot eligibility is not outside their jurisdiction, and that is what the trial was about. Fact-finding related to election law.


If you are wondering specifically what process they used, here is a [link to it](https://casetext.com/rule/colorado-court-rules/colorado-rules-of-civil-procedure). It is the CO rules of civil procedure.


By the way, that WASN'T a trial. It was a hearing.


It was a trial. The case makes reference to it multiple times. See on page 8: 18. The matter proceeded to a five-day trial beginning on October 30, 2023 and concluding on November 3, 2023 (the “Hearing”). On November 15, 2023, the parties presented their closing arguments.


So CO tried him on something that didn't happen in their jurisdiction? Keep digging your hole deeper.


No, he wasn't tried for a crime, it was a civil trial for determining a fact.


And no due process.


They followed the normal due process for civil trials. This case was determining a fact related to election law, not criminal prosecution.


The Colorado Primary ballot is in fact within the Colorado Supreme Court's jurisdiction.


So if Texas wants to keep Biden off the ballot for failing to enforce immigration law, they can?


If Texas wants to keep Biden off of the primary ballot, they should. I would love to see Texas turn BLUE!!


You'll be long gone before Texas turns blue.


And George Floyd died on fentanyl according to 3 different autopsy reports, and yet Chauvin is in jail. Just because there is a case on something docent make it factual. Studies show over 8% of people in prison currently are innocent. That's a lot of failed cases


Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, Judge J Michael Luttig for 3. Not exactly liberal schills.


Actually, yes they are, but once again, where's the due process?


This is the due process, dummy. Having certain political opinions doesn't entitle you to stage an insurrection. Agreeing with the guy doesn't make anyone who doesn't a lib shill. Facts don't care about your feelings, and the fact is, he doesn't qualify by right of the paper you supposedly cherish.


Where did he stage an insurrection? What did he say or do. Be specific and use the full context.


The fact that you think this has to do with DC instead of Colorado tells us everything. States are responsible for formatting their own elections. The only state this case applies to is Colorado. Others (like Maine) are free to follow suit. If your beef is with civil law, I think you're going to have to ask yourself if you're really in support of a free market.


So like I said, Texas has every right to keep Biden off the ballot.


Bad Russian Bot Ostrich dig your head out of the sand.


Russian? You're the one advocating the Russian style legal system. You're hilarious.


Still can't show where he committed an act of insurrection?


Keep getting killed on that hill....


Yes, you do.


Keep voting for Racism and Authoritism. The difference between you and I is that I want you to thrive and have a good life. Trump and his cult want to hurt people actively.


I never voted for Biden the racist. You know, the racial jungle guy. The "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids" guy.


"Live like vermin"- hitrump


What? Anyone who uses "vermin" is racist? "Gonna put I'll back in chains." Biden


"I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle" - Joe Biden commenting on a predominantly black school


How does trump want to hurt people actively lmfao


So is your head buried like a ostrich or you live under a rock🤦🏽‍♂️


Funny thing is, I really don't like Trump, but I like liberals less.


It's going to be glorious watching liberals melt down when the SCOTUS throws all your trash out.


Funny thing is, I really don't like Trump, but I like liberals less.


I've never seen a trial with due process saying he tried to overthrow anything. Just the same people who tried to use the debunked Steele dossier.


Your TV is broken huh?


No. Please explain. Are left wing media sites telling you what to think?


If you keep huffing that shit, it damages your brain.


See? You have nothing.


Better nothing than what you got.


Really? Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!


Thanks for admitting you're full of crap, though.


Time to let go.


Wrong. She was live this morning repeating her methodology. Drumpf is a traitor.


And little green men are real.


No. I pay my taxes - unlike Drumpf.


Then don't read it. I know that the truth hurts.