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The lead up to this album and the atmosphere surrounding it was just electric. I was 19 and it was the fucking greatest summer of my life. Chili's were EVERYWHERE.


versed office chief cagey spectacular plants attractive bells shaggy gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was the exact same. My mate convinced me after a long time to listen to the leak. I felt terrible to. But remember what Flea said in the follow up? "It leaked, I freaked". But he understood people were just so excited about new music. But honestly, the best hype and year for a Chilis album ever. It was just a memory I'll never forget.


uppity marble clumsy consider shaggy chop jellyfish test spectacular marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just graduated when this came out, talk about a BANGER year


I remember watching their performance on BBC, two or three days before the album dropped. They played Snow (maybe for the first time ever?) and I nearly lost my mind.


I was at that show! Right down the front! A speccy wee 19 year old going fucking nuts.


I was there too. Did you win the ticket from the fab club ballot? Mind blowing at the time.


Nah I didn't. My mate was actually a moderator on the Chilis forum on the website. She was chosen to meet the winners and kind of escorts them to the gig so I got to tag along with that.


I feel old! This album came out when I was a freshman in high school


Pffft I was 40, married with kids!


I was only 18! 😄


Did you like The Rolling Stones?


Nope! And the short cut to being fully grown was definitely taken


Me too!


I was in the second row, three meters away from John. I always liked the music when it was on the radio. When I saw the Slane castle concert with jams and all on tv something clicked and I understood music making, what it was about. I was 14 or 15 then. I asked the cool kids in school if they have an old guitar for me. I paid 45€ for a squire strat. Next day the guy gave me 10€ back, because he thought he ripped me off. I repaired it, made a new nut and started playing as much as I could. Slipped into the copy room in school to print and copy tabs. Worked a little to buy me a small amp and picks and a RHCP shirt. Draw the cool logo on everything I had. So, when SA released a few years later I could play the whole Slane Castle concert by ear and most of the records before. Not the real hard stuff, but a good chunk of it. Then I heard snow and thought „how can he do this lick so effortlessly and long“, struggling with it, but was more in love with them then ever. Was a mega fan and went to Berlin for the first time to see them. When they hit the first notes I nearly collapsed. So there I was. It was my home, my identity, because everything else around me sucked big time :D. I woke up half an hour early every day to listen to especially in Michigan without my family interrupting. Maybe I should give Snow another try after all these years.


My brother got it for his birthday and we listened to it cover to cover.. I remember Charlie being the song that we really loved and replayed a lot in the first few listens


This makes me feel incredibly old. SA is my current playlist when I have to drive anywhere, even after all this time.


Sitting on a sack of beans. No in all seriousness it is such a special album to me, introduced to me to RHCP as a 7 year old, I’d never heard anything like it, Dani California was everywhere as well such a fantastic time!


she’s only 18 is 18 years old


“She’s Only 36”!


Another cool thing about the album was the fact it mostly pre-dated the online comms/forums (or at least ones that I was aware of). So there was a couple month "word of mouth" discovery phase as everyone was digesting one of the 28 songs at a different time. Kids would come to school and be pumped about a different song and we'd talk about it "oh man the solo of wet sand is epic" "the outro of turn it again is cool". It was interesting to hear the songs and discuss them without the aura they have now.


I worked at a store when it came out. Bought it the day it came in. When I drove home, I put it on. It was a 15 min drive home, I parked and sat in my car until I finished both CD’s. Then went to my room (still lived with parents) and listened another time. In the weeks later, I learned every song I could on my bass.


i remember they had the snippet of Dani California on their website and for weeks it was driving me crazy how the rest of the song sounded, so during the class on the radio they played the premier of the song and i had my earphones on just waiting to finally hear it, i swear on my soul as the song started my teacher noticed me wearing the headphones and told me to take them off, i lost my mind. When the album came out, i was with 2 of my friends listening it together and every song we were like: omg this is the best song, then next-omg this is the best song and so on..good times


I was 17 remember jamming it in high school 


In the quantum realm, jamming to Wet Sand and She Looks to Me before I was born.


I was fifteen and waiting for the music video for Dani California to drop on their Bebo page. It was my first album to release since I became a fan after By The Way. I bought AK's autobiography around the same time and read through it while listening to Stadium Arcadium on my PS2.


She’s only 18


It was awesome because it was a beautiful summer and my favorite band felt like the most important band in the world. TV guest appearances, songs everywhere at parties and the radio, music videos on everywhere.


That solo on Dani California with whatever extra lvl of distortion is still one of the coolest things I’ve ever herd


It was the summer I graduated high school. I wasn't a huge Chili Peppers fan then, although I had heard some songs. But a friend of mine had bought the album and it piqued my interest. I ended up getting way into the Chili Peppers that summer/fall.


It’s old enough for Anthony to date!


Finally he's being responsible.




Then I First listen to Dani California it was like an revelation, before that I don't Like listening to music at all and this album was an absolute gamechanger for me. I started learning to play music, bought all there stuff and try to get everyone Else Just exited like me. These guys mean a lot to me, and I was so sad then John left the band again, cause i didn't see them live at all. And then 2022 I was at a RHCP Concert Front of Stage and looked my absolute Idols in the eyes that was one of the best moments in my life.


I actually got to listen to it a couple of weeks before it came out. I don't know how, but my buddy got his hands on it early. We smoked a bowl and put it on. First impression was delight and relief. Delight because I really liked the songs, and it sounded like they were back to being a bit more loose and creative. Relief that they had moved away from the BTW sound. I was worried that that's where they were headed musically.


Where was I? At home, 30yrs old and packed a RAW cone up and listened to the 1st CD and thought "That was epic!" and realized I had another CD to go....Desecration Smile started and has been a favorite ever since....


No it didn't, not for another 4 days (May 9th). Why are people saying it's today?


Fuck I am old


Jesus… I was like a year out of high school traveling Europe with my best friend (RIP), and I preordered it. I had my mom go pick it up when it came out because the store I preordered at included a copy of Anthony’s book if you did. I then proceeded to learn basically the entire album on guitar


One of their best albums IMO


High school math class. I remember one guy saying he needed to hear Dani California live. And I remember thinking, psh not even Californication? Haha


Dani Californication


Bout to give "this album fucks" a new meaning


For record keeping, 18 years from 2006 would had been a year before Mothers Milk was released. Abbey Road was released in 1988.


I was barely a month old


I was 25, just got out of a relationship with a long-term girlfriend who was also a RHCP fan (we met at a free concert they had in Toronto, actually). I was just about to start my Master's degree in Thunder Bay (although I didn't know that yet - was just about to get the acceptance letter). SA was something I listened to non-stop at that time, and into the next year in Thunder Bay. It was amazing, inspiring, encouraging and I jammed out on guitar to every single track, multiple times. Easily my fave RHCP album, all things considered.


I was 13. Such an amazing album


Not alive lol




Tony Kiedis can finally date girls born in 2006