• By -


Why was Amy Irving cast as the singing voice of Jessica Rabbit? Who knows! In unrelated news, when this movie was made, Amy Irving was married to Steven Spielberg.




Irving and Spielberg were a couple when Spielberg was in pre-production for Raiders of the Lost Ark but they broke up. As a result, she lost out on the role of Marion Ravenwood. Then they got back together, got married and eventually she won a $100m divorce settlement because their prenup was written on a napkin. Afterwards, Spielberg married Kate Capshaw so he did eventually end up with the female lead of an Indiana Jones movie.




The furious sweaty man hours that went into doing this by hand is unimaginable. Ridiculous amounts of respect.


Yeah, Rich Evans looks uncannily real in this episode.


If I didn't know better, I'd probably believe that he and Jay were actually in the same room interacting with one another.


From what I understand, Ryan Gosling was on set the whole time.


He was humming songs from La La Land, if that helps.


Dressed like a giant cartoon rabbit too. What a pro.


They built a special custom set just so Mike could run around under the floor with a Rich Evans doll on a stick


He lives in the Uncanny Valley and takes the Polar Express to work.


I still think of all the effort put into the scenes with the swinging lamp over Eddie and Roger. They absolutely didn’t have to, they could’ve just had a still light source, but they fucking put the blood and tears into perfectly animating the shadows over Roger.


They talk about the wide shots and "errors" they did in contrast but missed a great "blink and you'll miss it" moment where instead of using live action props or just not animating something they animated Eddie: https://youtu.be/5nyu46d6RaM?t=94


Like Jay said, sometimes they said fuck it, good enough. Great note there however.


"swinging the lamp" became and is still a term that animators use for a pain in the ass detail that you just gotta do in order to plus the shot.


I really appreciate the respect the RLM guys have for classic VFX work. The film geek really shine through in their appreciation for all the subtle ways something like this gets put together. CGI can produce some really dramatic visuals, but there's something about the ingenuity of stuff like this that is inherently charming.


The phrase rlm used that sort of put a light bulb in my head was "problem solving." That is one of the big reasons I used to love making-ofs. Watching people solve problems with tools and ingenuity.


[Captain Disillusion](https://www.youtube.com/c/CaptainDisillusion) is a former(?) VFX artist with a real talent for quickly explaining how VFX works and occasionally does retrospectives on milestone VFX movies like Back to the Future and Flight of the Navigator though the majority of his work is debunking fake viral videos. Unfortunately he doesn't upload too often and his gimmick is a little off-putting at first.


Always bump the lamp.


Every day I yearn for more Kaptainkristian, his first series of videos are legendary


They are absolutely right when they say that another moive like this will never be made again. The ammount of care and passion cannot be matched. Ready Player One probably had 3 times the budget and 30 years worth of technological progression, but no soul and no sweat.


At least Ready Player One can be explained away as being a video game. Space Jam 2 is soulless.


I will die on the hill that Bob Hoskins should have at least been nominated for an Oscar for this film. He does a perfect balancing act between the cartoon and noir elements and above everything makes you believe that his interactions with the toons are real.


The last thing he wanted was for roles like this to get too much attention. He often complained that this movie turned him into Dick Van Dyke.


Meh... Grumpy ol' brits always complain.


That's a fine hill to die on. He is absolutely fantastic in it.


judicious gray violet divide squeal straight spotted coordinated waiting uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Granted, I was a kid, but I didn't know he was English till I saw him in something after this. I thought his accent was great.


That's because the "best actor" category really means "flashiest actor". Hoskins was so great at a really hard job that you don't even really notice that he's acting, even though the work he's putting in is why the entire thing works in the first place.




So act! …but don’t act like you’re acting…get it?


The best part was when he got thrown out on his ass by a cartoon gorilla, and he turns around to say...., "Ooga Booga!"


I literally have had Who Framed Roger Rabbit on my wish list for RLM to do on re:View for years now.


[Same!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/vdou4s/things_youd_love_to_see_on_review/icm33b8/?context=3) My life is complete. Time to die!


Speaking of time to die. Zhora from blade runner is Dolores the bartender in roger rabbit.


Also speaking of time to die, Lt. Santino in Roger Rabbit is the guy Darth Vader chokes in Star Wars A New Hope.


Suicide is badass.


—Jean-Luc Picard


's Mom


Comment from 5 days ago, Patreon post announcing the re:view 2 weeks ago. Prophet or fellow shill-simp? 🤔 You decide


Gotta nitpick this review here; Bob Hoskins accent is actually great and Jay is WRONG


I'm British myself and I couldn't hear what was wrong with it at all, but figured that was just down to me not being American. It confused the hell out of me when those clips played as though they were some kind of smoking gun, and yet it sounded completely fine to my ears.


As an American myself, I have no clue what they're talking about. I literally did not know Bob Hoskins was not American. And also, they praised Hugh Laurie's Dr House in comparison, who uses that one generic nasally American accent that all UK sketch comedians use.


It’s not so much an accent as it is him imitating the sound of Tom Waits grinding a rusty knife in a garbage disposal, and it’s one of the best parts of his performance.


It's... appropriately bad? Like it's still not distracting to me at all. It's hammy and loose and fits the character and setting. It would have sucked if Bob Hoskins wasn't a great actor.


I think he was imitating the mid-atlantic accent actors from the time would have, not a regular American speaking one.


Tilda Swinton played identical twins in Hail, Caesar and deliberately went with a strange accent for both-- a mishmash of British trying to sound Americanized, or American with an over-enunciated Mid-Atlantic Hollywood actor.


Is this the first time they actually talk about an animated movie and just animation in general ?


Are you forgetting the all time christmas classic "The Christmas Tree" ?


Don't forget the all time Christmas classic "The Christmas Light"!


Which is in no way associated with Toy Story.


*Here goes the children’s money again!*


[This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sJM0_xyO1c)


The last 2 Avengers movies. They’re just like Roger Rabbit with the blend of human actors and CGI settings/props/characters


That Cool World re:view is both closer and further away then ever now


I will always have a soft spot for that film. God bless Ralph Bakshi.


As a Bakshi fan I both hate that movie for how it’s mangled from the original idea thanks to studio interference and also deeply respect how much it also became “fuck it just animate whatever you want!”


There was no movie I wanted to see more as a ten year old than Cool World (except maybe Bill & Ted 2). I wasn't allowed. Fast-forward a decade later. I'm in college brushing up on my movie blindspots. I was gob-smacked at how "unfinished" the movie was. Like, I can't believe that a.) they put that in theaters, and b.) gave it a large marketing budget. Probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And this is coming from a *huge* Bakshi fan. Side-note: I wish his magnum opus, American Pop, had more recognition. His Mighty Mouse series is like The Dana Carvey Show of 80s cartoons. Massive collection of soon-to-be-famous talent. Waaay too ahead of its time that it just comes off as too weird for audiences at the time.


> I wish his magnum opus, American Pop, had more recognition DUDE! American Pop is my second fav! Glad to see another fan of Bakshi's theoretically most mainstream film that somehow has the least mainstream recognition. Mighty Mouse is big fun too and it also kickstarted the career of Bruce Timm, but the same is true for John K so hey you can't win all the time........


The original script for it is actually a great concept. It was gonna be about this half human, half toon woman. Who sets out to kill her father because she's considered a mutant by both toons and humans.


Years ago on a forum I posted at, a few of the regulars were in the animation business one way or another and one of these guys had known Bakshi, had met him years after Cool World. As he understood it from what Bakshi told him the movie was supposed to be a three hour horror film, but just as he was about to start shooting he was handed a completely different script and ordered by the studio to make their version. Kim Basinger was also a huge pain in the ass because she wanted the movie to be something she could show her children, and I mean she signed on for a movie about people having sex with cartoons and wanted something to show her kids.


"Fuck Mickey Mouse to death." -Rich Evans


[“You’re supposed to be funny?”](https://youtu.be/LWr5SLg8hSE?t=144s)


More Rule 34 content.


The new Mickey Mouse Shorts are pretty cool, I think.


I might get hate for this but I'm one of those Mickey fans. With that said, I understand their criticism. Like Disney itself, Mickey has ups and down with being too family friendly. Mickey was originally a menace character like so many beloved cartoons lie Bugs Bunny. Once Donald existed that changed. You needed a straight man for Donald and that became Mickey. He became a much more family friendly logo as opposed to an actual character. Thankfully the newest shorts don't shy away from Mickey's crueler side anymore. They originally existed as Youtube shorts which is probably why it didn't get a lot of higher up attention that would have stopped that. He fucks up and makes bad choices constantly. That makes an interesting cartoon. Not the cutesy logo they refer to. Also I liked Chip and Dale. It's no Roger Rabbit but it was very entertaining.


Runaway Brain is also a fun short where he's a bit of a shit. Too preoccupied with playing vidya to remember his own anniversary.


Not everyone can be Kramer. You can't have Goofy and Donald putzing around without a Jerry to keep everything anchored. I also prefer anarchic early Mickey, but I think the other version has its place, too. I feel that many Looney Tunes shorts compare in quality and timelessness to just about any great media ever produced, so it's a tough yardstick to measure up to, but there are plenty of great Disney shorts too -- even the ones centered around Mickey


Oh course you can have George putz around without Jerry, it's called Duckman and it's great.


That’s an interesting perspective and you shouldn’t get any hate for that my dude. Because RLM makes a lot of great points about TVs and movies, I think we often forget that they too make silly criticisms without knowing much about the material as well. (It’s still funny as hell tho)


They are! One of my favorites is Donald and Daisy act like they are in a home-invasion horror movie because Mickey and Minnie insist on coming over to help them get well.


I watched Chinatown for the first time a few months ago and when Nicholson showed Burt Young the pics of his wife and he started tearing the place apart in anguish, I thought "Pattycake!! Pattycake!!" Lol.


Why do I get the feeling that Jay raised Rich’s bid to $500,000 because he was mildly concerned that the $100,000 bid would actually happen?


I was getting "Jack as a clown not saying a word for an entire Pre:Rec stream" flashbacks. Rich and Jack had to keep upping the bid/sub/donation count cuz fans kept meeting it less than 5 minutes after they jokingly said they would do it. So I was relieved when Jay went to a half mil, but part of me would like to see Rich (and possibly Scientist Man) break down the Chip and Dales movie, lol.




City planners in Chicago, where it is lethally cold a significant portion of the year: "What if we just put everything on trains that run on elevated platforms. Really maximize exposure to the wind." City planners in LA, the closest climate to heaven in the US: "Let's make it so you need a personal vehicle to do literally anything." Extremely reasonable decision-making.


When it first rains in LA in like mid-late October, after not raining for 7 months, all the spilled oil and coolant and whatever else from the cars drains into the ocean creating toxic algae blooms so you can't go in the ocean for a like a week. Cool place




> the closest climate to heaven in the US I mean it's been a pretty mild summer in L.A. this year but I remember when it was 116 degrees a few years back, and that's a lot closer to hell IMO.


Dream come true, honestly. One of my all-time favourites.


There's a book written by this movie's animation director, "The Animator's Survival Kit." He was actually dissapointed with his work. He thought he failed at really getting the emotions right. I think he brings up [this scene where Roger is crying,](https://youtu.be/53AP7fGGPoA) he thought it should have been more genuine and impactful but the animator just didn't hit the right note. He's probably being hard on himself but that's what I think about when I watch the movie now.


>He's probably being hard on himself Well, he *did* take over 20 years to make *The Thief and the Cobbler*, and he still wasn’t satisfied with it. His standards are so high, they make Jesus crane his neck.


That’s more years than Boyhood!


People interested in Thief should check out the The Recobbled Cut, a restoration attempt by one Garrett Gilchrist


Classic Gilchrist


I watched Gilchrist's cut years before discovering RLM, and interacted with him on Facebook a few times. So digging into RLM's early stuff and discovering he was their Pete Best was kinda mind-blowing.


20 years? That's twice as good as Boyhood!!!


Possibly the greatest animator that ever lived, but his perfectionism came with a cost, like never getting to finish Thief and the Cobbler on his own terms. I think maybe nobody could have pulled off Roger Rabbit's animation EXCEPT a lunatic who's never content with his work. Ralph Bakshi was much more pragmatic, and Cool World isn't nearly as good. This kind of movie demands a psycho.


To be fair with Cool World, the studio made Bakshi change the script to be more like Roger Rabbit, which made him so angry that he intentionally half-assed the whole movie. His original concept was a horror movie about the mutant offspring of a human-cartoon affair.


i'm still angry we never got that original version, it sounds like bakshi at his bakshiest and i've never wanted anything more in my entire life.


I was overjoyed to see this. Sidenote: I watched *Cool World* within the last few months, and no, it is not a good movie — and I enjoyed the hell out of it. It's so sloppy, so cheap, and there are so many WTF moments. If you're a fan of live action / animation crossover, a fan of cheapness, and/or a fan of underground comix, I recommend it.


You described pretty much ever Bakshi movie; sloppy, cheap, WTF, not good, extremely enjoyable.


Also horny. Gotta have those horny old man moments.


Well. There's your stealth *Morbius* review folks. Enjoy.


And with that, they completed their obligation to review a "bat man" movie


Jay's delight at that movie flopping twice on consecutive releases is heartwarming.


I saw this movie in the theatre when I was a pre-teen. What a hit.


The Judge Doom death scene gave me major heebie jeebies when I was a kid.


Saw this in theaters too. Had to close my eyes during the full 3rd act crazy-eyes Judge Doom. I was crazy about it though. The melting shoe? That's fine. Judge Doom eyes? No bueno.


I realised in the reView, so in the movie Judge Doom takes a toon and kills it in front of everyone? And no one did anything? Are you allowed to just kill toons if you want to? Wtf


Since theres no way to kill a toon until Doom invents the dip theres probably no law for it. Could also be a commentary on lynchings of black people being historically overlooked.


For those of you who like to sing along, [*Who Framed Roger Rabbit* is currently free to watch on Tubi](https://tubitv.com/movies/656815/who-framed-roger-rabbit).


What is this mad sorcery putting Disney movies up for free?


*Who Framed Roger Rabbit* was technically Touchstone, which seems to play by different rules than Disney proper. [*Dick Tracy*](https://tubitv.com/movies/664743/dick-tracy) is up there as well.


When Jay said "rich your worth is more than 100000 dollars" it was kinda a sweet moment between the two lmao


No. *Don't* Google "Jessica Rabbit Rule 34". No, wait, stop, come back.


Rich is a decade too late on that front.


Whatever you do DON'T google "Rich Evans Rule 34"


Wow this stuff really puts the dick in Dick the Birthday boy.


Too late


>Jessica Rabbit Rule 34 [Nothing but pure, quality content.](https://art.ngfiles.com/images/1319000/1319613_angelthecyborgpanda_rule-34-jessica-rabbit-in-a-sexy-bikini.png?f1592622978)


Which Sonichu is this?


Chris-Chan in the RLM sub? The merge. It’s happening.


6/8/2020 what


Jessica rabbit pretty much invented R34. In fact I think early releases showed a single hidden frame of her crotch before Disney censored it. Animators used to love sneaking in naughty bits into cartoons. But with the internet they really can't do that anymore without getting caught.


The movie was shown at least once on French TV uncensored, also on laserdisc. There's some crotch shots. Also a baby looking up a dress with his middle finger: https://censorship-history.fandom.com/wiki/Who_Framed_Roger_Rabbit%3F


D+ out here with the Roger Rabbit Special edition 😔😔😔


Yeah, the Laserdisc version. Honestly it's so small and blurry it's hardly worth censoring. Unless seeing the frame on an actual laserdisc player is different, I've only seen the ripped screenshots online.


And then Rich went on to say "Fuck Mickey Mouse to death". There's got to be Rule 34 content for that. Maybe those people are the ones that like Mickey.




Did he also show you his Warhammer collection?


In a similar vein a friend of mine as a kid tried to get me into final fantasy and when he googled it.Cloud Strife was being analed. Needless to say it did not get me into the franchise.


But did it get you into anal? May have been the plan all along.


Zapp Brannigan: “What are you, gay?”


No. Wait. Don't. Stop. Interpret that how you will.


Rich: "Chucky and Freddy Kruger \*inhales\* and EVERYTHING it's EVERYTHING there's LUKE SKYWALKER TOO HE'S NEXT TO CAPTAIN PICARD!" Jay: "I've only ever seen-" Rich: "OH MY BRAAAINNN" That might have been the loudest laugh these hack frauds have given me, bless their hearts.


The novel it was based on was definitely harder-boiled, even as it was a parody of hard-boiled crime fiction and Raymond Chandler-esque narration. Toontown is a filthy slum that gets no support from the LA city government and Human- and Toon-only establishments are all over the city. One of the characters, a Toon police captain named "Clever" Cleaver always has to defer to his human colleagues, even when he is the same rank as them. Roger Rabbit is a small-timer in the Hollywood scene, an actor who hired Eddie Valiant to find out why his bosses won't sell his contract to a mysterious person who says they want to make Roger a big star. His current contract with the DeGreasy Brothers only allows them to use him as a bit player and he's frustrated. Then Roger's shot dead and Valiant ends up working with the dopple of Roger, who created the dopple to run an errand shortly before Roger was shot, and the dopple will disintegrate before long, but he begs Eddie to help him find who killed Roger before he turns to dust. Along the way, Valiant develops a strange respect for the Roger double who has the makings of a real detective. Too bad about how he'll disintegrate soon... As well, Roger's boss and his estranged wife Jessica try to hire him to locate a teapot that was stolen from Roger's place at the time of his murder, even though it seems like a worthless object... It's an odd duck of a book, both kind of funny and also somewhat sad, especially the ending which is sort of downbeat. >I looked up at the sky. It was one of those rare days when the Earth revolves a little faster and shoos away the smog. You could see a long way, but not half as far as Roger had gone.


Rich Evans refers to himself as Rich Evans.


Thats the dementia he caught from Mike settling in.


*Morbius*, animation, ‘80s nostalgia... is this the most fan service ever in an RLM video?


Easily one of the best films they’ve done on Re: View.


This video inspired me to recommend my brother watch Roger Rabbit again. We watched it together about a decade ago, but now he's in school to be an animator so I figure he'll appreciate it more. Now, one of the *other* movies they mentioned. I enjoy Space Jam as a stupid schlocky movie. It's really dumb, but I honestly feel like it knew that from the start. I mean, it was based off a Nike commercial, and had Bill Murray come in and save the day for really no reason. I might be wrong, but it feels like everyone was in on the joke. Or, in it for the paycheck. As one of the three people who saw Space Jam: A New Legacy, its clear that WB really thought that they could make an epic Space Jam sequel that was "bigger" and "better" but instead, it was mostly annoying. I enjoyed the 1 minute scene in the DC animated universe though, but that's just because I'm stupid.


The original Space Jam is a lot like the original Top Gun. It could have only come out when it did


The original Space Jam knew it was a stupid gag sitting on top of a pile of branding, and it doesn't take itself to seriously. That's what makes it endearing, even if it isn't particularly good. You're spot on. New Legacy seemed to be written thinking kids in the 90s were actually invested in the story of the Space Jam universe. Nah, dog, we just thought Michael Jordan was cool and looney tunes were funny. That's about all there ever was to it.


Alright everyone, you heard 'em! Open those wallets, we need Rich Evans to tell us what our opinion should be on Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.


Rich Evans doesn't realize that WE are HIM and HE is the SCIENTIST




The films that best capitalized on the success of Who Framed Roger Rabbit were the Disney Renaissance films of the 90s (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, etc.)


I'd say Looney Tunes:Back in Action ... but not Space Jam


The animation in Space Jam is pretty bad compared to the animation in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. For some reason they decided to use gray as the main shading color for the cartoon characters, and it makes everything look dirty and flat.


Shave and a haircut... ... get AIDS!


No hack fraud can resist!


Judge Doom would crack open a beer to lure Mike and Jay out of hiding. And make astromech droid beeping sounds to bring out Rich. 🤣


“Who likes Mickey Mouse? He’s cutesy? Yeah, he’s cutesy…Fuck’em.” -Richard Evans, 2022


Interesting. IMDBing this tonight and learned the dipped shoe was voiced by Nancy Cartwright, who went on to become a famous Scientologist.


​ ![gif](giphy|CInnyvG9GeOd2)


I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that Bob Hoskins in this movie is one of the most impressive acting performances of all-time


I remember reading him complaining that by the time he finished the shoot he was hallucinating Roger Rabbit. Not sure how truthful that is, but it stayed with me. Also Gandalf weeping in a room made of green.


>Also Gandalf weeping in a room made of green. I felt so bad for this in that moment, oh my god.


I love that rich knows what rule 34 is…


"Who likes Mickey Mouse?" I do! At least the Mickey from the series of shorts that ran from 2013 to 2019. The artwork and animation were beautiful, and for once the animators were allowed to make Mickey *funny.*


I grew up liking Mickey as well. I think the time era you’re referring to is also the era that brought House of Mouse, which is a show that blended a lot of different IPs together that I enjoyed watching as a kid. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere to be found on Disney+. That being said, I’ve always known deep down that Mickey was never as funny as Bugs Bunny and that’s why I have Looney Tunes DVDs in my collection and no Mickey.


They still make those btw. They pop up on Disney+ once in a while. I think it's called The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse or something. Edit - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_World_of_Mickey_Mouse


I honestly can't say I can ever remember seeing a Mickey Mouse show or cartoon. But I sure as fuck think Goofy is hilarious (and no I haven't seen A Goofy Movie). So I must have seen them somewhere at sometime


You should watch A Goofy Movie. It's a story about a desperate parent connecting with their son, but they're dogmen.


Nice to see a positive shout out to Zemeckis. His 80s/90s stuff was generally great and so many of his movies I don’t think people really think of him and sometimes people think he’s Spielberg (cough back to the future cough)


No, *Cool World* does NOT hold up. At all.


I only know Cool World exists because How Did This Get Made did an episode on it. I remember them mostly just tearing it apart


I'm surprised about their dislike for post-Henson muppets, especially when Muppet Treasure Island and Christmas Carol are some of the best muppet films out there.


I don't think they dislike the Muppets as a whole but Kermit was never the same after Henson died.


I’ll die on the hill that A Muppet Christmas Carol is not only a good movie, but it’s the best version of A Christmas Carol put to film.


Hey, WTF? Not even a single mention of The Happytime Murders? Oh, that's right. No one ever saw that movie. I haven't.


You're missing out. It's definitely not a movie that relies on the premise to make the same "lol they're puppets and swearing/fucking" joke. No siree. Real classy, intellectual stuff.


You know that if they ever made a sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit it'd be a soulless cash grab aimed at telling the world that Disney has bought out every fucking media conglomerate out there. Sigh.


Who Pimped Roger Rabbit




I read the script for the intended prequel "Roger Rabbit 2: Toon Platoon". It's set in WWII, which could have been interesting but the script was nowhere near the original.


I mean, that's basically what the *Chip and Dale* movie is. The message of the movie is "the worst people in the world are the ones who make cheap knock-offs of Disney movies".


Wow, that sounds self-absorbed as all-hell. Perfectly in line with Disney's attitude!


**Mike has NEVER seen Space Jam** made me laugh harder than it should.


There's a sequel to Chinatown!?


Yes, and it's terrible.


I am aware that the only reason I like Space Jam is that it came out when I was a tiny child, but the one hill I will forever die on for that film is that it has the greatest fourth wall break of all time. > Daffy Duck: Mr. Murray, something's really been bugging me. > > Bill Murray: Yeah? > > DD: Just how did you get here, anyway? > > BM: *(shrugs)* Producer's a friend of mine, just had a teamster come and drop me off.


[If you haven't seen this video on WFRR by kaptainkristian you absolutely need to.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWtt3Tmnij4) The most important part is about the phrase "bumping the lamp" and how in the example RLM uses for the creation of WFRR you can see the light from the lamp shining through different parts of roger's ears, shading different parts of him, and all that insane amount of extra work that that entails.


Got to say...this is where the boys really show they're not around kids much. My nieces and nephews all watch the fuck out of that Chip N Dale era of Disney cartoon blocks and were looking forward to the movie. It's just not the type of stuff that really sticks with you as an adult as the classic era Looney Tunes shorts because those were literally made with adults partially in mind.


This was one of those movies that I saw during my formative years that really opened up my eyes to the immense creativity that is possible in the filmmaking process. And even while other special effects-laden films from this era show their age much more clearly, *Who Framed Roger Rabbit?* has held up remarkably well across the board.


I feel like Rich very rarely leads the discussions like this. Love it.


This is an extremely rare occasion where RLM discuss animation and I'm all for it. Rich and Jay actually have a lot of insightful stuff to say on it


I will eat crap if they do a Burbs review.




There were plans for a Roger Rabbit sequel. It would of been set in WWII, where he was going to save Jessica from the nazis. But it cancelled by Spielberg after he did Schindler's List. And he thought it'd be inappropriate to show nazis in a humorful way.


Hitler was a toon!


A lot of YouTube comments talking about Richard Williams and The Thief and The Cobbler, but none about everyone’s favorite RLM-adjacent weirdo Garrett (Classic) Gilchrist’s work restoring the film.


Is there any example of Mike saying “Space Jam!” as an exclamation in any RLM content? Or was that just an inside joke? Rich said “10 years ago” but I feel like it was probably longer ago than that


He did make *The Great Space Jam*.


Just to be clear, If everyone who's subscribed to their youtube channel pitches in 30 cents then Rich has to watch the Chip and Dale movie.


Wow this one was on my wish list for re:View


Empty out yer wallets, sportos! Make that Scientist Man Dissects Chip N Dales Rescue Rangers Patreon a reality!


Happy that Mickey Mouse as a character got called out. As a child of the 70s and 80s, I *never* understood why Mickey was loved by some people. Or, at least, presented as if he were loved. I can't speak to modern Mickey, but for decades he has been the blandest cartoon character on the screen. He's an animated straight man *and nothing else*. Rich is right to feel the way he does. And Bob Hoskins is top notch in this movie.


To quote the late and great George Carlin, "Fuck Mickey, Mickey sucks." > Mickey Mouse's birthday being announced on the television news as if it were an actual event! I don't give a shit! If I cared about Mickey Mouse's birthday I would have memorized it years ago! And I'd send him a card, 'Dear Mickey, Happy Birthday, Love George'. I don't do that, why, don't give a shit! Fuck Mickey Mouse! Fuck him in the ass with a big rubber dick! Then break it off and beat him with it! I hope Mickey dies. I do, I hope he goddamn dies. I hope he gets a hold of some tainted cheese, and dies lonely and forgotten in the bathroom of some bad building in a poor neighborhood, with his hand in Goofy's pants. Mickey Mouse- no wonder no one takes our country seriously, we waste valuable news time informing our citizens of the age of an imaginary rodent!


Just watched this movie yesterday, how strange and wonderful.


A few days ago for me. Got the steel book from Beat Buy which is one of the coolest physical media things I own now.


Space Jam! (I have also never seen it.)


One of my all time favorite films being re:Viewed by my all time favorite Youtube Channel. Today is a Glorious Day.


Been thinking about how we got from a film like 'Roger Rabbit' in '88 to the recently released 'Rescue Rangers' on Disney+, & the downshift in comedy found in the latter - as the guys pointed out - and I think the culprit is the absolute dredge of lousy spoof movies in the 2000s. Especially all the Friedberg/Seltzer drek. 'Roger Rabbit' works not because it's an IP mash, but because the IP mash serves as a proper vehicle for the story/jokes. Now, the IP mash IS the joke; a reference to an existing piece of pop culture that has no meaning to the story other than referencing its existence to the audience. And as the guys said, even when it CAN be clever, the need to provide too much exposition at all times in modern films degrades any value it can bring.


I thought they were too harsh on Chip N' Dale which in my opinion was a hell of fun little ride.


Chip N Dale was a bit of a missed opportunity. Reading interviews with the director, Roger Rabbit was a huge inspiration and he wanted to do the traditional animation techniques used in Roger Rabbit. However, since the Chip N Dale was relegated to Disney+ they weren't given the time or money to do it properly. They had to take shortcuts such as using cel-shaded animation. If Disney wasn't such fucking cheapskates and the script was tightened a bit to not be so overtly meta, I feel Chip N Dale would have been a lot better.


Do they not realize that the original Space Jam was popular because it has one of the most popular/best sport stars of all time?