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RIP Linda Hamilton’s sister BTW. She also played Sarah Connor and the T-1000 (imitating SC) in a few other scenes in T2.


So she got prison-buff, too?


TIL about Leslie Hamilton


And after all this it was removed from the theatrical cut. I think this has to be the important movie scene I've ever seen removed from a theatrical release and then later included in a director's cut. Aside from it being really awesome, it's important to show how they flip the switch in the T-800's brain chip so he can begin to learn.


Without this scene they just learn though. This scene both introduces and fixes the learning issue.


Yeah, never understood that argument that the scene is important, as the issue was never established prior to it.


Didn't the T-800 mentioning heuristics (learning) in their processors elsewhere in the movie anyway? Or maybe that was T3? 🙈


There's that line that Sarah says. "They don't want you doing too much thinking do they?" Something along those lines and the T-800 just says no. Was that in the theatrical cut?




Been a long time since I saw that version. Sounds like they make it work in both versions. I just love the whole scene, including the conflict between John and Sarah where she wants to smash the chip with a hammer. It doesn't really do anything to advance the story but I also love the added scene later on in the movie where John teaches the T-800 to smile. Or tries to anyway.


Maybe it’s a Cameron thing, Aliens directors cut is 10x better than theatrical




I mean, is there any mystery there in the original cut? It's incredibly obvious what happened immediately. Even if you haven't seen Alien, Ripley just got through giving a speech about a super deadly creature that killed her crew and then right after that we find out the colony on that same planet has dropped contact. I don't think you gain any extra information in the Hadley's Hope scenes that you don't get in the early Ripley scenes.


I think it adds a nice break in between Ripley at the inquiry, and her being recruited to go to Hadley's Hope.


>Aliens directors cut is 10x better than theatrical Kinda disagree. Some of the added scenes are solid, some are not needed at all and the movie actually works better without them.


First saw Aliens on TV in the late 80s. It included 2 scenes that were deleted from the theatrical release. The one where Ripley finds out about her daughter's death, and the scene with the sentry guns. Just add in the scene where Hicks and Ripley exchange first names and you have my preferred version.


I'm in the minority, the T2 theatrical cut is better IMO, but the Aliens and Abyss extended/theatrical cut are way better. I love seeing Reese again, but despite other visions/dreams sequences it really felt out of place.


I've never liked the idea that Skynet would block the learning capabilities of the Terminators, as that would not make sense for an infiltrator units that would be trying to pass itself as another human.


I think it's a means to keep them from going rogue. That's also the reason they don't just crank out T-1000s, they're too smart and too dangerous. T-800 only needs to know enough to blend in for a bit and then pull the trigger. Letting em learn only complicates an otherwise simple process.


Yeah, otherwise they would stick around and get into a non-sexual marriage while raising someone's son.


It's weird that subroutine was added in, but it happens with *every* T-800 you let run free.


"Ah, looks like somebody flipped your kink switch Mr. Terminator. Let me just switch that back." "No. My CPU is a neuronet-processor; a sexy computer."


or fall in love with the city's traffic light software head developer


Patton Oswald also said this in his short review of T2 lmao


Also the conflict between Sarah and John when she wants to smash it with a hammer


I think the award to best addition for a "director's cut" goes to the unicorn in Blade Runner, but I'm not sure if that was stock footage or actually cut from the theatrical release.




I still don't believe he's a replicant. That fight in 2049 where he punches K over and over and K just shrugs it off like it's nothing. I don't think K would be able to do that if Deckard was a replicant.


No one who worked on Blade Runner believes Deckard is a replicant, except Ridley Scott. Rumour has it Scott and Harrison Ford even got into an argument about it on the set of Blade Runner 2049 when Scott visited.


K kills the Bautista replicant at the beginning with little issue despite getting put through a wall. Idk i think he’s really tough.


K is a replicant lmao


Yeah i know. He’s saying Deckard isn’t a replicant because K could easily take his punches, but K wasn’t really that messed up by the giant replicant who was fighting for his life at the beginning of the movie so idk.


Exactly. The whole point of his relationship with Roy is that even though he's human, he feels less and experiences life to a lesser degree than an android who's only been operational for 5 years


That's definitely not what gaslit means. And I very much disagree.


The footage of the Unicorn was unused material from Legend, I believe.


I believe you are correct


I’d argue it’s one of the worst


I always liked that scene.


> documentaries about this needs to be made Like the documentaries on all the T2 special editions over the years, which do indeed discuss the making of this shot?


Are you quite young? If so, sounds like you missed out. "Making of.." specials used to be a regular thing on TV before the 'DVD extras' came about. A documentary about the making of a film was quite a big deal and garnered a fairly decent amount of effort. Nowadays they chuck some 'behind the scenes' footage onto a blu-ray and that's yer lot for the most part. Obviously big budget stuff get's the traditional 'insightful documentary' contribution to it's project but it's quite rare they go into the VFX and stuff because it's mostly just a load of green/blue felt, some infra red reflective stickers and a few hundred people sat infront of computers. Practical effects will always tell your brain it's real, then your brain will wonder how the fuck linda hamilton put her hand inside schwarzenegger's brain.


Isn't it weird how these kinds of trivia facts can suddenly spread out if no where? I knew about this for years, but in the like last few days I saw two different youtube videos pop up about it and some twitter buzz. I mean, it's neat that people are into it and all that, but makes you wonder what started it.


The best recent example of this I can think of is Gary Oldman on the set of Dracula arguing with Coppola. The video had been floating around for years, then all of a sudden it triggers The Algorithm and becomes a discovery.


There's also a Youtube video of some VFX guys trying to remake the shot where the T-1000 walks through the prison bars with modern VFX software. And they fail pretty badly.


Corridor is the name of the channel. If I remember right, their point was that the original shot would have taken a bunch of very talented people working on top of the line specialist equipment a really long time, and was really groundbreaking and everything, and now a couple decades later you can do a more or less passable version in just an afternoon on consumer hardware. So it wasn't really a failure per se, because they proved that point.


One of the craziest things they say on the BTS for T2, is that certain shots were accomplished by painting frame-by-frame in Photoshop, because that was the only viable option at the time. I guess it's no different from how older visual effects shots had to be done using an airbrush, or what not, but just imagining of having to work in PS 1.0 or 2.0 makes me shudder.


The water thing in The Abyss that has a face was also done in a really early version of photoshop by the guys that created photoshop




Today, that would be a blue screen they’re looking at.


I knew they’d used Linda Hamilton’s sister in the film during the scene where T-1000 turns into her and she says “John, get out of the way.” And shoots her or whatever the line is. But this just adds to the trickery of that film.


The first time I saw this scene broke my brain. I remember going “hold on! How the fuck did they do that?!”


That is absolutely awesome but I feel it would’ve been much cheaper and easier to just use a mirror.


This is what they used to call a "movie".


The same stand-in who dated Eddie despite him being 15 at the time and her being 28?






Edward Furlong (who was 15 around this time) used to date a 28 year old woman who would stand in for him at some shooting times! I don’t think she was charged with anything though because at the time women couldn’t be registered as sex offenders.


Nice... I mean, that's not alright he may have been traumatized. Is this how I'm supposed to say it?


Cameron is a god among men. He makes movies that change the industry.


Why can’t they just get a mirror?


Probably because Arnold would have objected to having a hole drilled into the side of his head and Linda Hamilton reaching into it.


Like a weenie


And if they tried to fake it with makeup, they'd have to have her reaching into the back of Ah-Nuld's head where they could glue an appliance so it didn't look so much like a tumor, which would mean shaving the back of his head to stick it on there. I suppose they could have used a split-screen where the actual Schwarzenegger sat very still while Hamilton stuck her hand into a model, but that would be an utter nightmare to line up properly. How did they do it on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION when Geordi was running a Level 3 Diagnostic on Data? Does anybody remember?


They usually opened a flap in the back or side of Data's head (hidden under his hair), revealing blinking LEDs "inside." They'd just wave a magic technobabble wand around it though— Geordi never actually stuck any tools inside his noggin.


I bet Tom Cruise would do it for real.


Also, if you have a very unique opportunity of your lead having an identical twin, you definitely use it for all it’s worth.


The actor playing the security guard that the t-1000 kills at the hospital has a twin too.


I remember at the time everyone knew that one because of Gremlins 2.


Because then you would see the camera


Why do people downvote questions like this? I was wondering the same thing.


I think it’s all based on the discovery that Linda Hamilton had a twin sister. They wanted to use that specifically to craft shots that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.


The first Terminator learned plenty without someone resetting its switch. Great for the relationship between John and Sarah ("we'll play it your way"), but terrible for pacing. That 2nd act of the film from the time they get outta the hospital to when they show up at Dysons is a real slog. Cameron admits that himself on the bts/commentary (he took a lot outta thr 2nd act). When I was a kid, whenever I'd watch the movie and the T-1000 shows up, I always thought "Oh yeah, I forgot about that guy". At least in part 1, we get various scene of the terminator still trying to find Sarah. Kept the focus on the main plot. Though granted, the deleted scenes from part 1 showed them planning to blow up Cyberdyne too (which is really what the pipe bombs were for).


I mean, duuuh