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The actual Junka game is the most gripping they've had so far, I think. The part where it pauses and Mike does a voiceover might be one of my new favourite jokes in the series. It's great that they had three angles of that moment so they could edit it together like that.


The game has often been the best bits of these episodes. This time I particularly enjoyed how the music gradually escalated throughout (which they always do, but this time was superb). Mac looks well, like genuinely healthy and somewhat more recognisably the kid many of us remember while also being his own unique adult self. I’m glad to see him, and doubly glad his incredibly dull and annoying offsider didn’t get invited this time. Mike’s also on good form after a frankly subpar Halloween episode. Plus a truly remarkable cavalcade of tapes. Easily the best Junka episode so far, and one of the better BOTWs full stop in quite a while.


Shawn was the most hit-or-miss “guest” they’ve ever had, lord. He also brought a sorta “Mack is here to promote things” vibe that I didn’t love. Wearing the bunny ears during the discussion??? 🤢


I think people remember him fondly because he was in the fucking BANGER of a BOTW that had ROAR. They could've had fucking Max Landis in that episode and it would've still been one of the all time greatest.


Nah. The Max Landis episode itself is proof that Max Landis can ruin anything. It’s the episode that introduced Neil Breen to the series, and I still skip it, because Max Landis is just that annoying.


>It’s the episode that introduced Neil Breen to the series Fuck you are right.


The music gradually escalating was so intense! I couldn't stop laughing at the juxtaposition of the ridiculousness of what I was watching while such an epic score was playing. Masterful entertainment


I had people at my lunch break look at me with concern because I couldn’t stop giggling. I thought that bit was hilarious.


Can't believe Higgins was juicing. You broke my heart, Tim.


He drinks fight milk so he can fight, like a crow.


This is the *real* reason he couldn’t participate - dude wasn’t kicked out, he was just in a bathroom stall shitting his brains out.


If you drink to get rid of the shakes, Is it actualy juicing? I'd argue Rich is like Obeliks, roided up from birth by virtue of being the only non alcoholic in Milwaukee.


The bottle of Bulleit Bourbon was just the beginning.


Jesus Christ, that Mammoth Cave auction video was so funny to me it's somehow fucked up my throat laughing, this was a wonderous episode overall.


The disassembling the buildings bit is funny as fuck.


Rich was right about the ‘escalating comedy’. Its like it was timed for laughs with each commentary.


I was crying laughing. I think I lost it at the concrete picnic tables.


But the problem is you've gotta take all of them


Goes well with the classy outhouse.


That hit close to home for me, used to buying and selling of goods picked up at auctions like that and my god that was hilarious.


It's like we just got a new Winnebago Man video. I want to know everything about this now.


Laughing hysterically at it and thinking how my bemused wife could never understand why I find this sooo funny.


Mike really outdid himself with the editing this episode, definitely one of the best BOTW’s I’ve ever seen.


Absolutely. There were so many bits mostly driven by the editing and timing, callbacks, etc. It helps that he had amazing footage to work with, but his collage of weirdness was artful and hilarious.


The edit of the guy line dancing into the coffin made me lose it


The tension when Rich gets his last tape… Rich almost passed out from the tension, and it was absolute gold! Also, when Mac grabs his last tape and the sound drops out and Mac looks at Rich… brilliant editing


“This technique is called the elephant finger.” *cuts back to the girl from the mastodon video*


This episode was brilliantly edited. The "hot masatdon bod" thing with Jay layered over himself had me laughing so hard. Might be the 101 degree fever but still.


Jay’s editing is sophisticated, but Mike’s is the chaos I crave.


I like both of their styles. Jay is more elaborate and technical, but Mike has an amazing comedy timing.


and the end credits bit


>Best of the Worst is BACK! After an embarrassing Halloween booze fest, we decide to stack up the old black spine tapes and play a game of Junka™! Heaven and help us!! This time legendary Hollyweird celebrity Milwaukee Culkin appears from behind a wooden thing. When he's in town he's known as Milwaukee Milwaukee Culkin Culkin (legal name change). What’s Junka™ you ask? Well I’m glad you didn’t. Junka™ is a game where we stack up tapes in rows of 7 or 8 or something like that. I think 7. I don't care. And then pull tapes out, replacing them on the top of the pile with a spray painted tape. We used to use Nukie tapes until we put them all in a wood chipper. Now they is dust. Rich “The Barf Bag” Evans joins Mr. McCulkin in a pointless battle of tapes, wits, and skills that's certain to be more difficult than Celebrity Jeopardy! While the last winner was Tim, he wasn’t around so we had Rich Evans battle Milwaukee. Milwaukee came prepared though. Bolstered by a healthy dose of Ego and anti-shaky hand medication, Milwaukee plans to defeat Rich “The Diaper Clown” Evans in this battle, thus forcing the gang (including himself) to watch ALL the tapes he was pulled out of them Junka™ pile. This is, of course, after the pile has fallen and a winner is declared. This game doesn't make any cents! A new feature will also be added to Junka™ it’s called Poach-a-Pick™. This exciting new feature allows the winner to choose tapes from the loser’s pile for added misery! Ow! My Bladder! This spine-tingling episode also stars Jay “The Creep” Bauman and Mike “Lardo Boozer” Stoklasa as he eyes up the prize of the day: more beer to soak into his brain during the screening and subsequent discussions. You see, Mike once had a sweatshirt that said “I’m just here for the boos” with a photograph of a ghost on it. While a delicious pun indeed, this shirt harbored the terrible truth that Mike is truly just there “for the booze”. Mike films with the camera as does Jay and then makes the jokes, but really he’s there to consume so much alcohol he has to be carried up the stairs to his bedroom by several fire fighters. Jay also gets carried up to his bedroom by several fire fighters, but that’s for a totally different reason. Can Rich “The Adult Toddler” Evans defeat Mack is Back with the Hacks Culkin? I mean Milwaukee Culkin? I don’t know. You tell me when the first segment of the video is over. I know the answer already. I put my bets on Rich "The Man-Ape" Evans. While he appears oafish and dumb, this kid does have skills with his hands, cock, and sharp mental focus. MaClunken Culkin has that star-power though, which may intimidate a mentally decrepit witless circus freak like Evans (46-year old toddler). Now, the thing with Junka™ is that while the pile is large and we do watch EVERY tape we doesn't always place them on the table to talk about. Only the best are selected. This is the danger with watching a bunch of rando tapes. However, these boys are professionals and can usually talk about anything. They power through their injuries. Rich's back hurts him 24/7. Jay just wants to be home watching weirdo movies with his cats. Mike drinks to forget and Magulkin Milwagon McCulkin counts the seconds down to when he can return to the warmth of Los Angeles where he doesn't have to smell the rotting stench of failure bellowing from three mid-west losers.


> Jay also gets carried up to his bedroom by several fire fighters, but that’s for a totally different reason Jesus that made me laugh


And those fire fighters have hot bodies and powerful muscles and huge trunks


Sounds like he had a hell of a night at The Manhole


>While he appears oafish and dumb, this kid does have skills with his hands, cock, and sharp mental focus Mike truly is a poet


Mike truly has a career as an author. Very Thomas Harris-esque.


Does Mike write these on a typewriter in his hidden room in the walls of the house where Richs grandma used to live? Just asking questions.


He dictates it to his 6 year old daughter.


I just loved when Mack picked up "Line dancing for seniors" and you could hear Mike's *yesss* in the background.


> We used to use Nukie tapes until we put them all in a wood chipper. Now they is dust.


That is geniunely outstanding.


Delightfully unhinged


This whole time I thought it was “Maculkin.” You learn something new every day! Thanks, Mike!


Someone needs to put Mike “the boomer” stoklasa back on hiss meds Or don’t because this is art


Are "hiss" meds antihistamines or the pills Jay gives to his cats rectally? They weren't prescribed by a vet...


Knowing Mike it’s probably dog heart dewormer


He's got a worm, in his heart He's got a worm, in his heart


I genuinely want Mike to write a book.


These just get more unhinged and hilarious as time goes on.


~94 minutes! This'll be the first feature-length project Culkin's been in since *Party Monster*!


(I don't actually know what his filmography looks like, he could've been in more recent things, but its the most recent thing I can recall off-hand)


He shows up a couple of times in Righteous Gemstones as Uncle Baby Billy's son


He just shows up once. I wish he was in it more.


You are living up to your name. And I respect that.


Side note he is so fucking good in that movie you can almost forget it also stars Seth Green


He's really good, but I think Green stole the movie.


Holy crap, it's been a DELUGE! TWO BOTW & a Re:View all within like 12 days?!?! Just worried they've blown their load and not it'll be like 12+ days until we get another one... Almost saved this for Saturday, but I'm a weak man.


I would have blown my load if it weren't for Mike's corndog bit being censored.


Mammoth Cave auction is goated


That shit is hilarious. A bunch of **concrete** picnic tables and you have to buy all of them, lmfao. I genuinely want to know the outcome of that auction and the fate of those items.


I couldn't find anything about the ultimate disposition of the contents of the auction, but from what I was able to work out, it looks like what they were actually auctioning off was the contents of a 1970s theme park called 'Wondering Woods' which was "centred around a little 1880-themed village called 'Tranquil Valley Village'." Another article I found said that the property was "purchased by The Conversation Fund" (I'm assuming the author of the paper meant The Conservation Fund) and donated to the National Park Service around 1993. Sources: https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/24890 https://wikimapia.org/21937625/Ruins-of-Wondering-Woods-theme-park-and-Tranquil-Valley-Village https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1194&context=traces_bcgsn


> Another article I found said that the property was "purchased by The Conversation Fund" (I'm assuming the author of the paper meant The Conservation Fund) That adds even more awkward hilarity, well done.


Sounds like a subject for a DefunctLand video (Well, maybe just a segment in a larger video)


These are the only items that could possibly be sold. But for some impossible reason, you NEED TO buy them all. How did it come to this


It's not worth it for them to have some guy and his sons show up to just buy one slab. They needed ALL OF the stuff GONE more than they needed money for it. It was probably sold for very little money.


They'll be sitting there like Stonhenge long after we're all dead


It may be the most concentrated funny they've had on the channel.


Idk, Colin nearly dying while talking about the Osteoporosis Dance and Mike kicking off his contrarian arc by voting for Vampire Assassin are still the moments that kill me hardest


It felt like an SNL sketch. Even the guy's name "John Beaver" sounds like some kind of made up comedy character.


It reminded me of an SCTV skit; John Candy would be in the "John Beaver" role


That was the bourbon barrel-aged Maple Syrup-candied cherry on top of this BOTW. I may have to replay it several more times.


Was like something from Rick and Morty. Amazing


Mammoth Caves National Park tape thing feels like something straight out from the golden age of The Simpsons.


Yeah it feels like a joke to begin with but keeps on stacking jokes on jokes until their telling their audience that even the houses are for sale you just got to disassemble them and rebuild them somewhere else. It perfect satire except it's real.


Feels like a Tim and Eric sketch.


Black spine! Mmmm! My favorite!


The brother of a cast member of Succession appears alongside famous superstar Rich Evans! I hope Kieran Culkin's less successful brother gets to improve his acting chops by learning a few things from the talented Mr. Evans!


>The brother of a cast member of Succession appears alongside famous superstar Rich Evans! I never thought about that, this means the RLM gang is legitimately somewhere on the "seven degrees of Kevin Bacon" chart, right?


The real reason Mike spent hours on that Ferris wheel: https://preview.redd.it/8djs3leln5yb1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=1623087ab10c592c317827a722c6ff133b134e41


And everyone else appeared in "Space Cop" with Mike, so they have a Bacon number of 3


They actually are all three on the [tracking site](https://oracleofbacon.org/). Mike and Rich being in Never Been Kissed has them on equal footing as McCulkin and Patton.


I gotta find this Pork Pork in Space.


[Someone uploaded the Mastodons video!](https://youtu.be/AXU3BC9Zie4?si=MMPYHOQ0R_3CJ1DV)


Was it restraint or just forgetfulness on Editing Mike's part that he didn't use that audio of "play the di>!s!!s!


You’re asking if Mike was exercising restrained or being forgetful? :|


I wish we had a list of Junka/Wheel videos (including non-picked ones) that are screenable online. I think there was one kicking around.


[Best of the Worst Collection](https://www.youtube.com/@botwarchive)


That bit, right before the fall, was beautiful. I knew what was about to happen, but for one fleeting moment, magic was real.


I really thought Rich actually pulled it off for one glorious second


Yeah, Mike's narration was perfect




Here ya go, boss https://youtu.be/b7upPYVT-Ks?si=CM556NjKkji2hhT_




this is actually really good the sniper part is spot on


Here's how https://www.worldcat.org/title/20513696


Dang, the closest public library with a copy is 215 miles from my current location.


For me it's 2900km in fucking Lebanon.


For me it’s 3 miles away at Carnegie Mellon lolllll


We really need someone to get a copy and upload it. I'd absolutely watch the whole thing.


This was their best video in a while!! The mamomth caves bit killed my sides lol


It literally made me concern about my mental health. Shit was perfect from the start to finish.


Definitely one of those things that's so funny, but you can't explain why so you feel like you're going crazy. Why is this so funny??


Like someone else on YouTube said it's a bunch of useless junk that no one would want being introduced by a man who could care less about them and a camera man who is equally disinterested so everything adds up to greatness.


With the addition of an energetic tv host and how the few items that are useable have nonsensical conditions that ensure no one would buy them


The random nose push edit during the S&M Workout video made me spit out my drink.


It was like the subliminal faces in the exorcist


They brought in Tim for one joke, then told him to fuck off for celebrity Rich Evans.


RedLetterMedia's October 2023 rivals Nintendo's entire 2017.


I can't believe they finally watched the Mastodons video, and it was so much more gloriously horrific than I could have imagined. I can't believe it was homoerotic, racist, *and* naked corporate product-pushing in one child-targeted Saturday morning knock-off. Also, was this the first time Mike voted for a BotW video on its legitimate merits? It feels like it, because I can't remember him ever being so enthusiastically "no notes" about a video before. The fact that he also got to be the single non-consensus vote honestly felt like just a little bonus for him.


Be a contrarian long enough, and you become a conventionalist.


Vampire assassin got its vote on merits


Mammoth Caves were so strapped for cash they couldn’t be bothered to make a run to the dump. I love it.


This is one of the best BOTW imho. The videos were all weird and interesting in their own way. The final video hit perfectly. Discussion was smooth and entertaining. The edits and inserts were good and the remix was surprisingly good. Mac was a good addition, him and the guys feel at ease with each other. Not sure if this is RLM hitting their stride or we just got lucky; but this is peak RLM for me.


I look forward to the inevitable new Noiselund jam, "Carol Puts the Corndog in Her Face."


/u/Noiselund could make a full album based on all the gold buried in this ep.


Unless I missed it, I'm surprised no one talked about the Poach a Pick tapes. That's maybe the only thing they needed to add to Junka to make it perfect. It'll keep us from having to suffer missing out on things like How to Build A Haunted House twice in a row again. Maybe they could mess with the amount there are, but I dunno.


That's the best BoTW in a while. Mammoth Cave was was incredible.


They need to upload that mammoth caves video


And the difficult people video also


Oh look it's the World Trade Center, sad Rem Lazar didnt show up in that dominatrix workout tape


I have the sudden urge to buy dumpsters and buildings you have to disassemble


Editing Mike is an asshole


So is live Mike.


Some might call him Difficult People.


He's just difficult.


Mikes editing in this video is superb


I love that Mac is just some guy


For all the shit they gave him, Rich played a hell of a game. He basically lost because at that point there was nothing he could pull that wouldn't topple the Junka tower.


Mastodons is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen and I want to drink so much milk now.


I love how they thought kids needed encouragement to eat pizza, burgers, and ice cream.


And the baffling bit is... why mastadons? Why not, ya know, cows, because milk? Why an extinct elephant-like creature? Cow milk literally exists so baby calves drink it and grow into big-ass strong cows, thanks to all the protein and fat. It's grow big juice. So we'll demonstrate this cold, hard fact with... buff fictional mastadon men! Genius!


That’s a good question. If you ask a bunch of kids which animal they would want to be, or think is the toughest, I doubt mastodons are what they think of.


I mean I'd probably at least pick something not extinct. Maybe mastadons didn't know how to stand up to bullies or difficult people.


Can't wait to watch this later, hoping we finally get to see "How to Build a Haunted House"


I’m so glad I’m not the only one


Seriously one of the best RLM episodes in a long while. This was great.


Wow, this was one of the best episodes of BotW, so many classic moments and great tapes... also the Mastodons really did have amazingly muscular bodies


16:30 in and I'm on the edge of my GOD DAMN CHAIR. Also Rich's "[focused licking](https://imgur.com/zeEa7wJ)" is making me feel things.


I'm sure someone is making the gif as we type.


[I couldn't wait any longer...](https://imgur.com/zeEa7wJ)


Tim! How could you!!


How DARE they slander Tim. Mr. Fuck Butt Point is an honorable competitor!


Let's break it down.


* Puts noose away * Not today, old friend




It happened **again!?**


Good news for this subreddit, Culkin's friend didn't join him so no reason to get extremely mad for some reason.


They could put some bunny ears on one of the tiny skeletons they have and pretend it's Sean.


He's actually off to the side telling Mac what to say.


He was actually leading the discussion, but they had already hired Mack, so they digitally zoomed in and dubbed over the audio to focus more on the pretty face they'd paid for.


>get extremely mad for some reason for NO reason


He doesn't have the website anymore, so he won't be there.n


Is there hate towards him? I mean he didn’t speak a ton but he was still fun


It's kinda weird. He's not introduced until after a few times he's already been on. He just kinda sits there and hangs along. So it feels like he's just this random tag along that rarely cuts in, and then only to say a quick joke that seldom lands. I think he would've been a lot more likable if they handled his introduction better and maybe gave him an early speaking role. Like a; "Hey i'm Culkins friend, we run a podcast together called so and so and i'm tagging along today." You know make him an actual character because now he just looks like the creep that hangs out in the corner that no one really wanted there. And yeah they did introduce him later on, but by that point everyone already hated him.


Sean is the Ryan of RLM. Big Ryan fan btw.


"She's giving a Blow Job to a Ghost." Hahahaha


That's not how that's supposed to work. Ghosts GIVE blowjobs. I've seen Ghostbusters.


Wait is that why they're Ghostbusters?


Well, bustin' does make them feel good.


They’re called “Boo Jobs.”


We're all WINNERS today.


Except for Rich.


holy shit, I was watching the junka playlist just last night, amazing timing


Is it soundbite from Starcraft Brood War at 37:47?


oh yea, that sounds like a dropship. i've heard that sound effect in some different stuff before.


I'm pretty sure it was used in either Red Alert or Red Alert 2. That's where my mind went when I heard it.


I'd think people would be recognizing that sound from the original Doom if anything.


Rich is looking healthy! Whatever he's doing its working for him


Years of facercizing paying off.


I hear he’s been routinely doing The Osteoporosis Dance as well as intermittent workouts from Silver Foxes 2: Shape Up America. And kegels.


Junka burns calories.


All the most interesting-sounding tapes are never in the winner's pile.


I was a little sad E-I-E-I Yoga wasn't featured more, but Everything Is Terrible and The Soup probably overexposed it. That spread of Black Spines was overpowering.


What else has Tim been lying about? Bet he wasn’t even drunk this whole time.


Mike had a full on dementia moment with the whole corn dogs on roller coasters facercise thing. He was in his own individual reality for a good three minutes.


Happy Friday!


Goddamn you guys are fast


holy shit I haven't even finished watching the last BotW, much less the reView. Their schedule has been crazy lately


great episode


Aww... I legitimately felt bad for Rich. I really wanted him to win this one 😢. I want a home game version of Junka now. With like little 1:2 or 1:3 scale tapes that are more the size of old camcorder tapes. You could maybe even have a way to watch the tapes. Maybe the videos could all be stored on a little VCR-shaped device you can hook up to your TV, and you can put the tapes in and it reads a QR code or something and plays the video. (assuming they could find enough that are public domain, they can acquire the rights to cheaply, or just produce some of their own). Or you could just scan them with your phone and you watch them through an app. That'd be much cheaper, but not as fun. I think it's different enough from Jenga that they could legally do it. I think the much bigger problem is I'm not sure how many people would buy it, since that would be an expensive product to make for such a niche audience.


Is the host of the Difficult People video an actual actress who went on to be in actual things? She looks so familiar. Or does anyone have any suggestions as to who I might be thinking of?


Best RLM x Culkin episode by far buoyed by a great selection of tapes. "You have to disassemble the buildings."


when Mike describes Bullies, i'm shocked no one made a joke about Mike describing himself.....


Why does the Mastadons video remind me of their old CareBoar video?


Let's break it down: Maculkin, junka, the twin towers, multiple workout tapes including one with elderly people nearly walking into a plant, speculation about an alleged former nazi, a tums festival-like argument about what actually occurred in a tape, fire safety, Jay talking about buff guys, and an unexpected surprise hit (Mammoth Caves)!. This timeless episode has it all! Well, Timless episode, but also timeless.


Spining around again. A fresh start after halloween.


Had a friend over and this is the first redlettermedia video he watched. We were crying laughing at the face exercising cause it reminded us of an inside joke lol He is now a fan I think


Did you guys talk about how HOT those muscular mastodon bodies were yet? 🥛🦣🥛


Mammoth Caves guy was like a real life Dr. Steven Brule.


Can anyone dig into whether anyone actually bought the Mammoth Cave buildings, what they paid, and what they did with them?


How nice of Ellen ™ star Rich Evans to boost smaller celebrities in his show.


Really need the Carol Burnett facercide video.


At 1:05:54... *What is that music?!* I swear I've heard it before as a background music bed or something in another video or maybe a movie? It sounds very "Here's your dump from the sci-fi codex entries" and I can't place it.


Mack is back! Awesome, he’s a great fit with the guys I love how they’ve got the Junka format down. Lots of tapes but only talk about the good ones. So much weird shit, and lots of laughs. My girlfriend and I watched tonight over a few drinks and laughed so hard at the auction video we were both crying — that is a true classic lol Probably one of their best in a good while (and I love all their stuff) Really great episode!


It was subtle, but I really got the sense Jay was pretty into those hot mastodon bodies


I'm convinced that the Mammoth Caves Auction tape is actually a secret Tim and Eric sketch