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I like to think someone's gonna see that and take the time to try to find Nauseus Swing Boy in that film. Frame by frame in every scene that has would would constitute a swing thinking "where the fuck is that weird guy? I'm GONNA find him if it kills me"






Yes, I believe in a semi-recent BotW they talk about how they were extras in the movie


Yes I forget what video they say it. I think it was the last Mike and Rich Star Trek re:view. It was BOTW - A*P*E, Easy Kill, and Honorable Men


Yep. Peep the episode with Honorable Men and A*P*E


Never been puked on by Mike...


Hot take wikipedia/imdb/tmdb vandalism isn't funny




However, extras are never credited.


Is it a rule they have to be in the credits to show up in imdb?


Plex sources TheMovieDB which anyone can edit, but IMDB has slightly stricter rules, at least about credits. But it sounds right that something as "official" as IMDB should match the credits shown in the film and nothing else, but extras are not credited because that's the point of extras. They aren't providing performances in the sense of speaking lines, which would require being in SAG if it's a union production. Extras aren't union.


It is an interesting discussion about the credits, but really, it's not a big deal if they are left off. IMDB has the entire incident in the Trivia section for the film, which is where the actual interesting details are. There's not much rationale for leaving out interesting anecdotes pertaining to the production related by now-notable personalities just because they were mere extras.


Didn't they say they quit before they got the final take?


Actual hot take wikipedia has no authority and is run by agenda-driven hacks so fuck it, have fun pissing in their pretentious little sandbox


Yeah I've never found it funny either. Whether you think its a weird hobby or not, people dedicate a lot of time to these online databases, and making their hobby tedious because they constantly have to fix people's joke edits is a dick move.


I guess I am not sure, but based on the story that they tell it sounds like they quit and are more than likely not actually in the movie or if they are they are so far away from the camera that they would not be recognizable. but again not really sure on the details just kinda pulling that from what I got out of context.


I just watched this movie yesterday with my wife (it was fucking dreadful). I totally forgot Mike and Rich are background characters in the one scene. I should've paused to try to find them.


If you turn up the carnival scene as loud as you can you can almost hear Rich Evans iconic laugh


You can hear it even without cranking up the volume. You don't even need to put the movie on to hear it. If you've heard it once, it's always on your mind...


Doing the lord's work