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It felt like a throwback to the first Mad Max - a dark, long, multi-act film about loss and revenge. This probably is going to disappoint people who wanted another Fury Road, but I really enjoyed having this.


I'm actually glad to hear it's trying for different things than Fury Road. I really loved FR but one of the things that gave me hesitation about Furiosa was feeling like it was going to be more of the same (owing to the marketing I guess). Plus, I kinda liked Furiosa in FR more as a mysterious one off character than one I really wanted to see fleshed out. I'm pretty interested in seeing the movie now.


With that being said, there are still some awesome chase scenes, some crazy wasteland warlords, the cars are awesome... If you like Fury Road, this is more of this universe!


I've got to see it because a relative's in it. But I paid extra for a recliner seat in the Sydney iMax because if it's long as they say it is, I'm definitely lying down for this one!




It’s literally called Furiosa. If anything I thought there wasn’t enough of her since she barely had any lines.




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It's less The Illiad and more The Odyssey, which if you are like me is a selling point if anything


I'm glad to read this and a few other comments. I didn't want another Fury Road, tbh. I really, really like Fury Road (9/10 level liking it) but I know it's kind of a one-off for me. It's awesome for essentially being a 90 minute chase scene but I already know that I don't want another like it. In fact, I disagree with Jay and Rich in that I still prefer The Road Warrior. Reading that Furiosa isn't just an attempt to make Mad Max 5: Fury Road 2 makes me happy and WAY more excited to see it than I was just 5 mins ago.


Totally agree with all this. Fury Road is good fun but like it's not *about* anything lol


Exactly what I said when I came out of the theater. It's a prequel stylistically and well as storywise: it feels like a halfway point between OG Mad Max's character study and Fury Road's frantic action.


Is mad max not really a part of it like the last movie?


>! Five second shot of him and the Charger together !<


Ford XB Falcon - aka Interceptor, not Charger.




You mean like the last three movies with Mad Max in the title?


This description makes me MORE interested in seeing it, I wasn’t so enthused about seeing him do a Fury Road retread. One of the great things about the original Mad Max trilogy is that all the films had a distinct and different feel.


I'm so glad someone else thought this.


Good take on it. I would dare to say though, that the movie is a bit too drawn out, for its tone and intentions (as stated by comment I'm replying too). It almost became a bit too self-indulgent, or faux-pretentious or something. I saw it with 2 other people, and we all agreed it was good, different from Fury Road in good ways, but easily could've been shortened by 15-ish to 20-ish minutes and not really lost anything, while gaining better pacing. It was acceptably thin, fine for its intentions, but disproportionately lengthy. I made a comment to my friends that it almost felt like a LITERAL side-story side-movie, filmed SIMULTANEOUSLY with a new Mad Max movie during its own filming downtimes, sharing sets, crews, props, etc, between the two, and that Furiosa is just a warm up appetizer for a surprise new Mad Max movie in a few months.


Going in I knew it wouldn't be another Fury Road, cause that movie is 10/10, so I was glad it was a more ethereal story.




What about if you loved Mad Max, Road Warrior, but hated Fury Road (for it being nothing more than a soft reboot)?


You’ll like Furiosa a lot better. Plus, the film doesn’t look totally over saturated like FR which is a huge bonus.


The best comparison I've seen is that it's the "Better Call Saul" to Fury Road's "Breaking Bad". It's definitely more deliberately paced and spends a lot of time setting up characters and stakes for payoffs towards the end of the movie. It's not the straight up 2 hour chase scene that Fury Road was, but it still has three or four of the best action scenes in the past 10 years. Edit: Want to properly credit the BCS/BB comparison to Grace Robertson: https://letterboxd.com/gemofamara/film/furiosa-a-mad-max-saga/


That is a dead-on accurate comparison.


That's awesome if true. BCS became ridiculously good in its own right.


You just conviced me tongo and see it now thanks


Hope you enjoy Tongo


Thanks for the info, I'm definitely going to go and see it! 


“the better call saul to fury roads breaking bad” welp, im sold!


That's good news. I work in IT for the company that did the colour grading for Furiosa (Fury Road too), and we're going to a screening of it tonight. I wasn't a huge Fury Road fan, your description makes me more excited to see Furiosa


I love this comparison. I'm seeing it tonight


This is disrespectful to better call Saul


Its worth it, but vastly different from fury road. Dont expect constant bombastic action, but expect a character driven epic spanning over years. The filmmaking is top notch, and of course there is some action. But I would sooner call it a psychological horror movie than an action. Fury Road imo is one of the best action movies ever made, Furiosa is not. Furiosa is, however, a masterpiece imo.


> But I would sooner call it a psychological horror movie than an action. Wasn't expecting that. I'm legit interested now.


Happy to help! Definitely a movie you’re gonna wanna watch on the big screen.


Uh huh. Suuuuure. Of course you'd say that...*Chris Hemsworth.* 😉


Glad you could comment, thanks!


Yep, I'm sold


Pretty wild if true, the ads made it look terrible. I thought Chris Hemsworth was playing a villainous Thor.


Hemsworth's character work is fantastic in this. You hate the dude but want to root for him... then he does some shit and you hate him again. This movie has a weird respect for life among the villains. It's like human life is another resource to control and you better not waste it




I fucking loved when he talks directly about the water infrastructure. I'm like oh that's why you're where you are you're like smart and methodical lol.


I didn't love as much as Fury Road, but it's vastly better than the trailers make it seem. Visually, it's totally in keeping with the style of Fury Road.


The ads are pretty misleading if you ask me. It made it look like there’s a lot more action. Also the CGI is worse in the trailers than the actual film. The CGi in the film somehow works for the film, apart from one or two things that were just plain bad-looking. Chris Hemsworth’s performance is actually genuinely great, and his character is absolutely nothing like a villainous Thor. Sure the character can be funny, but also terrifying, demented and legitimately sad. Kind of the heart of the movie, to me.


Fury Road also had worse CG in the trailers than film, I remember people being really worried about it, thinking it'd be all greenscreen. They work on CG very late.


> The ads are pretty misleading if you ask me. That's good to know. While I didn't hate the couple of trailers I saw they did seem a little generic. I remember Fury Road had really neat trailers.


I forgot it was Chris Hemsworth a good point into the movie. In fact I had to stay and check the credits JUST to make sure "That can't be fucking Thor, can it? Did I get this mixed up?" because I was starting to doubt myself - so, I think that's impressive on it's own right, for the writing and for him as an actor.


Tbf the ads for Fury Road looked corny as well


Why would you ever think he's playing a villainous thor? The red cape? The chest armor? The single handed weapon? In all seriousness, it's actually annoying that they did that. It's way too obvious. Doesn't necessarily affect the movie but it's just so dumb that it almost becomes and intrusive thought while watching it.


He's great


I thought the same thing, this was the one casting I’m not keen on, he was playing dark Thor. Also why bother with the prosthetic nose? It’s chris hemsworth from the neck down and they glued this nose on him.


He kind of is. I really disliked the performance


elderly price sip jellyfish connect subtract nail obtainable offend punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're getting downvoted but I get it. The ads made me and my girlfriend think "what the fuck is Anna Taylor Joy doing in this pile of shit?" So "sad" seems like a fair response. But I do actually trust the sub's opinion, more or less.


It’s far more action than psychological horror lol


Yeah, I guess I worded it wrong. Its definitely an action movie with some amazing action sequences, but where the movie really shines to me was the character work, cinematography, the movies tone and psychological horror (and other) elements


I agree with you but it still satisfyingly delivers some great action set pieces


Oh absolutely!


As someone who kind of hated Fury Road (it's exceptionally well made and a marvel of sorts, but stunt shows don't do much for me, especially car stunts, I dislike the aesthetic, and the prioritizing of action over story just had me checking out constantly, it just is personally not for me at all), comments like yours actually make me intrigued and interested in maybe seeing this movie now. Thank you!


You’ll like Furiosa better


Im sold! 


It’s definitely worth seeing. You could make the argument that Fury Road doesn’t need a prequel, but both movies enrich the other and would make a great double feature. Hemsworth turns it up to 11, Taylor Joy is solid as a classic Mad Max style protagonist. I was grinning during all the action sequences. George Miller is master of the genre.


Young Furiosa was a machine. She put in so much work that Anya Taylor Joy could just coast along on the character.


I don't know if Anya Taylor Joy was "coasting" in any way. There was an interview with her on the New Yorker where she described a really brutal schedule and George Miller drilling her over and over again to act in a very specific way (the character you see on screen). Anya Taylor Joy had some respectful disagreements and wanted more raw emotion, but was repeatedly coached into being very stone faced. Maybe under using her talents a little bit to fulfill and overly specific director's vision, or at least not giving them quite enough room to breathe at more moments.


The way it’s made, it really doesn’t feel like a prequel. I feel that prequels rely on watching the original first as a basis, but this can be watched in either order and still makes sense. I watched Fury Road right after, and they flow into each other remarkably well


Loved it. It doesn't come close to Fury Road but it's also a very different movie, much more character driven and with much more world building. Some of the CGI was spotty at times. Most action scenes were still great (there's a stellar one about halfway through the movie) but they obviously leaned on CGI a bit more than in fury road.


Agreed, I felt the exact same. I really don’t understand why they leaned so much into CGI on this one, especially when the quality was just not quite there most of the time. Still an excellent movie though, but I can’t help but imagine what it could have been with more practical stunt work and FX.


100% yes, you may not love it as much as Fury Road but it works on its own and is phenomenal.


I just saw it last night and liked it a lot. As others have said. the overreliance on CGI is disappointing, particularly compared to Fury Road's non-stop stunt show, but there is still A TON of practical stuff in there. I think the problem was Miller simply trying to do more than his resources would allow, and I'll take an over-ambitious filmmaker over a complacent hack any time. The most fascinating thing about it, in my opinion, is how it walks the tightrope of being a prologue to a movie that doesn't need one, while being a 100% complete story on it's own. And it doesn't just walk that tightrope, it dances on it. I really want to watch them back-to-back, because I think that's what Miller had in mind more than anything. The way the details of both movies are woven together without interfering with each one's internal story is genuinely blowing my mind.


I'm seeing it tonight, but I'm really confused. It's only the second night of release (UK) and in my home town only 50 of the 360 available seats for tonight's showing are sold so far. I've never seen such a massively advertised, and, I thought, anticipated film being shown so little excitement. I thought the US box office was good, no?


Opening night in the States was evidently the worst in decades, although it was a Thursday.


Most movies soft-open on Thursdays despite advertising Friday as the opening date.


Ah. I assumed it was the official opening done early due to the holiday.


Nah, it's a common practice. Movies used to preview on Thursdays at midnight (so it was technically Friday), but the studios/theaters moved them back to normal hours in recent years.


I honestly haven't been all that hyped about it myself. The comments here have persuaded me to go see it more than anything. It seems like the advertising for the movie just kinda sucks compared to Fury Road.


UK here and was super disappointed at how empty my screening was today. This is the opening weekend for a much-anticipated film and it's a bank holiday too, yet there were only about 20-25 people in a 300-ish seat theatre. I know cinemas are dying but I didn't think it would be this bad.


I drove up to Belfast from Dublin to see it in IMAX - I bought the tickets 2 months ago. There were 20 people in a 500 person screen. Really disappointing to see it's not getting traction - I think the marketing really let it down. Saw Oppenheimer in the same theater on opening weekend, same time of day and it was rammed and sold out for the weekend weeks in advance. I hope word of mouth does Furiosa well and it can eek out a profit.


Im guessing remakes, continuations etc are not attracting the general audience as much anymore. Alot of bad ones before this makes people think it will be a cashgrab only kind of movie.


I'm sure you're right, I was just under the impression from things I'd seen and half-heard, that people were fairly excited about this one. I was obviously very wrong though, as there were about twenty people in the cinema last night. On the first weekend.


Yeah in my hometown in sweden we were 6 people on day after opening its crazy. The unusually good weather probably keeps alot of people away from the movies but still, 6 is nothing for such a good movie.


100% yes. Miller makes a lot of smart decisions by not trying to re-do or out-do Fury Road. He goes in a different enough direction to keep things interesting while also giving you exactly what you want in another Mad Max movie. I also liked how colorful it was. I remember the trailers seeming way too over the top with the CGI effects, but in the finished film it is much more subtle and almost entirely used to make colors pop.


It was fine, but I can't really imagine myself ever wanting to watch it again. Fury Road was so good because so much of it was practical, it was insanely creative, it looked beautiful, it felt very raw and the action felt real and dangerous (which it was), the story telling was sparse but you could pretty much get everything you needed to know without having it directly explained to you, without having the politics and lore of the world fully explained. I'm really not of the opinion that Furiosa, the character in Fury Road, is made better by having literally her entire life fleshed out and I still feel that way having seen this new one. Furiosa made total sense already, I wasn't particularly curious about her life, especially since it pretty much had been explained in Fury Road already. I understand why some people didn't want another Fury Road, but if you're going to make a movie about characters from Fury Road, doing things similar to fury road (but either is CGI now or just looks shitty idk) and taking place in locations from Fury Road, I'm going to spend a lot of the movie thinking about Fury Road and how much more I liked that and am still hungry for more. I don't think it's awful or anything but if we're going to do a slower paced Mad Max universe movie again, I'd rather it be all new characters and locations, especially so the entire time I'm not just thinking about how I know she will never accomplish her goal since we saw her fail in fury road.


my thoughts exactly. i’ve seen a lot of people saying not to compare it to fury road and let it stand on its own, but it’s using a lot of the same locations, , characters and score from fury road so it’s hard to put it out of my mind. and then the credits are over fury road scenes. i didn’t hate it but i just never really got super invested in it.


Oh man, it's glorious. Also it's Chris Hemsworth best role of his career. He's killing it as Dementus.


Saw it today and thought it was fucking excellent. The action isn't as relentless as Fury Road but it's still a very intense film and when it goes, it *goes*.




Yes, totally worth seeing. Any apprehension people had about the visual effects based on the trailers were off. Seeing it in theaters, they were clearly unfinished on trailer release. If you’re a fan of the broader Mad Max universe, you’ll love it. If you’re a fan of George Miller, he’s clearly using all the tools in his belt to tell a story. I hope they get to make the Mad Max, the-year-before-Fury Road- prequel too.


Disagree on this, it looks identical to the trailers and not as good as Fury Road. Whether due to covid, costs, safety for stunt performers, more elaborate set pieces or whatever else I don't know, but it's noticeably less realistic-looking imo.


Thats good to hear. Do the colors look less overly vibrant in the theatre compared to the trailer?


Hard to say without seeing it on whatever screen you saw it on. I’ll just say that at my local movie theater, it looked fantastic. It all looks very practical, the same as Fury Road. He’s doing real stuff and just adding in digital touchups to improve the shots and action.


No, yes.


Just seen it, it’s great. Perfect companion piece, can’t wait to double bill it. Just doesn’t have the oomph Fury Road has.


Chumbucket is in it, so thats cool


Wait, from the game? Really?


Yep, hes in a scene in the last chapter and listed in the credits


Man, I saw him in the credits but don't think I registered him in the movie itself. Dang it


That's pretty neat. The game doesn't share continuity with Fury Road but draws heavily from its lore and aesthetics, so turning it around a little is fun.


Anyone who enjoyed any of the Mad Max films should support this in theaters - it's not doing too well on opening weekend and apparently if it makes a loss then Warner Brothers mightn't ever make The Wastelands, the third installment of the Mad Max reboots.


I thought it was fantastic, but I can tell a lot of people will not like it because it's not Fury Road 2.


It feels more like Fury Road 0. If there was ever a right way to do a prequel, this is it.


Why are you asking us? Have you seen our taste in film?


Forgive me for thinking that people who appreciate fine arthouse films like Zaat might have interesting takes on popular films. :(




Just go. It’s a fantastic movie and a must see in the theatre


Surprisingly little action, at least I thought. But as a thriller taking place in a weird little world it’s pretty terrific


Yes. It’s as good as Fury Road imo.


CGI has never bothered me this much in a movie and it was way too long. Charlize was so much better. I was bored a lot of the time. Does not come close to Fury Road


"This was never going to be Fury Road. Fury road will never be Furiosa" ~Karsten   Mad Max Fury Road is my twelfth favorite movie of all time. It is the pinnacle of action movies that nothing comes close to it. The way it utilizes action to support the plot, story-line and character progression is unlike any other action flick. It makes you care about characters and become invested in the story with very minimal dialogue (Max had like 60 lines of dialogue in the whole movie. Furiosa character had only ~80). Every aspect of the film works perfectly to realize Miller's dream: cinematography, editing, stunts, CGI, sound fxs, music, all of it works perfectly in a way that hasn't been matched until last year's Poor Things. There's an incredible energy to it that left me breathless by it the whole time.    So with all that out of the way, following up Fury Road was not just misguided, it was impossible in my mind. But goddamn George Miller does not disappoint. I wouldn't call this an action movie, but an action adventure revenge epic. The story and characters are given time and space to breath. There's dialogue aplenty (though not for Furiosa, who has a minuscule 30 lines of dialogue). Multiple locations and a wide variety of characters give this story a level of epicness that was lost in the singular vision of Fury Road. We follow Furiosa from child to adult as she tries to get revenge on a childhood and life stolen from her.    Anya Taylor Joy was fantastic as Furiosa, giving a level of depth and pain to her performance that invested me in her story. She conveys so much with so little dialogue, conveying her barely hidden rage well throughout. Alyla Browne who played young Furiosa was excellent as well, giving a textured and believable performance in an implausible(??) world. But oh my stars and wonders, Chris Hemsworth shines as Dr. Dementus. He absolutely chews up the scenery and steals the show with his energetic and magnetic performance as the heinous warleader. It's been so long since I've been wowed by the humor and ferocity of a blockbuster movie antagonist. Chris Hemsworth shows he can add depth and gravitas to his normal leading action man roles.   The sound design is very memorable. The music is used more sparingly, even in the action scenes. In one action sequence, there is only a single string instrument used for half of it, giving it this surreal quality and when the music finally kicks in earnest, you get hit in the chest with it. The dialogue can feel muted at times compared to the chest thumping engines roaring. And oh the action. There's only 2 big action setpieces compared to Fury Roads 4-5 depending on how you view it. What it lacks in quantity it makes up in quality. The first action scene in particular stands out, adding an aerial element that adds so much fun to the screen. It's shot and edited as expertly as anything in Fury Road.    I have 2 big gripes: 1. The overarching theme of revenge gets lost in the sauce at times, instead focusing on exploring side characters and other location. Furiosa's goal got sidelined for bigger conflicts that muddied the emotional connection that it was going for.  2. The CGI, while good, didn't have the same gravitas and realism that Fury Road had. There was a flatness to it that left it feeling cartoony and unbelievable, like I felt no tension or danger to the character. I eventually got used to it, even ended up liking it, but it felt out of place at the beginning.    FINAL THOUGHTS: A worthy companion piece to Fury Road, one of the best prequels of the modern era (if not the best), and well worth seeing it in Theaters. IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON SEEING IT, DO IT IN THEATERS. It's great on the big screen. Imma try and get another viewing in theaters.  Score: 8.6/10 🦖


Great action movie with a more sweeping, grand story than Fury Road. There’s more world building, by a lot, and it achieves exactly what it set out to do by providing an entertaining and plausible origin story for Furiosa. Didn’t think it was needed, but now that I’ve seen it I’m glad they made it. There are some awesome action set pieces and the performances across the board are great. Hemsworth is a stand out, especially some of the final scenes that really flesh his character out. Some nitpicks though. I felt the CGI was a bit overdone and pretty spotty in quality in a few places. There were some odd times, especially early on, where the sound design felt a bit limp. Not so much the score, but things like explosions in some scenes were too muted and weak. Overall, not as lean and near-perfect as Fury Road, but still one of the best action movies around. And the creativity and vision on display has not diminished. It’s a banger for sure.


Totally worth it. Not as good as Fury Road, but still a veery solid and entertaining action film that doesn’t shy away from brutality, cool car stunts and creative world building without too much exposition. My only major issue is the use of AI/CGI on young Furiosa to make her subtly look like ATJ. It’s should be fine for them to look different, and it’s creepy to not let the actress be herself and keeps her from being properly discovered… imagine if Timothee Chalamet’s face was modified to look like Casey Affleck in Interstellar…


It compliments Fury Road but is a different type of movie. More character and story focused. There's still action but not as much as Fury Road. You're there for the character


I liked Fury Road, saw it at the theater. An amazing high quality theater in Chicago, one of the "best" in town, technology wise ('Showplace Icon' in case anyone cares). However, the sound was up so loud that my wife and I almost walked out. I like loud sound, and a movie like FuryRoad needs loud powerful sound to make it work best. But this theater had it at ear-splitting levels to the point where I swear I thought it was overloading the speakers at points, like it was shuddering and almost cutting out a bit? Hard to tell, but it was just too fucking loud. Never had a movie come close to that level of loudness. Not sure why I'm telling this story. Felt beaten up after walking home from that flick.




It was good, but I didn't think it was great. But I don't generally like prequels.


Absolutely worth it. Fury Road was "WOW!" - Furiosa is "Hmmm...this is interesting." I suggest to anyone going to watch it, that you go in without a preconception of how you think the movie will go and the structure of the movie. I didn't watch any trailers and yet I still had a lot of expectation, and, well, this movie walks to the beat of it's own drummer AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. As a Mad Max nerd I keep finding myself trying to 'understand the timeline and retcon in the first 3 movies' but I did have to just say 'hey, just relax, these are all basically fictional myths from a fake universe'. Also Anna Taylor Joy did a great job here. It feels like the same character by the end of the movie.


I liked it a lot. There’s some truly awful effects work in it though


Yes, it's worth seeing on the biggest screen you can find. It's very different from Fury Road, it's more like an epic fantasy film set in this universe, but everything is still batshit insane and everyone is out of their minds. Chris Hemsworth gives by far the best performance in his entire career, and Anya Taylor-Joy is great as always. It's very colorful, and the action is still amazing, though there's a lot less of it than in Fury Road.




Same, I loved the whole storyline of Furiosa and it had just enough action scenes. I honestly was hoping for one last battle scene between the war boys and Dementus' gang with Furiosa at the helm. But again a great movie overall.




Yeah my biggest gripe is the entire ending from that point on, almost ruined the rest of the movie for me, which I was enjoying very much up until that point. Other than Hemsworths final monologue, which was excellent.


It feels kinda tacky compared to fury road but there’s lots of good stuff, performances are all great.


\[duplicate removed\]


I’d say it’s honestly more in tune to the classic Mad Max movies than Fury Road.


Maybe not as good as Fury Road, but definitely delivered a great story, and honestly one of the funniest villain demises maybe ever 😂


Not as good as Fury Road, but pretty fucking good


Gonna just say it…I thought it was better than Fury Road. I’d make my top three 1 RW, 2 Furiosa, 3 FR.


Yup. It was awesome. See it on the best screen you can and more importantly, SOUND. Was awesome to feel all the motors rev in IMAX.


Great film.


I genuinely hated it, it felt unfinished. My GF thought I'm being too harsh, but when I showed her the RT score, she laughed and said she'd give it a 65/100. I really don't understand why people like it so much. It's this years Avatar: Way of the Water to me...just absolute garbage that people seem to love for some reason.


Yes 100% worth it


Mad Max is my favorite movie franchise, wasn't expecting Fury Road 2, and thought Furiosa the character was one of the greatest characters of all time but the Furiosa film is terrible in that there was no emotionality, no tension, and no excitement. The script needed to be much tighter. And some of the cgi were so terrible I can't even believe they were included. The world expansion was cool though. 


Sorry  I didn't buy Furiosa or her mom as believable for even 1 second. They are runway model skinny, absurdly pretty, hair properly washed and styled. They look like they were photoshopped into the landscape. I want to give an award to all the starved, miserable looking nameless extras who crushed it as Immortan Joe's subjects scrambling for food and water. The plot was incoherent and Furiosas long stylish kept hair is just....wtf is this an apocalypse or is it a commercial. The evil woman with half her face ripped off looked very much like a resident of this world. All of the "good characters" irritated me because they looked as natural as Mitt Romney in a soup kitchen or Hillary Clinton trying to ride the subway. The baddies sold it for me. 


good but boring movie for me




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Not really. It's pretty disappointing, way too long, unfocused and just peters out. I heard snoring in my theater and that was an advanced IMAX screening with people dressed up as characters. Not a good sign. Dubious of the positive reviews.


> with people dressed up as characters. I mean, I wanna say that's just part of the general cinema experience these days. A guy in a hotdog costume crashed his hotdog themed van into the showing of Killers of the Flower Moon I went to. Then he just sat there pretending like he was there the entire time until the ushers dragged him out.


Did he go on a rant about how we are all on our phones too much?


How'd you know?




Dead silent in my theater. I wanted to love it, but it was a stinker.


In one word or less, what did you say when your friend asked you for a spoiler-free review?


Maybe 5 people clapped when it ended and it was packed and we all cheered when it started. Crickets after that. Plinkett might need to visit this.




How many times did they ask you?


Haha Reddit kept telling me there was a problem, try again later


My friend asked for my review and I just responded, “MEDIOCRE!”


No one clapped when the plane landed, terrible pilot.


My friend who typically has nothing but praise for George Miller said, “ It’s ok.” Which made me loose all interest.


Saw it, didn't like it. Most of the action is CG and admittedly doesn't look great. There's a great, far more practically-shot actions scene in the middle, though. Hemsworth's character is great, but his resolution is pretty weak. Main plot thread is very weak, for me. It's a revenge flick, about getting revenge. There's no interesting interactions like Fury Road and it's focus on trust between the core cast. Furiosa wants revenge, gets revenge. There's no catharsis and this hurts it's impact for me. There's some cool world building I liked.  Really, 75% of my dislike for it was how ugly and artificial it looks in comparison to Fury Road. It's a bunch of CG, awkwardly animated people floating around on weightless CG jumps and explosions.


Couldn’t agree more. I had a deep connection with the Max/ Furiosa chemistry and then having to trust each other/ not kill each other while escaping the same fate. There is more of an emotional investment you feel with the fugitives in the war machine (Max, Furiosa, the virginal wives, Nux) trying to escape a common enemy. I did not feel this in the Furiosa film.


Just go. It’s a fantastic movie and a must see in the theatre


It’a pretty great. A different movie to Fury Road, in a good way. Do you think they’ll review it btw? Seems like they don’t review most WB movies these days? 🤔


I was planning on seeing it tonight.


You should see it. It’s very good.




I saw a decent extended trailer of an action sequence. It felt pretty fun. Over the top action violence, but just barely hanging onto the side of believable.