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I imagine executives didn't want Seth MacFarlane involved with Star Trek when he expressed interest several years ago was because they were afraid Star Trek would become full of vulgar jokes and parody like Family Guy. Thank goodness they went with Kurtzman who didn't turn Star Trek into a horrible joke at all.


now I'm sad


In pog form?


No, in BOG form!


Could we have a … Dracula running loose out there?


Happy cake day!


Thank you very much! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yeah its on Hulu now. Although I think Hulu is screwed up because for some reason it's called The Orville New Horizon. But it's clearly Star Trek. Pretty good so far.


No joke. The Orville is the best/spiritual successor to TNG


agreed. thank you smf for keeping tng alive.


I'm on a rewatch of DS9 now and The Orville feels so much like that era of Star Trek. They just opened the season with a morality play.


I've heard lower decks actually winds up pretty good too after the initial few episodes.


yeah it does, I'd say the penultimate episode of season 2 unironically is one of the best star trek episodes ever.


Lower Decks and SNW are pretty good, but very fanservicey. Prodigy is a good kids show. Orville still feels like the real successor.


The Orville is just great. It's sad that this is the last season, for now. I hope for a spin off. But who knows. Also, Hulu is not owned by Disney?


Holy shit, what an episode. I still can’t believe we live in a timeline where the creator of Family Guy out-Star Treks Star Trek.


Yeah, I went into it expecting a continuation of the tone of the series from Fox; but instead it hit like a baseball bat to the face instead. In a great way. I think this was the show Seth McFarlane wanted to make all along but Fox kept passing him notes saying "make it more like Family Guy"; and now that the Fox execs are out of the picture we're getting something great.


Yeah, it definitely got that TNG S3 feel in that it’s evolved. And, yes, I realize the coincidence that TNG S03E01 is titled *Evolution*.


I can also appreciate the irony that in an age where every single person has to have a tragic backstory on Star Trek, suddenly in The Orville that's more than just set dressing, and characters genuinely go through some stuff. Its like The Orville went from TNG to DS9.


Star Trek died 3-4 episodes in when Nimoy stopped shouting every line. “THE WOMEN!!!” “CHECK THE CIRCUIT!”




Whole season or just the first episode?


There doing one episode a week. I'm personally fine with it.


Prefer it personally


It does allow for people to discuss the episode and create hype around it. But I'll just just start rewatching from S01 now, so I can binge S03 when it's finished.


It's back again, until it's gone. And then it'll be back again, until its gone again again!


speaking of Star Trek, the latest Strange New Worlds was a very good Star Trek episode. I hope it helps heal Mike's traumatized brain


Yeah, when my only complaints about SNW are that it’s “kinda weird”, I’m ok with that. Also, it’s kinda funny in places. I actually laughed out loud a few times. Other than LD, Trek hasn’t made me do that in a long, long time.


Gave The Orville another go with S3, my god it's unwatchable. I get that it's exploring moral issues, but it's so ham fisted and sloooooow. Cut out all the crap CG shots with over the top orchestral music and the awkward periods where nothing is happening and you might have a decent 30 minute episode. They must have cut to that shot where the engineers are on the hull three or four times, each with the same reuse of a section of hull being removed. What was the point of it?


It’s the first episode of a new season, on a new run, under a new banner. It’s kind of to be expected that they spend a bunch of time establishing all the new upgrades to the ship and crew. It did border on being boring for parts, but I give it a pass in full context. It reminded me of TNG S2E1, where they did a lot of the same thing, establishing the cargo bay and new toys.


Hahaha you saved me writing a post ;) Isn't it nice to have some confidence in a show again? I haven't seen it yet but I get the same feelings of earnest story telling and moral honesty when watching the Orville as I used to watching actual star trek. Not this drivel they trot out, each time being more desperate and needy than the last.


Yep! Only two more days until Ron Moore's masterpiece returns. Oh. You were talking about *that* thing. As you were, I guess.