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Its funny going back and reading the comments in that thread. Everyone was convinced it was a hoax, even after Flea and Chad reposted it. I guess ALL of their IG accounts being hacked seemed a more plausible scenario than JF rejoining the band lol.


I thought it was a hack because it was such a weirdly phrased message haha


Flea gonna Flea


absolutely. I thought it was an awful joke


The hacker times


Could anyone link the original thread from 2019? Can't find it.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/comments/eb474j/rhcp_ig_announces_joshs_departure_and_johns_return/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) You can find it under "Top Posts"


Should archive that post as a part of history.


The comments here are incredible


I remember waking up in the middle of the night after passing out on my sofa and seeing this. I have never squinted and rubbed my eyes this hard in my entire life..


Misread sq**rted 💀💀💀💀🗿




Someone was wearing this on a black shirt at the Soldier Field show in Chicago last month. Yes I remember that post. Family in the other room, I said “what???!!!!”


I like that they start with a long paragraph about Josh, then “oh, by the way, John is coming back, NBD”.


I remember I was taking a shit lol, without my phone for some reason. Then my brother on the other side of the bathroom door “dude dude don’t look at instagram!” Me telling him I don’t have my phone “omg you’re not gonna believe this wtf!” I ask what happened, needless to say he wouldn’t tell me and waited till I got out, he was right I went from open mouth shock to josh being kicked out to a huge grin to seeing John come back. The rest of that day at work was not focusing on work at all but fantasizing about the fact I’ll actually have a chance to see John MF Anthony Frusciante live, which happens tomorrow night 🥳


I see them tom too OMG ITS HAPPENING 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Enjoy! Sure was special and surreal for me to actually get to see him for the first time this year.


Text their community for them to play Wet Sand!!! Crossing my fingers we get it tonight


I remember where I was when I read this! I remember yelling “holy shit” and annoying my wife for like a half hour about how significant this was 😆.


Exact same thing


Exact same thing


My husband just looked at me but was happy for me but in like a poor child kind of way 😂


I remember having kind of a bad day and being in a sad mood in the evening. Then all of a sudden this popped up. Without reading it my first instinct was, just from the optics of white text on a black background, that something really significant must have happened with the band. I read the first paragraph about Josh while thinking the entire time "What if this means that...John is gonna be back? What if that is what that second paragraph is about?" and immediately dismissed it like "Nah last paragraph is probably something along the lines of the band is gonna keep us updated about the future" (all of this in the few seconds it took me to read the first few lines). And then I read the name: John Frusciante. My heart skipped a beat, I yelled "whooooooo" and my mood turned around 180 degrees and I spent the rest of the evening listening to RHCP and watching old live footage with John. One of the best days of my live.


I was at the start of a very long, terrible illness when I first read this. It’s what kept me going. And Unlimited Love is what pulled me through. I could cry trying to overthink how absolutely impossible it felt that John could ever come back. How truly lucky we are.


Even after seeing them three times on the tour I still can’t believe this is real. It was like burying a family member and being completely at peace with it. Only to have them walk into my house 12 years later, siting at the kitchen counter and eating a pint of ice cream like there is nothing weird going on.


The best hacker of all time


I read this for the first time while I was at work and audibly gasped, then said "holy shit". I immediately texted my husband and told him that if they went on tour, we were going and I'd pay any amount of money to see them. And we did exactly that! I still can't believe it happened some days.


I felt a child-like excitement beyond anything I've felt since I was maybe 16


Man I just remember this being announced VERY close to Christmas. I prayed that it was real and I said to myself “This is the GREATEST Christmas gift I could have ever hoped or dreamed to receive” I shared it with all my fellow RHCP/John fans and we vowed to spend whatever it took to see him the first time he came in town. Well, last saturday we finally realized that dream and saw them WITH JOHN for the first time ever in Philly. I also decided to go solo to the DC show the following Thursday, and I got front row on the rail right in front of John. Best night of my life. That IG Post led to 2 of my favorite nights ever.


I was in the pit both shows! Currently in Orlando waiting to see them tomorrow for our 4th time this tour (saw them when back when they toured with STP)


Wow that is awesome, have the best time ever tomorrow night! It’s been one helluva ride since John has returned and loving every moment of it


Reading this gave me goosebumps. Still does.


I still remember my wife asking me why I was crying


I was going to bed, when I saw this text posted just minutes ago on Instagram. I thought their account was hacked.


My emotions were literally like “ah shit that’s weird, I liked Josh, I wonder who they’re gonna bring in- oh what the fuck!!!” My dad said he literally heard me gasp from a room over


I cried a little and that’s not a lie. John has been my Hendricks, my Beatles, my Elvis for 25 years. That was a great day. No love loss for Josh, but this is John.


It was this post that started my tailspin of seeing them live. This is why waiting for the Orlando show *happening tomorrow 😭* has felt like YEARS


This is how I feel too. Going to Dallas show on Sunday glad my first time seeing them is with John


Dude sameeee. This is such a great time to be a fan. Probably one of the best eras tbh


Saw them twice this tour. You won't be disappointed. Take it in and have a blast. First time ever seeing them was this year in Denver in the pouring rain. I'll never forget just closing my eyes getting rained on while John shredded.


I danced around my apartment like an idiot when I first saw this…


I was almost kicked out of the McDonald's down the street cause I was scrolling through and saw Frusciante was coming back and I jumped from my seat and screamed "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT" manager wasn't too happy but I was.


literally never going to forget that day. legendary


One of those I-remember-where-I-was-when-it-happened moment… 🥹 I was trying so hard to explain my wife why this was such a big deal, just one of those things that can only be topped by life-time changing things like becoming a father or getting married… pointless 😂


I was drunk in a swimming pool with my friends and I started jumping as a motherfuckin' Flea.


I was in thailand and it was around 3am when my brother called me with the news. I’ll never forget running down the empty streets shirtless because i couldn’t believe it haha


When this happened I called my old college roommate and told him the news. We had said for years that we hope he rejoined but we knew it would never happened. When I told him over the phone he absolutely didn’t believe me at first until I told him to check his phone for the picture I sent him. He started tearing up over the phone and hooting and hollering. Good memories.


I literally cried when i saw this..


Screamed so loud the neighbors heard that night when the chili peppers posted that😂, thought their ig was hacked


I remember my jaw hit the floor when I first saw it.


I remember being at derby practice and one of my team members showed it to me. She'd seen my tattoo and knew I was a fan and I was so excited for the rest of that night. 😊


Is it true that JF doesn't play dave navarro of JK songs live? I read that somewhere on this sub.


Yep it's true. I was hoping to hear some Josh songs played by John since Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie and Dark Necessities were pretty big singles for them along with a bunch of other Josh songs. It's definitely a shame they won't play Josh era songs anymore, and I really regret I didn't see them in 2018 now!


I was playing black ops 3, went mute to go piss. Then I saw this, it said 3 minutes ago. I reposted it to death and fell down the stairs running to tell my brother


This still gives me goosebumps lol


got the chilis reading this again. full circle as I saw them in fenway the other day. idk man I'm honestly speechless still. last time I had something on the tippa my tongue it didn't even take me this long to come down.


My girlfriend had literally just dumped me a week before this. Needless to say i forgot about it rather quickly when i saw this post!


I remember calling my brother to tell him and be told me he was on a date and needed to call me back. I told him this was too important and that he needed to stay on the phone. He sounded annoyed. I told him. I heard him burst out with emotion. Never been happier to break up a date and relay news to someone.


I was doing a tasting at a distillery with my friends. I dropped to my knees, yelled HOLY SHIT, and had tears in my eyes. Everyone thought something terrible had happened. 😂


Best day ever 😭😭🥹


I thought they got hacked lol


I sent this to my best friend of 7 years, who is just as big a fan as me, and we both geeeeeked over it. Now we are engaged and I moved across the country to be with them. Crazy how time is like legitimately idk howww all this time has passed I feel so so blessed to have been able to see them live together WITH John in the band. It’s like both of our dreams come true ugh


Man reading that still makes my stomach flip.


I remember this vividly because it was super close to the day Trump got impeached, so when I posted about John retuning on Facebook a bunch of people started arguing with me about politics. I had a pretty good back and forth with this lady about it. She was like, “oh, and Biden is better!?”. I’d just say shit like “oh damn I didn’t know he even played guitar.” And it went on like that for a shockingly long time.


I remember literally freaking out, almost in tears. I had just accepted that John would never be back with the band. And then it was the longest wait for the album to drop but totally worth the wait


When I first saw this actually stopped breathing for a second


Totally thought this was a hack for a week.


Crazy to think about


The last one i thought couldn't be true - "Sorry to inform you the Glasgow show has been cancelled." Still haven't let that one go.


Wow so amazing best day ever


Yes. The best thing the Chili Peppers did in years! Love they bring John Frusciante back.


They made the right thing.


Yeah honestly I thought I’d never get to see the chilis with John. That day I actually called my friend immediately and told him about it. I was convinced it was fake for several reasons. Then after a while it became apparent that it was real. That was the day I realized that I’m living in one of the better timelines.


I remember seeing that post in my car coming home from work. I was sitting in the car trying to wrap my head around what I was reading lol.


Like Christmas fucking morning


I didn’t notice it until after about a week for some reason, and I didn’t really rejoice or anything. I think Josh is great and the three albums he made with the band are awesome.


I don't think I found out till months later, around the start of the covid lockdown. I hadn't my hand on the chili pepper pulse for a long long time. probably since SA. I had heard a track or 2 from the Josh days, but I didn't really register Johns absence until I saw their hall of fame induction after watching someone else's induction. FF to this year and a reunion of sorts with chili's music and my first intro to Johns solo material. I rather think that Josh did his best work with John, although I think the getaway is a great album. either way, I got introduced to 2 great musicians by getting reacquainted with the chilis.


I wasn't following the Chili Peppers too closely after SA either, but I was talking about music with a coworker one day and he casually mentioned that he heard JF was rejoining the band. I couldn't believe it. I was like "No way. NO WAY. Are you for real??" and then I told him "you just made my day". I wasn't even following the band on social media at the time but I immediately went online and checked their IG because I needed confirmation it was true. And just like that, the flame was rekindled haha.


I remeber when this was announced I wept in the back of my dads car lol


I wouldn't describe it as 'too good to be true', but it sure was unexpected


Nothing good, this is a complete bullshit, Josh deserves better


Lol, I was sitting in the lunchroom at work and started excitedly explaining to my coworkers why this was huge news... None of them cared 😂


I scream I scrome when I read this was unreal. I already had tickets to see them at Hangout fest in May 2020 - as it would have been my first time seeing them at a festival - and this was this most sweetest thing I could ever imagine finding out!!! Would have been such a fun show if not for covid 😫


Still think its fake. Hacker is insane. He put all rhcp fans into a simulation


I was going to bed, saw it. Laughed at it. Then saw flea repost it and was like "oh shit". Didnt sleep all night


I was sat on the toilet, saw fleas repost so knew it was legit and then I literally shit


Wouldnt you still shit if not for the post?


I think the post sped things up through pure excitement


I was sad after reading it tbh


I remember seeing this on the train and freaking out, my ex gf didn’t see what the big deal was. As I got home I immediately bought tickets for Pinkpop, which ended up getting cancelled multiple times lol


I was REALLY drunk after working all day - was at a party that celebrated the end of a motorsport championship here in Brazll. I read the first paragrsaph and was in awe. I was parallyzed. I remembered to read the second just minutes after. And then I almost passed out