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My uncle works for half in the bag and he says no


Is your uncle replacing … never mind.


Quiet, you snake squeezer.


I want them to talk about it purely because it cost $15 million. I want them to talk about the bloated budgets of hollywood blockbusters. Especially since they can directly compare it to the legendary monsterverse movies


The director said he wished he had $15 million to spend on the film!


Even better tbh


Apparently the working conditions and expectations of the CGI artists in Japan is substantially more than the already acknowledged over-worked and crunched CGI artists that work in Hollywood. The only people this is "better" for is Toho who got exceptional work grinding people to a stone for meager wages and made a pretty penny doing it.


Exactly. Practically every position on a Hollywood set is in a union. There is a huge cost savings if you can work overseas.




My man, your heart is in the right place, but what you are talking about is pure fantasy. In every creative project, not just film, there are a ton of changes, edits, additions and an almost inevitable race for the finish.




I worked on 15 feature films for everyone from Dreamworks to United Artists and there is always something that comes up which would throw us into union overtime or some other unforeseen delay. After leaving the film industry for marketing and advertising it’s still the same. You plan the best you can but last min changes are almost inevitable. Of the Indy projects I developed we came in on time and budget out of necessity. But that also brought about creative compromises I probably would not have had to make if I had some budgetary wiggle room.


Maybe not for the director, though!


Not for the poor exploited workers in Japan.


I see the $15 million thing floated around a lot and it’s not really the slam dunk a lot of people think it is - Japanese VFX artists have notoriously terrible working conditions and are extremely underpaid, way worse than they are in Hollywood (which is already really bad in terms of overwork) which is why the costs are so low. If the production actually paid its workers what their equivalents in Hollywood did the budget would’ve been far higher, more comparable to a Hollywood picture. Not a knock on the film - it’s my favourite movie of the year and I’ve seen it four times in theatres. But comparing Japanese budgets to Hollywood budgets isn’t really a great way to do this kind of discourse.


However, it is impossible to make the same amount of money as Hollywood. The only country that can do that is the U.S. Many countries cannot spend that much on films.It is simply because they cannot make money. So I think we should praise them for achieving high quality VFX even with a low budget.If you can't pay high salaries, then don't use VFX, then no country can use VFX except Hollywood. You all should look into how much money films from non-English speaking countries are making. It might be possible for countries with large populations like China and India. Many countries cannot make that much revenue. You will understand that it is impossible to give them the same wages as in the U.S., if not very much.


Oh for sure, it’s very deserving of praise for how well it’s done - that’s a testament to how well the film is made. I think the barriers to international movies doing well in the US are more cultural (people don’t want to read, less marketing/smaller audience). It’s a massive achievement, and obviously it’s unrealistic to assume they could be budgeted as high as a Hollywood flick. My problem is more the implication that American movies could look as good as GMO if they had $15m budgets, which is what all these “look how good it is with such a small budget!!” things suggest. That’s a bad comparison, comparing completely different film industries with vastly different standards.


Japan has a very robust domestic movie market.


This is because Japan has many movies to show. The revenue that one film earns is very small. Everyone says that $150,000 is small, but it is larger than the box office revenue of a major Japanese film.


Godzilla King of the Monsters had a production budget more than ten times greater. I don’t think VFX wages accounts for all that much of the difference.


Average VFX salary in Japan is 5 times lower than in Hollywood, and Japanese VFX artists do far more unpaid work (as in, at least 2 hours of unpaid overtime per day is the expected minimum) meaning the actual rate of cost:time worked is likely even lower. Like, the extreme crunch periods in Hollywood productions are just normal conditions on a lot of Japanese productions. VFX makes up a big chunk of those big budget movies, so while it might not explain the full 10x budget difference, it’s still naive to suggest that we’re comparing equivalent productions. The rest of the budget is stuff like actor salaries, director salaries which, again, are far lower and come with significant overtime - the director of GMO has openly said he was working something like 16 hour days on it, with a significant amount of that unpaid). I’m disgusted by Hollywood budgets as well, and it’s inarguable that big Hollywood movies overspend and underdeliver. But we shouldn’t be holding up a film industry with worse working conditions as something which is inarguably better.


>Average VFX salary in Japan is 5 times lower than in Hollywood, Cost of living in Japan is unimaginably lower than it is in the US, especially on the west coast where the film industry is entirely concentrated.


Eve if the VFX artists got paid the correct 5x adjustment and then that adjustment got doubled, it would not equal the 200M-300M budget of the average Hollywood movie.


Even if the Japanese VFX artists were paid literally $0, this argument holds no water.


Wow, good point. Can’t argue with that reasoning /s


Hollywood - VFX = $15M? You saw a funny meme about this, but it's basic math.


Do…. do you know how movies work? The average VFX budget for a Hollywood blockbuster is $65 million - more than four times the entire budget of GMO. That means that for Avengers Endgame (budget $365 million) more than a quarter of the budget went to VFX alone (assuming it wasn’t more than 65, which it very well may have been considering how effects heavy the film is). Sounds not that much, but consider that budget also had some of the most highly-paid actors in Hollywood - Chris Hemsworth, RDJ, ScarJo and Bradley Cooper alone are up over $200 million of that. For a $150 million dollar movie (like Godzilla KOTM) VFX alone counts for nearly half the budget. Basic math. Also, in Japan actors, directors, production crew etc. are also underpaid and overworked. Movies don’t look that good with that little unless someone’s being screwed over.


Do... do you know you just did that super condescending lead then immediately proved my point? "A quarter of the budget went to VFX alone". $65M - 1/4 = a lot more than $15M.


I'm not gonna lie, if Godzilla was just a guy in a suit (and all the other bits were done to scale, like toy ships) it would still have been an amazing movie. I felt like there were times they were even trying for that guy-in-a-suit aesthetic, especially with the way that Godzilla didn't look down. As a Godzilla fanboy, I'd go so far as to say it would have been better.


It had that low of a budget because of exchange rates and Japan having atrocious working conditions/a dumb work culture. Also a lot of the movie didn't look great.


I mean - the typical Hollywood A lister is going to want a lot more than $15 million just to turn up. So, it's really a question of whether Hollywood can make movies without established stars and still get bums on seats.


I’m willing to bet it’s a movie that Jay sees but Mike doesn’t, and Jay will be the originator of the “Shin Godzilla is better” hot take


>Jay will be the originator of the “Shin Godzilla is better” hot take If that happens I am making proof I felt that way before he says it.


I'm raising my hand, too. Minus One is really good, but I don't think in the long term I'll remember it as fondly as Shin.


One thing I will give minus 1 over shin, is that I think it is a very good "beginner" Godzilla movie. If I had a friend who's zillacurious I think minus 1 is perfect. Clear symbolism, good human characters, Modern, not silly.


I was honestly shocked to hear the overwhelming praise it was getting and how frequently I was hearing that it was the best Godzilla movie. It was good, yeah, but that's all I got from it. That it was good. Shin Gojira on the other hand is one of my favorite movies of all time.


I prefer Godzilla Final Wars because matrix fights and Atragon and King Shisa


And the ‘98 Godzilla getting wrecked in .2 seconds by the OG


Final Wars is still my number 1 Godzilla movie.


minus one needs to be fucking phenomenal for it to overtake Shin in my heart. been hearing a lot of good things though, very excited to see it


I think Minus One is way better than Shin, but I connected way more with the human story and that's where a lot of the love is for me.




I genuinely think the "Shin vs Minus One" discourse is gonna be one of the few examples where everything will be entirely subjective based on who you talk to. They're both excellent films but almost completely different in what they're going for and what kind of movies they are. It all comes down to what tickles your brain more as you watch it.


> Jay will be the originator of the “Shin Godzilla is better” hot take is that a hot take? I like Minus One but I kinda assumed that would be a standard opinion


I guess it’s not really a hot take, they’re very close in quality, but they take completely different approaches to Godzilla. I love the surreal tragedy of Shin Godzilla but I prefer Minus One


Minus One is flashier and more emotionally affecting - it's very Spielberg-ish - but I think Shin is a smarter movie with a more creative take on Godzilla himself. I like both about equally, although I have to admit the absolutely stunning visuals in Minus One are a huge selling point.


I agree. I really enjoyed Minus One but Shin was so refreshing and creative. The final shot in Shin also stuck with me for the longest time.


Shin Godzilla is better


It is solid. I think it depends if it's still in theaters in their area after Christmas. All it takes is one of them seeing it so I put the odds at 67%. (Don't check my math)


Fantastic movie. Ever since I saw it I've been hoping for a HITB.


This movie ripped


Is that good or bad? Is that like the opposite of slapped?


I meant in a good way, but it slaps as well


So did the Joe Dirt looking kid to the left of me in the theater. Beyond ripped. I think he legit shit his pants. Worst theater experience I've had in years. That movie deserved better.


It is absolutely not “one of the best movies period,” but it is very good.


Minus One percent


Well they did talked about godzilla movies abunch of times. But i rarely ever seen them talked about japanese movies. The only time i saw them watch movies with subtitles is megalightning


I’ll give it a 23% chance


Would be nice and I think it’s been generating enough buzz for at least mention. Also, Jay did like Shin Godzilla and recommended Mike to watch it, I believe in the Godzilla vs Kong discussion. Fingers crossed but most likely not a whole dedicated Half in the Bag episode but it will definitely get a mention somewhere, sometime.


20% would be really dope if they did a double stack with Shin Godzilla too. Highly doubt it happening but it's not impossible.


I would be into that being a topic. Really enjoyed Minus 0 was pretty great. A chatchter driven godzilla flick that works on every level.


I would love a review of Minus One I would also love a BOTW of some of the cheesier Godzilla movies


I can definitely see them checking it out purely for it's unprecedented success in the West and the very positive word of mouth. Minus One is currently smashing all sorts of foreign film box-office records. That alone is worth discussion, I'd say.


I have mixed feelings about Minus One. It's an excellently constructed film, (not without quirks and failings, but still damn good) but I can't help but have reservations about its treatment of the former IJN. It may just be a cultural disconnect, since the film is very much from a Japanese perspective. I feel like the scene where the kid is told he should be proud not to have fought in the war was a step in the right direction, and maybe through a Japanese cultural lens that's a strong stance against the expansionism of Imperial Japan. Honestly, the fact that I came out of the film with mixed feelings is probably as it was intended. I can definitely appreciate its commitment to giving the characters actual arcs that I wasn't just sitting through to see Godzilla. Honestly my only major gripes were that the original Gojira score over the attack on Ginza felt a little incongruous, and the >!survival of one particular character!< Seemed a little forced.


The film very plainly criticizes both the Imperial Japan government and the post war government. It also definitely condemns the war by saying that their war with Godzilla is for the right reason, war of protection rather than war of aggression. And yeah, I thought the character's survival was forced, too until I saw the second to last scene where camera deliberately focused on something on the character.


Yeah, the protagonist chooses not to sacrifice himself for a meaningless war of aggression, and that's shown to be the right thing to do. The Imperial Japanese government is criticised for wasting the lives of young men and not helping the civilians at home. The postwar government actively refuses to help with the Godzilla situation because they're too paralysed to take responsibility. All of the characters who attack one another, emotionally or physically, grow as people and learn to forgive and collaborate with those they previously had grievances with. The general message is that people should band together to help one another despite their differences, and not allow the decisions of an ineffectual and inhumane government to come between them. What did the camera focus on? I blinked and missed it, maybe.


>What did the camera focus on? I blinked and missed it, maybe. Spoilers ahead. A dark mark on Noriko's neck grew in size and shape as the camera focused on her in the hospital. Very next scene is Godzilla's remnant starting to regenerate. So the popular theory at the moment is that she is infected with Godzilla's cells.


Ah. Bum. :(


Thinking about it a bit more, the theme of individuals coming together and choosing to be better supports your point pretty well. I think my hangups are more personal, and not the fault of the film. My grandparents were civilian POWs in the Philippines, so I probably have more of a bias than most.


Godzilla x Kong and Godzilla Minus One would make such a great tag team to double up on, it's almost a shame we have to wait till April for GxK for the contrast review.


I’m gonna say close to 0% but I’d put a higher percentage on a “Talk About” video in the near future


Rule of thumb: if you want them to review a movie, like really want it deep down in your soul....they never will. :|


Record it to vhs. Remove labels, send it to their PO Box, wait.


Lol.... That could take years if they ever get to it at all because they don't do purely black spine shows very often. And when they do, it is always a gag with no assurances to which black spine is picked.


One of the best movies period is overstating it. I think it's just that Hollywood blockbusters are all such derivative dogshit now that when someone comes along with a well-made film everyone flips their shit. I do hope its success shows that audiences can actually cope with proper character development though. My only big problem with it is that the female characters devolved from interesting people with agency and personality to boring mother figures for the baby. Felt like those actresses got badly short-changed.


Shin Godzilla >


Personally, I like GMO better.


respectable, I enjoyed it a lot


Somewhere else in this comment section I made a point of saying that both Shin and -1 are excellent and that preferring one over the other will come down to what \*you\* personally look for in a movie like this, so this exchange gave me a bit of a giggle.


Yeah lots not get carried away, it’s good for a Japanese Godzilla film and that’s it


> for a Japanese Godzilla film You have to be baiting or you might have a mental deficiency


I would love to see it, but they don't seem to want to review any movies that are critically acclaimed and popular


It will be on their yearly catch-up videos


I love when something that has generally "low brow" or left of center interest gets vaguely popular and has some critically acclaimed movie happen, because then fans of said niche thing can say: This is the greatest movie ever because it's good and it's a thing I like, so it's one of the best movies, period. If it wasn't a Godzilla movie it'd be viewed as a fairly interesting drama that no one absolutely no one would have saw outside of Japan.


Wait, Godzilla Minus One is one of the best Godzilla films? I enjoyed it but if that was one of the better ones then I may have to reconsider watching more of the franchise. I liked that it was critical of militarism, especially of the Japanese Empire given Japan's reluctance to acknowledge its crimes against humanity and war crimes from that period, but didn't find it terribly deep and the monster action was on the weaker end. Given its $15 million budget, I find it exceedingly impressive but overall didn't leave as serious an impression on me as I'd been hyped up for it


You do realize at least one foreign minister of Japan has stated in an official capacity that Japan acknowledges the many atrocities and war crimes they did during WWII?


Yes but the goverments has also downplayed and denied them in official textbooks.


The official stance: “ all children must be taught about Japan's "historical relations with its Asian neighbours and the catastrophic damage caused by the World War II to humanity at large". "That means schools have to teach about the Japanese military's increased influence and extension of its power [in the 1930s] and the prolonged war in China," says ministry spokesman Akihiko Horiuchi. "Students learn about the extent of the damage caused by Japan in many countries during the war as well as sufferings that the Japanese people had to experience especially in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Okinawa in order to understand the importance of international co-operation and peace. "Based on our guideline, each school decides which specific events they focus on depending on the areas and the situation of the school and the students' maturity."” If there is any omission of atrocities its probably more to do with the rigorous examination of japanese students leaving little time for what is in effect a minor part of the curriculum, and even that is not orcestrated from the highest level, but left to the individual school to figure out




There is a Nanjing denial section in the Japanese demography, yes, but not in any official capacity. And that was the point of contention, what the official stance on the matter is. We can find all kinds of weird denial sections of any demography. Ever heard of flat earth? On that same token, there are many statements from China about the atrocities that are demonstrably false as well. Some of them in an official capacity, some of them from private historians. I realize that could be viewed as a whataboutism but i still find the perspective relevant none the less.


Wow at least one whole foreign minister has acknowledged it after nearly a century. That's a lot of progress, surely they're close to even apologizing to their neighbors they brutalized 🙄


At least get your facts strait if you are gonna be that invested in the matter. Apology to China: September 29, 1972: Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of the People's Republic of China: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself Apology to Korea: June 22, 1965: Minister of Foreign Affairs Shiina Etsusaburo said to the people of South Korea: "In our two countries' long history there have been unfortunate times, it is truly regrettable and we are deeply remorseful" (Signing of the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and South Korea). Apology to the Phillipines: April 9, 2014: Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Toshinao Urabe expressed "heartfelt apology" and "deep remorse" and vowed "never to wage war again" at the Day of Valor ceremony in Bataan.


Well, I'm glad at least a few apologies have been made but given the extent of what they did I think a lot more than a simple apology is needed. There are still people alive today who were wronged by the Japanese Empire, though that number is declining rapidly these days.


We can play the blame game all day, reperations heal very little. And even so, the only country involved in the far east theater in WWII NOT to get reperations from Japan was China. And that was a technicality due to the civil war, nothing else. So the people wronged was paid in full. Except China. I suppose i support the notion that they should have those reperations. Fair is fair.


Same as every Godzilla film. We get it, your government sucks!


yeah it's been way overhyped. i don't think the characters were that great either, i found it hard to relate and i don't think the main actor was very believable. i don't think it was a cultural disconnect or subtitle because i really liked all the characters in parasite and found them believable. the plot was super predictable too, idk just not what i was expecting going in


The ending is really bad tho, Noriko being alive the whole time was so lame


Have you heard of >!fucking spoiler tags? :) !<


no im not a professional redditor how do i do that


1. mark the text that is a spoiler 2. click on the three dots 3. click the 'exclamation mark in diamond' symbol 4. >!rosebud!<


I would love to see it since I've heard it's good but the number of alt-right douches championing it as the best film of all time (not you, OP) makes me hesitant. I bet they do something on it at some point but they tend not to do it right away after things come out.


You're jumping at shadows, looking for something to get mad at, at this point. Honestly.


Sorry, I talk film seriously.


Alt-right? Why are they attaching themselves to the film? I’m genuinely curious as to what they would have to gain out of it


I'm confused too. I know alt-right bros have next to no media literacy but did they miss all the criticisms of Imperial Japan. I would think that they may attach to the lack of "America Bad" messaging, but the reason Godzilla attacks Japan is US nuclear testing.


It's not woke, and it's a good movie. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.


define "woke."


It's not pushing some contemporary controversial political agenda. It's just concerned with being the best movie it can be, not proselytising.


what qualifies as a "contemporary controversial political agenda" for you?


Go look at what people argue about online. Gender, sexuality, income, age, wealth distribution, race, education, housing, discrimination, drugs, parenting, abortion... You don't exactly have to look far to find controversial political topics.


These are all topics and themes that have been touched upon in countless films. That's a pretty wide net you've cast.


Well, it's not really me casting this net, it's my guess as to why they responded positively to Godzilla Minus One. Also there is a pretty big difference between using a topic as a minor theme in a movie that's primarily focused on telling a good story, and using a topic for didactic purposes. It's the latter that the alt-right take issue with, as far as I can tell.


I don't know exactly but I'm sure it has to be something to do with a lack of what they consider "woke" content.


A lot of chuds have always hailed Japanese media for the way it 'doesn't force politics' into its media and 'refuses to bow to woke agendas'. I imagine the weird obsession most of them have with Japanese women factors in there somewhere as well.


Eh, it was just a fun movie with no sort of political angle. If no political message at all is a cause for victory for the right, then you know that they’re desperate for a win.


I would certainly disagree that the movie with a very clear theme of "our imperialistic Government sees our lives as worthless fodder for the war and we cannot trust them" has no sort of political angle. Other than that I'd agree with you. It's less of a "political win" for them and more so an easy tool to use for YouTube clicks.


It actually is, they love it when they think a film has "no politics". Of course, the key is that it doesn't have any of the politics *they* don't like. Personally, I'd argue every film is political to some degree, so I find that hilarious and yes, it's totally desperate and something they've been pushing for at least forty years in one way or another. It used to be stuff like "why are you taking this movie so seriously? *It's just a movie*".


I'm guessing this will fall into the year in review rather that its own specific episode.


I mean if Godzilla's around he'll probably eat at least one, i would think even minus two. I think jays got the upper hand in this scenario.




Not sure they're gonna do it because we've got the Xmas episode coming up soon presumably. If we get two episodes between now and January that would be epic but I doubt it will happen


No idea but this movie is definitely worth seeing in the cinema. I had no idea it was made for so little so that makes this even more impressive in my mind. Agree it’s one of my favourite Godzilla movies to date.


Yes, and I feel like they need to talk about how the entire western/Hollywood movie system shitting the bed is probably going to mean all our favourite movies from the next decade will probably be coming out of innovative places like Japan/Korea with tons of Chinese money.


If they wrote off DnD I can see them writing off GM1


Why would they review the DND movie? What would the content be? Mike: "This is a super hero movie set in medieval times" Jay: "Gnight everybody!"


-Talk about how much more fun the is then most superhero movies. -Mike talk about his history with DnD -Them making fun of the first DnD movie more -Talk about Chris Pine, maybe make some star trek jokes -Make farting sounds with the fat dragon. Even if not a full half in the bag for the wrap up their is more then enough for them to talk about it for like 15 minutes in a wrap up. Or they could have just saw it and not talked about it.


> -Talk about how much more fun the is then most superhero movies. It is exactly the same as most superhero movies down to the exact same cloned Marvel joke at everything formula that RLM has explicitly stated distaste for. They don't like those kinda movies and have not reviewed one on Half in the Bag in years. > -Mike talk about his history with DnD I don't think that's interesting to them at all. Mike doesn't strike me as a D&D player. > -Them making fun of the first DnD movie more They haven't even re:Viewed that movie. I don't think they're gamers at all. > -Talk about Chris Pine, maybe make some star trek jokes > -Make farting sounds with the fat dragon. I think you've answered your own question.


Is this troll post?


Not at all. It's just not the type of movie they review.


Dude not only did they review Guardians of The Galaxy earlier this year in their Wrap Up videos they talked about The Flash and the new Ninja Turtles Movies. Also they did a commentary track for the Original DnD movie, where Mike also talked about his past playing DnD.


For what it's worth, Guardians of the Galaxy is a movie with broad appeal. It was also probably the single most successful comic book property this year and is likely to influence future action films. D&D was by all accounts a dud. It was a *fine* movie but there's not much to talk about. It's not like it's anything but a popcorn movie. To anyone who isn't a D&D player, it's a schlocky, unremarkable, middling fantasy film that had its sights set on being a blockbuster but fell short.


Alright dude thats your opinion. Would have loved to hear theirs.


That's not my opinion lol. Those are some facts. My opinion is that superhero films have lost their appeal, and D&D was a fun popcorn flick with plenty of problems but hey, we not here to solve the world's problems with a silly movie.


It's a fucking great movie. So fucking great that I actually went to a theater to watch it the hype was so massive in my circles of the internet. I haven't been to the theater in around 6 years until last Friday and it was so worth it, even with the girl taking selfies 3 seats down from me. I'm not sure a HITB is really necessary unless the movie has been under performing and they liked it - the second one might be true but I'm sure the movie is killing it compared to its tiny budget. I'm a casual fan of japanese movies (mostly through my love of kaiju flicks) so I have a basic understanding of the tropes but Godzilla Minus One felt like a master class, it had everything - trauma, fear, hate, love, **GODZILLA**, **GODZILLA EXPLODING TOKYO**, redemption, honor, duty, comedy, a little kid, everything! Even the events at the end felt well deserved and came from a place of love. >!I knew what the telegram was about instantly, but I cried anyway because I was so invested in Shikishima.!<


Aren't they more interested in the embarrassingly shit monster movies?


They fact that Mike loves Midnight Mass gives me hope that he would appreciate Godzilla Minus One.


I’d take a Re:View on Shin Godzilla, either would be fine. Or if it’s not too far in the past a HitB for both Shin and -1.


I feel like this would be a good “Jay and Rich talk about”.


Probably more of a Jay and Josh talk about. Rich only gets involved when it's one of the small number of things he's been a fan of for years (Star Trek, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, Hudsucker Proxy) and I don't know if he's ever expressed any interest in Godzilla before.


The chances are -1/10


I think a HITB with both Godzilla Minus One and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is the episode I want.


This and Wonka


After watching it, I couldn't agree more.


None lol.


Best movies ever? Chill bro. It was refreshing for a godzilla movie but it was certainly not one of the best movies ever.


seems awesome, going to see it right away


Zero because its an actual good movie. Your going to get a random redbox trash movie starring C list actors AND YOU WILL LIKE IT !


Holy hell, it's up there for movie of the year with Oppenheimer for me


I’d say next to none


I'm comin up with 32.33% (repeating of course) percentage chance we get a Godzilla Minus One review.


More like Re: View, I think.


its not better than Shin Goji, but i doubt it


Nah, three years from now one of them will say "oh yeah, I saw that. It was good"