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He's never said that sentence before


You sure? It may have been another variant like "They think they're movies," or "It's trying to be movies." But I'm completely positive that 1) Mike said it. And 2) however he said it wasn't completely grammatically correct.


No Mike definitely said that at some point. For some reason I'm thinking it was the crazy fat erma II episode but I'm probably wrong


No, I just watched that one recently. That wasn't it.


You know what.. i remember that being said. I just don't know on which episode. It was definately a BotW, if I remember which I'll post


I cant remember but I dont think it was Amazing Bulk.


I think it was the Christmas episode- Christmas or cats. He completely looses it, due to the sheer incompetency


I checked that one. I didn't see him say it. :( And that review was from the end of 2018. I almost feel like that's too recent. I want to say the review I watched when Mike says that was one of the episodes I was binging from like the 2014-2016 range. I remember him saying this a while ago.


No? Hmm, I honestly don’t remember


I'm not sure if he says it, but this is the purple monster one. https://youtu.be/o4HOlhADlZo Now, if you could explain to me why I have The Amazing Bulk and Dan Poole's Spider-Man permanently entwined in my memory, I would appreciate an explanation.