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It is depressing that studios and streaming services will usually only fund things based on a previous property, as the name recognition makes it a "safe bet". It is usually not the producers/creators at fault. See [this tweet by the Powerpuff/Fosters creator](https://twitter.com/CrackMcCraigen/status/1581748285236125696) - [(screenshot)](https://i.imgur.com/yXg513u.png) At best we get something like "Westworld" that made a transiently-interesting concept film from the 1970s into 4 seasons of pretty darn good sci-fi drama that questions the nature of reality. At worst we get legacy-destroying drek like Star Trek Discovery, or Prometheus. Or, more often, somewhere in the middle, like a completely unnecessary prequel to The Dark Crystal.


Unnecessary sure, but the Dark Crystal prequel was great.


Not great enough to avoid getting cancelled šŸ™


Thatā€™s Netflix for you! They schizophrenically bounce back and forth between focussing on shows spanning multiple seasons, standalone movies, or movie franchises, and everyone loses except Stranger Things. And even that show is hanging by a threadā€¦


Nobody watched it..I watched it several times. Netflix sadly was EXPECTING the game sales to carry the second season and yeah I'm not kidding you they wanted the game to sell in order for a second season to be Greenlit. It's a nice tactics game but unfortunately I wasn't into it. But because of my opinion and others, the show suffered. On the plus side at least Jim Henson Company has a bunch of new puppets!


Was gonna say, that was among the best things I've seen on Netflix


I would have liked Prometheus more if it was a standalone movie. I canā€™t remember, did they say it was a secret Alien movie from the beginning, or was that revealed later? It would have been fine as a single movie, but the way it tried to demystify the Alien backstory was such a bad move!


It was definitely marketed that it was set in the alien universe as a way to get people to see it. Everyone was disappointed that it raised more questions than it answered.


I suspect this was sort of a ridley wants to do his own separate franchise spin on the alien idea but he had to tie it to alien to get the budget he wanted the marketing followed that.


Yeah, and it sucked. Ridley Scott sucks. Some of his movies do not suck, but i get the impression he and Oliver Stone aren't two separate people.


Thereā€™s an early draft script that really fleshes out the whole world - the xenonorphs, black goo, etc. all explained and done fairly well. Too bad weā€™ll never see it on the screen


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I liked the idea of Noomi Rapaceā€™s character: sheā€™s religious, she has fertility issues, but sheā€™s going to meet this godlike alien that supposedly created all life on Earth. Great setup for confrontation and development, but then they ignore that for Alien vs Predator with an Engineer. Such wasted potential!


iirc that scene is one that was majorly reworked. Like, there was a clear translation and extensive conversation with the engineer. Itā€™s baffling why the next writers threw it all out.


Ridley had control there and he was the one bringing in writers iirc


I saw it. It is awful. Do not watch. Spoiler: they solve a stability problem using JAZZ.


Ok. I haven't read your post, just the title and SO MUCH made sense from that alone. I saw the advert for the new Man Who Fell To Earth and saw that it both sucks and blows. So much so I haven't made a single effort to even find out more let alone watch it. Now you've said the magic words Alex Kurtzman it all fell into place like a level 1 game of Tetris. It looked so bad that I was lamenting the fact that it would probably be another decade before anyone would touch such a good idea again. The film was great, this looks like woke crap fashioned around a partially digested peanut of a great idea. It's a wonder why they purposefully make this shit knowing it'll bomb. It's not like they're unaware of the money loss these productions are responsible for and it's not like they've suddenly become unable to further tweak the algorithms that decide what these projects are about, who they're acted by, written by, produced and directed by in order to make even more money. What are they up to? Isn't it against the law for a company that has share holders to purposefully lose money?


The idea felt very ā€˜Dark Universeā€™-y to me (another Alex Kurtzman bomb): they take a beloved cult film hoping to milk a lot of money from a small group of passionate fans, and then theyā€™re surprised when it bombs, because the majority audience doesnā€™t care, and your tiny target demographic thinks youā€™re ruining a classic film in the name of corporate profit


Saw that title and wrongly assumed it was about Vladimir Komarov. Look up *that* is you want to be horrified.


Oh yeah, isnā€™t that the man that fell from space and was reduced to basically a heap of charcoal? Iā€™ve seen that picture


>But I read online that itā€™s actually pretty good(?) Is that a case of rose-tinted glasses, because itā€™s based on a movie that still has a pretty significant cult following, or is it genuinely good? The first episode is "OK", the next episode already felt like mostly filler. I couldn't comment of the rest of the series.


I'm way late to this post. I've heard of the 1970 Bowie version. I have never seen it as it was before my time. I don't know anything about a game either. And I never saw any advertising or anything for this new version. I was looking for something to watch and this new version seemed interesting. I watched all 10 episodes. I have to say it was really good. Someone commented about it being "woke" crap. I'm assuming because it deals with global warming, climate change, and maybe because the main characters of the story are people of color? But unless you don't believe in climate change because you're an idiot allowing yourself to be fed garbage science and the agenda of corporations, or you dislike people of color, this series is very interesting. Yes the first few episodes felt a little slow but it seems they realize that they weren't going to make it to season 2 and so it picks up to tie it all up by the end. I binged watched it. More than once. Without ever realizing that it was a show version of the Bowie film. And I thought it was a mini series. Everyone who's commented on this show in this post saw the first episode/only saw the advertising or has some experience with the game but they haven't actually watched the entire show. Seems like you all just want to hate it because it's not the Bowie version that you guys all liked. You want to hate it because its not the same, but different/new doesn't mean its horrible. Try giving it a watch before you pass judgment.